Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 10

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Ilu mund mu unpruul mu lamml nrgutlnllonl nnmd Ihru nn Immnnllr dny nllllw xlrmlllnc umlld In llnlll Iltlr han lvmu luk In In mid lhln McDonald hnl dlulmfil lhul Ule mml wnnln In ended vnullun vlm lur ulmn em pluru Ulhnwlw flu mlnll umrr lflmlulnn ml known Mrmlvm lhu VMIIO pulley rmmuiltre uhkh Imm um nr wjrrl unlrncl pmponnu lrpnwnl nll mllmn ul lhc Uh Ihry vlll 1m nlundlnu Ily In llllnlruvuh mw Inr lhlvd Ilunnl wnao Wllly thmlllrc lluucwr Mumunld nld tho ulmnlllrr wmkl mm nxnln ludny And lhls In llull Ind nlcd ha lhvughl llure could lm dmclvplllrull luwnm woulhlc mllrmrnl Duvld MrllnnnkL Unllcd Slenlwmkm pmldcnl film Imlhin new Itpwl lo remn lnlluwlmz brld mum of llw uninnl mlmnn Inlnmn Ilunnl wnao Wllly mmmllm PITTSBURGH lMI Unlon and munnxcmnnl txcclfllvtl puralslml chncsdny In om la wrle up bush um labor ngrmncnl Mlhuul marlin lo mike nmsuro bnraulnlnz we on sign mm mm moms wn wing mndu mm mm run RENT AT THE MIIMIHM MMHNA Amyly IMy IInll 0m flunk and Vmund mrncun lone Dnvll IllClllJfl HURT ST LOUIS MP Cardinal ralch pitcher flan Taylnr ul lrmpllnx la bunt ualulnnd mashed and xplil Index laser on his rlghl lhrawinx hand dur Inz ma St Louichw Ymk lame Wednesday He was taken In huspllnl for rum Taylor In lamnln nallva Nothing New MY coll ul all ome games played by llxc llrlllsh Columhla Llnnl has llccn called lnr by lhe Van couver Labor Council The move proposed at councll mccllnn nxcsdny nlghl lollowcd lhu announcement that he Imam Foalhall Coalmaco club had given ils prngrum con lrncl In slrlkthound Mllchell Press In Steel Session Make plans to take in the Open House Blue Mountain Camp for Crleled Chlldren near Colllng wood The youn stars the camp wlll carry on no tlvllies as usual une 30 Thls is your chance to see where your Easter Seal dollars go and how they are used good point when the green area is established where the old Barrie CNR station once stood the old engine whleh is at Kinsmen Conservation Park should be brought downtown Reasons Real monument to rallroaders More people would see it Le GAM on Yachting published by Karin Larson of Toronto describes yachtsman as this General char acteristics This rapidly increasing species is ensin recognized in spite of the infinite varieties of sub species with the family namely through its nervous unhappy state when removedirom its natural habitat uauunl unuual 10 driavfiout boats It also suffers chronic com pulsion to spend Ms entire income on its boat SET TENNIS DATEH FEW YQHK fAILThe HEC One need not go to camp for tlsh and fun Try any fishing spot the laughs and thrllls are there You can even find them on the Bayfleld Street dock when certain fellow gives what he calls de monstration of casting Ouch SHQRIER NOTES But for all the fun had catching flsh one gets the impression that the fellows provide the real fun for each other Can you im ine Mr Smith preparing meal for guests who wou arrive late Ima inc Mr Smithcompiaining or all the time it had ta en him to wax the beans or serving fried eggs with code numbers on them The fine catch taken by group of regulars from around Guelfih was hauled in from lake that the rest of the ows were led to believe yielded mere pickerel or pike For an of its laughs and uutotthewaler