mul HunOHM 10 mm mm Mmuvmy ull em llanl ml rumn In an rum nun Anndun ll Jo 0007 Ilmun mum mm mm mrMn MMva mu mu Ind rmluIal nnm mum 77 mid lml urr Mow hr m1 rul In nod vmlu varM1 llrm Nu mm 11mm In And All mm cum Ima Anva rum run rlnulh um VII 0va Innll mm mm HANK BROWN DE LAVA SALES AND SERVICE 217 mm milklnu um um Du LRVII 1m SHIN Mnhen llnrrlu Holly Hwy 27 PA com CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cum Nu lloHInd Dlvld Ilmwn llully Farm lIqulpmcnl 176 llUllTON AVH IA 5117 CASH TRADE HMS Av roll Mu mm at EIInMnl lIy ml Iy In Ap ply run an nuns or mom mu WEADICK MILLING C0 CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING lo the Iurm wIUI our mohuo Iced mlll Car at our Italianr1 mm It Stroud IWO curry amle llna mound Ioodl concentrates etc ALSO IN TEIIESI IIIEE FEED CON IIMCIS PIIONE STIIOUD 52 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESINO Iznuv xu or Iln no pl thounnd pm leI rcr umuunm Hem campIn wlm dlvldcu ISc nth llmcm Dmrm coopernu 15 1mm Emu 1mm IA Mm mm umw mm or wxmuuc unpan Tilephonu 3mm mum 25mm Mm N0 cuAnhé DEAD STOC Highest price paid for dud or crippled call and horses Small nnlmal removed ma For as servic PIIONE BARRIE PA 611 1011ch mun um um mam mu hulholx 101150 balmy fld FOOT PLYWUOD Rumba Iml xn honfawn Johnon mm bu mm ma complain 1m phon ALEon mm mu mu mm mm mg tonfluon Alla lnll But whom PA N1 nuon numu mm nawm um nva Appmna Deplrxtmml all Ammllun Vlï¬ FARMERS MAME LAIKUE Cwénltrl Tub SAW led to buy In nod condition ham 55403 MIDI HM INCH V1 llrlln Ilm bllllry ï¬nk Ilnltd Phflm PA mu or hlh NICKS DEAD STOCK Wlnlid Ill In Whld Phonc PA M937 an menus mu mlnmun uh luerea sln mm 11 mm him mumm Elwud um Mn Erbium Blngwnnd Inaum llm mum by uh am mm any1 am um RR Foxmud Onlnrla License No Inc62 Nlck Monlnzuo Prop Alto two mwn Chlhnlhull II duetd pncu PltkAIATny Kennell 19 Snnnldlle noun um pm or sumn nuns or me W111 Dell very nunnlhly and mum Vuy and DI chumtn W11 30 ll Bum Bummer mm mm Ind can lot uh Iboul 1a mum Jun lurnlnl mi Telepbnnt was 15001 CEDAR Strip Bolt lfll lull be limo Ivlnnlflu mulnr Will III II mu CALI ht um ll Sitte hit BAIT MIN IOAI not us mo in Clan And BM horn Inn mater not Ann 51 mm FARM MAchEmF l1 CARD Cflllln In Al eondL on wllh nlw molar Wm mm Inclmhnl mum hon um mu FEED SEED GRAIN IUY YOUR IllH NOW WITH DOWCPST mmsum scum PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA unuumnuh 9W WIIMDI mm 31m Krolhlu cum an sarvlu Tun mm can mm ma mulchlnt mp Ind um us or wm nu upunlaln vnlumu It An ml newsman can um nu lor no wat Box 51 hum AWCIES foi GARDEN SUPPLIES ARTICLES WANTED mum mm mm WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC aoms MOTORS IN lrmlml nlqmm RADIO TV HlFl noes PETS or nsk for Iml unlnr 1mm dllr mn mm mum mvhm rA mo lou mmxu mo in one maxnu honpawn John Im 31 MARY s1 ma mun MET mu Mar Inn Amh no VA uulnm din an dryn mnnlh lA 11m mu voLuwAum lulu am 1m vm nln Illa um um mu Vain nun no um plus an nuuan mm um in nu mnon dour Ndln III omllo um um nulnm rlln mm to dawn III II will mu cu mwuxcu III In In In