umm cmma rm cum lmu In In Mulla In Jaw Illa 1mm III ym In at mu bed IAN lumm IL Munlllnn null Anal nuln nun mum mun IuLIuh lmaxllu Immm Mlnl guhmlrunn nu only mu In Omo mm 11 17 mlll In um nou um um um mumJul Ih nuum mm no nulla nunInn III lunllu INN Omen UMVIMI form mu flmmu nu dam This with wnx mmlo by the Canndian lax Fnumlntlon In its hrlcl bolero Ihn inmminslon nn Inxnllon Govnrn Those who he n5kn governments lo spend more an more ouId nusn to lake note that lnxcs even as Is am running way out ahead Aulharlud wand um null raI Dlllu mvmmonL on um nymnl ul mu can Dllln Man Ind llllulnry HIM 7M WALLI rmmn Barrie Examiner June 17 1943 Sim tae County is 100 years old this month Warden Orville Todd appointed special centenary committee to plan suitable ev ent in celebration Otto Willis Lee 21 ships steward survivor of HMCS We burn sunk in Mediterranean ar rive home in Barrie First Baptist Church extended call to Rev Alex Sinclair oi Saskatoon Body of soldier from Camp Borden found on shore of bay He had been missing from his unit the Halifax Rifles for some days and was presumed to have alien in the water and drowned Directors decided to can cel Barrie Fair this year duo to war con ditions Lt Norman liooper and Lt ii Grose were two Barrie boys to graduate from oiilcers training school at nroekviiie A02 Emerson Webb graduated from Gait Alrerait School and went to RCAF Manning Depot in Town to Air Commodore It Lawrence of Cookstown promoted to air vicemar shal in ltCAt Mrs llrock Jamieson was informed that the Japanese had cap tured her husband at Singapore Form erly oiihornton Mr Jsmleson was man ager oi the Ford Co oiilce in the Far East Nursing Sister Cath Mildred iienry oi Thornton appointer matron oi WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO The Canada or tomorrow as Mr OuI met sees it will need more than profes slonal business men and women In all aspects of national life It will need whole new generation of graduates who in addition to their academic qualiï¬ca llons will know understand and ap preciate the whole of b1cultural Can This plea was made by Alphonse Ouimet resident of the Canadian Broadcast ng Corporation in gradua tion address at McGllla Convocation As one who is both graduate and an honorary graduate of the two great universities of this city call on both the University of Montreal and McGiil University to take the lead in the un limited contributions which can he made by Canadian universities to the cause of national unity raised great cry over the discovery that Finance Minister Walter Gordon had employed the services of three outside experts to help him frame the budget brought down ast week By outsiders we mean men from privatelyowned iin ancial institutions who had no con motion with the civil service The op position described Mr Gordons action as grave lapse from traditional behav iour dcsglte the act that the three men had een sworn to secrecy and at tached to Mr Gordons staff for the purpose of the budget With the present session of Parlia ment only weeks old Opposition leader John Dieienbaker his cohorts and the New Demonrats have already swung in to action Unfortunately for them and our democratic stem they have pouno ed on mere tec nlcailiy to flay the gov ernment gnd attempt to discredit it The Canada Of Tomorrow Her Majestys loyal Opposition is of great importance in our democratic form of government Its function is to act as counterbalance to government action to flush out weaknesses in the administ ration and generally to keep watchiul anglerittcal eye on Parliament THE TAX DRAIN IN CANADA Molnlrcal queue The Barrie Examiner Attack On Walter Gordon Poor Opposition Tactics One Svrorulrdwhave naught that the fin nmcnt and attem to discredlt lt flhg PCs and members have Walla Publisher 73W Examinrf OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Buyiieid Street Barrie Ontarip shqr Brian Slalght GéneralManiger mummv JUNE mm Ullnwn Journal Thrso pmdlcllunn nlmul anldlnn mp umlnn growth have charmlng wny comlng true Now that we havu mod the lu000000mnrk us cram wn mm moment to look buck In lhn Iplrn 