ETo Windfall Profits lIiMlIIlOKIi ll Ira WIIIII Tmnkwrlalvl lmmlnn OnL Mm cam nun he Landry lellnl rnwltdhmnl rump hue Mr 11 Iv born rrcnuluml mllm ulzl May fmnkwrlum ha lwm um 10 Klnlevn In um thum nl urnpllll mm cur Wlï¬lllNOTUN All llndemrmuy ol Flale Amrll llmimnn lenm lodny on It llul In of Junmy lo Iluulm when he will aln lrllnlnu nprmnlnllve Loni llnllnhnm In nmyllnllm nu Imnlrr Klmlsluhuvn all ol pullnl nnrlur ml hm Iml Humpran mu umla mt Ilmlman will slap In won ml at lulu wllh Ami Mullahm Um mlnlnln ul TORONTO YI fllrlklnl rnrwnlrn lmlny llml luv rnmlnlc Inn of Tomulnl mmm clly hall III In mm puhllu mulerln ruling mm 7000000 TM unlnn lhuw mm llnu nmlnll Ive nmnlrlpnl mlMnI lbw MInlln Mn IMk MALml devionml Am the new Yolk Cnuuly hwilal In nulnulmn New mm Revenue iiiinislcr Gnrinnd plied lhai he does not tar moment accept Mr Dielcnhnk ll asscrlion Under shower of opposillnn ucsllons Mr Garland and Mr ordon said In Cfflfl lhal Its up in the consumer to seek priceadluslni¢nla from my pliers if they have been hit by the budgelu iipcrmnl sales lax on building maieriais and productim mnphinery HINDUN Illrmrm lhe lrlal nodrly mlmpnlh ï¬lwhrn Wnnl hwy Rum In Hu lmrumn ICnmlfll wm Mum unlll July lmnkma Id Ilnllry Cuml lmlny Wardn Numul Jnnm mm In lhnl lnr mum Inulurlmnl mum Ibo frown wu nnr Xlum lb Wnnl um Ihoulll In dimmed ul upkliliounly lolly mLEDO Ohla ANHeav lly armed FBI agents and Tm cho pollcc were slnkcd nut Itr day at mole when mlss Ina rackets Azure sought or questionlnx In the lortum shy in Mgryln was seen ace culLwr up czynskl Iald Iho alukcnut was Ml up nflcr Wm learned that Alex Shanda ï¬lms clove lnnd rnrkcl ngrc had 115 lcml the Town House Mnlcl 513qu Tho llculcmm Mld Rims wn IN cnrllcr In day In lhu Ignlda cocklull Iaumzo but was not hls roam whrn cdcml nfrlvcd nu hna hem described by pollu key nun In lhe Investigation he dcnlh 01 Gold Illyum llnnï¬clnl mnnl Wm whose body was lound Ionday night In mr trunk In an lsoncd Men at Salon 15 mllu sambaan Clcv wax Ilnkcd he Guld cum whtn nllldnvill loll Ivy Gold ï¬vllh We wm lurnrd over to the Flu Him In wnnlul for qutnllnnlnx hccnuxu In Um docu menln Gold lflld ho llnd ro mlvnl nlnlrn Cnnndlnn 1mm mm mm murlty or loan Pros Véénservnflve llPs ldlcd on he alluauon crc Ilcd by Mr Gordonl Monday mans oppnsilion jumped with bnih eel hcsdny into the lricky pmbiem sales tax re lunds arising rum ï¬nance Min lsler Gordons ailerniiun his June budgél Opposilinn Loader Dicfon hker snid wholesalers will ave coliccied tremendous windfalls of $350000 day since the budget if no provision is made for retain In consum wfjthrial Deferred Until Iuly 22 Harriman Plans Trip To Russia Pembrqï¬fo Escapoo Is Sent To Kingston Toledo Police Set Up StakeOut To Question Man In Slaying Cgppptom Tie Up City Hall Project 99 You No 160 wize and break banners they took mm demmlralm pm testing the visit King Paul OITAWA CF The Com ON POLNEMEN FurExamIner Want Ads Ter phone PA 82414 he elephona number to call for the amine or Ediiorialnm L1 PA mm NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephdnes rapidIre inrlc of Conserv alive questions hnmmercd at one point will lhm be any re fund or purchasers who huvo hnughl hulldlng malarial or production machinery when price included the llptmcnl nlcsux Mn Gold old nulharlllu her husband Imd told her lnsl Fri day nvcnlnx ho Wfll uolng la mu lilrru lhnl mum 11m wnl the lunl um um nnw hlm nlm The lax is mind at the man ulaclurers lmporterx or whom salerl level and ML Gordon aald Monday that