Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 10

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70 HIV MIIMONI llvaN Mr Mr David him Myan mun MI uuuoyiu mud may min or her mm Wollun Kim who mu 17 wulml Inltlllmrfi mm when an puld Ibo 01 hr TAM German for nxlurlln In hmfllrr hvm Wm 11mm vn unmer by Well llulln mm Monday um rm yin Inlm if mm MIT CIMHILIIT MINT JOHN NJI 1CIJSL bum Anglican 12mm hm be In lmtnllnllan Manda 0M mt rhnlrlm wh ch will any oldly or lnlkm mm hm flu mnlmnllmlnla IhD mm mm Ilml 11w tlmrle chllrllfl mllnl nboul 01100 In ummllo Mwd new mm In uwd bl nbvul mcmbm of the ulrh onrhjundny Funtrnl Icrvlm will In held Wedmdny or Mrl Waller nlddcll who Inlzrulned thamnndl Cm am am mm tgr lyr nnm I10 Wllllnml She died In hul vllnl Bllumy all Iur HY lnr bud wound lullmd lull ll htr mmm CUDNEY Al NEW 105 WINNIIEG CPI Robert Cudney Ionnzr OnlArIo day my gravlnclal scurtnry Iml been Ired by In prnvlncln mlryl olllca hm Man aha overnmanl lpakumnn din cIoud Monday Thu wokumnn ulfl lha Myurald lawyer who mlmzd from Ila Onlario unv cnlmcnl Inu Sopllmber begun worldnl hm Inll week win commit Invmignlln th Campanlu Act HEAD UNIVERSITY HALIFAX CWDL Hurry Smllh wu Imlnlltd Mnndny Rmidcnl oI lhc UnIvaly of In Collmu Dr Smnh I1 nenwld nnllvo of Hallix Illuld by Unlurllly CIu Ior II IL Illlmr Edmonton Ind luv Dnvll bIIbop of Nov scum 71an men UNAWARE 0F FRAUD UIIAWA CPIJunk Mlm hler Chevmr Md the Common many lhe RCMP II no Iwan any Iraud lnvnlvlnl em pm on ha SEC He wu ply to Loulldauph len PC Jollclla lAmmpllon Monlcllm who erred to nu reports Ihll police were nvullnllnl $30000 Irlud an AM CDC Mill Culm at Ll Nlclan San Jon com Rica Iald he mouth but Kennedy did not hit At an Argentina InnIon became then wu lllll room or Mloflltlon Kennedyl support of lhe AL Illnca or Prong wu encour nzinf um Carla Ricn vmdent Unlln Dlario lnnln Domlnzo Dominican no while But dld not Iva much hopa for Cuba gmA wnmnn Kennedy leaud the editor whan he lad ha did not wml Another Cuba but in said hi Inflation that Cuban should cut 01 Gum and NI com munist reKImn wn no strong unnuah Julia Mesqulm Fllha lead nx BraIJIIan ubehLr tall the Gaulm Idm nlllrallan ll ut terly Incompatible with democ ncy The only hope or my country In charm of EOVHII mentl The editors meeting hm the InterAmerican Prcn AI uclallan reacted lavanbly to Kennedyl lpeech Monday n1 lhouzh most nld they had ex Kectod the prellden to hl nrder an Cuban Ptemler Fidel Cmm And the Argentine oll canine lltunllon MIAMI BEACH Fla AP mediation the the govern ment at Brazulan Pmldent Joan Goulm Ioon will by over thrown and speech by le dent Kennedy mvldad change olmpaca or In American iimBEi ercd Brlleboll ol Eh pnnola wan arrested by rnvln c151 police Nov an umbcr company road at Webbwaad 36 miles east at Sudbury after an othnr bulhwarker comylalned that Ill radla had been Helen The radio was and In Erm bola luncm alter he volun tarily opened or lnlpecllon rondblock Munay Gray Proficiento ha Sudbury Ind 01mm Labor Council CLCD called the ham dllnzrn Ihe me an Insult to Brlmh Iusllce BUDBURY 1UP Przmler John Roberts and Attorney Genml Frederick Can we askcd Monday11 publicly Ipalogua la lalhcr at Ma who wan held in Minn for Ieven day before be acquit ted paueulan Ilolcn filo worth See overthrow Of Brazil Govt Premier ASked For Apolng MHWLIOI JAIL WORLD NEWS IN Bani FIRE KILLS FOUR RECIPE mull Reulem Four pcmm were killed and so Injured Monday Ira mud lhmuzh laur mums conmlnin so wooden Ihnnllu be In glvlnl away £713000 02 mow man lo charity The donnllam nha Ihe lotal his 1m lo £2500000 Slr Davidl lartune came lrom milk rah and mum Mum Eh the Brazilian publisher laid Goulm II weallhy land owner Lrylnztu me he lech nlque Communlll revolu tion but with the llluslun later ldcklnz out lhe commun Illl Ind keep the pawn Until the governmcnt In chanted than no point In ranting unher us mutant to Emil Merquiln laid chars lnz that the present Brazilian novernmem In dnennlned that the