Oakville Beaver, 3 Sep 2003, A02

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A 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y S e p te m b e r 3, 2003 Y facility is popular meeting place (Continued from page A1) still subtle--"Y" columns that become noticeable graphic elements visible from the street. The character of the main lobby is further accentuated by brightly coloured stucco planes. This transparent space not only allows natural light deep into the building but also is meant to project the life within the build ing out the street, giving the building a strong, friendly presence within the community. Building materials, which were chosen to blend with the surrounding fabric, combine a palette of red brick, stucco, architectural block and glass. With such inviting surroundings, members are definitely feeling at home in the new facility, especially as Y staffers have noticed that the typical user's visit is becoming longer and longer, and the passive-use areas have become popular meeting spots. Taken together, all this plainly impressed the Innovative Architecture and Design Award judges who, in rendering their decision, more than pleased Ireland - especially since the Oakville Y was up against facilities from across North America. Dogs will also search school parking lots (Continued from page A1) trace amount of marijuana Initiative will "use a trained under a common-area bench detector dog to search and at E.C. Drury in Milton. indicate if there are drugs The Safe School Canine and/or weapons in the hall Initiative's new wrinkle o f ways or parking areas of a patrolling the parking lot school." Oxley said in a joint around vehicles is a murkier press release with the Halton area, legally speaking, when Catholic District School it comes to searches, said Board and the police service. Duraiappah. "This proactive and pre If the car is unattended ventive measure, which is when a dog detects some intended to thing, attempts raise student will be made to "This proactive and awareness and locate the driv hopefully preventive measure, er. If unsuc change their cessful, police which is intended to behaviour, may will likely wait be randomly raise student awareness for the driver to implemented at and hopefully change approach the any high their behaviour, may be vehicle and school o f the then ask them randomly implemented two Halton to give police at any high school of boards, includ access. ing the continu the two Halton boards," If the driver ing education r e f u s e s , · Jaclci Oxley, services sites," Duraiappah School and Community she said. said police may Liaison Officer Whereas wait until the Halton District School Project Hall vehicle is being Board Walk provided operated on a a fair warning public roadway to parents, students and before stopping it for a con school administrators of an tact with its operator. impending search, a general As far as the possible notice perhaps a couple of penalties to students should weeks in advance, this time drugs or weapons be found. only the principal and vice Oxley said police and the principal at a school willing school board have separate to participate in a search will sets of criteria and respons know about it ahead of lime. es. The plan is to use highly " We use a progressive trained sniffer dogs that work type of discipline." she said with the Canada Customs of the board. and Revenue Agency out of "If there are weapons or Pearson ·International illegal drugs found in a par Airport. They will walk the ticular locker, then the first halls and parking lots of thing that happens is the par Halton's high schools with ents are contacted, the stu their police officer handler, dent is counselled, the as well as a Halton narcotics administrator, depending on officer, the school liaison the circumstances, may issue police officer and a school a suspension; it would be a administrator. discretionary suspension If the dog detects what it under Section 307 o f the thinks is the odor of drugs or Education Act." residue from a firearm ema Oxley said if there was a nating from a locker, the large amount of drugs or a principal will be asked to specific type o f illegal locate the student whose weapon, it could lead to a locker it is and ask them to student's mandatory expul open it. sion. If the student refuses, the As far as police action, school administrator can Duraiappah said depending open the locker themselves on the individual situation with police confiscating police may issue a warning whatever illegal substances letter or they may decide to may be inside. lay a charge and put the While a small number of young person on the court drug seizures were made diversion program -- if it is during the three-year Project the youth's first offence. Hall Walk program, there If it is a case of traffick were no significant drug dis ing, meaning a significant coveries and no charges ever quantity of an illegal sub laid. stance is found. Duraiappah One particular sweep at said police could lay a four high schools around charge under the Controlled Halton in 1999 uncovered a Drugs and Substances Act trace amount of hashish on with the youth proceeding the floor in the girls' wash through the youth criminal room at Aldershot H.S. and a justice system. Oakville Beaver file plioto T he sw im m ing pool area utilizes available light.. Oakville Beaver file photo T he c h arac ter of the main lobby is fu rth er accentuated by brightly coloured stucco planes. In - S to re D e m o n s tr a tio n s ! folkJTrt ^ lS \ln > k (r f a S P O R TS Entertai Your Town, yo tiimhkuiI e BKMt D is c o v e r th e Fun and E ase of O n e S tro k e TM P a in tin g ! N \ l ^ uv f m r 0 North /\mericaK most Avnnled Newspaper 234 Hays Blvd. S e p te m b e r 5 10 a .m . - 1 2 p .m . 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