where these people have paid the ull llper cent rate since the budm lhcy can claim rcIund at any lax over our per cent There Is no price mmml In ths country Mr Gordon said in reply one quenlon by Dough llurkncss PC Ca gary North Gold said In he atlldnvil hut he pasted $5000 worlh of lhu bonds with lhc Ccnlrnl Nullunnl mink and he Cannncnlul Dunk here Feb 25 Gold was convlclod resting lhu stolen bonds In col nlcrnL It was brought out lhnl the bonds wen part or the 00000 warlh lnken few years ago In series hell from bank In Quebec province Lax monUI Gald wns con vldcd nxnln llmo nn chums ol ohlninlng 2000 lhmuuh mnnlpulnuon ol nucl ol the Cmmopolllnn Small llusl nos Inveslmcnl Company In corpornlmi Dr Snmucl Gerber Cuynlmxn County mruncr ml lho llmo Gold LIMUI nl round mid nhzhl lrldny lwn hourl Her Gold lou lcll MI $70000 muw Pennr PM Cleveland uhurh Tho rurnncr mld Gnld wm Denim llrnnulqd lo donlh lhcn Bhol qur mu night announcement hat the tax whflch went into eflccl June 14 being reduced retroactiv ely to four per cent and will he raised 11 two stage to the and Queen Frederka Green In malalgar Square laslnlght The bobble made more than 80 mm belora purchasers has course ha 43 on inl um Hidden Mr lcnmm mcl pork Mm III wrrkl nbunm mm lnrnamcnl II mnvcrlnz lmm nu uprlnllon In rcmuve ml hum Hm rlghl uldo MI nrrk Ha mm ho Imd lm lunnnl Annmurrmrnln lu nuqu 1m hnml tn cnnllnuu medan rc pmlm periodically 11m Irlmn mlnhler nlm nnld III plnru an In Nu York In Hrvlrmbrr or In owning ho llnllul ann mural Am umhly mullm pm In Ipuk In lhu urnml ulclmlr hulml mm dnlu hm In Amlrnllnn lrlmn Mlnlllvr Mrnxlu hml uurd Mm In ml Novrmhrr WONT MEET LEIMHE Ilr hm no plnnl mm Inmlrr luau merc or my nllwr vnvlnrlnl um In ndvmm Jrrnplovhrinl Ronlnr lnl lmkrlllall mm lhnl IIII mlmmula down Mr playlnn lamrd lhlnl lwu am In be our hm mam um 79 nlw laid mu canlcr cncu In helluva annco Mlnll lrr Gurdun Is In vrry uood hrnllh and Ihlnk he ll good or many your yrl um Mr lomun made no rmly Io re porlrrl llurslionl abaul Mr Gardnnl pollllcnl health an ll nnnm mlnlnlcr BENEFITS ll wlll of se be ex pected hat lhey will pass on lhesn Mcnoliu to those to whom lhey sold good during this Hod Tho mm to whch lllls will happen wlll depend to considerabla degree on tho legal and even the good wlll quon bclwc the vendor and ha purchase Ila said Mr es oud up preclnlo tho dilliculllcs ln lha gavcrnmcnl xclllng involved In rclnllnnshlp bclwccn ha van dnr and lhupurchuscr OTTAWA CplJIM vroccxs drawn lulcrnl budge nerds nvnrlmuling lo ruvldu more mmulluliun wllhn lhn cnhlncl and bclwrcn ho unvcm men and the public More In decision nru mndm Prime Mln hlcr INnon Inld Tucxdny ll Im lmlnllvriy umplnl llll Illvllnllml Io vltll Anlrnllm ulwn3llgl nhu lo lell New added to appen lo ï¬e Iailer In question Mrr Hnrkncss suggosred was the respmslhlllty oi the government which made ha error In begin with to xiv people ha right to recover the tax revenuo mlnixltr said rs lunds will be mud to manu Mums Importers and olher who have pnId mare um lhn our per cent sales tax me Inca lhl budKeL asked whether this means an individual whn ur chased can oi paint Mo Junc can ask he retailer or rclund of he min in in ex rcss oi iqur 12 £9 customer paid loo high price hva no doubt he and the retailer will get together and work it out explaniuan lb slrï¬llir ques Uun by Allrcd Hales PC wglingkon South Gnrlnnd rep llwl only the dealer would know whether lhc mailer pnld tho llApcrccnl ralv onntlm ca pl pglnl PM Says Gordon Is Healthy Good For