Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 5

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IVA Sultd II II hand Inhlo we brnnrh pmldrnl Don Gulhrnlt mach Chnvlln Crlwlo vlllnxn no Fred MnrMnn rcd Ced uhem annnlo Tnlrurnm 5mm Vrllmr wha wax 11ml Ipcnkrr Hey Mr Tnylnr IHII Hallv lulmrh mm ofllrrr ml in Jnnm Woran Human Unarr and Juan Ballard mu Iurkry lup rr mu mm by lbs Milan nmvn LIIIII Rond Con MWm Highway 400 Ind TOITENIMM Snnrlnl lnlher lml um hunqunl In rm nccllon wllh lha Juvrnllu and 0qu Lemma hmlmll luml Iwnlaml Ivy Tnllnnhnm Milan bunch wnl hrld In lho him llL Tollrnlmm Furl In 10 myqu nlkndr an NAM van dnuxhlcr of Mr And Mu Rudolph Grnvn Sltel 5L mule lndunlrd In modinlno mm the Unlvmlly Tomnlo 111 MW nun010ml wlll Iono one yur In lnlern nt MI chull Hnspltnl lumnlo Tottenham Ball Players Urged To CoOperate With Coaches lhcra re also other cnsls The people Thormun pay 64 mills lo alan lha vlllngu committee operate their allnlral ll ma mllla lor the Federallon Mrlcullurn added to evnry axrlcullural lnxpuyer unless be are ccrlnln dale ho advlsea the clerk that he not amo nblo lo havan lhl rate placed against Illa properly For urban collection this north yourround controct odds 15 mills while the summer con4 tract which Includes cottages add 14 mills The south are which is mm the centre line at the 7th concession oouth the fate is mills For tho vlllogl oi Strand the cost is mills 1n the Crawford subdivision the cost to ratepayers is mllls These local assessments on over and obovo the rates paid to malts up this levy mentioned above and on listed on each tax bill in the column showing how the total taxes required an calculated to be paid by eoch fiatapoyfl according Io where he 1119 per up grant based on the yearMind population 01 ha township provide 53419541 fiother arunla amount to 323 06131 Tom xrnnu amount to alumna We are mqulm to raise for education alone the spunIn sum of $52198763 and or munlclpnl purposes 4518810 From tho back the tax bill wn learn that street llghung In Lefmy and Bell Ewart costs each rnternycr In the area mill an taxes in Strand 14 mlllx Far Community Hall were 16 mills In Churchill 113 mm In Stroud and mill 1n Letroy Grant ior education will mount to 3262401413 Highway Iubsidies which are so per cent oi the amount spent for roads not including the three mvin cinl highway which run mush the tawnmip amount to $211 DNM Than than Ihe 1mm made for weiiare which cavar 80 per cent hi the iunds ex pendcd ymvided mdpienu meet requirommis the Ad mounting to $16500 305 When rtepaym ncnvar mm the hack Incltaxed axe which will met them this year they should read Information on the back lhalr hllls They will lgnm that grants from um Prnv Inca have saved them from ply ing much more than last year INNISPIL NOTES Be Sure You Read Back 0i Tax Bill GRADUATES FROM BARRIE WED THURS FRI snow sunrs AT nusx HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Gum Ipcnhr Fred ruler an wm Inlmductd Ivy branrh pmldonl Gnlhrnllh who mu Wnrhl Wnr II buddy at Mr Ced nhmz Mr Crdrrbaru mph 1ch ha mun ol we llnn of the ball sum wll Ihu ranrhu to min he bl eulrr lnr conrermd wm pinclku flu Inl mulls cm In luccenlul and leulnl hu Inld Mr Culnnm pmenl rd Jimmy 0on wllh lnvphy nwnnlul lo lho mall qmmmnm Ilka ylny Enlrrluliuhenl or In nvrn in Win color lllm cl mu Stanley Cup playmlh Auxlllnry and In muuwrl lhu player MISS JOAN mom dnuxh or of ML and Mn ll Cally nibble Cook 5L llarrlo momd her Bachelor ol Am demo lrom Waterloo Unlvmlly Collage lhn Con vocnlon rxtrclscs held May In Jann luu Implui tenth lnx position It llu Bradford lllzll School snvlng per can can be made by puylnx taxes baton July lho lnxpnycr holds out un ullcr December 15 per cent penalty in added wllh uddillonul penalty continued per cent per month for unpaid lane carried over into lhu next year Policing this your will