Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 15

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Mew Those who uucndcd Barrio CBMC Lndits Night from here last mesday evanan were Mr and Mrs Elvln Penrsun Mr wd Mrs George all Mr and Mrs Carr and Myrna 8mm Paul Mchrle flu logy student at Toronto Unl Versin old some of hl cx parlance trying to nld drug nd dlcts in Toronto toward cute tmr Sandor who has been In Ihc Inan Vlclorla Huspilnl Bar rle or obscrvnllun and surgery In homo axnln mm and aunt Mrs Arm of orlllia wished him at his home hare Sundqy Details nbaut Trlnlty Unflcd Church strawberry festival Wed nesday June 26 will be in Cam lng Evnqlg Inter MrsJ Lily JKhnslnn Ian on Sunday or vacation with 14 alflés In lggonlo iir and Mrs Dougias Hail oi Toronto wen hm Saturday to attend their Inmlly reunion The grade eight pupiil of Area No innlsiii Township 10 last Friday morning in two buses or arip lo Oiiawni Their main interest was tour through the Parliament buildings Tilty in on one oi lire sessions They rpiurnnd iaie Saturdnynigji Fnthcrs Day vlsllm Dr Hortnnu were ML and Mrs Doug King Murray and Joanne Dnrlcnn MW and Hugh Ferris Don Mllls Mr and Mrs Law and Dianne Mr and Mrs um um Ind um granddaughter Trud nw lrum Dnnlc Sunday School Sunday was observed at Trlnlly Unllcd Church Juno 16 when member and Muff Ialncd lho connreun Han hr morning Ion1m Thu mlnlslrr Ilev Leonard Wm WM nuhlul by John Mndloy Human who tpoko unjnnvld Ind Gnllnlh llM Tum 54hr umod hll erwter Inln an nrrhl lire lrnrt nur Munmluh Jul nuvlh olVunnmvrr whgn ha By MRS CARR George Hoes sealed farm er trade mlnlslerln tharPro Frsslve Conservaflfiva adifli slrallon of John Dletenhaker jSIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Miss Mariam Cm wnl or THORNTON FROM PARLIAMENT HILL T0 BAY STREET ONEMEN FIRE BRIGADE InlsL llla junlor dmlr sang under Lhe laadershlp ol Mrs Wan Than was also plann and orzan due by Myrna enc er and Mrs Wm voca ulo by Mary Carr France Ann Maw and Gary Hank and trude xolo by Gloria Jennell accompanied by Mary Carr Mr nnd Mrairrioivcos Mour man Pclcrsburg spent Id week end with Drnnd Mrs Wesl Mr and Mrs Ernest McCub them and Mr and Mrs George all attended the all reunlnn 15 Sunday at lnnlsilPark Several members the Loynl True Blue Lodge nllnndcd Inn nrovlnchal Lodge mggung Eprrlcjusl wcgk Mr and Mrs Clifford Duck worth nllmded he llumclin Lockhnrl weddan ln Sl Pal Ilcks Church Pctklnsflcld Sal urdny Mr and Mn Rlchard McMIc kon Toronto amended the dec nrnllnn day servlca at the cum clery and spent lho cvcnlnx with Mr and Mrs anlcr McMnckon Mm Frank Woodrow and Paul Cooksvllle vlsllcd her purcnls Mr and Mn Walnr McMncknn Manduy Dy MRS DUCKVORTII Mls Pcrcllln Vllsun Twrnnlo nllcnded lhc Dctomllon Day ur vlm and visited hur brother nnd llucr In Inw ML and Mn Ynhn Vlliun Dnrrle MI sun lcnws by plnnn on Monday nr 17day Ianr to Pnlcsllne hm Ind other polnla nnv and Mn Haber Lacey Ind lumlly Turonlo vhllcd Sun Mr nnd Mn Wllllnm erpnlh Ind lnmlly Glencnlm and Mr And Mn Guam shull Bun wood ntkcnded 0w Dccurnllon Day man and men the eve nln with Mr And MIL Russell Adnml has moved from lha tumull of pollch to the