Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 9

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VIxIlon it the home 531 Mp vlginn Trnmer nl iMnm Hop Sunday to nucnd he chrlslcnlnx at lhe Charm of IheIlnly flfdcpmer of their In Ralph nr cy llnnnvcr Mn 1rnmcrl broth Ind his wile Mr Ind Mu Clarence Oberlcy Hanover and her limr Ind husband Mr Ind Mn John flddy GnXL 1sz regular fixedly of the chdquanm Scrununu Mm Ladlu Alullhuy mu hold on Janna II It 1130 pm Elccllom ucrc held and the new cxuullva MA as lnllawl Pruidrnl Mn most enjoyable evening was spcnl recently by he iiiLites bowling team consisting oi Lil iinn Flood 1Cnpiain Juan home Marl Tourand Mug Pnrismllh Greta Ross Another jmembar oi the cam iiinry Pol ler was unablo to attend Alter bawllnz at the Holiday Bowl in Burrle ihey bid delicious lunch at the Lakeview Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant xlil oi Jewellery wan presented jio Mn Flood irom her team AflENDS CIIIUSTENING Inhtrwn Paul who will born June were Puull mllemal Erqngipgelgl In and Mn Qlfi SGTS MESS LA Mr and Mrs Larry Phllllpl Cornwall spent law days in Camp Borden last week with Cpl And Mrs Ross 11 20 Scnlo Loop BLOWPm PARIY Mrs Jnhn Ferguson Vlmy Loop heme mm the Royal Violarla Haspllu Barrie and wish thank all her neigh bour and friends for their help nnd kindness to her and her family during her day In hay pita CORNWALL VISITORS HOME FROM HOSPITAL CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 1561 Flm Plum SECOND HAND CENTRE ANTIQUESKNICKKNACK GOOD QUALITY USED FURNITURE Rudy hr Your Home Used Furniture HEM Hm In Each Wonk Now Suppllu To Your LOCATED MILES SPUTH OF BARRIE ON HIGHWAY II WATCH FOR THE SHELL STATION BI Flnlthcd AINTING Jlm and Roy Lemon Proprlolurl Mn Genny Ehapul Ind Mn AHca Bulky Gel Well Commillce Mn Eunice Laverne Enlenaimncnl Mrs Allce Bentley and Mrs Lucy Lukuszewskl pin was presentcd la Mm Hnnnlla Holland In View ol her posting new membn Mm Juan Leduc was welcomed An Inleresunl address wax given by Cummings President and General Manager of the Coca Invnslmcnlclub wnl ac compInch by Major La Mam Barnlcr Vlcé President MrL Nara Brownrlu Secret ary Mrs Jenny Monkmun hfiaxumr Mrs Lucille Br nu BALL MODERNIZING Refresh emf werg ryegAhy 48 Armor ST PAULS DONT MOVE IMPROVE Dlvlllnn mu llllllll Mill CI Ltd CALL TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Hm The eldest aunt present was Mrs James Watson at Adjula and the eldest Uncle was John Buc ken of Caledon East or In happy occasion re lnllves Ind friend came 1mm Turontn Barrie Beewn Cale non Em and the surrounding wintry All the wedding party of twen tylive yam ago were present Miss Sadie Murdoch was brides maid and Humiltan Watson was zroormmanl MrsDon Fergus on oi Toronto nee Lama Lip um and Mrs William Bell of Tonenham neu Bessie McCain werg dwerglrl at he waddlng Ebrlde ind groom received heaullfll gill delicious bullet supper was served to Illa guests The hrlde 0125 years ago was called cullhe huge wedding cake Rev Fred Laird proposed the loss in the bride and groom lnyapproprinio word and Mrl Watson replied Mrs Wilson was he lormer Kathleen Mur dopir arr Tollenham fillLauder Hamilton mm of thignmgq gay an addresg On whimsy evening June appnxlmflley 50 reiaiives and friends gnthered al Ihe home Merd MnHamiilwn Wat sun ni Adjaia iur surprlsa party in hnnnr of Mr and M11 kobcr Watson an the occasion Iheir silver wedding anniver my FRONT SEAT BY CAMP COT LONDON AP Zl year old secretary Susan Harris pnrked her camp bed In Iran Ike Hausa of Commons Saturday starting queue or sea In the public galleries at today cmcinl Mammary de salt on the Pmtumu scam filer are seals Inside or 151 of the public MIA HBF was equlpped with up plus nuts Ind funk 01 ea Couple Celebrate Silver Anniversary 10 CID Cackull Shampoo an Hair Imalmen Ind Set $25 PERMANENT BEAU SALON PA 84594 In May Elm Ms2496 TOWELS nnlurllml llrmnlrlnlll 0m lmm mm mm nu Mm wnl mm uu Inmm mm mm lot why Maw mm 3a Smlnul on Summer Inhrlrl um 04 Imam WW mm domvulina Chm hum with mmly ol wlnll J6 Rm to 79¢ anly hm Comm Irlnln Special Snvingl Terry llnlll Towel firm9 only Scoék up on absorbent lorry towel or lhll low price Gannon slxu In amer colon and pallomL 50 DUNLOP ST EAST Substantial Samth on Firsts and Subk tom We Known Manufactunr 39¢ IT PAYS TO SHOP AT Caldwell quallty In wlda unonmanl ol duignl and colon Youll want In buy some thlx low price Flu Quality Hand Towel Speclnl Saving un Ru In lma nanny mmhty mm mm mm ullmJlu dud mm mhanmuq In mu In much an liq 111 but qunln lmn 0m kwl In amtva J2 smm man In ulwvlld mlou Roq 59 M1 Hull llinh lollu Abxotbcnc lung wwnna Ina Handy IE 29 ln mulll mm dmcn Rm Ihwn Icn owrln 9mm Ohm rmI lot Hf lo 79 II or only mu jJune Sale If Household Linens Subs ol Tex made Homestead qualitynote extra length Printed border sheets line quality Conan Choose from assumed calors andpanernsSubs Long waarlng fined sheds of fins quality whlta canon Buy savaral at Chinook downysoft llannelem blankets Complelaly mothprool with 70 whipstitched edges Choice of pink 80 or blue striped borders 80 Strand blend blankets of viscose and nylon 72 Mayfair extra large blend blankets 80 Special Savings on Snawy whilergtgpliow cases with plain neat ham 881w Sub of overall primed pillow cases match bordur sheets 157m Luxury quality pillow cases In plain whiin parcel or with overall printed l32 count pillow asex An bumandlng value 107 pr Hand embroidered pillow cam of llm quality cotton l1w Luxury Quality Ravauiblo with ringed odch Double at twin II In Antique of Snow Whlta Substandards Reg 1098 PILLOWS For Sleeping Comlort cm Fan Pillsfoth rayon quillod com l8 xlu Rog l67 144M Note these exceptional values on quality thls low prlcel Heirloom Bedspread PILLGW CASES BLANKETS Saw $2 an Womlu Slrrplnu llnul Mania watermound mynn Mlcd with Ham Mighl Culocloud and kasha lmcdlol warmlh 5m 35 73 wrlh 91 upper Ru Walkers does it aguih Tremendous having on towele and bedding needs ior home or summer cottage SHEETS Genurou 36 x60 Ilu llght detect wlll no allect appearanca weaving quality Asxuvlmant ol doxlunx and tolou Bench Towoll Wv 0t El 72 Twin Size Double Sin wv 167 PA 6022 104 I00 100 90 9o IOO 34 90 447 ca 577 251 ea 269 50 199 an 157 177 no 399 pf 499 pr pl pr uifir

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