Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1963, p. 3

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Calls To Testify On Murder Charge In Ulllln nmr llnrdrn In 11an alll lul whim ho mva hm 0mm nmmnrlA In ullul Enllnm lt llw ml In lwrnmo fimclnllll Elk Mllror ll Midn lwnmc Cmnmnml mm Mr lnlnl lammumn llendqlmlm In Ullnwn Presiding Mnglslrnle 0rd unwed 21 exhibiL on he courls rolls as Crown Allannay Thnmman assisted by Chiuf Inspccknr Robert Dover eaux Toronto presented the Illrsl phase the prosecutions case against the accused Iln wm born In Snxlnloon In m1 and Krnulunlui lmm um Unlvrrally Snsknlrllawnn me with lhn drum nl Ilnrhclnr Enlinrfllnfi He le In Ihu WW In Annual ml Ind mailed the Acmnnullud Hn xlnmlnl Echool Mmlnnl unlll Mnrcll 1m muup Curt DIHIn lrnmlrr red la Num wr Nine No nlr Do Fl Jun Que rill lhn milllam 0mm Com mnmllnn Inn Malnr Transport smInn HInr Cnmmnmllnl Wnrhlmpl IIan TNhnlrnl Ail MI and lrnzml mum In 1M he mnml l0 MM 70 Que III Trrlmlrnl All Julunl Mul Wmr mnmnmllnfl In Scrvlrlnz Mumlmn 11n nuxl yrnr lnuml hlm uln llnnnl In NCAF filnllnn Debill N54 allrr Ihlrh lw mnvrvl la lyrrumr Mnlnr Trumbull mum ISAInn Inlmnnml inaw Mullllme Alr Command ml llnlllu 15 HAHKATCIIEWAN MarLN nppolnlmcnl to cum Hardcn Group Cnplnln mun mu Hrcclnr Mth Suwort lilmlpmcnl flxlculnr nml mnrlnc lnr Inc CA nl Ir Pam Hendqunflcrl 011 awn Grnup Capluln Marvin mule CD lhc new Command Inl Olllm RCA Sullun Camp onion in II mum of 21 yran englnmlnu expcrlcnco MIDI lhu RCM Expert cs wcra rallcd by Iho Crown to cnablish he Incl 51 Wilsonn dcmh and no manner In which he dlnd Dr Ronnld Low medical olIiccr on duly on he Thundny thing In quesiion old lhe tuurl he arrived In he umcanlx mm the Royal Cnnndlnn School 01 lnlunlry nl Ma pm Leonard Raymond Dcmllle was arraigned an charge mapual murder In Barrie mag islrales cnurl yesterday The Cruwn called clghl wltmsscs in filing first stage of lhe prelimin nary hearing held to dctemune whclher here is sumciqnl evl ndcnco against the accused to waxrm his trial Ihe Fall as sizes Lance Sergeant Demillc charged with the murder Ser geant Herbert Wilson In In mm at Camp Borden Army on May 23 WQHEBWRESIDENTS REACTrm VISITORS Evidence In wh accus rd was nllcxcd la have lier molgun on two accasions when other pcrsuns were In lhc Im mediate vicinity was Introdno ed by the Crown during Ihc first four and half hour the cllmlngry hgarlng era 34 ciiilalcd by dcienco counsel John iiooliilan acceptance the validin oi the majnrily oi he exhibits for Ike WW oi the preliminary hearing only ii told the Bench me admissibil iiy the exhibits which rang ed 1mm diagrams and articles of person ciolhlnu to 16 xuugc simixun and vial ni Mood would him be iuily ducumcnind Ialcr dale INIqanCE EVIDENCE New C0 RCAI Borden Is An Experienced Engineer PRELIMINARY HEARING PLEASE TAKE ME it really Isnt had Eh In here 1w qupmrnl whlxh rnmmlml he In lake up Ill urnn mmmlhllillu II CA station Camp 1mm Hollllnn ol mum munm In me lho Ilavelnpmml of lhe Arlul Iht CAP major whmmlnp hum klllvr mm In In PI PI he Mun nlmlor He mm Mnlhmlc year nl 1mm Nude nl Illa gr sun In Tvmnlo Spuklnl to llw 1500 mm on the parade Iquan lor In unlul Commlndlnl Wilma Hamil 0m Iundu Inxl Wnlnrsdly hI lnld have lullnwl your 3m urnm nm the Inl yrnu wllh frul lllal nl