Many Years Yet mldnlght II He the Greek royal coupla dined with Queen ElIzabelh 1n Bucking ham Pnlace AP erephoko Mr Gprlnnd oflered further HERES ONE M03 ANGERED OVER GREEK mun Orangemén Campaign Against MciathdimSeparateNSchools In mum MM mmmln mmmllloe at um Mlululwl lulu mllqe board huh mm In mum Inlay who la In ledml mm permlukm In expel Mmdllh tom the ML malty Mlululwl because ol Mn pub mum Mlmm warm lg gig nl An allrmpl ln 1HK Jam II Mrmlllh nul nI Ole Mm grnhnhle lrdnrnl nvcmmrnl In lmrnllun In MmInndn mlI Inmth by murl nulinn nIImlnu puhllc Ichnoll In III hml nu Iodml IauInlw lIon um wuhI IIIIIIly Inlll IIIo Haulh In III wmxnlrd mm Iml lnurc ruclnl dlwnlm In New Yank Clly nInI nu IIu mnln nullln lha IncIAl ltIrQ In lIw Unlled sum VI mIIur aIIenlInn mad Imlay rm Mmdllhl uInIurIV conlcrmcv lo dllcuss rclnllom generally bclwccn Inc we luv III of governmenl Tho Mull lovmmcnt now in canlch In he wnlcrcnco dale SAUELE BEACH Ont 4GP The vncallan oI Iva yannl Hamlllan are men ended In randy headay when two hemwere drowned alter their null but apparently sprung leak and overturned In Lake Huron aboug 2009 fee on this Icsort urea IORONN CF Dunne lodge in Ontario hava launched Noproud attack on the provinces uparala school 1y lam The Laynl Orange Association will ask all candidates in the next prnvinciui election lo lime lintr position on the ravinan luvemmcnll inundnlon plan which iollnwed Lrequcsi 1mm Roman Catholic bishop or urcnier contribution in 11 mm uhoois ii lhq candidate tuppnfll the planar refuses lo give his position Ornnxemen Ind oihen will bnndviscd no lnauppon hlm The xovnrnmcnl would like lo In munlclpll 1mm fund ulnblhhod Moro Pnrllnmenl IdJounn or lummer mm bul docs nut mulch ll man llll Tho lund II likely to be dllrumd by nu Inlcrpmvlnclal comerrnco In llllflnx In Auzuxl no Incrcnu In old nun pchom In Ikd In ulnblhhmml of conlrlbutory pcnllom plln And there in nu lhouxhl yd npnmllnx the In in mnko he pcmlonl Incrcuo payable nnw whlln larllnmcnl llflll wllh lhu mnlrlhulory plln Inlet All ï¬ve clung lo lhe boat Iller nvulumed and began to kick thdr way townrd share but be hre they could reach surely 17 Konyk 23 and Glen Kuwai skl 24 hath Hamilton 105 mnsdousnm let of the boat and drowned Robm McCue 22 and W1 llam Davidson 22 both of Ham lllon and Robert Hlll 25 of Dnnda near Hamilton tried lo lava Jheh companion but own impossible In hold an Io both the boat and the uncan erou men nla lufvlvon alter more than two hours in he water nafly druted award share Dav ldson wu exhausted and had to Andv the County Ornngt Lodge Tumnln will Ilsa leek rt erendum on tho nbolljlnn 01 up anla Ichoals an pan of the next election Canst Fred deewood the pravlndnlpollu said both Ihe nlr Ind water were culd and the wily choppy THE CANADIAN lnlï¬ï¬‚fl TWO Men Drown At Sauble Beach College May Act Against Meredith Burlohllrlm Camdl Wudnndly July 1963 Worrmcm bulimia lhll Hm InIruIllun lend Medur liwu By GEORGE EYVERTBEN MOSCOW AP Prtmltr Khrushcth Incl nmld xmllu with lIunxnrlnn Communlnt boss Jam Kudur In lhn Krcmlln lo dny wlllln Chinese and Savlcl nonolhlurl around through an nlhcr day of rim dlrcusxlnnn nlmnd limlng wmc wlullnn In lhulr ldmloxlcnl lpm The lnllu with tho Chinese mdcd nl lelluhl wllh no Ind cnuon whclhor they wouldre tuma Thunday or whelhcr drlc to would like Inolhcr con lullnllon Mull udmnh mold No roXIIu1nnerrrd 5an Zlmamu iédkihellinl ni MI lwn Hnnl mm lnr lhl lum mrr Ichonl unlnn mpoml ullon AIIIMI MenIII luldfllld nmdny I7 nmnur on Dame Hulnlppl pm infer