53715115 In lhln munlry In 700 mat Hum living in run are And Iplr ed lumwledgc or MallIla mcnl cxpcndltum In Canada arc grow lnu lnslcr than the economy Yet is probable Illcy vlll grow all more In tho mnth ahead The Mum lrcml Is soon In lhu Unllml Stnlos Vfllimn Henry Chamberlain wrll lng In ha an 81 Journal cumlnca Iho Amcrlcnn lax guru and he nayn Frnm these guns nn Inlomllnx con clunlon emerges It that lnxnllon lwon growing at much luster raln lhnn ollhcr llw mtlnnnl ccnnumy or lhu In mm lho lmllvltlunl lm rend cannot gn nn Imlullnllcly vlthoul producing 50an very umlcnlrnblo consequences Yet the MM prom that mmchow lhm In an untapped morvolr whlrh ma ho mrl tar moro lnxoa mm In no ludl mcrvotr uuuu uuWuLIl UK Trinity Church was cha rman of the pro gram Principal speaker was liliss Gwen Fife Community Counsellor with War time llousing Ltd at Hamilton Rar rie contributed 31151 to Chinese War Relief in one week Donations were made at City Cafe Ellis Hutchinson of Shanty Ray found his mail box knock ed over and cow had chewed up his can ning sugar coupons and worse him that his copy of The Barrie Examiner Campaign to raise funds or Greek War Rellet started with George Bakogeorï¬e taking contributions at Olympia Can Works Miss Agnes lilecphnil former MP and Andrew Brewln were speakers at meetln oi Barrie CCF Club Pilot Oiliecr lilam Lennox Rowe elder son or lion Earl Rowe and Mrs Rowe of Newton Robinson headed large class xrmiuetlng at RCM tralnln school Ayi mer Rnrrie Lions Club ad no dinner guests and speakers Whipper Rliiy Wal aon nml Pet Flanagan prominent pro imam wrestlers new Medical Corp Casually Training Centre at Oakviilo Nursing Sister Jean Harris formerly of Barrio joined Royal Canadian Naval Nursing Service at Rs uimaii BC Ovcndcn College eec Day was fine event as the prin al Miss Eigood reported successful 59 opi ygnr ilcv ll Reginald llowdcn oi contidencérin Canadg cratlc tradillon The CBC presidents words were par tlcularly tlmcly when headllnes scream of troubles in Quebec and his thoughts could well be headed by our unlvarsltles where therebave been strong sugges tions that sociallstlc Ideas were being en gendered more than strong ride and confidence in Canada Ind ls demo lilr Ouimet concluded As great and famous English Canadian university located at the very hub of French Can ada McGill has an unique opportunity and responsibility at this time of nation al soulsenrching Who else is in bet ier position to provide to other Can adian universities the leadership need ed in the development of the Canada of tomorrow ada and will be com etent to communi cate wlthelther pf parts Tearln down the government on mere tee nlcality is not serving Parlia mentor the people of Canada The Oppositions role is to scrutinile and comment on all legislation and vota or or against when it eels so disposed Its job is to offer constructive thinking Such charges of course are frivolous Mr Gordon committeed no breach of saucer and had in rapt done the mtlon serv ea in enlisting the bruins of sums of the ablest men in the natlonln fram ing his budget He has no reason to apol og ze Mr Dieienbaker who has earned his reputation as topiii ht Opposition len der in rcvious pariaments would be well adv sed to concentrate on the actual business of Parliament ance ministers explanation would have been sufï¬cient to meet the demands at most critics But the reverse was true His admistlon that such assistance had been employedmerely served to an Con servative and ND anger The Opposi tion in short implied in no uncertain terms that Mr Gordon had been derelict in hls duty that he had broken his oath of secrecy and that he had made avail able valuable tax secrets to the public Mom pnowm Inaid prdcn pro on Ill sum MI ummw uumm The lecnndhxluhlul rrn In which hu rclrrrcd won the ur mum Mr mlrm luden Ha uplnlucd hi1 lower The vldury ol Ruben Eon den and the Conscrvnllve Puly In 1m he declared qu hhwalcr mark In the hhiory or our counlry ll Ended po llllul Irl whkh next In lhnl at John Mucdonnld wu doublleu lhn brinhlul In our hIIlvry Wllh mpn whlch no mere pollllclnn would show