Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 3

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11w Innml number 01 um mm Mmulny pruned lhmulh lha Inlnvla Dwmlmrm ol Trunk mm mm lam 1min nl lame llulfl muIny Clly pnllnl Canlulu Hnlph llerry mm 200 cm wrnl llummh be Iwrm and 510pm lluln wanl lnr lmlny Ill cu lhl numer rnmlxlvnbly lull Cow mam Ilmy erl hm ll um in le ulny tr manor It In yummy FEW ACCIDENTS Thu lull nrthlrnl Irrnnlwl Ivy IImIo nm drlnchnwnl mu hmu Is IIJJ Am on High wny ll REL oflk lnlll lll rnrlnlnly wnmlullll lhln In Ira lhls or Hvedny pukx Wr Inqu ll kNN up Int lung limr IIUIINI llUflanll nnrrh Fln Drpnrtmml wnl cnllnl yulmlny In drnl wllh In In lumn rubhlxh nml Imp mrlnl ln lho rm ha lnl ho Iunuhu lo nnnlu Mrlnl and Kai mu nm 11w Hm Funml In Imnnl lrnru hul qulchly hruuxm umlm mnlnll 0n the other hand 0m tnllm wlll mach Darrin or Orillln by culllng the 0m opcrnlwr and Klvlnfl her lhu number lhcy wan to cull ALLISKm Tollm culling bdan Alllllon and hm neur hy uchnnm wlll bccumo n1 rcllvo Juno LOCAL GENERAL PRESIDENT lIAll Tho unuqu Pmldcnll llnll cl lhn Hnrnu Jnycm will he hrld lanlxh nl Hayllnln Lodzu TIII rxccullvu hr the mu unaan ma Jnycm nnd llm Jnyccuu wlll ho mlnlrd iurll wlll Murrny Ilodzklnwn llnlrlcl Jny cm rmldml Aurora Juno will be the ciieciive data or introduction oi nuirce culling between the Barrio and 0m exchanges IL Ci Nelson Bell Telephonc manager hare nnid lqdayi son explulncd lhnl nnrrlu callers to reach Ora wlll dlnl as and nsk lhn operator or lhn 0m number Orlllia cnl 1m wlll be required In dial nsk for Om and then nsk the upfrnlgr In lhg dcrcd numjm on uiEn dnu lung dlsumcu charm will be removed on call the sum time inns dis lance charges will be removed nn culls bclwccn 0m and Orllllu Announce TollFree Calling For Alliston Area Exchanges PAM INESON left and Peggy Batter both Barrie maintain mm first time Jamesrlfiyne Xéll aid Mri TollFree Calls For BarrieOre Start June 30 mum WRSES gym IM TY UNHCIOIM The 71ml wmrmann polnml out lhnl hm new tullan nrrnnao Edycgn hm Ann 1th Man Cookaluwn nnd Tournth chnnxu erson all Telephono murmur nr thln rag In today the pnmn llme Iornl call ing will nlw In lnkoduccd bo lwccn Iho lullnwlng naln thnngrs Aumn Srhnmlvcrg Dctlonvllrndlard llerlnnSrham berm HrndlardCookxlown Hrnd nnLSchumle and Tullcnhnm Inlxrmo Mr ermn cmphmlml lhnl In all cnnon It will be nccmnry la dlnl lho camplrla lawnII ure number mmblnnllan to math Mtphonn In Hus new Incl Allyn nrcnl mm In 11min nnd Orillln wfll be aflode by lhc In lroducllon lollmo calling wllh 0m Illghcr monthly mvlc rules oulllncd In letter mulled In all Oro customer wlll be came cllccllvo in On when the local cnlllng nrcn ls wldcncd Thls will mean 0m cuslnmcrl will pay the Mme me cus 0mm In other exchanges wllh nlmllur number nl elephants In lhclr local cnlllnz mu Mr Nelson poinlcd out that mnny 0m cuslomcn will pay Ins under tho new mm than they now dn In monlhly rule plun Iona distance charges on cnlls In Orlllln and Darrin for everythlng lncludlng Mood donation The girls were on hand ymuday the Red Fralelgh Crowe attend to Mrs Immune mum at the Red OovO Dock Pool of II lllld PA 66411 TOUR BOAT AVAIL DLE FOR CHARTER TOUM COMMENCE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 239 330 730 MO pm OnoHour Tour Plduruqvo Kumpcnhli lhy DELANEY BOAT LINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS Barrie nnd district resldcnu rcsupndcd well in me Red Cm blood donor 11an held yester dny at Irlnlky xpglfian Chunk Chums are pundan nunlml Fred