Oakville Beaver, 3 Sep 2003, C06

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C 6 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y S e p te m b e r 3, 2003 JleMBi Plan now for Fall classes with this informative guide, presented by Great Big Theatre Company Qnne-fflarie Qmardetl C onservatoire d e Pa r is Piano · Educating piano students since 1964 · Teach all grades from Grade 1 to A.R.C.R Referrals available · Auditions during m onth o f August 2003/2004 O A K V I L L E THEATRE CLASSES fo r Kids & Teens · Plays · Musical Theatre · Audition Training · Mime · Play Writing · Improvisation · Theatre Games · Stagecraft & More! Burlington · Ancaster · Brantford · Cambridge · Dundas Mississauga · Oakville · St. Catharines · Stoney Creek C H R ISTIA N SCHOOL Discover the Difference An academic school where Christian morals and values are taught and modeled. A student body that ranks in the to p 15% on Canadas national C A T 3 tests (43 students in the top 3 % and 2 3 students in the to p 1% in the nation). A science program that products regional science fair winners every year. Athletic teams that com pete in 9 different spore, starting as early as grade 2 (C ham pionship basketball teams the past 3 years). C lubs that com pete regionally and provincial!)- in spelling bees, speech meets an a debating competitions. A m u sk program that trains vocal & instrum ental groups that represent the school at different com m unity functions. A family atm osphere w ith 2 75 students. Before an d after school care available. 905 337-0070 - >Ask about: our 03/04 playbill · 4 great new shows · In-school wortehops · Register NOW for our Fall programs! Information (905) 628-9747 ww w . g b t c . c o m o n s t a g e @ g b t c . c o m Since 1981 G le p b u m ic S c h o o l A private co-educational day school Preschool to Grade 8 Piano / Keyboard - Singing Rhythm - Theory - Ear Training A unique C anadian program presented in parent / child group classes. Positions Still Available in Grades 2, 3 & 5 Where G reat Futures Begirt! A n excitement and enthusiasm for learning is fostered through our dynamic academic, arts, sports, and technology programming. For S ch o o l Tours D u rin g th e D ay Please call 905 825-1247 Starting ages 3-8 years. Joys of Learning Together For more information and to reserve a' place for your child please call: t* a Oakville Christian School 112 Third Line, Oakville 905-469-1427 Ask for Cheri. LIMITED PLACEMENTS AVAILABLE FOR SEPTEMBER, 2003 Tours and Entrance Testing By Appointment 2035 Upper Middle Road, East, Oakville (Ford Drive/Q.E.W.) (905) 338-6236 www.glenburnieschool.com (905) 825-1247 www.ocsonline.org w w w .o a k villeb ea ve r.co m TA6KW JN-00 HORIZON D a yca re C e n tre L im ite d 2200 Trafalgar Rd.. Oakville (905)338-9019 · Toddler & Junior Preschool spaces available im mediately o r September. · Full day program m e fro m 6:30 am to 6:30 pm · Hot lunches & snacks. A cad e m y Director: Heidi K n a p p Established since 1994 - References available W INTER NON-CONTACT Come and Register for any of the fo llo w in g courses: Classical Ballet · Modern Theatre Dance/Jazz · Tap · Musical Theatre & Acting * N on-contact * Prime tim e cam es * 4 0 th season o f operation * Sweaters/socks provided gocKEy LEAG UE H A IT O N M E N 'S H O C K E Y LEAGUE · Trophies · Balanced teams · Excellent officiating · Individual