Inlrml and prh Lulu In 104 he auumnl ho umle pmlllrm ll Hu AunnaulL rn Ennlumlnl Moo ll Ayl to he dcccascdl gran mu easily have proved Inlnl Twn expert from tho allomcy gcncrnll lnbormory in Toronto In response In quesllons from dclcnu counsel John lloollgan Dr ColpilLs sold he cut sat Wllsons chln was caused by hard object In msponso hypoflwllcnl qucsllom pcnnlucd by he Bench Dr Colpllu told defence counscl that an nuallnnl would be more ccrlnln of killing per sun ll he nimcd al hum or head Ihnn wnlsl lla ll told that hypolhdlnal shot There was IacernlIon on the deccnscdx chin scratches on neck nnd an abrasion to Ms right elbow he told Ihe mun second blast had entered the deceascds right thigh from he rear making hole about aneinch diamclcrl The diy change had wont ll me on the pelvic bone In it travelled In lhe general diredlon the waist he said Dr Gran pa nog isl Royal Victoria Hospila told the court he had vertorm ed an autopsy on the deceased man on May 2L shotgun blast number we had tauscd hole about lhrce Inches In diamelcr In 55 Wilsons abdomen sev erlng loop of lnluline and per Ioraling 101W CAPTAIN mum surgeon and administered oxygen in the dying man when an ambulance arrived The deceased died ol hemorrhage and shock between us and 650 he said The wounded mans eyes were upen mllcd back and movln He was obviously mnribund testified lhe doctor He said he found man spreadeagled on his back The man had severe wound In the right abdomlna region tom which was prolrudlng station 01 lntesllne The man was sur rounded byapool Au blood ngmongumal snocx but in shnrt on Id re IM Nor 100 sure about get out of here JIM wander er to be on lhenulslde you much as Id like to how you would real me ran MlNIun pvuptl urge blur Mn mum mm mull Iu flm ncruml tam out lbs mom and mm to Ihe Imr whm ha Moot unlll lhe lmvon Cur mlml ml lmk hlm um Iilmu lrnllfled HARM TIZXTIFIEI low minum lnlrr In hrnn nhnln rnmlvu mm dinlnl room he Ask Me mu maven cd lmn mllylnl the Inn Ivy lha ponrnnu unl at lhe who pmml my nun mmlng the mom Mr Krnnry lrlllllnd The ntmml wlmn Ila lmd mm mm lenre mind at Nil Wilson Ind lllhd In Illa dib Hon IM dinlnl mom lw ulll nm Kenny of Oflm laid the mud ho hid hm Ill llnl ullh Mend In lunln mm on lhc nlxhl n1 Hal Wilwuo xklh nn Ic cum Md npprnnchrd hlm wur nI brown rulnwnl N0 Ind wlm mum to ho xun pm nullu lmm III Immr kl Mr Krnnry lrlllllnd Ha Ippund InleHed wllh Ihln Inked ddcnu raun ul Vnry much yu rcpllrd he wllnnu 52L llny old the mud lhl lmucd auspedod lhnt SIL WNA Mm WI beth In ullnmpl In blmkmlll hlm Ind In hlm Inlu lrwhlo wllh lha disc plimry nughoylllul Sgt Ruymxmd flay lho Io rum Immediate lupcrlm In lho lloyal Cnnndlan Army Scr vkwe Ca mma lhnl Do mllla lol hlm hn hnd cuxlody his boy and would not con um In dlvom hccnusn Ion Ml Immlgdpny IMr llowmnn lold defencu counsel the unused had made an New to dhxuiu th Iden He could no he Ilmnlulely tcrlaln lho dLsmecs he laid dclonce counsel because no shotgun qucsflm Ind Ill har ml bent Lloyd Bowman laid lhl our he had sold 15mm Iholzun the cum on May 11 ll WM Illnllnr model to um cnlmd exhihll clzhl by prosecution In umi He also mid he had mada last flrnzl al shulzun found at lhu Leena of Sgt wllnn death The groupan the pol 1d had led lo Mr Krcmnl pmlesnlnnnl opinlan lhe dis lnnm at whkh the