Haskell 25 71 Harlan Cru nflcr hla car and another were colllalnn ycsurdny at Icmonn nt he comer of lnnhfll and Tlflln sinm menu In bean timed oul un dtr lho wmpnnyl ulnndcd um Imlco plan 1M4 pruvld or 10ml mum hmmn ud Jimn uchmuztI Mum ll Ivo romu nppnrcul mnny nubmllr rrl wlll lwnrlll lrnm mmvnl Inna dMnnm rlmrnu Mrs Mn canvcnur said out of lulu of 19 volunteer dunm 14 warn rejcdcd humus prcvlnus diseases and us plnls of blood were rcceivnd Over 100 lhose who promised to turn out couldnt and he ones who val unlocrcd to give blood helped swell the total One hunder donon turned out or flu one and onehalf hour nflernoon session and us save blood In the three and one hull Imm ulnnlghl 11ch will be held In September and hopes MB hull awpgng large will Awardan lo mlltt car driven hy Mm Mnmam Luku Baldwin Lane um wulhbound on Innum an men llghl nl Tlln whm hat rm wn 1n cullhxun wllh Mr llmktlll cnr Damage In both cm In llmnlm nl 111w Mn Luke mllmd hrqud In mm In Jurlrs lo her lull tlbuw mud agnln b6 decoded Charges Pending Alter Accident Barrie District Blood Donors Give 325 Pints Cross Blood Donor Cllnlc ye Ierdny Examiner Photos Cross Blood Dona Cliniu at Triniiy Anglican Church Mayor Lu Cooke Inst IIIRM presented ccrllncnkts lo Sim cueEnrrle Emcrxcncy Measur es Orgnnlznllon personnel In lhu County Bulldlng fallowlmz MI in Ipccllon pcrmnnel and equip rncnl County Councillor Mnurlto Montcnlm presented St Jnhn Ambnlnnu Fundnmcnlnb ul Fink Md cullflcnlca to Mn Therm Julln noudrcnu Mr mm Coltman Hugh labor Elrlck Georze Grant Jnmu chm John an erdlm Leslie Lawnnu Evllyn Image Mu Mary McMecr In Stella Sm William IL Snider Drum Taylor llnmId Wnlwln nnd Mnry Milk Is expected that there wlll be my turnout of people from throughout lhe county at an 1911 annunl Rum LXI Ser ce Those attending the service wlll he Invited lo morwarda vislt lwo old hlstnrlc churches of Ora Tawnship Knox Presby lerlnn Church and the Old At rlcnn Church are both located in tho vlclnlly and will be open cd especially on that occnslan Everyone urged to attend this service pmcnltd nu Mclcd nndln Opernlorl Caum Ccrllncntu anm ncrmnn Wllllnm Berry Douala nrrwxlnr Vlclor Lorna Conner Elmer Charm mee Jnuphlnn DIckcmnn WllIlnm Harold Daugherty Mn Mary Essen Presbyterian Church which Is situated In Ora Tawn nhlp an and nnehalf miles west of Rugby on the Old Ban1e Band will be the location this year or the annual nnnAdennmlnA Ilanal Rural Service of Worship the Simme County Federation oflgrcullure lhls servlce will be held Sun day at 130 pm llev Donald French 01 the Church of the Good Shepherd Slayner wlll be delivering the message Eden vale Qunrm wlll provlde speclnl muslc Those who use In camping Inclllues In our Provincial Park can he assured that all service provided are ante and sanitary 017er rezlslered ééiezam are expected for an convention n1 Continental Inn Dr Scott dingator re ports The inspection at lodges and mmmer camp will begin shortly It entuiisithe inspection of kitchen and equipment with particular attention being paid to drinking water aewage Ind Emil gdbposai This Is tha mqnlh whu lum mer residents common bemnuon and become acllve at their lummer collage ultes The motion and complellnn houn es Increases with improved wea lth IggWonsq he sgld All this activiiy increases he work load the Smilaxinns in that advica is sought on drink Ing water plies and sewage digpgsnl ins Care must ho taken in the purchase of load especially mllk products ln remote areas Food purchased local grocaterlus ls usually obtained