alliance will not succeed Ocular In not Communist Mssqulta will Dbappoinimeni wan voiced by Jon Inacio Riven adiior in exile oi Dllrio da Ia Marina oi Havana Rivera who criiicized 115 palicy on Cuba as weak in In addreu io Oman exile Sun day night laid he hoped Ken nedy wouid piedu lironz action axainu Castro Melqultn at buslnesa ltan mid Goulan II surrounded by Idvllm whoJare Commun In or proCommunist andwhu llB delermlnad ah lbmlule comm of Brnzll Caum Inld of the brcnklnfl of American on contracts by Argentina II not the Latin Amarlcan way have lhh hair pen In Arzcnllnn Eomuio OFarrlll Jr vice Maiden ol Novedades Mexico City Ind IAPA president lalgl Wu one the man Im R011 speeches ever made by ennedy on the hemispheric Iltuauon ISNT HAPPY think the Im the provln clnl aulharluel can do In to Eubllcly apoloqu In Mr Brine oll he laid Thm apolo ales nhould come Irom Premier Hobart and the AtwnwyGenA eral with an assurance lhn Anyone muted In Ilmllar ck cumuncel will an helm court wllhln 4a ham Mr Gray uld Brlubols wul humillaled In the eye al Ml nmlly and the community The week he wu In 1111 could have aegn lpenl looking or new Brllebolu who Iald he could not put up ball because all his money We needed In Iuppon Ml Iamlly was released when Mantun Anthony Fal Ietla gmmlssed the charge week lam The maulmale nId It was possible that In alher wnrker had put Illa rndlo In Shall c999 gunk mm on Inmmllan MumM nbvflmn up to buy Ilm In fin nu Ila urn mvlu Ind mm WMWINM DMth IMHIWWMUMM Ma Ma your rim 6w ma uh Mm mo MOM unktvlmvmhulll MI In unis locumIvy MI INMIMMMINIMI mm an MA one all IMM you ll IMMMIIIM MnilkMflWWNIMIM BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS Heres how three more Will you ram mm Drum om limpkm alummm mpuwu ul twlwnm mm In mm PUSlllllmlJll PHONES The cclnra on on ma nulludu Cnlha Ilca award nonChrisllnns In clude lhn statement that all mankind and not the Jews nlnne lhum responslhlllly for the cm cillxlon 01 Christ The mm is onrnllgioull Iibcdy open scum discus lion of Ill 0910 disclosed dis lnustamlon ml ho question of the Jew wnn not taken ur else whm Among the caunc Kayla Mgr John Oslmclchcr mm mm Judaism and head Most of the unity schema ls duvoled Chrlsliam The llrsl three the loplcl Ive chnp Ion are on principle Catho Ilc ecumenlsm on practice ecumenlsm and on Chrlsuans Iepamted mm the Catholic church Ingma ALLVMANKIND Three Middle East erlnrchs and Conscrvnllve llallnn car dlnnl sald the schema should deal only wllh Cllrlstlnn and nortrwilh he Jews The question came into the apen Monday the council took up Ihe topic of Chrlsllnn unlly Renewal of lhe Roman Catholic church and Christian unity am If primary goals the com Specialist with the Chrisiian unity xccreiarinii which had major responsibilin for preyar 5110 the document lilcm wiges dflicrfin he reasons VATICAN CITY AHMem bers oi the Vatican ecumenical cauncil are quesiioning why document to counter nniisemi iinm was included in the council Ichema on Christian unity 1m mm mm nut mm mun to poop on IN mnuywum mlgllfnl nulfl mml mm mm hum III mm mm mm Ion mu ullmvwror numlhoul mm mm nu mm mm Imn mild mum num mm It lmn ram mmmm Mr and Mn Mac donald of St Eonilace Mam stand belare lhe whéeIequlp ped Piper TrlPacer airmail Split Continues At Rome Meeting all pllnl Hump mintum mm Cant ind mm mm BElllIDV FOUND NORTHEAST 0P WINNIPEG In Kln nnd BATHURST NJ CHA slur will he mndo Wednesday on mnsrucuon or $20000000 hnse metal menu Belle dunn Polnl 21 mllc north here John Park Jr rcprmnb In thu ggmpnny announced BELLQ Communicale In The chirch hexlem the Jews and the church will mm day be mind Dlvlsmn biblical Jews over Christ was symbol subsequent dlvislons of he Cluisllun churches Famcr gory Baum An other Jewish convert and Lha nlaxy professor at St Michaels College In Taranlm said the question of the Jews was part the overall issue of Chrla Um gully been fifmt of Hie chinch an In ancient IsraeL Begin Work On Smelter ol the Insmule nl JudawChrls flan