pnluna mm Imun nny mm mm at ol Immune nun am In IL muy Co ll Cnlllu KL IA um um um hlul lnmlur Molar bod Amy um and rnn1llnm nun hum Im MONAIICII Luum our Man In 790er um mu mm In Her Iuloml In Ion cu on ndlo an um om mum nu pur month PA mu ml Irunlnun mm mm In cumin lav ml Imu old ur ml randlllnn wul on mumm PA um um 1m cvlv mm In door nxulul runamon lo wnm vull lulnmula Inmmlmon whom PA MW Appoint mm In lmplcl 1m noun nmm In dour hlmlcp Inlnmlnc lnmmlnlnn Alum dlu mu And In Ina mulchan Intmar AI lh low low pm IS 1079 down PA IIIXI And mm mm In WA In Mum III FORD lwo door dllIflI Nick will bXIII lntulor 000 nflllnll mull OHM mm on quill 25 down bllllul cl per month PA on Im Irunlnun Mom And mnunxulnn 1n nry nod canal nun TM II nullan on umuy or nun who know how nplh bodlu PA HIM wnuluum Nudl lllua body work Molar lood mt nun cm In en In Donlld III In p11 PA 35 ms cmvlloln suuon wam II II M10 1931 Ch Conch mondmnmd Inllm Im um um mllu body man In Tm phonu PA HHS ms Hum Sldln 1n lood mn dlllon Ibo Pnnllu Sodln In and rumIn pl uny um Dunk six Wu or lelrvhnnl PA 015 BARRIE TRUCK TRACTOR LTD nun nu MIT ï¬leraltoer mm bou mm alter letMid Tollphunl PA um mny 5T mama $107051 Open evontngn llll mlnlnlghl DEALER FOR MOUNE AND F0 EQUIPMENT ml rolln we door or uh lulo mu Irumnlmon mer all In Al luldl Ind out Can lul Raid Elma mxcxmn nu mum Au pm IM 51 Lï¬xumhn Kenny31 DP Dill on In Locum mmuan um bonus to ma non molar and mn bndy work non PA Hm In 1mm lieufll Mm dq Moll GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradlord St PA assm PDNIII 5h CollI yurlmll Ind In In OIL ulon calm Ind Hill mm Wlbh It Wlbu RR sunnd 1m cm mn 15ml om me to ma Am camnm can Tllaphonu any nu mm AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 10 vonxnnml ll ll uld or m0 to Mr Gun LIV Conhtmm lallvhnm cnohmm mu nun Ml IA on you Pulled nmlom lull mm pun bled lind Talmu ll 0N sullen in mmmcIvu Edi old App Nu IleNlun Cnulun memm Mounllom Kw GUERNSEYS VIRGINIA LEA DISPERSAL owner Mrs Lubowskt Woodbrldu ow MONDAY Jun 705pm HAYS SALES ARENA Oakvflle owns NoJ Highwny miles north Queen plumb Wuy 50 Femllu Mostly Yoda Cam and Hem York County Area Tested or TB Ind EmcellosbgVacdmled group contIla the snare herd omerly med by Flndlw Elm 0mm and very select group at breeding le male whaudjuuctlon Ind private trusty that hm outstand ing Ind mat pmdualou ll urry services to Burzm Place Billy Amerlun Gold Star 5er tint In 1961 had the necmd mum milk predation norm of any bud uummuiled It hit umoIWnMmIFmum 05 MIKE 11 daughter olmllled averaged am points This 3116 is your opportunlw to talent from THE Giternsey Dis persal of the Yur Fm cauloxuu ï¬vme lo EXPERT BODY WORK AND PAINTING Gas and Diesel Repairs Lubrication and Fleet vaico FARMERS MAWET FORD VI mum £15 0L lcmunflu Good um cm Tellphant PA Idlfl avantor Al condh snnnu ADpLY Nod And mephunc mm sum YOU GET GOOD DEAL EhTIICE AND naï¬ms HAYS FARMS LIMITED SalMu3 E9 490 akï¬lle 0mm Pixn pm Na um mu mleymmu mu Mull II Um ML vnouu cm nun mo mmme mm Illood rim mun II ulna modmu II Mndllanod