from reliable Iources hpmnllnued Secretary manager of the Barrie Chamber 01 Commerce Reg Wclham announced today that Ban1e will ge lame convention in the ML ii 58 on Mazes huhman of the Chambers con venllon committee pmml suc cessful negotiations in bringing the Ontario Farmers Union pro vincial annual meeting to Barrie on Dabber 28 29 angi BARBIE EXAMINER IHURSDAY JUNE 10 19 The Slmcoa County Health Un It In mum that summer vis itors to this resort my will an gay healthy sanitary auxmunch gs EMO Personnel Receive Awards Historic Churches To Be Visited Sanitary Sites Are Assured Vacationers Barrie Gets Convention We have same chnlco gmund lovol am comlng nvnllablo July 15 nlno upper floor Ipam Inge or small arm hlrnl for mnnummrlng or norm at very romnnblu mm hulod Iprlnklofld SPACE FOR RENT APPLY mm PA 66501 Folfiwwlng in demonstraflons miter saw fllm whlch was developed by the mgnnlznllon My Mn Minn Harrie Mn Anne McClymonl Clifton MtKee Oren Noble Gwrxo Poxyltk Clnylon Hovtlla Ircno ll anellm Wnllcr Skrymkl John Thumpson Hubert VIn Dar Hayden Gllbm Walton nay Atkinson Slmcoe Enr rln EMO co ordlnalar explnln ad Ill plumes ll Illa EMO wvrk and how varlmu equipment wu nscdr Special lntcresl was rhuwn ln the rescue taller whlch was designed by the local HMO on small wheels so that can be pushed over any kind ground and alm floau that It can be taken moss water The rescuo trailer holds rever nl llmwclght alrelcllm ol Iha aolld lype These 00 were de Ilzn2d by tho loyalnzroup trailer also came In or good drnl of lntcml mm vhlrorn ms nu has ll awn lclmoplc aerial and can ho med an mcr gcncy commumlcnllom head qunrlrra wherever and when ever dulrnble WM Cooke said We met wllh 111 degree Interest In the We must separate In our Linking national deftnca and In eqngrggncy iha iniiowing EMO personnel participated in iii demomua ions auxiliary police casualty simulation ienm communica tionx rad monitors mm and weliare Mr Cooke laid hope youll go Away Impressed wllh the Im gonance of EMO He gave He descrlpuan of the comm rommmee which Includes rep resenlnflves mm the ally and county He said bill wan passed which elmmed mum lacing ne committee mainly divlslun of rcspouglbfll authurlgy Now with he bill 91 In the event of an emergency essential duties will be taken care of he said We have seen reason to lab lleve that this will work Underl 91mm pnlcoun ell are called upon to plan or three lhlngs emergency caused by war emergency caused by apprehended war um when country ls led lo belleve ll wlll be lnvalved ln wnr Ihue causlnx apprehenslanl and Im ally an emergency brought on by natural causes EXPLAINS EMO Mora than 100 people inchin lns some member bath City and County Council watched demonstration at Emergency Measures Organization equip ment and an Inspection of per sonnnl at the mmty bulldhus In Following the inspection equipment and personnel oi Sim me Banin EMO Ban1s mayor Le Cooke gave an nddren on the importance oi having an ei ieciive emergency mature at WSW Mr Cook said Wu will be caught the middle of the next nuclear war should then In one MUT FACE FANS We mus ace acts av erage Canndlnn lays WI 50 horribla no one would drop bomb Ilkr Lhat Others uy 11 Anyone did drop It lherad be nothing 1m in why warry Both these an lnlEcles Mi Conkh urged those present so back and tell people what you hm seen here tonight TechniquesvorEM mm pm MumHAL mm In Nu Sun 30 DUNLOI PA 84848 400 GRILL GROCERY OPEN AVAILABLE AT FACELLE May has been an unusually busy month The nurses who wlll take halldnya