Ewan 0mm 01mm nviunï¬ 1m And 1mm um mv wenm nun In 10 II no uuv In an rugDA Ewan oiu unim manmnn mumfm 1m and um um mv rm Ilnlvndlr An 1mm uo cm Human III wm mm mm ulnuu AIIlelyfl mud mu lnI omu mumn1 mu uynunl mm In mr sum Iltlulnvy mum mum um um mum mun um on mnwmm mm WAIIUIL IIu rumI muox va Ammn lumnluyv claim In Imrlyflnl nlu dilly by rank Ik VIII Ilnlk wry Iv FY Ill Guelph Mumny looks as Cnnadlnna will hm chancu to enjoy longer rnllrcmnnl on their oldago pension lhn mull n1 Barrie Examiner July 1943 New bathing beach at head of bay reported ready by Neil MacDonald Joint chair man ior Kiwanis and Lions clubs who sponsored Iproject Rev Robert Lacey new Unite Church minister for Angus Utopia and Greniei in hospital with head injury from car accident on way from Hearst for induction Bomber Pilot Sgt Elmer Dungey of Thornton re nrted missing after RCAF air oper at ons overseas Pilot Oiiieer Home Dudley bomber captain report ed missing Sgt Air Gunner David Kenwell oi Edenvaie reported miss ing iion Dr Duncan iiicArthur Min ister of Education outlined progress in teaching methods at Simcoe Centre Lib erai convention Springwater Park Dr lichrthur was unanimous choice to con test riding in provincial election Aug Squadron Leader James Parker Mchilliin Allandnle reported missing by RCAF otter air operations overseas Lt Brock Jamieson of Thornton oi iicinlly reported interned Japanese at Singapore Mr and irs James Hamilton prominent civicminded citizens honored at garden party at Bar rie Country Club prior to departure to reside in Toronto Barrio Farm Com mando Brigade organized with Grant Mayor chairman and Jack iiowey score MAKING STRIKE EFFECTIVE Gnll Evening Reporter when an African trmlo union oi rnll way workers called strike lls members new to this sort oi action Ignored their unlonn decision and carrlcrl on with their work The union bosm cnllctl witch doctor who proclaimed curse an oath and every locomotive This WM 100 or cent clicctivu no mm want um ncomotlvc until when the nlriko wnn set tled the witch doctor wan called ngnln to it tho tunic wmi DAYS 20 YEARS AGO The return of thls valuable historical material started in the summer of 1958 nine years after tha founding of the Ger man Federal Republic The Unlled State In the United States the Supreme Court recently handed down rather peculiar judgment on suit which sought to prevent enforcement of union shop contract where dues collect ed were used for political purposes by the union concerned The petitioners position was that union which uses dues monpy for pali tical purposes should not be allowed to compel employees to join on pain of losing their jobs This they contended may compel an individual to financially support political activities to which he objects In 1945 the United States the US SiR Britain and France confiscated all German ori inalsource material on the history of Weimar Republic and of national socialism Documents were cart ed away from the German ministries and other offices by the too to be studied anti evaluated In its mllng the com appears to have agreed that employees should not be compelled to finance political actlvlllcs But rather than rullng that unlan Thesé prisoners are the valuable hls torical documean taken over by the Al Iliad authorities alter the German capit on The last of the prlsoners taken mm Germany in the Second World War are returning home Peculiar Court Decision Affects Personal Judgment Last Prisoners Returning mca mouqm FOR om AGE The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher martian Examï¬irf OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapm Unï¬lth 13 Hayfield Street name Ontaflo DOWN MEMORY LANE