MRS MAY DENNE Cnnxrnlulalidnsln Mr nnd Mrs Berl Richer an lhe birth of son Nov IL numner from here attended the owl mum at Munsfleld an Suppday gvggln Mr 1nd Mm Robert DIVlIl visited recently wilh Mr and Mrs Rudlck numbor lrom here attended Ihe Mcmorlal service lmCookr town wllh Enxrer Juvenlla hand In altundnncn Mr nndMrs Rum Downey Ind Mr and Mrs Marshall Downry Alllsm spent Thur 99y wlflr Mr and Mn Rudd Ink Sherry Dicksonv dmmhler of Mr and Mrl Gram Dickson hl returned mm the Hosplm or Slck Children Toronto She unu derwem surgery to have per nur remoch ro ire lung Mr Ind Mrs Mooney and dwghter Darlene vhlled Sunday evenlnl wllh Mr and Mn Munney flqrnlog iiir and Mrs Denney Dur wyn Ind Dwighi and Gary iiou tiller visited an Sundny with ML and Mn Beuliiler Tran Ion Mrs Margaret Eeyar wen we weekend with her snnlnlnw and daughter Mr and Mn Mogney guysrt Mrand Mrs Hendcr Ion mended ha aldm wedding Innlvnrsnry of Mr nnd Mrsn Rn her Fleming lha hams of annlnIaw Ind daughter Mr and Mrs Edward Denney Taronln MRS WRIGHT Mr Ind Mrs Bulk of Weston vlsiled Mend III town onflSundny Mr and Mrs Gnry Burton and dluzhterl Ind Mluel Bren TUESDAY NOVIMIIII Gunmoll Nm mm lvaru Inn nuke Jnnrllan lelmllulnl Bun Clny mm cumm Nulmlllxlni Gum CBC TV leI Willhlh Spam Nun ummm In Gum on cm Nm 1m Svam Nm II In WIDNHDAY Novulnln Nur ry School flunm 49 anll Dilmond null Plnwnm gcrlllhlflllfl ï¬lllldlr GIII Mhmum Chm KM Pun pm llnll Dull Vondy WM Irllr havlnelll In ï¬ulx Nun Wilminlnom 33353338 Nnvnmn I1 NnTlmu Inmy Iluuu cm Kldfln an um Milo Nm mm mm nu hm um In mind ml um TELEVISION PROGRAMS BAXTEB mm Is cannon ron mus mwcu BEETON DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND YRUCKI All to nm In Dvlmm To CFIO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 Lens and Shim Collm of Pelerhom II the wukend It glenhnme at Mr Ind Mn Em Mrs Loam Damn Ind Jcnnller Aylmer spent Um wuekeud with McDermolL MrsMerland Landry ntumed home on Frldny Irom Toronto She had been patient or mohth In St Jalephl Holpital Ind two weeks It the homl ol her daughterand sonlnlnw Mr An Mn Hany Volson at Tor on Mrs JDrummnnd of Tatian ham vlamd rwuh Mlu Ggorllnl Barton m7 Mpndn Mr Ind Mr WNErookI of Bond Head vlalled Mn Thom Mn Servlce Mrs Cm Mrs Devfl Mn Palm Mn BroomMII Donald Cave memben Ion LOHA Illendad mean 19 In Memlco Dnnsway and Mr ind Mn mum 01 Toronto vhllud My Hmpron Monday Toronto en the waekand wlth her mot Mn Thomas Hurst Mn lamwny Beaten dled Nov Funeralnorvlce wna huh the Thomas Funeral Home Allklon Burial Alllslon Unlon Cemalcry By flARlRSON St Aldanl WA met the ham Mrs Vlclor Hart Nov 13 The pmldenl Mrs Luke OBrien opened meetlnx wmI order of iervlce Omcm elemd or 1w Pu Ildeut Mn Ely Cuppllu m1 vlwpresldent Mn Hnmld Dunn second vicepresident Mn Lloyd Leigh recordlni cre dlng ucretary Mn Victor Hark Treasurer Mn Clarke Crawlord Aulalnm lreasum Mrs Len OBrien educlunnnl ucrelmu In mo 104 um 11M 