pleasures this camp does Im told produce flsh Messrs Han greaves Smllh Kennedy and Harris tell of 10 speckled trout that were caught that totalled over 50 pounds Its the same place that local Mr for Ken nedy was to have become llllle annoyed at his boat pllol for not moving away from shore It happens ma friendly Mr had neglected to rnlse the ant or WANT LIONS BOYCOTI VANCOUVER CplA boy Don Barnetts flsh camp in the north country must be payasyouplny haven Although Ive never been there Ilalk wlth so many who have Thats the same place at which AI Bear Thurlow was forced to make like Davey Crockett last year Ill THE IIAIHUE EXAMINER rinmsnn JUNE to 18$ GREAT OUTDOORS Fishermen Make Fishing Fun 9y STEVE JONESCU SCISRORED SW TRAINER HUSILNDED TORONm Cll Trnmcr nobhy Fisher wu luspcndcd or 00 day hmdny by lhu 0n lnrlo Ham Rncm Communion after Juno urlnulylh 1ch lbnlc Slnblun Bonuly Slrlp thawed mm lhc drug Im wine Pmmlno ll manually painkilling drug KELSO WIN NEW YORK MIthemln slnhlcl Knbo harm ha ycnr or law ml and 1m rrncwcd MI campaign In an unpmr dcnlrd luurlh lltlo by cnplurlnl Um tlnhlh running the 71300 Nnunu Conn Slam nl Aque duct Vcdnc ny The linear uld mm Your mtMull Fllghl mppcd lho mllu In Hm cxccllenl line am luln uh ta Immdslhmllflhl or mum on the truck rrcard dupllu In Impol ol 112 pounm FISHNET II III I1 II Glnnls may not hnva single reprnscniaiivo in he Iinriinn lineup liinniln is on ilw disabled llxl wllh in broken fool liuyl mny pmsibly be acincicd nl lhuuxh he currrnliy ll hclnz ouihii by oihm MAYS MANTLE OUT NEW YORK APllmaglne an allslar znmo wllhaul Wllllo Maya Ind Mlckey Mnnllul It was concclvnhlc chnudny week below the playm selec llon the lqund lar Ihn all llur gnme In Cleveland July lhnl lnsl Octoberl World Scrlcs pnnlclpnnls Ihe Yankees and Glnnls may not hnva alnglo Cup cumpellllon Involving the United States and the wlnncr the Cnnndnnlulco matches will be played the L0 Angolan Tenn Club Aug 1MB the United State Lawn Tnnnll As ocllflan said Wednesday The MexicoCanada mics wlll be Elnynd Aug 24 ll nllo lo delermlned ONLY or II Th6 lrnw In mum uprrb In be known by lhll weekend Prrllmlnmlu In lhu Tcly Jun lor lcnnln lmxrnnmml will be plnyrd In nnrrlo nLxl Mummy Tucsdny Wudnrsdny and Thun dny Flnnln or Haw Gardens Tnmnla July lays nnd girl In yum and undrr am ollziblo play Tho ngc urmuu um 11 and under Hll Hvlfl And 10 BATSTONESms In run mm Inhlumlim rnlscd hls bullan nvernxa In 009 Mo was Mlllnl 000 Vhllea Mg homer cnme of Tracy Slnllnrd and was hls 12111 of me war II also exlcndnd his nIIllnu slrenk lo 11 games Genny Allmnn run his to 17 or me Cnrds wllh lwn slnulcs Ed Enuln xnl lhn vlclory In rcllel Run Taylor who had In lunve tho flflh whnn Slnllnrd pllch MI his lhumb 0n the Mel side the ledger AI Moran MI lworuu Ilnxla nnd cnlchor Ngrm Shgrry dmvo Tennis Meet Here Monday Pillsburgh lelc pushed Inlo 3th plntu Ila with Mllwaukca thn alhcr game on the card by bealmg the Brave Cincinnati Reds and Chicago Cubs both our game back Imp pace Thu Cub wan over Houston Call and lhu Red um ho Philadelphia Phil $5 In lnnlngs The menlunl 5H vIctory kept Iho Curd onehull game In Iron San Francisco GlnnLu whn lrounccd Lo Angela Dodger at Candlestick Park The Dodgers fell game bchlnd Ihc Cards MAINTAIN LEAD Curl Flood walked and BI Whllu promptly hit firm xlnrn homer mu 1th