Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 8

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Tlvml really no nml In let murflln laudthe ulna ym lml min ynur day Amm can makc you th helm on lnsl lIIaI In mlnulu youll Icrl like dlllcmll pmunl Jun lake lwu Amnm tablcu with half glut of wanr and by the lime youve fin llhrd drmlng Illnl mornan hmarht Ihnuld be but ml uull be nlvlr In mu ml 21mm nml rnru hm Ihn dulwrm lumpy lml 111m In mam hurt llmn ml Tho minimum and numry dennrlmmh ol lhn Sunday ma MM lhelr nnnunl pltnlc In Saumlny AIanmn In 5L Vlnrrm lnxk lln picnic llme nxnln And your own wellMIN plrnic bawkM ha ldmluion prim 11w Immul tnnrreunllnnnl plrnic of SI Andrewl lrmhy rrlnn Uuurch being hrld Ill lulumoan nl Sprinlwntcr Imk Mlllan ll Tnmrln Shunt bron on Inmtly mminn durng he past me wockx whcn Mn Srymnurl hrnlhcr nml luluHm lnw Dr and Mn Wllxrm Ind children Noun Ilul Ind Mark Edmonton Albnrll nr rlm in ID my or 1hr wrck vncnliun Since um llm mu llarrlo cmlple hnve had In gucsls Mn Seymour hrmhm Tho nlmnmiut ll of Dr and ML Seymour Tnmrln Shun has bron on Mr And Mr Elwn Han Rule Noflh mended the funeral ol Mu Horner uncle Dr Achnnon Philips of Own Sound on Monday FAMILY TOGETHER St Andrews Picnic Today 6ounul an froun pink lemonade cup water tahlupoon sugar tablupoon cornmrch ta upeon water la upoonl huer quari vanilla ice cream Combine in small saucepani the frozen lemonade the 12 cup water and sugar Bring to the boil over medium heat Combine cornstarch with the table spoon water stir Into hot lemonade and cook over medium heat stirring constantly until smoothly thickened and clear Stir in butter Cool complete iy Spoon alternate layers of Ice cream and sauce into tall parialt glasses If desired garnish with whipped cream Next Time You Wake Up with Morning Headache You Can Feel Fine by Breakfast Tlme PINK LADY PARFAIT wonderiul sweet yet tangy flavor combination is the feature attraction of the lemonade sauce in this arialt Its made in wink with can of frozen pink emonade RUM BUTTER PARFAIT This creamysmooth sauce with its buttery flavor is superb with vanilla ice cream Just like oldfash ioned butterscotch sauce this verlson has touch of rum flavoring added Its sure to be such favorite in your house that youll want to make up big batch to keep in covered jar in the rig for quick delicious ice cream dessert any timel cup lightlypacked brown lunar V4 sup corn syrup cup light cream teaspoon nit upoom humr to poon rum flavoring pint Vanilla Ice cream pecan halve In saucepan combine brown sugar corn syrup cream and salt Add butter Simmer over medium heat stirring constantly about minutes or until slightly thickened Stir in rum flavoring Cool com pletely Spoon alternate layers oi ice cream and oparfa glasses Top withpvecan halves Non if sifiée becomesToo thick on standing stir in little additional cream my 5mm Bu it pp be the proud pos sessor of pariat glasses dont pass up these wonder iul sauces because ice cream is favorite with youngsters and adults alike Which is another way of saying do try the sauce recipes featured today and serve them over ice cream as simple sundaes For whichever way you choose to serve them as arialts or sundae these sauces teamed up with ce cream will addthe perfect finishing touch to summertime menus Lusclous layers of ice cream and sauce look everso lmpressive in pretty parfait glasses And amazingly enough these desserts are snap to make and real boon to you busy hostesses because they can be made up well ahead of time and tucked in the freezer till yohjre ready to serve them youre ready to serve them Handsome parfait glasses are easy to come by at reasonable prices these days and we think theyre well worth the investment for you can dazzle your guests and family all summer long with delectable ice lSream desser so ele oking llithese glasses AA 8AM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE ll Parfait means perfect en frauds and halter word we cagtjhlnk of to describe these three elegantdesserts phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey mm PA mu PEOPLE AND PLACES Maku Snrvlngl KITCHEN GOSSIP Andremcmbtmnummlm In good not mly for Inducle Inn fur mmculnr urhr and palm MM Juluu and ulluhlc and drum1k palm le can Alwayl ml ynur confident