Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1963, p. 20

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Communlllcs It wlll mu through Include Trolsrnlvlcm GrnndMcrr Shuwlnlgnn Nc0 lrl Vlrlnrlnvnlo Mcunnllc Cap dz In MumIclne mu SL Samuel mar lhu US border Mlcr passing through Dcnlly vllhu Qua some 200 mm narlhunsl of Ottawa he mlh lnlallly hen mum lnlo lhc heavily populflltd urea south custom Quebec when most nmmcur nbsvrrlr will bu llancd There are no rmin 55 cummunillt in Nnrllwm On lnrln where lllc Eclipse wlll be lnlnl llnwevcr lolzllily will lake plan Moose River Duh nlmul 150 mllc north nl Tim mlns ILnms rum several counlric pan cxpcdilians as tar was Nnhannl Valley in the nrlhwcslTLrrllurics Communities along he pnlh ulnlily before il reaches south eastern Quebec Include For Simpsun For Providence Fort Smiih Hay Rivnr and For lins oluliun nll in lhu NVT Uran Iunl City and Stony Rapids Sash Id Wiwnhnc Villlcnch nnd Glllam nlmul 600 mllcs northeasl of Winnipeg AMATEURS FAVQH QUEBEC Cuniinucd from page 17 While most western areas In the nulh ol lolalily are difficult reach number of scinnlllic Lnrrv illorne Lois Home Thosz Kerr Sandra MacDan John Ayersl Laura Black Camlyne Bowman Dennis Campbell Nelly Calyn Janice Conner Judilh Emms Cather me Fisher Joan Neiv Patricia Robertson Jane Small Robert Sulherland Mirhael Ward Christina Worm slay Tn Grid Names are arranged alphabe tically denotes conditional promotlunr Grade given is for enrolment Sept 1963 To Grade Mary Belcskey Debornh Cur ran Stewart Goheen Edgar Hughes John Jackson Ficke Keunen CL SCIENTISTS WILL Pramulim list Sunnyhrne School 55 lOAlnnlslil An axnlplng newtgsta In beer Mrs Mervin Noble hold ng hex Award at Merit Ed ward Sloanv Churchill and Phaeble Gibbons all at tended the old school Ty Gives SS 10A Innisfil Sunnybrde Promotions THREE ELDER CITIZENS AT TYRONE SCHOOL REUNION Dr Locke warns lhnl ll In llnnncmux lo look at he ccllpse boron nlnllly uxrcpl lhrough exposed film or Imokcd glass Thu will he lolnl ccllpsu at low seconds at Slum llarv bar Al the soulhum Up of Nova Scum In Viclurln how will be 67 porccnl blnckaul oI lhe sun It will be 70 per unI In Vnnwmcr 7B in Calgary 82 in Ilculnu as In Susanoan us In Winnipug and IInmiIIan 92 In Windsor OnI 33 In Toronto 91 In Ollnwn In In Shcrbrooke Quo and In IIIIIIInx You wont see he spectacu lur natures oI Hm cchpsu even In an urea where only one per ccnl or the suns surface light showing Dr Locke mid Even cry small crescent of light from lhn sun will blol out lhe Cannes flu cclipscf However Dr Luke and ML Thomson say lhn cumin and Ike lungucs nl flaming gas unplug mm the suns surface nr diy lnnccs ul scvcrnl million mllu can be sum only In lho pnlh of lnlalxly While lhv eclipse will be tolal only In mmilc bull swceplng southeast ncross Canada par lial ecllpse will be visible lhmughout most ol Norlh Amor ica The man wlll just appear la nick the sun in norlhom areas Sath America Lawrence Oakley Kalhy onl glaar Lesley Park Phyllis Pik chnr Mildred Rands Clifford lleevcs Narlne Ilix Jill Robert Edward Sharing Douglas Ti Iin CY Donna Trakaln Kathy Yogwoerd Sharon Watson Daryl Ver Jwmne Gibbons Mary Lou Harris Donna Johnston Cryslél Keir Molly Kcunnn Sidney Kooprnans Cl Jucquellnc Mill er Mnrllou MacDonald Bonnie Anne McKenziq Knren Manger Qnthla Ayres John Boles key Juan Blrnle Mary Black Susan Eluln Barbara Brasseur Nancy Duivcnvoorden nld Behecca Nash Keith Rm herlson David Sutton Joanne Thornp Joan Van Eldik DlAnn Versuge Danna Wallace To Grad rout Mrs Glbbons llved in the lug building which was moved all wmnke room for the second school She also look care of the school or Vainc Bbwtfihn David Dob lnson Andy Home Grad Mary Thorne Schml sin Miss Beverley Enraule Mrs Mary Ransom Mm Gladys Frallck Mu Dolly