his en mar 1m Mel were leading 32 Tha Curd had runners at first and scmnd Len Burke smashed grounder la Charley Neal who Hopped on lhlrd and fixed to second In 51an trlplo plny Rod Knnehl dropped thy ball at mound New ank Mel uncovered Ihut new mute In the flflh In mng against the Nullonnl Leagueleading St Luuls Curd Wednesday 0l BAYgllLD STREET How does team that has tried everything find new way to 1007 By musslnl up triple play thats how By JIM BECKER Alsoclnlcd Pm Sport erlnr Burrle and District Horse Pitchlng Assoclnllon meel every Tuesday at Mac Marrisun Plrk fur an Cards Maintain Leda With Win Over Mets Hm lvu ynu that mm mmin nl HahnH nml My Thhl new kind of Um nn my lhu now can Th0 Dunlapum liability on tomm um pach under ru run lwun pin or nunr mum malu up In New Dunlap Kim built Iuhher Plus premium guarantee Premium qualin Premium mlluaga New shuckmslstant NEW DIINLOP ELITE will lho exclusive SEglflTYSHOULDER yummy nululumm Hmlnfllm Ilourrqunlitythnn Ihnlhmlvlucml hi now can Th Dunlapurlmiw mum 110le lim you rum tomm in It under rumliUonI nrmlvpc mlxn um 71 or mm mm mail up Vllulllnnl lnr an Muler qulmr wk unlop Elm LI built or lhl nun wha dmundl bl ImL HORSESHOE PITCHERS AT WORK Amulun Lulu Id IL New ank 13 010 Chlcnnn 21 583 mum 55 Clmclnnd 25 Mn Balllmam 31 510 Mlnnmln 11 30 52 lm Annch Knmlu Clty 31 III 79 Delmll 24 301 Wanhlmzlan II MI 10 Ilnulll Vodundly Wushlnulon New York Dclrall Ionian New ank Chlcnno mum Clmclnnd Balllmam Mlnnnmln lm Annch Knmlu Clty Delmll Wanhlnnlan wuukru muslcr 24 Phllndclphll Grew at an alumni OToole I141 Only aumcl Iphcdulcd thn In Pitcher Tody llounon Droll 14 at Chicano Jncklon Plklwgrzhfichwull ll Mll new Wednel I1 Louis New York Chlcnxo Houston San Franclsco La Angola Clnclnn lndclphln St hula Sun Francisco as Angelo Cincinnou Chicago Mllwnukoe Pittsburgh Philadelphln Houston New York Tommy Dav ch the more wilh lwovrun homer In Ihu um um ended Mnrlehnl scoreless streak at 12 23 In nings Tha Glanls chased Dry dnlo vyflnlhycu mm In Ihn mm Einlé Bank passed two land mark for the Cubs Ha Imnshed Willie hicCavey got the Gi ant oii last with iwurun homer an the first pitch thrown lo him by his invarila pitcher Don Dryadnle oi 1h Dodgers II was his Nth oi lha season and ninih in career aibau agninsi Drysdnlc hichvcy now is hiilinz lhu Dodger acu im 465 nverugg DImu lrldly Phila In Now York PllLshurRh nl Chicano Houslan Cincinnnll San Fran Mllwnukw Lon Angelou 5L hull Juan Marichni the slim Dir minicnn Republican with lilo high kick pitched the San Fran4 ciscn victory In his ilrai slur since his lurid nxninsl Houston ins Saturday He needed help immEiiiy Pierce in the eighth but gal his lllh victory nxninsi lhrca unienis evenlnl hunch compell Hon Belwcen mecllnns mem ber plly ll lhelr awn pitchu or compete In innumerable Nullonul Ille BASEBALL mm mm Tody lndlnnnpultl nl Lllllv Hock lllrhmond nl Syrnnm llachrnlrr nl Turunln lluflnlo Jnclmmvlllu Columbul Allan lluulll Vednudy flulmlo Juckwnvllln Columbus In Allan lndlnnnpolls Lllflo Rock nlchmond SynMun Hammer Toronto lndlnnnmll Hula llack Jurkwnvllln Calumhux Allnnlu Rochnslur Symcuau Hullnln Illchmond Toronto day Washington Slcnhuuso 37 It New York Downlnz 20 Delmlt hunch 151 or Regan MD Basia Earlny 12 Chlcnso Buzhnrdt MD at Min nesola Knat 56 Bulflrnoro Ruben 47 or Hall 121 al Chchan Grant