show deiicii the Council rciuscd lo puss the amount nended to make balanced budget In this department The police rule is 47430 mills Runpayer learn Hm lhoy are classed as commercial tax payer lhey will pay rate 60074 mills The residential nle Ls 30074 mlllsl calmly luvy ls 112400 mills and road and brldges will lake to mills In um um loul bylawl have been passed to cover lm provemenl such made ur bridges The Carson Vllleze dllch and Share Acm entrance brldze and rondway project Ire belnl pald for over rlod and they will be than 33 local Im provement when they an add ed to the regular taxes Dllche whlch have been done the request group of mem era are also charged back the lame manner Black 01 Strand Mr Black celebrated his 83rd birthday Jun 19 lerIong resident of sum he has taken an ncllve part in community 31min nnd or some years was Superm tmdam of the T9th Park Photo by IL 9mm Ho cscrlbcd how mlcm work In Omnucvflle and lrll my Owen Snun nx hlll nhnwlmz tho lmlnlmcm Inn In 9m with clerk Lorna hllexl or my Thlll en unlntd tounclll port Mayor Jnck Mitchell Ind nnly llvn per cont In nym now nku ndvnnlnzn In re bnlu nlIawId or early payment luu 11in nhnfi dismal problem II dilemma Ihurcd by Iowm think we re Mind lhn llmu In not having system llkn here Ilqoyo Duyllnu ald or Ilia In mollan panned Iltcvn Dnrllng Vlfll nulhurlmd to pro nnru hylnw lo malt IBM In payment due In two Inxlnlmunu on June 15 um Nov 15 Mr Whlhsldo In In Mudf nll ponlbll Illcn Involved In mplcmcnunu mo lelrlmvtr bank loan he winlnd oui Thin brings substantial snvo in in lnicmsl rules Also having second insini meni Inx pnymcni due In tho iail is easier on lilo taxpayer he said Aillsionl present nncu year in pnymcni duo ni year cmi was described in burden in inxpn in lha midst oi incir Chr slmn shopping Na cxlrn coal are involved In collecting him in iwo inslni menu he said On lhe conirnry ii would his Iimpicr Iinco under Inch Iyliem rchnics would be Iiiowm or early payment mniiinn imkkcapinn micr ALLiSmN Siam ow to Inva lawn money Ind how in cope with the chiuni municipal lurhm dismal prnbicm were outlined to council horn Monday night by iicevu John Darlingi Ream Dnrlinx said mosi mun icipnliilu in Ontario coiiccl lwu or lhrco times year The ndvnntagc that in mm icipality is working wiih its own money eqriy if the ycpr not on He said studies of the em nomlc branch of his depart ment had been cancenlrnled on he gmnomlc meals of leglsln Uon mm In farce He indicated In the legIsInlum some of the principal changes would attack tnyallle and leases QUEBEC CF Resources Minister Rene Levosquo said Tuesday ill depnrimenl plan changes in th Mining Act but they pruhabiy will not be intro duced during the present legis lature scssian Mu Ruth mm was presi dent conducted lha elections president Mrs Ken Hughes vicepresident Mrsi Richud Price secretary Mm Normnn Berry assisinm secretory Mrs Harry Smith treasurer Mrs ENI Ruby lower converon Mrs Henry Davis social mn vgnyr Miss Esther Downer Mr Norman Berry buy as served lunch IVY Specie Th Altar ulld Qhrisl ghurCh Ivyheld annual meeting recently in the basement of the Church with e131 member present The Socieiy will be holding bake Iain in the summer months the date to be Announced later This was the last meeling until Sgplgmbg hid will be held Mrs Nes Ls Alm he study parlod the business part he meean was conducted by the presidenl Mrs 0ng ed Ch rch Women met ll Mn Norman Kirbys home or their June meeting with nboui 15 memberland viliiors prasent Miu MAIunset Neiliy led period oi Bibi Study and question period and discussinn on chapter from ihe Ward and the Wayk Many questions were answered by the member and Mrs Bali rend some from the Ward and the Way Mn Pnui Russellfisd several paw use of scripture Mining Act May See Some Changes Reeve Discusses Garbage Problem Ivy Altar Guild Elects Officers GiliordUCWV