Heulhy principal 19 Grade 5r David Park Nancy Pcnnings Mnrlinn Smil Terry Thurno Elaine anson Kim Vcbh Keilh Vicc Curnlca Younn Danny Ynung Fred liflin Lynn Wallace Stephen Wallace Sharon Wright To Grnde Bobby Ayru Bobby Black Kevin Cooper Jimmy Criltm den Jnnlco Grny Raymond Gordon Susnu Johnston flobln Muc Donnld Mira Mann Eddie Mulr lannld Nes Tommy Oak Sandra Oclelanr Janice Ro berlson Nancy Robérlsnn Willie Rqsscl Jack Smil Dmmv Harris Wayne Hogan Jimmy Home Kenny Mne Danald Trevor McMillan Steven anh Debbie Ness Pan Ayres Allan Bolduc Shelley Bowman Ricky Graham Mark Grny Earle Maya Brian McKen zie Emcs Nash Mary Louise Newmnndoncs Judith Russell John Sleenman Bradley Sultrn Penny Thoma CD Marlene finin Dlune Van Eldik Janis Waisun Douglas che Ricky Wormslcy Palsy Wright To Guge Peler Bdlduc John Curran Allan Glhblns Steven Goheen George Hnme Joe bniselle To 6nd nozzles many years Edward Sloan was postmastrr at Churchill folluwlng his father for over filly yum Photo by Smith Studios NOTICE TO FARMERS FARM DEALERS Fun Sorvlcn Now Avnflnblt 0n DIESEL FUEL INJECTION II HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC BIrrII ml mums AUTO Emanchva unmhnd mlmln hock NOZZLE TESTING DONE 0N PREML an or Mr Hut and Trnclur mules and lull Elcclrlcnl produclu lruclou Exchange S©IHI In ndvum the par cy Ken nedy met hrnnkfnsl with Dcmocrallc lander Con EYES Taking part In lha While House session were lop alficlnls the railroad Induser and the live oporallng unlon whn lhrcalcn an Immcdlake strike the nu put In their manpower culling wnrk rules 1201 am EDT 5an plnnncd He said ides to me dly yum haw unill 10 am EDT Wednesday to consider the pro Wolfe chic negotiator or the railroads tnld reporters of Kennedy pmposal at the conclusion or While House parley of both sides in the dis pule He said that both 51st n4 mm the work rules win not be put Inln med until Goldberg Inrmer labor secretary has made his blnding report Wolfe Inld he thinks this would 73 prior nqut 30 WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Kennedy proposed Tuesday lint UiS Supreme Court Jus tice Aflhur Gaidhcrg be cm powered to decide ail issues in the sirike threatening dispute belwecn the American railroads And the apernling uniom over work mies Linda Dav Richard Green Robin Robertson Jame San lnrd Norma Skinner Ricky Teveldjl 10 GRADE 111 David Booth Debby Darker Terry Durkee Kathy Jackson Anne Mario Kuypm Lewis Mason Bobble Mendel Nancy Vissir yams Wendi ann Douglas Fm lick Runald Kelly Adrian Nin aber Kathy Skundm Teacher Pal Cumming Mrs Bernice Sutherland principal Larry Durkee Harry Kay pus Gregory Owens Ken Row tandsan Wayne Sandald Susan Taylor 19 mm 10 GRADE v1 Anne Booth Donald Bowman Brenda Davls Joanne Emms lCond Darlene Franck Mulsa Jullan Robert Knowles Helen Kuypers Cecll Mendel Margo Pratt CundJ Lonable Sklnner 19 GRADE Davld Barber Ricky Cook Dianne Edgertan Fred Irwin Ian Jnmiesnnu JAme Owens James Pope Cathy Robertson Eon Stark Jane nmdale Mark cher Waller Holman 19 am Vllx IDeqms Hanna Brian Jacksnn David Jackson George Mendel Kahy Taylor Wants Goldberg To Solve Issues Minn Green Larry Jennelt Ellie Mcndel Sandra Owens Allan Weber rq mung Vlflx Promollun for 55 No Innlsfll St kauln plum List Promotions £0151 Pauls 5317 Innisiil 17 Another important dor is Nearly 23 per cent of all hogs could not make the Grade because they wera either just few pounds over weight range oi quired dressed weight range of 135 to pounds Some oi those hugs were aiso being Inui led or being loo mi shown by the not that most of file hogs missing the proper weight range did so because they were In Western Canada were no mulled or being oyehflnishcd qulua ohm hog In the East but there were slill 18 per cent of all Grade hogs In the West that failedlo make Grade or