In InnIn or Annm Inn brought an NIH from headache In mllnn mm pmplu than any nllwr hund ol puln vellcvrr MANY MEMBER 11m Imprrlnl Onlnr muzhlrrl my luu 31000 my mm In 779 rhnplrrl uron Can udn Wllsun Iroqunll lnlll and Mn mrue Wllsnn nnd Slrphon Villowdnle and Mr llml ll Wilson 01 llrumlllnn Lual wrelwnd Dr 11qu Mu Seymourl Innlnlnw nnd dnukhlrr Mr and Mn IL Wnl Inn nnrl dnuxhlrr Elllnbclh of morgcmwn and Mn Scymnurl nlrtc Mk3 Cynthia Hdwnrda lnmnu rumplrlcd lnmlly group Thu lul lo Joln or Inmily nrllngrUur nu Mu Sryynuurn hrolhrrImlnw nml Alllrr Mr nml MIL Glyn Ed wnnll and lnmlly LMIEO and llmrln lmqunll Fulll who Iver In Nu clly lodny Ilw day th mlly fmt By EILEEN DIXON Not In mum to caver the cum IMIII Illa ol nu clly Ind dlllflcL Weddlnl Ir ulvrmrlu hlnhdnyl hndn plrllu 117mb pm ll lellan Ind mullet III lltml ol Immu lo Inmcn uldrrl of pm Your hrlu In Iupplylu lhll nan wlll b0 lrully nppro mud Iltnn pm nu lllrrle Eumlnrr ll IA 16511 Ind uk or Ellun 11101 or Andrey Coulnou AI 1h Wank Devuncut he mu you mulne luvmu Loni for the mine will In Iner cvm So for an rrllthm nth ache Ind mhcr mlmx MI nmlpnlm alwnyl In Awmu and for IIcllrr 1m wrfl lot Ilw liwnmfnm nml kvrr or rimm PA 04277 38 Dunlop My husbm as an 8100 in the bunk yet ha wnnl to xiv htr weddan whlch will cost about 41000 II My hull horrnw lhe balance dont mind borrowing ln can of up ccsslly bull lhlxl ngry nnd Dru Pinon Ynur hushnnd In pmhnhly eclan gullly about mulmlng Elkn nll lhcu ycnu hl wgy or mull II uprlo tr Mlfiim do wisnu about Ms dnuzhleru cddlnu ll my luxury nmngnlml VHTWhnI 15 your ndylcc PIGEONTfl My hush very little Ellen until three months ago Suddenly they have taken quie In Mmst In each olhcr The seasonsh being married 5M ml nnd wnu nlce benu Illul exnenslv wpddlng Dear Renamed Your leller supporls my conlenllon lhal this habit la Indeed an unconscious one Some readers wrote In say wns on huselhal no person could sock and punch and not know he was doing it Im happy you wrote LUXURY Dear Ann Landau My hus band has nyeamld daughter by former marrlage Ellen was raised by her mother and shes always been problem the has bran 1n lrouble with man olllcm and ltllchflll Fl nnlly aha was expelled rom school and had lo lrndualu lhfnuzh he mall From now on Im going to make real effort to keep my hands to myself am dcchy grateful to my friend who went lo the lmuhle of mailing me the clipping only wish someone had old me years ago It makes and to think hnva been nhnslng my friends or heaven know how long nlank you for cverythlng AnnRE FORMED PUGILIST WORRED A80 Iowamow YES DAM AND WIN Wt RIGIII There noquesuon but Ural Im guilty of the habit What puzzle me however how person can have such hnhlt and no knnw II recall reading that column and laughed never occurred lo me Hm equld he the woman nenr Ann Linden In the Inst three day hlve received live cuplt one your col umnsha one about the woman who had habit of punching people on the arm or sucking them In the rlh Io qmphuslze mlnL One cupping was mind from another city Timnthy OBrien of Banla has announced the engagement at his daughter Eileen Marilyn OBrlen to John Pacellu oI Ban1 The bridegroom par ANN LANDERS Using Your Friends For Punching Bags COUPLE PLAN JUNE RITES 7004 Yr IS ms ii In Den Judge Twnnlyj wall or me wflh rolled up writ ol replevln Donn ol nltomeyl and few Judges wrule to In lcrm ma hat had slapped over mlo Ihclr unitary romlse not lry tn prncllce law ha lulurl 11 you lnwyen wlll prom no to try lo wrila In Win column Plusl xiv the lady once Ind In law without JUDGE for per son to repay debt which has been cancelled under hank ruplcy tiling to mnka no yromlm whatevzr but In qui ckly ml the amuunl awed an credllor pay In full and then go on to the next creditor Ind 1h next4nd so on LEGAL ADVICE Dur Ann Lnndm You are llne human relallanx columnist uul burn Illornay You lnlrl Consclunce Iha woman whose husband Had bank ruptcy petitionthat slnce she felt guilty about sllcklng all those eople many were pen snnal rlendsl she should Indeed go back go work and pay them You unher rccnmmmdcd that she wrlle or phone and Ide them her good lnlunllonl You said shed probath eel beller lmmedlalul Th ndvlce ls heautllul from human relnuons palnl nl vlew but legally such move would be disastrous