11 11 mo murmur Nommn mu Tm hum mm Nullonll Schnoll mo cm 1mm NIIIIIYY Ehufll um nnmw loom Pep Pmy mo flinondly mm luv sml my word nu Lu snow Th amml llllfll nmuur cuc 1v Nm wmm lpom Nm Iumxmu SSaoSSSS 1000 um ILII WIDNIIIIAY Newman Incul um Momln IIpm Mom hn uux cum lllul Plyum um 0nd lobby Mumlnl Mumnl Nannany Opal man noon chlmbu mm our Iluu um Lucy mum Leann Al You In comm ImTun kill all Chli Xlfldn In Hum mm lvam mum NOI um nxnucho Dltl VIII Dyh rmn Imu llarll TM Tllll lone Yoolblll II manna Vnmum lel == 8338828838383853338533 gun mg III In IMO 1qu ma Inna mm mil1 cm HAWKESTONE Candid Clmul Phil sum Show llld Rh llmboru Pu Mum rm BBC lel Wnthtr Ipufll Nlm room klkhlwln ll VIncuum BARRIE mm mm Ilmnm um CTV NI Hun ml am null And Banqum lmon um TORONTO Ml III II lhrllmc wl Unell la Manual MuulnI Nonndl IM llddu luneu huumbfl Ind 0w Hm Inf Illlllonl 1am Al In lanflld ma uh nlnlllnu am cm Ind In upon In um Ilulll Iln mu umlu Toll fmlh 1m 0va Jul rm mam TV Nlllnnll um mm mm olll Mm IM Ilflwlll run Ilmon um Boreas ucréIules Mu Dan McArthur Mr Lloyd Lellhl My Muriel Mm Arthur Chapmln and Mn Dun Mclmhur committee Mn Dan McArthur Ind Mrs Jack Pul nley lower commlulon Mrs Jm man and Mrs Irwin Mc Mahon nominal commllm Mu Muriel OBrien and Mn Frgq DaygnL M133 Mgnhq Roe John and Chrlallno Pugsloy rm turncd homl me holldlyl Ipenl ll Nllglu wA lurks lupporwlll be new Nov 11 at lhe United Church spamer by Dunnsz 910 MDNIEIHI Thu Legion memberl hald helr Armlallce Servlco In lha Rulomlry Slallon Lunch Hlll Plnclngwreaths on the cane Iaph 1n Sprlnzwgtu Pnrk wm Brown Cook and Mrs Dobson There were 10 tables cm In play In the Anullcan pnrlsh hnll In week Prizes wen lo Marjorlu Frnllck Elsie Mon lelth Juan Slvne wllllam nin nle Dick Brown Ind Everett Ruzmln Mr and Mr Stewart and daughter Carol spent the week ï¬uwlth relntlonl tn Nlaxnra Mr Ind Mu HerbPaImer Ird Ion Gordon men Sunday with Mr and Mn PcrcyHorn by Ton0mm Vlsllorl It lha home Mr And Mu Victor ï¬eld were Mr Ind Mn Lorwny and family 01 Wlllawdule Mrl Cohum melon and Mm Lnny Coleman or Tomnlo wen Sunday with Air and Mn Anglg Mn Day Ind Harald Coop er Ire pIIIonu In Barrie hospml and Mn McDowell In Tor onto Generll Hosplul TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um Openlnl lead llva spud Good card plly ll In orderly pmm lucked by mud rea min requlres lhorauzh Iwmneu of lhe on to be reachcd ho dlnlfll lhnl exist Ilonllh my and cnrdul ulcdlon 01 ha pll necmlry la nunIn lhn ulum ML Thu one lhlnl um an my ml ln dummy plny Silly by rats ll mm In maimed thlt every lund new IX perlenco Ind um hnblll pm only formed which km in Iulamlllc ullllanl In no necaulrlly nllublc ltlldl Far lempla llko lhll hand whm Sath ll hm nalrumu Ind Wu ludl Iplde uch to hl mrmll la wln UN md with Ihl queen Ind Im medlnllly attack the Ionml man on us nu bidding tut mu Wm Norm Em dealer Both Ilch vulnerable DAILY CROSSWOBD nhlnnlfy Mirlo Immnod um 