Chlcngu lz Mlnncsot Knnsu Clly 24 has Angola Dnltlmgrq Hi clung 5A2 Pllcher Earl Francls III double and two singles good lar threeRBIs and go hls lhlrd vlclary lm Iha Plralu wllll stout rcllcl help lrom Jno Glb ban Hank Aaron hll hll homer lop In Illa majors for the Braves Mack Jones also homered or he Braves Bob Sadawskl acqulrud In Me Lew Burdella trade made his ma ter league debut or Mllwnukce ul lulled to last the llllh Leo Cardenas stroked wo out singlo in tho lmh to score Frank Robinson who wnlked alnlo second and went to mini on two more walks In the Cin cinan victory Dan Demeter hl two humor or tho Phlls his second Heinz the score at In in slxlh the 3500 homer at his career Ind drnva In our runs to run his tntal to 1001 Carl Wnrwlck rulncd Glen Hobbte shutout with sale homer tn the sixth Glmu Irldny Wnshinglon Lo An Dulmll at Kansas Clly Bnlllmoro at Minnesota Chlcnzn at Cleveland New York at Boglan InlernHunI Luan Nnrlhern DlvlIon ltl GM tournament across the pro vlnce Shown picking the shoes of the peg are from left Marley Schandlcn and Joe Emms Exnminor Photo mwc PA 66549 Soulhtrn luvhlon 27 597 mall 35 500 lock 29 30 NS 10 wmn l0 lOJ wul 19 J00 ll 83 569 an 19 557 30 JD 500 36 39 576 Prmcdl oI Iherlmirnnmml In the Darrlc YMYWCA buildlnx projcd Top net nearermow lha ll dlu wn carded by Iluthmnrlo Green who carch 75 Low net mm was rellstumfl by Bob mhby who hld 71 Ed Wylozlnd Ind Charla LIW Ion llcd or ucond low net hon on end having 72 Stan Gardner posted tho law arm Icon as yesterday In the Young Liberal Anaclntlon ml tournament held at Got Mavnn Country Club Giltnrd Hilleles wallapcd St Man an yumday Allornoon It Queens Puk in In elemcnury slim glrla 501ml playoll PF Bafil boy and Kim playdawns continue his week and ha final will he dazed next week In lha lunlur circuit Elmvala and Banlo Plaza meet Mine lnz Consumerl Ga and Smilhl Dairy clash In an In Icrmedlnla contest Queenn Ind the ladm Ieazue has twa same on lap Juvenile meet Ing Nawmurkel Ind Orlllln play lnz Monarch Gardner Tops Golf Tourney All three with league have names achecjuled In lonllht Hillcrest In Downey went the distance for Plan and lerIed sharp Imlr hlkler He slatted slowly alv Ing up rlnxle and Wanamak era homer In an first Inning lhen rcllrcd lo In row Ila didnt nlve up another hIl unlII ha mm and was Lagned or Ilnnlo In the seventh Henderson was the loser dea plle sthIl pertormanoe la had nohluer anng Ior three and onaihlrd Innngs wenkcn Softball Win Truelove not one run In Ihe sevtnlh but Wen Downey re lIred the aide quickly below anyrmlous mm was made In Plans lend Harvey Martin Plnu right fielder hen dellvmd couple at clutch ML to luck the ver dict away or his club In the mm he smashed dnubla to more two runs and lflel True love not one of them back the alxlh Mmln clubbed home run with Hlnu an second to 1m Elm $3 lead Four Games Are Slated Thats the way the score bod until Ihe fourth Inning Then Corby Adam scored on pass bull and hrolhlr BU Adams led he scam when he crossed the plate on groundml by Prnlt Left elder Pat Wanamaker shot lruelovn Heatlnl Into first inning lead when connected for elm blank will one man amnrd mr lnr Sun League last night at Queens Park when my real and victory over True lnvo Haunt and Stewaxll Gn rue put loxeiher their first two backwhack victories when they nei