serenlly Bay Strut ofllce dlr emr ol Triamh Corporation by mwalodly bomhlnl 0n him wlth or ram dunno drum lumndtvl 119 ion Inc mlL ANGUS Water Elicia plllcnt in Shelbum Haxpllnl mutual from hem mm many rlnnda wlxh hlm Ipeedy xe covery dny with Mr and Mn Ernest Hammond Mr and Mrs Henry Mllcs and lnmIly men the weekend with llIelr parents Mr and Mn Hen rYHMH Hgmlllnn Mr Ind Mm Leo Zlnm spent Saturday In Toronto and attend ed lb stock car races Sutur dux night Mr and Mrs Holland Toronto am vlsiunz Ihelr daugh ter and um In law Mr and Mn Duke Lee Conzralulallo to Richard Duckworlh cl Angus and Glorla Jelly of Calllnzwood who were marrlcd In Angus Unllcd Churth June I5 by Ina pnstor Rev Willla They wlll be makan lhelr heme ln Angus Mr and Mn Leslle Rose nl lendcd lhe Decoration Day serv Ice Newmurkel and vIsllcd relfllvcg cvcnlnx mm vmu spent Ihe week end 11 Landon wlh Ms ulster My Cnrrlp Nun Skongin Rev iuu wmu were In Lundun Ins wank when The many porlod brnnn whnn lhn lenrlon cabinet look oillco Mull 12 ll wax highll hlcd hy the early lummoning Pnrnn mml prnscnlnllon al federal budget and lnlroducunn at 1le Irnlxlnllvc nmpmnh In lho liqqu Commons OTTAWA CWThu Liberal xavcmmcnl 60 day decl al my lodny Tho 510mm Mu bom during lho April 11 clocllnn cnmpnlun when Lihrrnl Lender Pearon nlcdzcn Inn Liberal ndmlnls lrnllon would do morn In Ma In day Umn had Any prevlmu Rolcrlmcnl DUCKVOnTllJELLY Limited Mr flee studies re om of Investment compan Trialch resldent An thony Gr In looks on Liberal 60 Days Are Over Today In Ann St Soulh vLL mmu ALL MODERNIZING DONT MOVE IMPROVE NAVIIIOP If Ml Illnlul Ml If CALL ARNPRIOH Ont CHFirs destroyed part thu Madl wash Hotel an old lumbar japks boarding hens bulleved to be between 125 and 150 years old In this Oltnwn Vallay town Wednesday amt XIII2mm Injured shduldcr In shunt the blue but no £111ng Injuries were reported Mr wnu attended the convo cntlon at the Phllalhea quleza Their mndmn Darrel returned mg thgm pra holiday Mr and Mrs Cnrmnn Rust and Linda of Wlnnlpeg vlslked Mrs Rum uncle Ind am Mr andkMra Jack McAIthur last wee Misses Shirley and Phyllis Campbell attended Ihe gradum lion thelr cousin Mlu Muri lyn Hodxson Re1N Brad nrd ananlo Teachorn Cal lezu on Jun IL Miss Hadzson trained In Toronto East Geneh al Ilospnnl Anarwnrds they were guests at dinner puny at the Town pug Caunlry Weekend visitors were Mn and Mn Al Trumblay Ind children oi Lindsa with Mr and Mn Ewen Ca dwell iiils Isabel Gilchrist of Clinton Ind Mlsl Donna May Nicholson oi Walk man wlh Mrs Gilchrist Mil Carolyn Whllu oi Barrio with His Anne llugbandi Elzfileen guests war rem teled but none was In his mom 57qu time The flre61hlch mined in the howl olflce caused an enl mated 340000 damage Several permanent guest has their pul sessions The Loyal Tm Blue Lod held their district meeting Hlulmons Hall June 10 Lodz es attended um meetinz from Culunzwood 0111115 mamm an Barrie Mr and Mrs DInxwall Cochnno are visiting for few days with Mr Ind Mn Gar net Finch Causu was no Immediately determined 40 miles we 01 Ottawl lull last week for three week molar lrh In the west and Jack Benn accomlfanled am Drury 01 Crown HI on molar trip to