shots wm urgd he gnu The wound In In dcccnsedl bullock hnd no such snkcllllca and was evidently made from range of Iboul lhm led he said TEST IIRINGS Vaclav Krcml ballisllu and firearm expert with the lnbvmary laid an analysh we Issue around tho two wounds suflcrnd by Sgt Wilson showed hat they won made by xhotgun blush from appmxi malely six Ind three feet gway He said the wound In the de oensedl abdomen mowed no sign powder bums Ques loncd by delence counsel he said the large mount of blood In the area lha wound may have washed the pawderaymy The mind win enclrclgd by series 11 penal holes he laid Mr Brown told the count he had Inund blood sample snld Io have came mm the deceased man lo be of Iypo DcIence counsel Introduced exhibiLs the other articles of clothing sent to Mr Brown or analysis These were found to mnlalnvno races or blend Mr aid Theyucompflgd suk mat green shut wllave sweater and socks were called by Crown Allomey Thompson Elgln Brown told lhe court that blood spot und slain which he Iound to be lype were found on both black shoes and pair 01 grey trousers sald Io belong Ia Illa accused Mr Dcmllle pul nthLr nhol lhrouzh the door and want up slum la Iouk or Mn DtmllJe the wllncu lustiflcd In rtply cents cnuml ML Mchvnn said Ihut the first shut rom lho doorway to lhe puncd plant wns at lcusl our 01 dlrccl llne bclwecn lhn doogwnfimd Mrg Dcmlllei Mler in and hnlluhnun testimony 1mm adjourned In canch Thursday nflunoon Tho cuslomcr wau pcrmlltcd la leave and Mr Dcmllln carted hlm dawn hallway Mrs Dcmllln made dash or second hallway and slalrl leudlng up to lhn mm sald Bngfils door ML Mchvm sald um he personally slammed It The ac mod put the barrel the gun through the glass the door andlsnid Now yuure going It Bath Mr McNiven and enllcmun cuslnmcr being served by Mn Dcmille pleaded wlm the accused Mr Dcmille responded by saying Ive been dead fnr eight month now said wllnm you boy In Mr lIcNivén chglruwu permfllpd lenvci Hymnm yw mid buymloutdnuilt mam Indium IN Mud II II prmumd mu mm In It II m1 an mumlb yum my ml in mum CD AUIIWVMHVM lld Ikml Inllim flmnmllloelna rflflllthll hm II ml MI 54 MI The witness said he lhrew pair of handcllppeu at the ac cused who discharged the um The shot embedded user in the wall taking away part of pot led punt that was In the base mcn shop nu lulial In pull WI ollh pmollwll He pointed the gun Dcmflle and said The you let out Im going said Mr McNivcn llwhul yw ulllll GBQHHIED JIBRIGBI He looked around and xaw Mr Demilla ln thednnmay The no clued stared at her for 20 end and then pulled sholxun mm under his raincoat Illa wllness saldl employed by hlm as barber 0n the anemoon or May 23 Al 550 oclock Mrs Dunllle semamed Iloa gain to kill meMr Mchven said in to kill ll To wnclude he mulling Gerry Woodger lava xhowlnl ol his Excellent slides Man an lrl the Holy Land and the dlo East with In lntcrcsflnz commonlnry of lhe phm pmple and their way Illa Presmlaflun the Club Tm phy for tha but nude 01 the ycar was made to Helen Mc Larcn by reurlnz vprrcsldcnl Grnydon flfchnrdwn President is null Amen secretarmensurer Benhi Ho nun pmrram wmmlllce John lnward Helen McLIrun An Webster Following In enhynhle incal the omer or next non em immduced by Art Web star Inn The Enrrle Clmerl Club held final meeting lhu scasun film