sludies Seton Unl versity Newark NJ am vrcss canlcrenco such dissatis faction pmbably was shared by mg mg as well Vtfilrnki Est Jews would be happy If the chapter were no Included In logic on Chrlstlan my ho sald He said was not originally plnnncd part of the unity document but now um its in lljhgnld slny in nlMl numb In lhll lacum whom an mum mum mum on smkq In MI Mdlm Illhotll mm Inflow my huhu Mm mm mm mm mm llm yum Ioul lulumm mm ml dindm Hum In Mdlm balmMun mqmcmlmuuwmm III III lull ll imam Mini m1 an all qm my ugl My ya in which they went mkilng Sunday on lwmila light Kmara fmm Winnipeg They wem Ionnd npparcnlly Im 1mm ownmomma Nudl bunch all wllham Im MAME OFFICE SERVICE week Um wark vnuld be lmmcdlnlcly on be lead zinc Imnltcr Rlo gom operates two mlne In the uranium town of Elliot Lake Mr wlnlm sold heavy water plant would con sum tremendous amount of and Elllolt Lake doesnt Mr Winters saldml mm pany hopes to build ll mine back lo lull producuan the demand or uranium for clvll Inn purpose increases In an interview Mr Winim laid Cape Breton has the avail able power necessary inr Ihe plant but such an industry ould require great den provincial subsidimiiau lhalormer Liberal mlnlsler of public works nld In his opin Ian Elliott Lake doemt have much chum to get the heavy wnlgr plaph HALIFAX CHRobert Winters chairman of the board of Illa Algom Mlnes lelled said Monday ha would like to see the proposed heavy water Play located in either Elliot land Proposes Plant For Cape Breton harmed standing by their plane In muskeg ma about 75miles nonlxuu Jinn pc Mondny after an Nonslvl ah mrch CF Wimphoto nr any Cine Breton Is STOPOVERS AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS ARRANGED AT YOUR REQUEST nus excrigmjseg Vnmntsfisefiedib ngs 95canadaiéanda éé The motion dld notoome to vole In Ihe hour set aside or private members business and all to the botlom of km Extending the subsidy pm mm wnuld not be enough Special lucenllvh wm needed to attract namndbry 1de to areas wth high unemploy ment Ingram dependent on aualnzle mlnlnz Industry hc Eua Mr Peters introduced mm ion or Ihefcrealiou ul liouullocalion of industry coun cil which would dirzct um industrial into such are and flier financial incentives OHAWA CPlA NewDem crane Party MP aid in in Common Monday that Tum ruins Kirkland Lake and nlher goid mining centres need spe cinl government aid in addition subsidies to he mlninx enm pnniu Amnld Peters momma knmlngr uld many dun barely gusting on the emer gency gold mlnlnz asslalanca promam whlch expires at an end this year unless It L1 ex tended again We should relocate Indus rlu Instead relocating clu lens he sald TimiskezlmhigMP Bskstmmong For Special Hid You hand over to Manufacturers Lila the worry PA 355 End risk of maintaining an income Through Qha annuity arrangement your mpiml and the inmost it earns scientificofly combined to give you guaranteed Income or the rest of your life How much dou an nnnulty mail It depends on the income you need to carry out your dreams and plnna for those years After 65 For exnmple the lifetime monthly income of $200 we were talking about would cost man ol 65 only $24000 Its well wohfi kicking Into The Man from Mlnulnctureu has all the details Give him ca May MANUFABTIIRERS LIFE No pipedream thisbut tho guaranteed reality 01 Manufactunen Life Annuity Whether you live or five years or twentyfive or more youll get cheque or $200 every month Lets face Ityouve put in lot of hard work over the past forty years or 30 Your retirement years are your rewardThe finest wax enjoy your retirement is to have steady worryfree income The best waymachievethlsiatobuynManuInEiurers Lip Annuity Over 65 $200 month can be yours for life HUS TERMINAL Mapll Simona 51mm um TRIP INIURANGII comnuv OTEEBARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER Chou and lnlormnllon lelngmn clll Replo mm BARRIE Tel PA 45594 77 Ilymu cut Telephone 720 71

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