Tory Mlcquurla bumwcd great prnlxc upon tamed LII Cum lint Frmch Idlnn prlmo mlnlllcr 3mm FRI sï¬ SHHNTY BAY The Young PC enjoyed his lhumhnail survey at Cnnndlnn polluc and appralsnl palm cal platformsor change of day lonz no He dld not men Ian my lnderal lender more necnl lhan Mackunxle Klnz um Mnrlllmcr ha dwelt much an the areal Mnrlllma prime mlnlner Slr Ruben nur dcn whom biographcr he 15 ML LEADERS Hi puck wns lha speech of de thinker Inr Heath Mac quan ha mtund 3yearold profeuur and aenlal Tory MP or Queens PILL LLoL the flu of which Ilulqmen are made No or him he mallow emounnnllsm ho hemloday and Koneomarmw appurtunlst pollflclln By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA xinlesmln ihinkl oi the next generation but politician think merely oi the next election Thin new twist to the distlnb tion between the proinund and the Ihniiow in public life was given by linnth Macquarria when delivering Ihe keynote address the manual menling oi the Ontario Young mem xive Conservative Association iniweek OTTAWA REPORT nyylm Hwy 11 ll Guthrie mu mn Statesman Thinks Next Generation valid1 Changing Chefs In MidStew Seldom Makes For Tasty Dish chlh Mncqulrrin has mn Joycd wldo expelInna lnlcr nnflonnl nflalrs most lnlun nlvuly pnrllnmcnlary accre lnry In our foreign mlnislcr durinx lho recan Conservative mzimc and Cnnndinn dclngnle at various Interna llonnl galhcrlngn Perhaps ha lccls statesman and pallllclnn that he wrnlnz nl Rudyard Kipling my man lp pen in Cnnadlnns once man when he cholcu mun be made Laurier hi net It rrl re minded his audience was de feated by Canadian voters who relecled his proposal or recip rocal iree lrnde with the US in wide range nl manuiac tured Irticlu and natural prod ucls lie quoted In almost lurgoiten comment by Rudyard Kipling which he said made great impression ï¬t that time Kipling wnrncd lat Canndel saui would he threatened hy the reciprocity ngreemcnt Dncu that mul pawned Canndn must inevitnhly con iorm tn ih commercial legal ï¬nancial mini and cUIIcal itnndards which will be im posed upon hcrby lhe sheer weight oi the US see nothing lnr Cnnndn in rccipw city except little randy money which she does nni need and very long repent nncol wng Aaxpanmnca evaluation lhe even Ionizer Mackenzie King era by iaylnl lha it hnd flew aurlbutcs whlch one would describe KimIon or brlzhl TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY mum SHOWS TONIGHT AT 700 AND 930 mfg Thls wlde ringing keynote speech war one of haw rlre mm which make an rem hr lmpermnnuncy ol lhn lpokcn word lmpoulbla lo clip or luluro reference Ind and repeated enjoyment un derllned yet attain the reel contribullon whlch PLll young MP can make Ind hu made and undnuhledly will make ln Cnnudll public life Indeed ll revived Pnrllnmml llllla quesllan wllhoul In wcr Hy whnl yardsllck wn Henlh Macqunrrla Judged when he wu passed ever In the Iccllon new Icnntor Iron III2 early lhl ycm between nn ncnnomlc llnk with he US and membership in wldcr loss submerninz Atlantic Commun Market CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY FROM l2 NOON THE CANADIAN PRESS IsisFred nose Labor szrcsslv member of he Cnnndlnn Parliament was sentenced to six yuan in jail ior esplonaae llskA storm ln Narih umberland Slmil look the Ilvu on Canadian idler men June 10 161 Japanese submarine shelled the federal radlo telegraph sullen at remote Estevan Polnl an the west coast of Vanmuver Island 21 year ago todayn m2 hul felled to II the bulld Inn The attack lasted mm mlnules but 1h shell hll lhe beach or rock and tho only damage In lhll In allack on Canadlnn wll la the Second World War was the breaking at number 01 windows TODAY IN HISTORY um Road Con 14 Bflwun Highwayl 400 and II hm Pymml Th6 ind xrcwaul unlnI moul report by cdeml can II no lxrccmcn ruched by July ellher side can uk 101 an Arhllmlor la rula an lhe dly ule lho dendllno nous UI railways and unions In re ported smch In their misl ance to lhu other Ildnl paslllon REPOQT VAS ORIGIN There has bccn nu ofliclnl common mm eilhcr he rnil ways or lhc union on talk Ibnu he mm but Jolnl commmco lhal has been