the west coal and dawn tn Senllle They Mumed home on June Mr and Mrs Hawari Camp bell and hmlly and Mn Gray vlslted Mr And Mrs godfisan In BradImd 13 Eur 1y BRIDEJOME HONORED Mrs Gearze Caldwell oi Guih tie hirs Evan Wilcox oi Bec inn and Miss lsubciic Gilchrist oi Ciinion enterlnlncd ihu humn oi Mn George Camp hcli on Saturday ailcrnoon ior Miss Anne iiusbsnd limit ni llerw Aim who wiii hu man ricd the United Church hm July Anne was he rccipleni oi many usclul and prelly slits ailcr which dainty lunch was survcdc New Democratic Lcudcr Doullul ll llflrlld wllh bang and cndcd wllh query Whm do we no lmm Im1 Th unvummml hul no bun dtnr nlrnul whrra It Rain or hog lllnltnlll Ala zcl lhcro uribnd Mrs Bertram and Carol visited friend in Tur nn9 lastSyyday enuruly txccpt or In mlshnn In the hunter whlth buck ilred and put on the mud to cnchHmnx Al in Prlmn Minisicr Penna did mm dcni la iiil up our imuno nbrnnd nnd Ai though we mny nui think too much lhu innixci nl Itnsl wn him an arwunlinK in inriln mznlwhlch we did nu hnvu inst ye Thu llnl dnyl Inc pcrlud wm llmfltd ln cucullvo IC llon nlonu prowlan In Inn Pullnmrnl Mny la Snrn hm lhm hnvo bun dnyl parlhumrnlnry drchlon Ono of Mr lcnnunl Ic chlnnl wnl In up nmnnzl with him Mllllllll Mnrmlllnn rulllmldrnl Krnncdy llu wrnl In Inndon May lnr Iva Inyl of lnllu with Mr Mlcmlllnn nml nlhu llrillnh llmlru AM flow In Hymnll lml Mnu Mny ll lur mulcrrnm wlm Mr Km nnly Boarding House Damaged By Fire By MM CAMPBELL dlonl blnmulhu govcnypmt GUTHRIE Ws2496 CREEMORE Stat Fllld Ing Crossman and vAunclates Toronto won the contract to supply water chlnrlnallnl equip ment or Creemoral watrr ly slcm Thu contract In subject In approval by the Duluth Water Resource Commlsxian The irms tendnr In the 3806 range was lhe lowest our bld received No data was set or lnsullnuun gaming contract approval from OWRC Alan the bulldlnl Minus the chlorinaunl equipment In to be designed accommodate It This bulldlng need not be elu borate It was pointed out In dimenxlom will Ilker ho about Inf 11 Toronto Fifth Wins Contrapt For Creemore Chlorinator Préséii estimates suggest the now BREWERWONTMIO LIMITED TORONTO unit my be In operation owlrd thaendyt my Counpll also authorized palm lug this buildings In lhu Com Adverfislnilor An mausol will be munled Pravloul ap plicant Intervlowul narrowed down in two One of then with draw and the second lulled to Eu Councils next meeting lulll an July Ind harema will not hedallecled by the hollday weekl en In ulu 0ch day muamd wu adde to coffee by same coffee luveu In Enlllnd Mata beer Mai 51 gm taste USED MUSTARD KINGSBEER LissaBER THEIIARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE to flu LACK ENOUGH SCHOOL nglcnl shortage teachers Ind school Iacllltlen so acute some I400000 children are un able In attend school STURGEONS lTD Scarborough BEAUTIFUL EXTERIORE BEAUTIFULLY PROTECTED SOLIONUM glvu nuluml wand Manly and mm andan pmvmon mm mm and unlhcn uawl fan upplkolinn Ne pulling USE MANY STITCH Mndun car manulacluren use hundrcds alvuewlnu much 1eI to make the mile of up lolslen they need mun mlnwuu MM mum mm wmrm

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