once There had been ptInd up man ho balm wn under huvy pmluu mm nm lluuleI and mm Ole II Ilumnl In In In pmenl Mue dllh lnzm becominl llldlflll ol lhu mmmld lmlfluuan In Munl reported to luv no on blll hulllnl Mm Ild Ia ulmll um prldlu will up unalloqu out to mm by be dragged to the beach by his lrlends He was taken In Owen Sound General Hosnilal or treatment back Injuries wAugs BAREFOOI McCue his shoe in the 16400 boat walked barefoot nearly two mllcs la the Snuble River area when he laid some ï¬shermen the accident The survivors landed nmth or Chief Point on lqdlan reserve land which He north of the river Sauble Beach about 15 miles west of Owen Sound Ronald Low and Robert Schnurr residents the area who accompanied police to the landing area through lhck bush recovered analskla body near nhgre hxesgay nigh and wobelleva the peopie wllh us Lexlle Saunders sec relary the associatlunu lchool defence committee said hgsday limo ol Nepmmhllm mammals In Aw In Inn The survivala said they were unable In attract charter ï¬sh Ing boat which passed close to them may dung In tho boaL Police and small ha ha boat but the survivor couldnt recall slrlklpxa rockZ mphlcland mulled copl calalamrl clvlc pollllclnn and new mrdla mnlendlnl that the zavcmrnent ls aubsldlxlng ueparala school boards through corporation tax adjustment grant whlch wlll ln cllecl be Id by Its per cent of the popu Allen who are no separate uhool supporter mm on said 150000 cop ies lho pamphlet have been prlnlcd and all will have Deon dlslrlbulcd by flu and this weekend anniversary celebra Llon of KM Ballln of an Bayne 11w new nllnck on lha Snvlnl pnrly from Palm lnlllcrtdm pom lhnl ho Sovm Ind CM nm negoflnlnr were mnllnu lluln or no roam luwnxd any annchnnl mpmvtment In re Inllmu hrlwccn lh lwo Cummu nlu mull Thar flve hadbeen holidaying at nearby Cheslcy Lake and had itinnu hero or some waler SH Tho Ornnze Association re ccnlly Idvcrlsnd gnelghlpngc RussianChinese Talks Resumed LONDON Butlers Lilian schnus Gluscppe Martel on trial on chum at being pm pared to spy Iur Russia 1451 1ch today hr deslroycd docu ments lot In hl car by Russlnn agents LYTHMI AND ST ANNES England CHANPhil Rodgcrs n1 lhc Unllcd Slnlos seized lho Hrslmuml lend In tho Hrlllsh open gal chumplonshlp lodny with lhrcmmdcr ar 67 slmke ahead of Englsh vclcran Tam llnliburtnn England nhnt hm llvounderrmr 29 on he loyal Lylham course which covers H757 yards and has In par was lho lowest score ever or the Hm nlno hnlcs In ho 103 your lhc nrlllsh Open knucklng stroke from tho provlnus brsl nlnoholc scum 30 hy Scullaudl Ell IIIan In 1957 Alter SollcilorGcncrnl slr Pe Icr nawllnson ended long cmsycxnmlnaunn Mr Jusxlca Ilnllhutlun lrom Woulwarlh Englnqg ï¬lm 111 ly0mdef1flr Jul Felt VI lemrdd Tumult 11va Says Red Papers Were Destroyed Supreme Court Justice Ar thur Gnidbcrx above was proposed yesterdny by Presi dent Kennedy an the binding arbitrator in whom we na tions raiimnds and their on train employees shuuid sub mli Iheir disputes Goldberg former labor inwyrr and Kennedys ï¬rst Secretary oi Labor joined he court on Oct 1962 The railroad and unions agreed to consider ha plan means In avert trike this Thursday AP US Golfer Leads British Open Wircphdm GETS NOD LEOPARD ON THE LOOSE LONDON CF The Brlllsh wile ol an imprisoned Greek Cammunlst made second temp IQ Intercept Klrig Paul and Queen Frederlkn nl Greece today but pollce canled her all struggllng violently Mm Bélty Ambalielns 45 who muhandled are queen dut lng her Abrll vlslt to Inndnn let