111mm I1qu cunnmu Imam mm mm MIDHURST CONTRACT BRIDGE new noun 10 4M scum AA 7A0 QAIII 419M NORTH 41 Puma Quagm um mi EM Pm am at nun In an ladM III flu but canan Ilium ll You aha111k lloo omo Id WAY tuckiva I1 MotherILWI Apulmyr mutually Hum By JAY BECKER Robert Medan1d of Churchill mam of the First World Wnr mumhodJn the Remem brance my pnrade 1n Bum Mn Andrew Grnhlm Mn Don1d Benny Mm John Don nelly Ind Mr John Romper attended the Burrla Ind mama Home Imd School Council meetV In It Johnsun St School Mon dng nlght Roy Jordlmn mlulonlry minmer on lurloulh from Trin Idnfl wax to this plllorll chum Churchill United Chyrch Min Pall KEVn Grade al Contrll School underwemln operaglon on Thundly nuhl wurcu Sama1 couples from hem ai lcndcrl turkey banquet llld lha Innunl math 81mm Confl ty mum and Ralepnyen AI Inclallon Now Gogmown WOMENS matrrutm Mr Cllarlu Spmnle of Stroud wnx guest Ipeaktr ulu meal lni Church onmenn Inatlg ula Nnv Sho related hlzh RM lrlp In New Zealand llld MunMIA liken by her Ind The eaker told nl New Zeal Ind wit it two Ind hIK mll llon peep and My million Ihcep Climate la modalm that ban Varmint nepeugry Mn Pm ilyud iwo violin min accompln by Mn Elaka Comubie Roll Call Name Floral Emblem oi Canadian Province wu Inl wered by 17 member and eight vlaiiuu Mn William Kelly Ind MIL Jack Reiva were gonyegarl Institute actlvltlen Include dessert coufle la bu hald In Churchill llnll Nov 21 mm 10 Im to pm All ladle of tha community are welcama to like the course fl Russel Slewm and Mn Kennelh Stumon wlll be the Instructon friendship meellnl pl mad for Dec All members requested to brlng lrlznd at two to thl upper menu The Churchill +H girl will bu mm null clubl but lhll would me wrong way to play lhc hand Emma 311m In ha mull cm MI wen dune Eu would llkl he no and return spade Ihux eslahllshlu Wull spade lull Soth would eventunuy toned lo lake heart new to oblnln hll ninth lrlck but when ha anempted ll Wes would win with In king Ind cnsh Ms mm to dam lho conlmt Irlck The fact II that lha right play In to lead law hurt from dummy trick two and mm ma queen lhn minty n1 hulldinl uy um hurl tde thher the Hume win or losesmu precedence mt uu eslablhhmmt our club ulch the ï¬nesse wlns declmr hu nlno lrlckl lVllllbll nner forcing out the clubl thIol hi Inuu lom ucnlually leu nlnl lrlckl Iny haw bumuu lha Jack hum hecomu establllhed II trlck In an couru cl Inklnz Ihc lol lnx nun The lmpamn dilferenco ho lwecn ha two line play ll um Well canmx wlely mum mda ll turn on that ha ha lln ol hum Ho would lendlnl ma Into the AJ In lhlt an fly Icllu hurts Int 80th pravenu danurom npponcnt Em lmm nhtnlm lend or kllllnl Ip mum VTéliwrmwlr loinonka Nu num mumfmn lull we unmnm Judin CHURCHILL at WIMWMM NWMUSOMVVMWRW WMWNTN MIND0m SPILW5NI WIND MY Mi NW Ammanu 14 unmasommomum avuamama mmnymmommm umwpmmmu mumznmn 111E511 gamma Inesu Anumowa pm Tumuvout BWMYMSKNINMI HANDS mm 10 MKOYIIWlLNILV