his reasnn nnd over 117 per cent hogs In to East SAY HAVE YOU HEARD anadian Hogs BieOiten Too Fat TheyEnd Up In Grade The report ftnleytha hogs Inan rlghl DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING will be introduced to the Barrie Alliston area next spring Youll find it just as limplo to dial outoftown num bers local ones and well pononall tell you more about it through the mail All the lnmuctionl and inlavmation yaurl need will be sent to you in advance We still have lat of equipment and cables to install in your telephone exchange but well keep you posted as work pragressel Thats right DIREQT PFAPING will he lnhoducud to Plck up carbon and sea Therdom he 60 Grade hogs marketed represent lalnl 10$ In hard cash of $34810 Lhis does notlake into nccannl the value olyour time and of orl in looking alter overweight hogs ihe solution In this financial loss in times of low margina too heavy rather than too lightl Apparently time acts seem remote and only of passing in4 terest tn the average hog ship per However let us take look at the average hog ship pets hog returns pose tar rner Jones shipped hogs to mhrkct in 1962 and averaged to per cent Grade hogs This means that he had huge mak ing the Grade and let us stay 60 hog went Grade Since all hogs bring $300 premium and price diit erontial of 8100 between and Bs this means loss of $400 on everyrhog that goes Grade instead of Grndo Unlortunately that is not the only loss per hog mar keted What about the extra teed consumed when hog is kept week too long Lets estimate that mch hogwill consume an additional 50 lbs of feed in this time At the pre sent cost at Hog Finisher this represent an additional and um necessary cost of $177 Its deliciously smooth flavour is derived from single premium variety of imported European hops combined with special blend of malt prepared exclusively for new and exoitingly different taste in beer from Lubatts W3 profit ls Dried Feed and Weed Breed or imprnvcd quality Feed the pmper finish ing ration and Weed out pour sows and boars In addition market all your hogs at 190 lo 195 pounds live weight The Barrie Police Department will be asked to set up speed we to nterlere with new construction Also in cluded In the plan was hard aurlaclng 30 Sldemnd from the iob in Concesslon to Can oesslon men south on Conces sion In Brnwnleys The road superintendent was Instructed to proceed with hard auxracing on Hlllcrest subdivi on L01 miles Coulson autr vision miles Concession 25 Sidemad north except hill and ielt back tar enough from High4 um BAXTER Speclal no July mocllng Efisa Townshlp council set llx mud rule at slx mlll for construction and maln lennnce and mm mlll to be used in hard surlaclng The total me at farm and residential ls seven mllls with the cummer clnl rule to he lncreased pm partlonalely no 3mm EXAMINER waimzsmv 1m lo Road Rate Mills FOr Essa TWpfl NELSON Manager 17min opmml Ami ownnd by Cm BELL OAK BLUFF Man CPlA lwoyeahold llnlsleln or her age the top Manllaba mllk pro ducer last year gave enuugh mllk In 305 days lo supply an average lnmlly for about seven years Owned by Gerry An sceuw of Oak Blull she pro duced 17756 pounds ol milk during the period Thats equal In about 71fl1 quarm The road superhuman will be Inviting lenders soon In In stall flood lights on tawmhlp garage property The next régular council meet jng is scheduled or August Peacock tender was accepted or brush hill at 15 per gt and weed spray $475 per gal Acmnts passed for paymml Illdfldtd roads $1354376 or June salaries $2721099w21 are 51896 and genaal nc counts $7650 trap under supervision lawn ship police chief Kenneth Hugh es ii the speed rap proves sa tisfactory township intends to buy une at cost of $100 GAVE GENEEDUSLY

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