Edgar VIVIVCAF 41 Barrle Plaza snapped three Irm skeakln hp Sen Stewarfs Plaza PoSt SeniOr Loop Victories ENJOY THE NEWER WHISKY van the Impresslon he deadly serious about winning the loumament and ending the flux He seems lo lhInk that the Country Club course playing so laugh that In zolnx to be rough on everyone The starter Include Cnnndl an AI Balding of Tumnlu Slnn Leonard of Vancouver and Al Johnston Montran Another entry 13111 Ezlnlckl lormer National Hockey Lcagunr with Toronto anla Lents Thu for mer Winnipezcr now golf pm In lhe US When the Held 150 lead at dawn Snead was beginning My 11rd consecutive enemy at the Open In 12 previous tries ha finished In the lop ten eleven times In our yearn he finished mend Hui man many innsespe cially he sentimental ones wiii be watching Sam Snead who or all the thousands oi dal iaru and lame aoli has hmuxhi him has nevu won Ihe Open BROOKLINE Mass AP Thu 61rd United Slate npcn gal championshlp begun today with Italian centred on duel be tween delender Jack Nicklaus and Armld Palmer No Stewartl our hits were doubm Jim Bertram and Pete McCloskey smacked lha extra has blown while Jae aimlay and Art Marlin checked In wllfi IIngles Peck anarrrblandmrd gave Armstrong the most lmuhle Each mustered we hitl om Ralph Knapp suffered loss despite line parlnrmance Six error by his males contributed lrmly lo the WWW victory Jlm Afmsflonr fired five hlllor or lh winners um ms 11 shutout In Lhe seventh ln mm with two out It wn un unearned run Slewnna look 10 lead In the Iecond Inning and plckcd up their other rum 1n the 11th and slxlh in ihe other game Siewnrta made the mosi oi four hits and some cmiess Edgar fielding to past iheiy 41 decision ed In lhe mu when he gave up Ihm hits and was clipped or another pair In lhe ievcnh PQORA SUPPORT Sam Snead Tries Again In US Open Dunlun And Anna PA 84142 COMET SERVICE STATION DUNLOP 51 IV PA 05216 JUST CALL AT 509 TEXACO STN ICE You cant see when yourc mama so you It and sky to whether the gallery up around lhn green applauds or groans he says Only way you can lcll whehcr you hit load one or noL Mast the golfer here am with Snead mm 280 would be good score for the layout that bus so many bllnd hole that Sam calls it hit and listen ink me and all down here and grin and wggldgl tyorry ghoul thinl hope it blows nnd the ram comes and the skin all dont see whnre anybndy can put our good rounds on thll course Would take me 280 thcu Take that long first hole he said Why the wind was blawinh you muldnt get on with two drives course that Nicklaus fella hes so strong and allhe might try lo grunt on lhmewaod But do llhink hed make It The change Irom Wednesday to Monday was made becaust more 01 ha worlds great wrat Im were available caller ma week 11m Hrs should prove to be nnythlng but Blue cntcrlnlnment lha mnIn oven brings logelher may slve Yukon Erlc against maul Ing sweet pnfidy 51k Opencr at pm has popu lar lllo DlPaolo tackling the rugged Auslrallpn Frqd Atkllu emlth plFIhe Beast and manager In Anzcla agglmt Stan Slasiak VIS Professonnl wreslllugr mnvc lo Monday nights sunning nexl wefik Darrlefircnn 1161412 Peckx going lwu buses laudall single by Morrla in he firsl Inning was he anly nlher hlt 01 Armstrong Mat Card Set For Monday Cu Ind Truck Rentl nunxop St Clll

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