Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1963, p. 1

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USi Is Rebufled By Canada UK 01va ll MrNImnu put hind la m1 Arlhm man pmldlnt lm Enmomlc club Now Im mm Barrie To HdVé New Industry mended nlw nab luruntc or nXlln cnnmncd About Ipcculnllon on US Imop withdrawal lrnm Europe Us Dcrtnco Secretary hot on McNamara mndn III In nounccmml Monday In major gouty mm underflood to Iva bun mardlnmcd with Whllo Ham and flute damm IntnL The llmlnz nnd lenor of flu Kennedy cablnct mombrrl pre pnrtd Iddrm ha Econamlc Club New Yolk lndlcnlcd WM mpanlo la men lrucu lrnl lllk by Sovch Irtmhr Khrmhchov NEW YORK AP The Unllcd slum Pm 400000000 um ol nuclear me In Europe randy to be mod In whmvu quqnlllyn9cdm mum bdrm clauddoor mlnmerlnl level Ipeclnl unlan ol tho NATO Nnncll Brltnln turned dawn us requvll or live year mdll 11ml on Women lulu ol good to Communm nI dam ll WII reported llm only Norway nnd Danmuk my Nflldflula Erllllh stand Atwlha am mnlnn Exter ml Atlaln Mlnhlcr Martin CF mm muImAl PARIS Brllnln rejected Iandny the United Slam poll llon that tndo credit term longer man live your cam tutu economic aid and should be unrved or undcrdnvclnped In nqu of Cornlnqunm cgnplrlui US Nuclear Power In Eurbpe Cited To Beassure Allies Bechule he lechnlcnl nu ura of the roduct Ihu Danla prlnclpnll lhcy Ihould JaIII Wllh the caopcrnllan of lacnl Indult and government nulcu gAlcnlbllky Iludy wan canled but Iu mulLJ yroduct nuvny Wfll Insllgnled One praduc wnl found which named to have Au Lclcm vuluma lo wanum ur In 1061 caulicll passed raw olullon mlln lho Industrlnl communion nuld Innsumo lho poulblmy rcplnclnu lm parts by manufacturing the prod uch In nun11 The now company will be 10 cnlcd at 20 Dunlap SI It nxpecll la beuln production In lnlu Dmmbur commutator an electrical minimum tor converting anor nnllnu current Into dlrcct cur rcn Im happy to announce that Burris hm new Induur Tm Commutntar Company Can Adn Md has been armed by Ron Illckllnx and Al Snrjeunl he mid Mmer Cooke mndo lha Announcement at lpcclnl mm Innro CM Cauncll Inn night BahIn to not nnw In dullry which II expected to be lprprodurcllnn ch your 99 Van No 270 For Examiner Wan Ml Talo phono PA MM 1110 Iclophonl number to cull lar lhe Bunnnu or Editorlll Dom ll PA um Our Telephones mu 0min plduro Mu Mon McNumu Add lb crunlullm Int nlm MINI In mod Ir flood 40 hm hm mnfln ManmnrnI lpuch alto cov ered Menu prwnndnm on worldwide bull And wuponl Iylteml for mnnhc II well mm war 11 08 nuclur pounllnI In Eumpo In menuII In In IIchy lmnll lndlcn wcnponl do not Include ht hun am mIIIInnA of Ian of TNT equlvnIenI In mluIIu Ind bomb of In IIImg arm bnud In Ihl UnIIM Slate or In Palm tubmannu dzplayrd wllhln nnga Bovln lnrzou UH Inlcu Ihwdown an IhI Berlin Autobahn Khrunhchov mm mennzlnu Ibou nu clear butlanpunhlnz And then have been wamlnu mm Nos 50 about Soviet lnlemll in II He pointed mum only until traction H00000hou umoom In yearat the Wull trade wllh flu Soviet Un Ion ll tunInd an Canaan In ll Mun the US lour had lands with Rum Kola yrcu conlcrcnu that lallowed Martin nld Canada morn lncreued mm with nu Cammnnlm bunuu lwlallon the Conununm world In no In ha Intern ho Menu II It ll new devfloplnl bu wider mde 1n nonuremic muml wlth the ChlnueSo vlct bloc qqda clarlhn Cnnndn av yum m4 than who mined hlm Mr Cooke mntrnlulmed Mr meldan And Mr Sudan and expreued lhn flunk council duglgal Calmmllqlanerr Ed In addition to