her Brianswghg WEDNESDAY JULY 10 1M PIIIO ml mnmnuml wllhln lhe Clly Edmonton Journll hull no nflen hm may mm ï¬nned gm uld mule mull will hm ull me In HOW hit 114000 women medlul doclorl yemnln Z2fuflflfmfldki lluwaver non of them In ruched the mm mm my Nolllor LCM Tlulh tumnlhrnulh 9mm mun twp of muul Dom nlredor nl Mink 1nd IIVIIII Hump rnmu Cwmmdm mummmmmunmwnmm We knew parllamcnl nml rrnhlnelun nlnnn wuru laugh bul dklnl rcnllxo our pollllcfnns morted la hIIrpulllnl many ycnrs CNN train clcr or nnlsl and cholrmaslcr at urton Ave nltcdl Church on Dr IL Man lon former leader of Conscrvallve Part ly died In Otlawn Mr and Mrs Frank Jackson celebrated golden wad dlng anniversary WHAT ABOUT JUDVS HAIRY Owen Sound SunTimon ll mm cablnel lob In hurd on lhu hair thu Judy La lmh nppemd 111 Owen Sound durlnu Hm men federal clccllan campalun hu bonded plan lul had of halr Mlur only 411 houn In the cahlnoL flu decided lo buy wlg Human being It present dont die as result the paxsnge of 11mm Ihny din of disease and accidents And lhu AMA points out lhn mm found or more dlmxu the to span will be ex temlcd unlll dcnlh from old Inc may he como commonplace That Is not the crust at llm resent time but medical Icicncn is on way lo bring ll about So now man of have nomolhlns worthwhllu lo 00k Iorwnnl lo jun vlaln qld Age tary George Bakogeorge announced Greek War Relief hind over objective in town HMCS corvette Barrie under command of Lt ll Mosher re orted active on antisub patrol in At antie VespraBarrie Religious Edu cation Council passed resolution asking abolition of bevera rooms in Ontario SubLt William Cheesman of Bar rie arrived in England or training with Royal Navy Warrant presented fol lowing parade to Barrie Armoury of Sea Cadet Corps to first C0 Lt Bell Two years ago new Active Service Club was oiiicially opened in Barrie at Community House Beautifully appoint ed building at corner of Toronto and Elizabeth lreets iormer business col lege and county childrens shelter purL chased and presented to communit by lllorrow at Toronto and Wlilam ll Wright of Barrie Colonel Garry Lee lliC recently returned from overseas addressed Barrie Kiwanis Club on sub ect England as Saw it Funera heldat Barrio Union Cemetery for Fred Norman of Allandale who died in Chliiornial iiirl Norman was ior some Ilndlngx by the American Medical Assoclnlon Todays chlltlran and many their pnrcnl nro being given cxpcclnncy 017110 to 00 yum lltlcal purposes the employees ob fcgn To thls end the court stipulated that any employee who object are on titled to claim refund of the percentage of thelr dues money that wax used for political purposes While the court has relfflrmed free dom oi the individual in theory one can but wonder whether it has accomplished anything In practice It would take brave union member indeed to petition for return of the political portion of his dues under circumstances where to incur the wrath of the union leader ship is almost synonymous with losing ones job The Deutsche Korrespondenz Bonn reported that so Inrsome 10 consign ments have arrived from the United States The Soviet Union made the ma terial it had confiscated available to the East VGerman Government In 1954 All the documents returned to West Germany are entrusted to the federal archive which has its headquarters In Koblenz The Cabinet dectded tn March 1950 that one of the archtvea main tasks should be the study and restoratton of former seized records The archive was founde In 1952 It work began in empty moms tiles had to be accumulated slowly which uses dues for political purposes cannot compel employees to join it held that unions which compel employees to 15 pnot use