To Hold sale Sleds flu 5kmch on oouncll douhlcd nn UIIIM ncllon would lel on lhn next annual mullnx Id at Dec They huh Hlllo hnpo ml the MM wnnld mnko llm unndn nl tho Annual UIIIM n11 conltrrnto Ifllld lnr Sept II and Mawn Inn Honny Mlxmr own at slonl dlfllcully In yourwear garbage disposal nrrungomonh Tho GDDA would be an Idea group to Ipcnrhcnd Inch girl pn and viiiagul lhmughout he prnv ince Reeve Darling said There iora he luzgexicd Allision pro scn brici In the Georgian Bay Devciopmcnl Associnliun and have the GBDA press the On inrio government ior inglsiaiiva changes In case tho problem Tho way it is now ho nxrul municipalities urrounding ev ery lawn and village in the pm vince hold an uninir ndvnmnzo Mr Dnriing said All they him in do pass byinw and rud dcniy ihe urbnn centre contam ed iimi ihcmseivc with nowhere in mm their urban Mr Dnrlln provincial leg islnllon In chcl Ihould be nmcndui to allow urban centres lo onlcr Into Agreements with rlvntc Indlvldunlu In rural mun clpnllucs or garbage dhpawl Ho spld lgrnqurd am Cooks Alter supper Margaret Stun sang solo untitled Bleu This House accompanxcd by Mu Jenn Conigan Mrs Clara Levnn gnvn yrlcllplsggry ol the Hymn WI how the llbhfy mama to he and ALLISTON Speclall On Thursday evonlng members and guests of Ihefilllslan Womens Institute snl down In yupper BBB vcd cahercutylu by the lndles ved cnbnrclslyla by the ladle me in lhe Alllslon Mcmorlal Ll bmry Hall The occasion was cclchrallon or bumlng the ona mortgage whlch ho Allls tan Wl look on two years ago when Ihny enlarged the down aulr or the bflldlng The old CNR ataUnn on Simcne Street in Barrie ex pected lo down by the tnd Eventful Past Recalled At WI MortgageBurning IDDII mm mu ILBEHTFMNCISCUSMW Starts TODAY rnlm 100 In mum 59 nm In Noon NEW mm Shall Not Fnu Axnln Thin Wny wnl Mn SIDHII second IOIO Thln wu allowed by trenwrerl report lrom Mn Cnmmn Sho announced that In group had In bunk Minute of They Rllkld Evorylhlng Far Prlxc 0mm Than Vkloryl the In president Mn Bow rmnn Iddressed lha member Ind luesu congratulating lhn member on their good work and rcmlnhIng on sumo experience during bl youth when ho had In run errand or Inn flu Hllan WI Mlshcs or nlu vlca president Mm Mlna Slum In lmduced Mrs Gerlruda Huncey past president Ind rcqncslcd hat Mrs llnncey accept Inn hoyar anumlnz the mortgage CHILDREN ll CENT ANY TIME They bought 10 Iron Mr Ilulchlnsun and Mr Foster and on June 1911 he corner storm was laid by LleutennntGovcnar Cochhull On February 1924 he library was olllclailyopem ed by Dr Frederick Banking Ill er Slr Frederick cw an the present group an that the library neod ed to bu enlarged After much dlscusslon and planning only the basement was mad larger With Increased demand for entering Ind rnntntl this place In busy nlgnnst all the time Their 1919 re cords the upenlnl library In room over Ilunls slam pre renlly Pattons Drug Store Lul er the mums became lnndequnle so he member go the 1ch Library bulding In memury of servicemen killed fin the war Thurarwn oppnsluan In this huthewompn overcame They soon found their work cut out for them the first World War mmd In August 01 that year These yvomen assum ed msponslblflly for fund to supply war materials and with the community carried on strenuous work for ho durallon By the end the war they had raiseq limos moo hnw It has progressed The Al uston branch was organized an June 15 1914 will president Mn Buwermnn Hrs vice president Mrs Allan pewnd vice president Mrs Evans relnry Mrs Hamlllun and trea surer Mrs Frank Hurst wgrn EFFORT this week Thu plclm sham the progress mud to due when the stands nnw hnlf stands men area 31 CHIICOWI nonam um cum TAYl0HPAlMEMUHGENS WALT DSNEY MIR10E of the Mr And Mn llmlcxon and Jenna nuwdod the lunernl urvicu Inst Saturday ol Rev Pnllcllcr tanner rector In Nonh Essa Puhh enIce WEI held In Chm Guurdl Dc