dinner ll he bnllnentnl This the Mime or the summer course ch slnce IL umpllan has attracted more than 1500 secondary school school teachers The leachcrl who are the nludenui at the mmmer school lake Instruction lrorn lhelr colleagues who have been selected or recoRnIzed competence In lhelr fields Dlrecmr of Ilia course ls Willlnm Noble vlceprlnclpal ol Lawr ence Park Collegiate Eleanore Taylor ol Banla Central Collerlnto and Douqu Kllpnlrldt of Sultan Distrlct lllgh School Arts man the more than we Gnde teach ers mm secondary school hmuthoutflnmlo who have been laklng the Summer Eb Iresher Course measured by the Ontario Secondary School Teach Federallan at Lawrencs ark Collegiate lmflluu ln Tor onto Elodrlclty Is Safe Clem Flamolm 15 IAYHILD STRIIT Camera Clubbers Vote Officers Barrie Teacher Takes Course ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS DONIl LOOK It me Im hnvln 300 time NA only BARBIE PUBLIC UTIHTIES CflMMISSlON Matchless Electric Water Heafilfi is proven to be over Olfiar IL lleulln 59 Donald Anderson ll Donald 5L Mm Williams 31 Ron 5L Ardell Em Rd Mn chknmon 12 In aid Mn Melcnllo 41 Let 51 Mrs Plckerlnl 91 Donald Sb Cummlns 67 Campbell Ave llavemn Ellen 51 Mr and Mn Dean New slnxle lamlly dwelling penmks were Issued Inn month In Pm 77 Nelson St or II Lay 51 Conxlmcllon or 59 Ollnway Aw Andms l5 Sunnldale at Vlnu Cm Cohen 14 Rose SL lor IO Parke CL Webb 40 Sunnldlu Rd 26 Duck Sprlnu lBS Cod rlnzlon or In Sprlnnhome mt ll ll Allen 26 Thumpson St or 31 Steel St Pral Ltd Is Narlll Pnrk or Lay St Elzht permlu lnlallcd H000 ngpnyns nunnmoNs For the month 01 June every thlnl down mm Ins year total of 40 permits Issued for me month this year have value or $197415 RESIDENHAL Huwever notes Alderman Smllh the Industrial mum cation shows 11th Increase Figures for this year are 3155000 Exacktly 314300 Ihove the 1962 mar Fluxes released by Emle bulldlnx inspector Chris Spunk shows drop or the flmeth KEHW $2159307 More than all th decrease shown In Hm non Ismabla building whlch dawn $1715715 mm last year Value of hulldlnl permlga or June and thc lint slx months this year In down consider ably from 1562 molhadl may only be at much 65 Ifflclonf 1963 Building Figuresr Well Down From 1962 lhll lm quill me Ill be out 9L lhls1piaogbi short order Examlnér mans anFllmolm And More Efficient tool ran rULL DETAILS CALL THI Thu nmo volumu healed by Innlher method could ml over 61800 per monlh Independent surveys prove that more water can be healed ll lower cost with flat rate electric wuler healing than any other wnyl YOU CAN USE OVER 200 cm Barrio City Pollm searched the Buyfleld um overpa area yesterday Iflcmoon nfler woman talled lo notlly pollm xomn children had thrown 5an through her windshield Mrs Louclln Day Bond end was lravcflinz north on Idl wny 400 when now mash lhmuxh tho wlndshleld 01 her Iarclxn cur Pollen uld Mu Day was nnl Injurod Mlxcellanwux and NonAssam Ihle Clements 101 Queen St far Waler Lot 112 Sarjcant Fuel Cm Mary Street Noon Product Tomnlo or 155 Well Repairs Ind Alleraflans Rubyl Benuly Salon Dun lop St 12 Hardin Supply ML 35 High St Cnnadlan Tin Com Toronto or 110 Dunwp St l1uee perm valued at $7550 mnmnm Addlllnn Wallwln Eleclrlc 50 lnnlsfll 5L Wheeler Bnycresl Dr or Blake St Mlss Gibson 191 Essa Rd Three permits valued