lhï¬lrfldue honey 91 declared itself ready to release initially the lies of the former Forelgn Mlnlslry ln Berlins Wllhelmstrasse LOW IMININCI Gehenl Mlnlzer um mrnlly murhllly nml wllh rural mlmml an Mmlc DIqur nu mm mm Cuy Can m1 lhml Aundnlkm rel lhn word lhnnh Il duo In yml am Your In or In mvmu Ivrn In In um um MI vcrlnd my om Mmrly llw pull Incl nrnln Inmrllmu rnum lmlr yurn know llul ll rnvnlnl Ill vul ql llmr m1 IIn nn olhcr llwl le mlwu nl mulor Immmmo yrl you and your Illfl mm nlwn nunvl Hm Hm nu In nun 14 III lalr mun hrarlnll run only flunk you mu lulu ml Ill nmly hope Hul nu wlll can run Io wypwl lbs ndull mull Iul min on wllhln lhe CM no nflen hm mm Dnnlo mull The cxccullvc balmcon unlled mrpornllum In Canada whohad rend those Gordan blur rlnll tur Cnnndlnn cw lmm mvcrelnnly should hm Md an lmmcdlnlu rcnrlkm on the High Apr whtn llm elccllnn nnulln Imllcnlul um Cnnmlu would haw Llhtrnl am Inan nul cvldcnlly low Iudl execullvrx hnd Iludlml lhll rrqumd running nuu lhnr Imck wan poslponnd unlll Muml nlghl Mum lhl han behind lhnl mulml mulan wen unvcllcd panlllva nv emmrm pallcy nut ha cflluru ma Lllwrnl promm which II most closely mlnorrd In Um econamlc mm mlulona upon and In Tmuhlad Canada rclalcs la 1mm mncl ahlp and comm ï¬llerpriacl in Canada Dar Thcs Included with up municipal development Iund In land cheap money municipnlluu fur publlc works department industry to loslcrusLCpndnry Ipduxmeai nnlmnal cconamln tmmcll to canducl research Inlo em nomlc trends and new prob lcmt nnllonnl development carpalanon lo Invest in new c9nargic ungrrlnkjnzs lIxcmpllz mm lnrnma tax newlymlnbllxhcd plan in the Mulllmcl Cornwall Elllot Llh Ind limllar dlslrlcls high nnemvlnymrnl In cncnur Izo lht crcnllon jabs REGRET lLS CONTROL OHAWkCanndlnns should not have been surpriscd by the first Liberal budget maria public by Finance Minis Wniwr Gordon on Ihe unlucky mh day June Wu hnri monk preview of that budget in the 1957 report of re myai commission on Canadas eco nomic prospects whose chnlr rnln was anlcr Gardnn And we could ind very Accuraia dresx rehearsal of the budget in lho book Troubled Canada published in 1961 whose author Waller umwucrumm In Incl thakcy policies under vlng lhe budget and ll assa clalzd Economic rogrnm were delnilcd tn Trouhcd Canuda In the Inn dupler mulled pxoallm proxrammu or expan on OTTAWA REPORT 11an Vmnnlviurnrlnlnu lhlni PAH ICK NICHOLSON Ha Sneak Preyiew 0f ludget In 1957 umnln wu lmly II Moll LCM nlredur nl mm LETTERS TO EDITOR maul will ull me be Ill In lull III III III or HullJ TIM lmly my lxt LCM Tmlh tam mull pnmnu Nh IAIN no tnmfl All me our chrmu wlll now lm lhomuzhly Inmlllllnl Ivy uur mmmlllu In Imn ar MW Ilmul lmlmm In Phfl nur wows rm lhlll III In Jnrk lllvlhy yearum limp nleunla mnvrntr In Ic lury which nine In mm In mommy openllnul Mll Junctlald ms been their WWII almdy barn van mu MOI nlllan by ceruln llrlllsh Induslry chtrnl 4mm hnvc Ilrtndy been mclvtd mrellnl the Ihnp flawnrdl nl um lard ullnl which Ihofl Iy In bl clam dawn complclrly uhan lhl he mml pmllcnl lrhemu pm nrwnrd hm been drawn up Th lIl lncludu llrm hulldlnx mm all cur bodlu ll Inlemlrrl In Ink In over Hm ununled Ford Inglory Onn cnncrm II nnxlnun db cuu wllh 111 up Ilewnnla plan In mm min movlnl mulpmenly Innnclcr hu Mlmd hll urvku roe II he Ford llllk Ivcldq In Mm er uwn cnmpnny and name wllh lhrlr nevernu guy By MclNTVllE HOOD DONCASTER England plan by 1000 workon ha Fnrd Molar Car Company who no bclnz lnld nll and who have plan to buy wurk lnr thum mlvel wllh lhllr camblncd sov mmce or redundancy pay looks like producing wnrlhwhlla mulls Thclr Iclumc II to pool all lhll money lhny would re colve on hcln paid