entries · Also W om ens rcc. division · 23, 32+ and Masters Divisions A D U LT eU V » * T Saturday, September 6, 10:00am - 2:00pm V FALL R EG ISTR A TIO N SPECIAL 3 months for only $99 plus G ST & a FREE UNIFORM! (Limited time offer) We offer: · Separate Children & Adult Classes · Day & Evening Classes · Classes 7 Days a Week T a n s le y U n ite d C h u rc h 2 1 1 1 W a lk e rs Line B urlin gton A ugust 1 9 & 2 0 : 5 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m A ugust 2 1 : 1 0-4pm In s c h o o lw e a r 5 4 S h e p h e rd R oad O a k v ille A ugust 2 4 : 1 -4pm A ugust 2 6 & 2 7 : 6 :3 0 -9 p m IN F O R M A T IO N A N D /O R R E G IS T R A T IO N BY P H O N E Lit' Drag°ns Pr°9ram (905)849-9712 Applications A t Glen Abbey or River Oaks Amu* www.htnhl.buland.cotn 3 - 5 Years E c o le P a tric ia -P ic k n e ll 1 2 5 7 S e d g e w ick Crescent, O a k v ille S e p te m b e r 4: 4 :3 0 -7 :3 0 p m u G reek I n t i Language S c h o o l of Halton Join our FREE Fun Fair · Balloon G ive-Away · Raffle Prizes · A ir Bouncer · Free BBQ · Cotton Candy · Black Belt & Students Demonstrations Face Painting Fishing Pond Board & Brick Breaking Sidew alk Chalk C olouring Contest f- I ! Classes for J.K. to Gr. 8 Traditional Greek Dancing - All levels Highschool Credit Classes S e r v in g th e O a k v i l le & B u rlin g to n C o m m u n itie s For m ore in fo rm a tio n an d to register p le a se contact us at: S A TU R D A Y C LA S S E S REGISTRATION: at Nelson H.S., Burlington A on Sat. Sept. 6 ,9:30am - 1 :00pm Mrs. 0. Michalopoulos · 905-681-1602 ww w.horizontkd.com 1027 Speers Rd. Unit 25, Oakville (Corner of 4th Line & Speers Rd.) (905 ) 844-8384 2400 Sixth Line O akville, O n tario L6H 3N 8 905-338-0210 e-m ail: g ra ce a ca d e m y@ sym p a tico .ca * TH E IHMIIJJi KKIIER com m unity new spapers M etroland Cr- job & career fairs September 17 HALTON JOB & CAREER FAIR Oakville Conference Centre · Oakville Beaver, Burlington Post Flamtxxough Post. Milton Canadian Champion IV CanSkate Fridays 6:00 - 6:50 pm River Oaks, Rink A · S75 plus $15 Skate Canada membership/insurance fee Tel: 905-257-7771 Fax 905-257-3187 ww w .oakvilleskatingclub.org BRING O N THE ADVENTURE! Cubs 8-10 years, and Scouts 11-14 years. Some also have Venturers 14-17 years and Rovers 18-26 years. Group Name Area Served and Registration Location SCOUTS CANADA ideal fo r high school youth needing com m unity service A 1st Bronte Scouts Canada Registration Schedule Scouting Groups in Oakville have Beavers 5-7 years. FALL - Learn to Skate Programs CanSkate/PreJunior Sept 5, 2003 - Oct. 10, 2003 Fridays 7:00 - 7:50 pm River Oaks, Rink A · S75 plus SIS Skate Canada membership/insurance fee · this combined CanSkate/PreJumor session is suitable for skaters aged 5-10 years okf or those who have completed 1 year of PreSchool CanSkate. · Also indudes skaters who have completed CanSkate and are working on our PreJunior program September 17 Holiday Inn, Oshawa WORKFORCE JOB FAIR & NURSING JOB FAIR Sept. 5, 2003 - Oct. 10, 2003 · Durham Region Newspaper Group CAREER FAIR September 24 Barrie Event Centre 1st Glen Abbey 2nd Glen Abbey 2nd Oakville 8th Oakville 9th Oakville 11th Oakville 19th Oakville 20th Oakville 1st Trafalgar 3rd Trafalgar 4th Trafalgar 7th Trafalgar 9th Trafalgar West of 12 Mile Creek to Burloak Drive Sept. 2 & 3.7-9 p.m. - Walton Memorial U.C. QEW to Upper Middle, 16 Mile Creek to 3rd Line Please call - 905-847-5957 or 905-825-8292 Glen Abbey west of 3rd Line. South of QEW between 16 Mile Creek & Chartwell Rd. Sept. 17,7-8:30 p.m. at St. John's United Church Upper Middle to Dundas. 