at $14500 76 Pnrhlde Dr Ten permits are valued at 121 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS Emms 177 Codxlnmon SL Hayler ll Slrnbana AV ll Mulson 49 Grove St Ussulman 13 Purkdale Ores Jamlesun 74 Pool 52 or as Peel SL Fiva permits are valued at $2575 COMMERCIAL Stone Thrown Ht Windshield Mr and Mrs Klnglcn Van cuuver on May 81 The set out on ma return Jamnay Trans Canada Highway yesterday and will spud some time vIslun In the Pralrle Provlncel Mr and Mn King motored to the East to vlslt relatives they had not seen In some years and to renew nequnlnlance While In Ban1e thy were guests at the Continent Inn Old frltnds Mr King visited her Included grim Cpmemn 9nd Cumming Mn or late Exerton Km HI grand fmhar Nathaniel King estab 31 e1 pa er The Gazette 1857 Tim newspaper was closed In 1911 and th owner utum tlme the late ered Wllkes 11m Free Puss in NHL and 90 Allendlngr the Klwnnla Club Barrio dinner on Monday at um Conllnénul Inn was Harm Holly King nallve 0f Banla who has llvedJn the Wes or man years He II member of Klwnnlx Club Downtown Vancouvbr which meek In Hotel Vancquver THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 10 63 Barrie Native From Vahcouverf Presents TrayTo Kiwanis Club Mr King addressed the Barrie EFFICIENT Fillyv0 nohnsscmblo andv miscellaneous In 62 at $1350 70 50 In ll 28918 One hundred Ind nlne olhc mldcnllnl 61 at 01351 In 395945 Thlrlymlzhl commtrcIal In 51 ll H586 39 In 61 719me Four lndushlnl In 62 mo 00 lwg In 55900 Ten ionasiéssabla and miscel humus In mm 171 63 at 8665 YEAR gommmsoNs Slxlfllve new dwgulng mu mlls Issued first slx month 01 ll 3971500 55111 53 7515 Elgh cnmmerclal In 61 at 55600 Slx In 63 322050 011 Industrial In 61 It 30000 Nothing 51 ington west Miller Posier Ser vice Drlilia of Dunlap west Anni Way Signs Oriiiin im 75 Eradidrd SL Hardy Downsview BL Public Utilities Commissinn 15 Bayiieid 51 for 170 Jahnsan SL Public Utilities Commission or 13 Mary 52 Tersizni 191 nurlon Av City of Barrio Harbnur Cu millee ior Lnkashoru Drive Carsons Esso Service Anna Si Anni Way Sim Orilila int 79 Dunlop St Ncnn Pm ducts Toronto 01 is Collier St Wiggins Rm Dunlap St Barrie Church of Christ or ii Wlilnwdaia Ava Anni Way Signs Orillia or corner Duninpi and Maple Seventeen pemils vliucd at OMS CQQIPAREpN FOR MONTH Sixteen New Mfufiiuéefifimi for June 52 8206500 Elzhh In 63 El H000 Twanlytwo other mldcnul In 62 It UNI 15 in 63 0700 An aulumublle belonging la Archie Maker 16 Sanford SL Barrie ported missing has bun recovered In Angus by Coast Rodgerson of tho Essa Township Police xi mm PrusidSm Mackiam umed over in Mr King Kil wani travelling apmn rom Grand Rapids Michigan which has been circuiailng ihmugh Ontarioi Mr King rmmlsed in gel the apron mav Lhmuxh British Columhln and on the we bathe again Vin Klwnns ciuba The current pmklcnl the Vancouver annlawn Klwanlr Club also native ol Burrle Dr Hewson 0n helm of the Vancouver club and Dr CWx son Mr Klng presented Presldent Roy Macklem of he Elude club lovely BC wooden ray 19 Klwlnlana brlefly an Munday recalling the old tlmes and pro duced picture the lemma Barrie junlor hockey em 1908439 width In mach was the Iale Johnny Dymenl and the manner Oliver Camemn £0 FROM mama macaw AUTO PA 64 GALLONS

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