all by lnrdl amounan la an up zrrgnle over 50000 and la lnml ll In any lnduxlry uhlch will mlnhllsh plant In Dnn uulnr lo prnvlda lhcrn wllh cm plgmcul LIRT 0F PHONPECTS inulnclurrr whn plum to mm clutch nr Iulomohllu luJMmnml ln lhc grhrmuu nrï¬mgxwvnmnArnn about the ensuing budgct Itorm was that with those ideas in his mind or at least hi can Mn Gordan pm sad in pie meut his pmc cabia and de sirnbia recommendations in and lmpracticahia and undesirubia ways The pressun at work In Prime Miniltar Pcanona sixt day oi dncision is no excuse or the basic anon in the budget But the tragedy or Canada Ll that through iilusa trrora the ioreign Interest which Mr Gordon sought to curb were enabled tn tum lha labia directly or through their agents Inq curb AMr Gordon BIBLE THOUGHT in Muiléi Canada an axnln 1n hll budch speech Mr REPORT FROM ILK 1511 unlqu Ichrmg whirh May Use Severance Pay To Start Plant SINK Ihcnd with our plan In draw up brachure an Doncaslcrx lnduslrlal lucillllcs Th1 will he distributed lo 50 of lhe blxxm Inn in Driluln but one our Hm Jobs will be In Ind on whclhcr Fords wlll he prepared tn pan wilh lhclr nclnry at Dnncnslcr Shop steward Clmrllo 1an15 who la yum nl nae was one he llral hnlch nl wurkm Hm Furd luclnry to rccclva wekn notice Dun hla Immuy mun was brim lnnnlnnkd Ila wax lho orlalnulur lhe Ideal Ihn he Ferd wmkm shnnld poo lhclr redundnncy my Ind oflnr la Inml II In any ilrm pnpnrcd lo take over lhu llctory Mr Gordons basic tenet hereiore ls Ihai Canadians should buy back Canada whlle welcoming iorelgn capllal in the arm oi bonds which do not convey control Ami lhal our govemmeu should positively cnier the ball in which the JSr government already am aldlzea US unicmrlsera moving la lake nvcr Canada And that our government should deter iareizn takeovers oi Canadian huxladscs and losier Canadian parllclpaiion ln comYaalal which now are wholyowncd subsidiaries or unincorporated branches oi iuroizu Industry Gordon pointed out that 57 per ml of ourmanulacluring 1n duslrles 61 per cent or our mlnlng and mclllng and 75 per cent of our petroleum and nat ural gas Industries are control led by foreigners most of whom are American These excesslve figures Mr Gordon polnlcd out adversely alfch Canadas conomic interests In many ways lodAYand may lead to our political Inbluxauon to ma US mmormw Mlnlnn lrlma Mlnlam amid Marmlllan lull II hud ualnl Ml hum Ihlll Brilllh Cnmvmmnullh Mu Dmu luau mou END OF LONG HARD DAY my mm moan um Den Sln Seven months no started spitting up hlpod My right lung wan removed begun 01 cancer My dnclm tell me well an the way recovery but will be several months before call Arealme work nian understand that iiie ex pectancy in live years or cancer victim What in it in your opininn7 Please be rank Me so You are wrong about III expectancy oiJive yearn you survive or that length of time without further aim of the disease you should then look forward to quite few year more In fact much shorter time indicative of re cu ry but not conclusive eres he pan doclors we can be alrly well convinced that we have removed I11 01 cancer However we cant be wslllvn We cant be cerlaln Ml few malignant cells havent already snarled else where But our optimism rise with each year WE are habitually careful about prumlscs Mayba we are avercaullous But we flunk that after Ive years we are well warranted In being op tlmlslic ï¬lmlume have no hesllatlon In say ing that gm wgfc lucky The Barrle City Council found Else In lhls posltlon Ihll week II accepted report of the clty revclopment committee whlch declinud In support recom mendnttun lo rezone rcsldenllal And commercial The land Involved which slrtlchel from