The woman wauld nave her husband rlght back ln nag to all Ill creditors lo youbut to hlm It ncces my em in Mr and Mrs John Pacelln SL Maryn Roman Cn thollc Church Barrie will be the xexllnz or the wedding on June 29 It 10 mm mm by new Seagrams Star Rated Best Plonunnt Hm lmoothnr honormuting HM mom antilying in gonulnoly no whluky at popular prluo nut In tout altar tout ntlor tout ngnmlt tho thrno landing brnndn In In prion olnu Cnnndlnnl liked the Inulo of Bongmmu Snu bout ano you Lrlod this grant vhlaky yo not do no noon Gm you dont nuruo with Hm mrdlm thounnnds of olhnr Cnnndlnnn and mm bout WomanmumutualIupmImavxudlnuxmmn OlunhIlan CANADIAN RYE WHIBKV SEAGRAMB FIVE STAR word lo lh slop prncuo license Don The newlydecorated parlsh hall was In use all day for the About 125 deanery member allundbd he daylong sessions They Included representative from the WA 1mm Bun1e Was an Beach Calllngwoad Crown Hill Crnlghurst Mldhursl Elm vale Wyevale Waverley Crab more Lisle Sunnldala and Glen Huron Before morning session slatt ed they gameer in the church er holy communinn service celebrated by the minister at St Peters the Venn Light bourn Assisting was Iha rumi dean Rev Waiter Dyer Other ofllcer are vlcevpresl dent Vance Barrie mrelaryImasum Mrs Harry Adams Mineslng mlsnnl rctary Mrs LorneOrser MldA burst Junlur leader Mrs Benneywnrlh educflllnnal sec retary Mm Max Crnlg Craig hurst ulrls leader Mrs Vastgnle Barrie sachl rcrvlce Mr Lorne Pierre Barrlu th Us Hcl rs Mm Marlon ml in dhurst MINESING sum Mm Rm Foyslon Mlnesing was re elected president or the West Slmeoe Deantryjol the Womans Auxlllary or the Anzllcan Church or Canfida Officers for the 196 at term were lnsmllm here at the 44th annual dcanarymect In held at St Peters church yeshmjav The xjural dean Rev Waller Dyer or Allandale con ducted the Installation service West SimcoeDeanegy WAv Install Officers At44th Annual ONLY $295 skit dramnllzlnz the dean ery appeal mm to equlp lunch Ital ng school at na liva clugymenl wlvu we slaged by cast Inc They were Mrs Robert Jensen Mn TnmCoward Mrs George Kir Members mm the diocesan board in Toronto dgscrlbed jun Ior auxllary and mu helpen amlvllies Dr Sinniey Lang Tomnlor iurmer mndical missionary in Kashmir indln now xiudyin in he priesthood was the al lcmoan rpcaker Ha wu inira duced by Mn Pi Downer Colllnzwood and thanked by Mrs Hnnnah Slayner Reports were liven by Mrs Max Cralz educational SEC Iry and by Mrs Wenz rate Barrie Kiria auxiliary secretlry Speaker was Rev Roland do Cumulus Toronto who In dune the work of We Chil Ian dialogue approach to lha chlsh penph or III dloces al Tornnlo described hll work man the Jewkh pcnple huslnm sessions Mn Victor Thaw Minulnz gave the ad dress of welcome Greeting 1mm lhe diocesan board were extended by Mrs Walls Toramo Mrs Edna Robson Toronto social survlca secretary of the diocesan board conducted rune discusslon on hupllul VI ling VVVvvvv nuu muuu all snub12 $179 $199 5199 $229 ladies Misses and Childrens Mr Neshlu Barrie pm scared the rcsnlulinn of thanks as the meeting ended Three lnvllatlun have been received or next years meeting Mrs Foyslon announced An accept ance dedslon will come at Iulure executive meeting NEW YORK AP Irish playwright Brandan Bahan lnken to hospital wilh liver disorder quickly tired of all the us and lelt ubrupkiy why New Yuri Univer sity Medical Centre spokesman said he Just got dressed and lelt He hndnt even finished the lusts Ila niured iha hospital Monday Ian and Mn am Malone Cu hursl Mm Ellun Parker and Mn Glnrla Maby Barrie and Mn Ernest andzry Mrs Nelll Blundell and Mrs Willlam Dav Ies Mldhursl nEllAN HAD ENOUGH Mm Elllou of Harris was tho speclm guest and was Introduc ed by Mrs Ewen Wollenden lho guest Intrnduced and dem onstmlcd lha lpeclll progrnm designud or care of lhe Ildn during lha summer Mrs Wllllnm Elson thankld Mrs Elliot on behalf mm hm Th the linal meellnl he season The auxiliary wm lesume lessiom 5ch 15 The Ladies Auxiliary lo the Barrie Ruiidern Association held um June dinner meeting the continental inn last Evening President Mrs Ernie Alexan der was the chairman hi evenings program TRY EXAMINERWANI AD PHONE PA NIH Builders Wives Hold Iune Session £37 rm 1531596 if

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