ln June have been completing much work as possible belore leavlng snld Dr Scott dlreclor all the Slmcon County llealth Unll RURAL CLINICS in order lo provide simiiar unite to the rural areas 25 thorIierm clinic or pariod n1 tinge mnnflu will begin in Octobe Dr Scott addcd thnl many Inflly phyilclnm pxclcr la lm munlze the children the urn ol physicaluuqmlngllon ve been rearranged and assigned In alnii memhem The Imvince 0n iarin recommend ratio 01 one nuno to every 4500 population Simcoo County will function with one nurse in 5000 population or getmmnindcr 1963 mid Dr Much the work register Ina children who plan to enter school In this fall has beLn com pleted by the nursing am lheimcae Cgunly Health Unit Over 2000 menu wen Inter vlewed In 71 schouu All children entering school have been requested to have reinforcing inoculation against diphtheria smallpox pertussis Menu and polio said Dr Scott Monthly immunlznllnn clinic will continue in nine new Im SlMCOEBARRIE EMO oo ardlnamr Ray Atkinson left look on an Barrio City Police Register To Start Surfing Juno 25Ih long Dlmnco Charge On All Calls From Thom Will Bo No urtmmttvwwwvm BELL OOOMMIDDDMIMIW JIIMIIIIDII OOKSTOWN T0 AllISTON AND BRADFORD lenguo manager Ihe cur Ntw Yuknu Cal cr 84 pulp and paper Industry execu tlvo Home vlslls made by the nuts in service during May wera as allows Infants 554 pr school 513 school 265 pram as adults 274 luberculu 32 communicable dlsenses mental health 40 orthoped 57 social welfare mlsccllm cans Dr 75cm reports that 4089 lnmllles have been vlsned dur lng 1961 Inoculation given Chlld Health Centres during my to allcd 913 There were 666 Inoc ulation wlm quadruple anllgen vaccination against small pox and 66 adult shots adminis tered against tetanusvpofia Total to date are quadruple antigen 246 vaIn vaccine and smallpox 544 IIutlnn EnglandVane Suk lonVnne 70 actor playwright and uulhar flu play On wnrd Bound Jachonvlllc FlaDen Gtr nghly 50 manager at Jackson vlllu Sum the International League and twlcu named mlnor legguo mnqnxgr tbeVyLnr Kiddies Sahobl By THE CANADIAN PRESS Chm Ed Tschlrhart Ind Bar rie Mayor Les Cooke study the organization menu trailer DEATHS Hurling June nlh Mwhunn mnlvmm In Cookum will be Ibll In cull lends In Mllllvn and lludlonl wlflwul 11ml tllll Inco thlr Allluon cphnnc numberl III Halal In your nrmnl dlmlnrr ll you all llrndlurd uml 1011 um obuln llul Ihelr numbm lny uul anan llll llmlnm Olflre uk he Optr llnr lul mm woo On call mm kmhlrml lo Allhlnn Ind HfldbflL vlme nmcmbfl la dnl lull mm llnm ol lhl numb ml with In truth mull INFORMATION Ilm fillLOpqllujlmd lm An ILA ofllchfl Slaugh Inr of Duluth had said earlier in the day the 1111 would bl pickclcd hecnusu It did not em ploy ILA line handler when It docked The ship ls nwned by Ike Papachflslldls Company Limited of Monlml Picket greeted the shlp when nllcmpled lo lnko an min at the Farmers Union Elavltar In Superior landing presumi ny will be Inlshed Ind ship on ll my prior to hem Inn on tho lnfunctlon or Monday by Judge Kinney DULUllL Minn AWTh9 Canadian ship Quebcmil went ahead wiih 1min loading W¢d nesday nner Circuit Judie Ai ien Kinney of Superior Wi il sucd icmtnmry lnjnnciion ionbidding pic ellng by the In ternational Mnishoremenl Al sucintion Canadian Vessel Over 100 person no In th EMO demnmlratlon and In lpectlon last nlzhL Exnmm Photo Loaded With Grain Ill BILL lEBOEUF Jeweller DB Dunlap PA um 24 Hour Ben All Work Gunnice For Full Year WATCH népAfi

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