mnnulnctuflnl product In Darrin which war not pravloully made In Canada Expected the company will enter tha export market ho bellnnlng the Toldto Commulnlar Company Can ndn Ltd wlllbrlng 1n compancnt am and nucmbln them here ut eventual all pnm wlll ba made In Barr noted he mnyon Wllh the coopernllon ram government omen Haber Smith and local Induury lho pmbleml wm overcomo and Inn week he lllW campr came Into ho nm Mayor Cooke aid The new learn with the mo eratlon ma fnduuml commaIon cur ricd out lurfller Iludlel Then nudiu proved that commutator could be produced In Canada and Althounh than wn much plnnnlnl la bl doneand many yrableml to overcome there wan um covpplny Inlaremd com iim ound Ind Introduction were made up with In American compnny to complement thin lumen of thy bullneu aid the mayor Whom up WW Ill In Mule Ham and mm Dmrlmnl Mid Iha Unllrd Mm hu we milllnn mu nu Iur lam on lap In Eurm wunu ml zulhlcr ImJ ad with 50 lhou lnnd dollnrl lho hoakkuper had sloped wllh Ml prime um 4th my ykcdrlor uw Ivr aloe and lb olflcl om to Ilwllywnod The pruIdenI of bnlnm concern bouth number Do It Now HE and plum lhem Submitted in llieiropoL lion Toronto Deputy Police Chief Gram Elliot the report Mild Crown Attorney Arthur Klein could ind no cvidcnca to Iupport my criminal proceed inll The report wol lubmlilld by Drlecuvn John Weir oi tho general nulznment squad NRDNTO CplA Mpan nan on an lnvullintlon by the attorneyqencrnl depart ment Inla lilo Torunlo opera tion or the Canadian Brand cnuing Corpornflon lndlcntu no avldcxlca any ldcklgqck HM curfew clamped an the Iran capital at dawn Mon day when Ihe military under Pmldrnt Abdel Balam Are nixed power wu lifted yar lItu lar tho Hm Inga lodny Balhdad India said pedulrlm would belallawcd on ha Alreell 1mm km to mm but all motor tnulc wu lull binned Iraq now mllllnry govern ment reported Monday In re vall Ilalnn lhs Baalh overn man had been lucceulul Sy rlan Bnuhlm howevar claimed lhn the countryllde mmldn Baghdad wax um under lhq yqrpyl coplmL Report Clears Toronto CBC Sourch lnaldo Baghdad re ported he mm In ulephona ml to Beirut The connection we broken nlttr lhl hm port wax lranljnltlcd ma am hll employm dy lalgr lg lqund M5 BEIRUT Lebanon AHA naw wnva min broke out briefly In Baghdad today tha In Army moved nalnll 1m dltc mmnnca by the Em Fighting Erupts In Iraq HERES omf mum Mdulhn AMIO ofllun who hm dlllm mm rm MlClO 0ch loom Mun um Iha lulnl mrmnll ouworl or the MU Ind cmlclum um um mom Mambalo In rumrd Ilml llrulher Mwo vlcwmldml uni member of uerullvc roun rll will In In unculm min 11 MUM lo dnl wllh ho EIU lnum mum Mdulhn AMIO NEW YORK flPruldrnl Wnllor Heather In Unlmi Ania Walker uh Mondny ho lnlendl In nunuc ncllun wllhln llxc MLCIO la brlnl Ilmul nn Irnllbla and prnpor Iolullon whim Him by lhl Iran um lllm Illpm In Canada Im rn hkurr Hm qmllon ol aw And when would mi In hrlnl hnrmuny wllhln lha AFLCIO and between lhlu In labor omnm Ian and flu Cnnmllnn Labor Conn on ll dmmnm Mll lnl mm hum IHIWI rm Iml on the Renlnrm Immu Honl Unhm Canada Monday In med llvn Imnll hold Ind roamlnl ham and dnmutd our olhcr bulldinn an alllklhll mml famous Mr momma no bun clcrmlncd Authorllln had planned lo march Iha rulm Ihrauzh th nlum but floadllahll couldnt plum the much Ihul huvmd aver tho urea Firemen mnlncd overnight walling down he rubble and ullnxuhhlnl nvernl mlnor llm rclnnntd tram mm by In ocun brcuv Finmen recovered eight un ldenliiied bodies Monday ninth victim died oi burn