studying the qua Klan or almost year re ported to have made Hula or no proï¬t an my major palm Observers now expect the whole problem will be dumped inlo Ihe lap 01 federal arbi tralor possibly wllhln month In lry la gel sansfaclary wlu lion MONTREAL 1cPlA apednl ammorye Job murky und tshbllshcd tar Canadas 100000 non operating rnllway employees has been lying idle slnce It came Into belnz Jun became the railways and un lun cant agree on how Io mend it Such nlzhl meals could he lhc result of hol flashes ll you are slanlnz the menopause Anolhcr passlblllly name subtle Infection even ll you look healthy ll wuuld be good Idea to have cheat may and general checkup la ml out the chance an overactlve lhyrnld and other such possiblllllcs Ynu dont mund like nervous per FREDDY CANNON Dou Dr Molnar For lha 1251 year or so have been wak Jnx ug just soaked across lhe cheat and back whether Ihe room in warm or too dont hlva my trouble sleeping am no conscious of land drums dont ordinalHy pets Ire and neem be In mo Emu Vlmruflycars old and feel allly galng doctor whrn nma piclura healthMRS Alcohul tend to dllala thn uplllarlM but thls varlen ac cording to the lndlvldualu re lctlon skln condltlan etc would not rnxanl ynur wlne drinkan an excessive but in lame people lt could clue reacllun that could he nollced The same amaunl Alcohol ln fume other arm could do II ITS mum muwuuwn The port wine part an old wlves Kala 0n the other hind he use of nlcnhnl and red flag jsrnnl Security Fund Is Lying Idle Since Railways Unions Disagreéj fly JOSEPH MOLNER MD Deur Dr Molner have heard that van wlna cln hava In adverse eflecl an In capil laries lhe nose II this an oIgwIvef tum TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Barrie Teen Town Sat June 22nd Thu EMBASSY HALL BLAKE ST Dont Forgat MIDNIGHTS Nose Becomes Bed Alcohol The Cause TODAY and FRIDAY snow STARTS AT DUSK IM nlnh HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE RICHIE KNIGHT JUNE 2911 Appailng AND THE The Chrlnllnn In bugled lo luv persnn whum Indl dilllcull lo llke we no mm nnthInl me to kn om nolhrr nomlnl Thu fund by each the seven rnllwnya lnvulvnd paying Into separatn comb the equivalent om cenl In each haur worked by It employ cos eflcclive last Jun It was envkazed when lho gun was drawn up Um ll wquld used lo help Iongllme cmll playm lacing lnyall Although lhu lcngm of scrvlcc needed In one ha point lull up In lhl was hnlled at that time by one high union oflidnl manjl nniwq lo nulumallon ciiiniian bond under Mr Jui lice Craiz Munroe oi lho British Coiurnhiu Supremu Couit lhnt studied lilo contract de mand oi the 15 CLCniiilialéd unions bargaining or the non aperaiinqurkpr has tummeï¬f Seeing podlurlsl might he worthwhlle for ynur peace mind But you may Ind that the present nne lug the best that can be dong In some mayo should any qulle few lmlnnces llm curvlnz ol the null cannot be ovoldcd The callus lhlck enlng ol the am or sol Issue at he dze ol the null Samo llmes removal ol the callus lulliclcnl Sameumc removal ol segment of In lull in one essary to susloln comlort and lhls delqrmlly BIBLE THOUGHT In plalner language yen usually hut not alwayl can train the null ln flallen nut and nut curve Ind dlz Inlo lendgr flesh Tuckan In bit caflan at the corner Ind mm compl med method employed by 00 apeciallsts aye aimed lhls You are entirely logical but Nature sir doesnt Ilway abld by what we mm mumlx regard loglm Doe that make lens to um shuuld think III lnxmwv In nall Ihould he prlvenmu from gmwlni In or curvlnl more Should Iry unnlher poF larlsl7Wllllï¬M Dear Dr Molnar have been going to podiatrist or Ingrown toenails One nnll has been curving mm Ind more Into lha flesh Ha any mu doesnt matter the thing to ho concerned with In during bl callus lmm each ride Deu Dnhlgulner 11 cars llo my nppen int had 111 lured Now no Hon deep ndenmlnn whe lhe draynaze tuba was insert have put on comldenblr walzhl Would this uusu ma ms Yes The IndenIIlIon In due lo scar lormntInn As you Inclcan In waIKhl In accumullte Imund the scar but not In ll but waxes tnlklnu lhihu over with ynur doctor In sane precaution