16 Mile Creek to 3rd Line Please call 905-825-3895 or 905-469-4815 Between Bronte Rd. and Third Line Sept. 8, 7 p.m. at Hopedale Presbyterian Church N. of QEW between Trafalgar Rd. and 9th Line Sept. 17, 6:30-9 p.m. at Iroquois Ridge H.S. River Oaks/Oak Park. Sept. 18, 7 p.m. at River Oaks School L.D.S. Chapel, north Oakville. Sept. 11,7 p.m. QEW to Upper Middle Rd. between Trafalgar Rd. & 6th Line, For information please contact the Council Office listed below South of Upper Middle Rd. and West of 6th Line Sept. 10,7-8 p.m. at Sunningdale School E. Oakville, Wedgewood Rd. to Winston Churchill Blvd., & Clearview Sept. 10 & 1 1 ,7-9 p.m. at Maple Grove United Church Kerr St. to 4th Line/Speers Rd. south of Appleby College area. Sept. 10,6:30-9 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church South of Speers Rd., between 3rd and 4th Lines & Rebecca Street to Speers Road, west of 3rd Line Sept. 8, 7 p.m. at Hopedale Presbyterian Church · Barrie Advance YORK REGION WEST JOB & CAREER FAR | Hollywood Princess, Vaughan · York Region Newspaper Group I October 15 September 25 · Suitable for skaters 5-10 years old or those who have completed 1 year of PreSchool CanSkate HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS CAREER FAIR I | Living Arts Centre. Mississauga · Mississauga News CanPowerSkate A Great Tune-up for Winter Sept. 5, 2003 - Oct. 10, 2003 Fridays 5:00 - 5:50 pm River Oaks, Rink A · S85 plus SI 5 Skate Canada membership/insurance fee · Suitable for skaters who are interested in improving their hockey skating!skills CAREER FAIR | Living Arts Centre, Mississauga · Mississauga New EMPLOYERS - Book your booth today! I November 13 Call 4 1 6 -4 9 3 -1 3 0 0 J a n e W hiinail ext 2 3 7 · lw h itnalK 9m e tro la n d .c o m Katie F ab ian ext 2 7 6 · ktabian< © m elroland co m Oates and locations sub/ect to change Reduce Your Risk For Serious Health Problems with E i g h t W e e k s to W e lln e s s TM At ea ch weekly m e e tin g , a h e a lth p ro fessio n al will in tro d u c e you to a d iffe re n t asp e ct o f h e a lth . In e ig h t w e e k s y o u 'll le a r n h o w to : Helping our youth to become better citizens! Volunteer opportunities are available and training is provided If you require further clarification, please call the local Scouts Canada office at 9 0 5-8 28-778 1 - ext. 21 EVERY THURSDAY, STARTING · Identify a n d d ev elo p a h ea lth y lifestyle · B ecom e m o re physically active SEPTEMBER 11 -7:00-9:00 pm 1C hoose m eals low in saturated fat a n d cholesterol Oakville Public Library, P rotect your health by eating fiber-rich foods 120 Navy Street, Oakville · Achieve a n d m aintain a healthy weight Call to Register * Recognize a n d avoid d ep en d en cies · C ope m ore effectively with stress · Focus o n prevention · Each participant receives a 32-page Eight Weeks to WellnessTM workbook · Free health screening - blood pressure, body fat analysis and cholesterol level · Personal health risk profiles on nutrition, coronary risk, stress, and cancer 2 0 2 1 B r o n t e R d ., O a k v i l l e , O n t a r i o L 6 M 4 J 5 (905) 825-0230 I r

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