in bowl and in um 01 the hotel In miuinl ATLANTlC CllY NJl AP he lrlm chore nmlng through the charred debrll ol Iha Sumlde Motel levelled by In um may havu clulmcd 11m mumod today Reuther Seeks Remedy For SIU 16 STILL MISSING REMEN CARRY but mum at an of tha vldlnu yeuetdnyl hotel fire In Atlantic City Elwin chim od the llvu It lenu ulna Sift For Dead In HOtel Ruins Builo Onhrlo€mndm In nllflllllvll Inl if an 1010 mu and IM nullaml ntflfllthbmml ould ram mu halal mmiu told mum Jm Ilnrrll uemuvo vita pmldrnl 10 man SI tinunlllgn ll Litmu an mm nobody ILkflEWLQIW MEI mum qua Tin voulblxllk xllll mu dlflnmm III In AFLCIO Ihc luun wnuld In widend lay pub dllllll hm Tunlday Novimbir 19 1963 In Canaan HM Injurlauzmlu ul mfly dlnluvlmi relHunt be 31 hr MLCIO Ind Sum llml my 1an13 In 01 mnvrnllan lo doll with um uullnn mm mm rencllon drllrlmmlnl to II lunc llunlnl lnlerpqllamgl unlanllm km Hm Cnnmllnn luut all llw floor 01 Inc wcunl runvcnuan Non Irm venom Inclu¢ In policemen And In mun wm mud xolpllnl Hnuer Inld howpl called shortly If mm by nlzhl dull Phlllp Johnna who had mllted lhn mob and turned In 10 um alarm will nick luddcn thingn blank 112 llnuor luld mm AMIJAN Flromon nnd policemen driven back by this make and llama flood helplmly per unl trapped In the llvulorey surtnlde cried far help There was 41 garam 1n lhu Irnmo 10mm ochnven members 01 the Mlllon Inner lnmlly ownm ol the ham Ihm em plgyecs and gun Egg AIESDMIAGE nuchm nTaombarz cling 1m prevention duel ullmnled during at 014000000 but patently ll flared an conlm In mundxlorey hull mm ave the Suflsidol ballet vexson wllhllxicen mlulnl llprend It vw and cared dead Damm wu co near am unwed ma um milk Atlantic Cfly boardwnlk The Mdutwm Ml nesu at In Ion dolln In him 01M EMT Surmda Hotel where lho In in lnrfia hole or elderly mmd AP wimpbola nu iii in Im Immon um aim at by palm man In 33 new lmmphfl number MI an an WW 2m mom CPI11w hum dlulsluflkkl um In On ffihl Ivar hullllan Ian Willa In After dinner mmr II Ma rm Thompson mum dlrmur al muIa to Ontario um mm mm on mule In tho clemonlnry Ichooll conlemm wlll mwnvona II the Confluenlll Inn where the luncheon lpukcr wlll be Honky Iupcrlnlemltnl of pro Alonnl davnlopmnnl llll lupin 11 work In Imlallonll qufllnnmqnl Brunch Gum Ipenkrr Al the mominl unlan wlll ho ltd Smhh II llnlnnl nmerlnlmdcnl olprnltv Ilmml dwelopmml Ila will Itll wllh mnlmmnlln in lhn mand HZ Ichool Public uhool lcnchm mm Drum and Midland Meal Io xclhu wllh panda Ichool chcrl 1mm varlnul pull Sim tna Counly will be dluuulng ulucnllmml pmblcml wllh an phmll on road In modem ucnllnn New duvclapmmll In mghcmndu In Alnnlurcd Toronto Begins Trafficking Trial Three ah rlcl Impednmlu will mm for the um llma to murmw an educnllonnl con lcrcnce More than we Innchm an expected to Mlmd tho une dny mnicrrnce nl Cemrnl CoI nudlAlarIMm Meanwhile Invlher namnn Cnlhollc Ichool board duldcd Monday nlzhl la rain prop eny lax Inlet and hlrd board had no detnmlncd It ncllonl Viim mum of mar than 400 pupll and 20 leathers to the Elm Ichmll wul wllhout Incl denl QUEBEC CPlClnsu were resumed today at St Farrel 40 mile northcns Quebec City where Ichooll closed Nov ll because tho school board uld It was unabIe to my enchon Inl erlel or Septomber and Och bar Local Teachers T9 Hold Meeting Resume Classes In St Fereol The mm film fllltpiyln Amium um man no manna Ifo Mm er bllc mvuflultm Ill Jolm Inlan lllfll 0mm Ubernl fly luau mud Nlldn ma mum at on bond Illnulm of hr II mflll our