Puget St to Bluke St would have been used 14 parking mm on an and sqgerynarket Councll wns cauK lwo ï¬res 0n the one hand were am IMldcnls who ablecled to he constructlon the market In lhelr cnmmunlky 0n the other wu lhe nppllcnm for Ihe zonlng change Orey FIdml of the 0r lando Really Co The Com pany hopu construct the up pevople waltfnr iiécdlnz an Saying no can be the hard ls lhlmz In the world 0va llmu Thls ls especially true when 525000 prolect in volved la II 11m um or near end ullmmlrml In Im Ilnnl Mnrlbmwlh Nqu Ihlrh rulmlnum wllh 0n TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH EDITORS NOTEBOOK Dy rm CANADIAN muss Juy to 1m John Calvin lhe churrh rclnrmtr wm horn SI years no todayIn 1505 In begin lilo dodlcmnd lo lhe Relarmnllon Thu doc Irina ol CuMnIxm asstm the damn nl prcdesllnm llon uhlch any but God has chwn cmnln souls or sulvnllnn and others or dnmnnllon and lhnl hm demos are unallnrnble nlo nInrmnr wns barn nl Noycn In Frnncc where he rtctivtd clunplnlncy In lhu cnlhn rlrnl Mm hi rcloxm work was done In Genevn lm Allriéd mop landed In Sicily In ha Sec ond World Wnr Right Lungï¬gmoved But ProspeciS Good mason Its HardTo Say No To Major Project TODAY IN HISTORY In your one bleeding began Yet Ilnce lurzery warpcr armed and Ike aller eflecla were good the cancer was de legyc urfy epqugh II there had been any vlslbla sign land mean visible in the laboratory xenm that 13 disease had spread beyond um right lung you would have been cold We preler lo tell he unna 01mm truth to patient rather3 than have allh in us underM mlqed hy alaLInl plautudes Your surgeonl menu has anarrflve year you can look ogwardfo grlo marge them Dear Dr lilo ner an pe son accustomed to sleeping with windows closed in cool weaih become acciimnied to them he in open without caiching cold The man am going In marry iikgs lot of fresh airE Yen Fresh cool air doesnt give people colds Germs do that Adequate cover or In eleclrlc blanket wlllkecp yo warm enough The rash mayeven make you xleep he tor Denr Dr Molner Afler woman has lost one ovary can size become magnumE Yes ermarke on property well rem ed by parking faculties uni lease It on on term has Actually much more was valved Ihnn taking lidu 1h city has musler plan lown planning undcr which ll set out urea or industry com mute and residences prin cipie lherclare was at sink in cunneciion with Kim Really romprmy application it council rad ncrrdtd Inning Chung this human when and whe auld it slop Could it an yes one applicant and lo nnalhcr This is the type lrnp nu paliucinn relishes it could cul the ground lrom under his ice Cuunrll want the superman km Mnmbera made lhls quila evident dcbnle on the com mlllce report Their problem to ï¬nd an ulternnlive site whlch Muld hr nrceplablc la lhe bulld er the and Locullon and upllul coal an key lnrlon The lupcrmarkc thnln wnnls locnnnn whlcï¬ wllldrnw he maximum in Imdc The builder who will lean the males lnlmslcd in MI capllnl outlay The loan he Ipendl the greater will ha hg nllrncllon ur the 1mm There are mllcallons 1an mmcll wlll nul Ill ldlc hy nn wnlrll Ihll nllraclirc project out me window ll ls nlrcud worklm to nlltmnllvl promnlllons lmmps by UN um mrrnl nicelan We will hear nmnclhlnx dclinilu We hung 10 ll would ha rcmlmlwlo In mol and older ill In It or anolhcr duy More politics not lhc only 155ml Involved Then are the people rights in comldrr Thur is also Ihe question oi bluints and induslrla progress and tha ahsaiuic used to maintain iricndly Iiiilude toward those who are prcparcd Io spend Iarx Aums niumoncy an risk vultures malt rm lulml HIWM rallwl mm 11 union of umlhu Asln Mnmwullm will In Inlnlh Ihe mud mmunlm If gm Itlflkmu