Phi Several mm Judol AnxLl can Church atlcndnd the lm pron Ordination Service In St Johns Chumh Cookuawn Inst nxcsdny mnduded by the Blshop of lbronto luv ll Wilkinson alllhmi and Mr John Dixmy bull Denney Fnlrpon Del Davn Gnulny Duler Last Friday Mrs Denney cclebrnted bar 7601 birthday To honor her on In happy occua alon revernl memhm her lnmlly and Mend lrom lha vIllAgo culled on her Vlsllorl ware Mr nnd Mrs Denney Mr and Mrs McFadden nnrrle Mn Roy Clark Mr Nelson Grand Valley Mr Ind MyDonald Illchmond Immediately utter supper In response to Mrs Petermnns word appreciation In the calmIn job done by he Ever ladhu Mn Burn of Ever eu made an annountement and the MI all the prpceedllher Aside mm tha actual burning oi the manuage the highlight the evenini was talk by Mn Slum member the build ing commiltce She said she had lit ni new flag or the Wi She referred to an cditorili which had appeared recenin about ii and state the in and flag pole in the library around In tho absence oi Mrs Gladys Pelermnn president Mn Iilno cey accepted the new flag on hehali of tha Institute memberl Mn Horsburgh and Mrs Lnumer showed slides past WI functions fluwm and travel while ha tables were belng prepared or In evening otcards mu Had mlda or ulcrlnz or occasion would bu tum ed over to the 1103le fund $72815 even after payln thu mqu will be constructed Land on which the aid might hed once stood wlll be med or parking Examiner Photo By MR5 JAMESDN THORNTON Corrndl was slandlng beneath 1m emu hoisting hula from who high flu lo low bed trailer PORT ARTHUR CF tin Colrad died Nesday when he was crushed under 500 pound bale of newsprint pu 111a crane struck an obstruc llonmauslnx lb load to full Those mundlnn expressed re gret lhll levelBl member were unable to attendMn Hick Unz Mn Dobson Mn Inn Dabmn Ind Mrs hallo Dob on who In In hospital For thg evenlnua enmtaln ment Allen Wilson and Larry Maw played several accordlan Those with lucky number at the upper were Edward Dbl Inn Mn Charlie Hicklina Mu Leslie Dnhson and Mary Louise Thompson The eldest parson present was Mrs Ethel Stevens youngest person lhero wan David Dohson son at Mr and Mrs Willard Dohson The couple mnrrled lho longest were Mr and Mn Ed Howard Barrie who were married 52 yenn The person cominx mm thaiulihesi distance warPnui Sionaham mm Scuhnmuxh UNPIA Speclll On June the 10th anniversary oi the Dobsoo Reunion we held in the Utople Community Centre Supp er wn served at 830 allowed with the huelneee portion oi the evening Mu Ed Howard lit the candle on the decorated time Her Innlvermy cake and liter mmmeole ehe also cut the ceke The hell we demraled with white yellow and mauve treem ere belian and sign which told Weigome To our 10th An niverlery WI decided how the union awn nan year in the Utopia Community Contra on the first Sunday In June Dies Under Bale 0f Newsprint Pulp BEBE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 1035 am €1245 pm 01030 mm Dobson Meet Held In Utopia 1030 mm 149 pm 1240 pm 510 Lm 850 mm 1030 Mn 105 pm 1030 mm 145 pm 410 inn HTo Huntsville TO MIDLAND PENHANG SUMMER TIME TABLE DAYLIOHT TIMI Mal and Infomlllon BUS TERMINAL Maplu Simon 5mm sym Agonl 5571 Effeciive Jun 20th 1963 EXPRESS SERVICE 850 mm exc Sun Hal T0 COLLINGWOOD AND OWEN SOUND DAILY To Colllngwood only LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY TO SUDBURY DAILY TO TORONTO DAILY Dally Dnlly Sat Sun Dally Sun Hol 735 pm Sun Ho am 31 mm mans SAT selectlons while AlvinThomp non uni 5010 vHa Smllgs On Me with Dummy Wllsun lhl plane Swen Blbllcll rainy xnmu were plnyad SHHNTY BAY munm Hum GTO Gravefihiurs munIII GRAY COACH lINES Plus 111E MIN THE SARGEANI nu II Guthrie NNIGIII ONLY SUMMER PLACE Resulcltd IIllAlll uIHIGBIII Pub 500 005 17 CC gqg pm 155 mm mmm PPP 555 5JA 579 lflflurfihya are EH91 353 flag We W6

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