mhull och Mtg er mu m7 Mam mmluu Dr MM Robert Mum clui ho dhlrlcl Mid Monday formal aquat nu nul In Mr Spoon lul mk by hm mnn Imnni ol Inulm It polnlni by Iho provincial unv lrnment la ldmlnlsur nlluln Iho lmpmmmnl DerId len mun WHITE IVER Ont CPI Munlcipll Allllrl Mlnllm Spoom hu hm mud In lcknowlddie wlillan ol Whlln fllm rudenll Ind order pnbllc Inquiry lnlo Du nHalr flmlhn dimkl dauu bulk to Education Mlnmtr Slr ward Boyle Iluckm hll gum In Pullnmrnt and used pudlnlo Ilnlcmmll chic medlcnl clllctr Dr ltlcr Hm donon II mum publlc outcry whnn ho lnld mum LONDON RomanTho luv emmenl lodny mnlnlulncd III noncommlllnL position nn lm vlrluo chunky lollnwlng mum nlluck Mummy nigh on movcninl vlcwa Fraud by Envcrnmcnt med calmnn White River Residents Seek Acknowledgement 0i Petition With the changu llld Lubor Minister MucEnchLn um pm urnm may be ha lrnmcwork fur nnllonal vocational and dn¥ it spent several hour wa king Ihmugh he Mound madlngapproval In principle nnge Then with only cw mlnulen rcmalnlng In the even lng plul liminule overtime lesslan was whipped through lhlrd reading and rum onni taming program had ha undividul attention Campers hmughoqt Mon British Government Keeps Silent 0n Chastitys Virtue The and changes In Ihe may moq dollar lechnlcnl OTTAWA UP govern men billlo Increase federal Bid or technical Ind vocational trainingwith new lormuln that will allow Quebec to cm advnmaga of bigger slice ha fund hreezed through three stages dz Common Mendy Ill In diet will be In work In the Senate Idle since Nov with mlhlnx an MI or der Papera Five days ago the House of Commons election com mittee ap roved serles of amendments to the Canada Electlon ct that would lower the voting age to 18 from 21 in federal elections TORONTO CP Premier John Roberts said today some 250000 Ontario residents between the ages of 18 and 21 may vote in the next provincial election intend to make changes in the election act before the next election and certainly intend to consider the uestlon of reducing the voting age Mr Robarts said an interview Under the Ontario Election Act the minimum voting age now is 21 Rush Bill Aiding Training Schools Make Change Before Vote 250000 Residents Affected Nov Maéimk kingpinmu Wedn mainly cloudy and cool so may um An II In micum of than an lurllldlh Wm mu mud 0on came under fire In In House 01Commnm mm Slr Cy rll nlnck Iczlslnlor hll own Conservnllvo party and chain man of KM Moral an Dclcnu Amdnllan mm Ink tvcryA mm cxprclod mlnlsllr lens In have mount rrpudl Mud hll chlel mcdlm ofllcurl vlewn leadxm Worm In July he did not consider chunl 1n ercaursc before mnrrlnxo un cluulu he couple lnlcndcd tn mmy Local Weather Eaden Inld the change from dlscrlmlnnUnu aunlnll Qucbcc would allow that prov lnco cnich up wim nlhor province In mm the assis lnnm Réplylng in crkiclsm by MW eral Qucbcg mqp1bcrx Mn Mac mm would nllw pmvlnces to sat up lo $480 per cnpfla studcnls by 1967 or the canslrucllon of trad and technical schools and he an lanes will be avnllnbln to pri vme Inslllulkuu ll the pmv Inceagm Under the lonnuln of the ex isting pmgram tuned In I961 ha labor minister nld um Quubec bu ecde only $51 or each student In the 1519 an bracm while Newfoundland re ceived $480 The formula had Hulwme Intserved 13qu In llmer restridlon lcchnlcal education plan Bu or the ltdcrnl govern mm In propose and the prov lnce to dispose FIRE CQME FIRST SERVED lcchnlcal edycnloq flan

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