nearby mflee shop and ran Into hemud as the mar cm approached Westmin ster pier across the ghee mm thg House Parliament Pollce grabbed the woman lmmcdlalely and hustled her through crowd olhyslandeu gathered behind police lines The 61yearold Greek king and hl wynawld queen boarded boat or trip down the Thames to luncheon given for them at lhe Guildhall by Lord Mayor Ralph Perrlng the Greek vlsum dmve with Queen Ellxahclh from Vic toria railway Malian lo Bucking hnm Palace The main Ila lurihcr clashes was cxpcclcd lonlghl when he visitor were In attend performance Midsum4 mar nghls Dream at the Md wyflLThcalm Mrs Amballelo dcmuud Ing the release of her husband Pollen kept her from up much lag the r0131 pixmg gsday few minutck alien th hargé had pulled away mm the pier route released Mrs Ambulb Snme 5000 British police were back at hnula station today to pmlccl the Greek toan couplu alter night of bloody lghllng bclwgcn pollen and demonstrat on In nrrcslcd Police predicted ll would be laugh lo kncp demonstrator uwuy mm he lhulre at busy west end Inlersccuon dc spile the Ughlcst necurily ever Imposed hcmln pgnccflme lolkm laced Innnllcnl hard core at Communlsts Joined by nnnrddau mum and nuclear dlsnrmm nll dclcrmlncd lo dlsrupl the Greek man couples wrdny Mala visit DEMAND RELEASE The demonslmlnu an mundan Ihe release of nearly 1000 primer held Ilnce um pastwar Communlul uprhhm In Grcccc Thu Gmk xnvrmmcnl nay hey rm convldcd cl Inch cflma muxdcr nnd RELEASED LATER She was appnremly alone and there were an Mher Incident among the hundreds ol peopla who assembled to sue the myal vlsilm depart from Westmlm pier cur ulvimi foo Mn 4° 994 gm gum Egnatic Reidv Demohstrafbrs Demand Release 1000 r4hich 91 persons were No Mgm Thu Par Copy20 Page Mainly sunny Thursday Wind Hm law might 48 High lumenow mmplde Local Weather Queen Ellzabcth enter mined her vlsimra at glitter lng stale banquet ln Bucking ham Palace Tuesday night pm llce ought runnlng battle for more than three hour with be lween IMO and 2000 demon strators in nalalgar Square Whitehall stately Pall Mall and even the palace walla treason and me nut pdlilical prisoners lbs demonstrator contend The Communist nlau are demansqallng at he NAN aligned Greek govern mmt accusing It of tyranny tn the leftist opposmm There were 91 arresLs Un cnunted numbers or police and demnnstralms were taken In hospllah but there were no le poru of serious injuries TRY 10 fl1MB Ono group got as at the palace wall and fled to climb over Four policemen quickly grabbed lhe onLy nne who sum ended in gelling into the palacn grounds Fallen helmets went Iurnbllng in the gutters in wild canlu lion flying mu broken ban harp and dlsruplgd tramp Pr Ontnnas rcpxcscn on lhe board at directors of the Worlds Fair Carpomllnn of Munlml said nmsday nlghl he has resigned becnm he cant spcnk French Mr Pricoprcsldcnl 1h Canadian National Exhlbillon here said In an lnlcrvlcw ha handed in his resignnflon three weeks ugu mule ended Wllh Il monnled polka charge and dan nustratlon leaders nppeallng or lheJr follower to to hnma be low they got hurt 11m Crimlnn lnmllgnllcm Department the Post Olllcu Dcnartmenl Invutlgnlinz hell an undistlond nmounl money stamps and many orders mm sub Insl cum on NaplcrSlreol Post oflico nuthorflles an ludnnl to am details Paumnslcr Thomas Kerr Is away and wll no he hackunm wmormw mamlng lewd awn rm baby but Ile Md bad long dual wllh Illween Nb CP Resigns Fair Post Cant Speak French Local Post Olfice Robbed Stamp Tonogajo Vrlcm Harry two