ulna Mun Ontm Imam lull lluv mum llllvhum nAnv Um ï¬ll hr lay In laol mu tnlld Am Dunlap Wm mu In my tun Momum lxrxnllmw ml for lllll um raunlu In Down In Imunn TIwnum IA Ilm flu In pm wmuN you Ind hllp nun Tvlummn IA emu SALESWOMAN IN BARBIE Lon ulnblllhcd Hurt llnn require nluwomm In by lelrphona Ind pencill ton lncl with local bulntu umb lhhmtnu 1m ll rhullcnllu flan wllh excellrn Wlunly or Idvuncomenl Somn Imawlvdzl min III and MILY IN WRITING TO BOX 17 Hindi EXAMINER Required tor OENERALOFIICE WORK Muat have knawlcdxa ol tynlnz and general omeo proczdurcu Apvly to MANN Baxter Laboratories of Canada Ltd BOX 2000 ALLISTON ONT awnv mor cum on by mum humn In your own ham or holvlul un anun nu PA um mm LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmen Chartered School morouzh tnlnlu in bran dles of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY 51 PA H961 mm DIVING chllm Sam II It in both Hutu Thl us And nulpmml munn Dlmomfl on Iqulnmenl Mind Vlctorl Dlenl MON HELP WANTED Plllflfl own on Or L1 and hide And Roll Blad loflll do not lllln Illy mcn June ll 11 b0 luld Abe mluhlnuy an but Canaldon In In Tom money Good lncomu pm me erln Mrl Walker 36 Thomson sum Danie or call PA MM nsmom my mm aux lam Ind Pun Dvcnlnlumvflnund Tnllphonn 0m 3m mm 0m mum unl mm mm 6an mun Bum no In rlnu 1mm cum NBIUNI numal Do on nut mun told ll lo lbphunl PA MM mum Ur Inwlnllmnl In On ndihhiim Fow shiple arpï¬iflon to earn yago Magma ham an mu mm 4011 Plnll hunk of IIIMMI or Only 11 ml ml mum phvnl Han vimVII ur mth man pollbli manna PA um ll VOLIIWAGIN Winn HEX me II 31 PA Ml vI 155711 PERSONATS on Ind 11 no AH an Hum noun mm CARS WANTED Tb IUV 1955 1959 HOLTS AUTO WRECKERS PA 6871 Open mu pm daily WOMENS COLUMN TRUCKS TRAILERS CARS NEEDED FEMALE HELP INSTRUCTION AVON LIVESTOCK mo Imr lull nunIn lllyhuM unml Mm won duhmn Lm nm In nunr ILNW BEAR PENHLTDN 11C CPI Mn mu Murphy 64 lllled II Mmumi bur va one shol whrn ll umml rhm her Iwnd Ihn oululdu ol Mr ublm rAmmvn wm um manual umuunq nnmn ruyImlnh mm mum mm on 1mm nullnl Nu Inn um nlpl cm In Ilm PA Ill For Wanr Ad him an mm pm mm or am mm when ma Dial PA 2414 In on humIlla lumflnl EMPLOYMENT WANTE Er mmle MANAOII uh an nlul ol IM nun who qumlnl uhool mn boau um IlMIlupIL AI rlf chillnrguflflurl Mllllon YOUNG Illh mm llctn VAncouver cu ma manna1 lo pmnun ml um oum In cuml onurlo Ynu um um In um 0000 you In tho mm mm Cull Mer Gould BI PA MW of ll snouu crllxln mun CARHAKIR or Coulnn School mum Iunled Tumuth School Ann Bondy Du II commancl July IV Tan dln lo clon Jun 11 Nmmln Coxworlh Secretr7 Con Chllmnn Mllllnn PA um Elm rzgu wmnn acorn WANT Munl b1 expuhnud In mvel Ind mm In mm 1w valued lnr dnlry invariant with nu mnchInry Apply Id 0m 3323 amau MAN Mull Address CityTown va Phone Duo and Year of birth Please send me yourjree bodk IN The Way to Fine Future Name FOR YOUNG MEN AGED 16 TRADE YOU EARN WHILE YOU EARN fluouzh the Soldler Avpmullce Plan altered by the Cnnadlnn Anny you learn trade and like the first steps In ï¬ne future In addltlon you can FURTHER YOUR ACADEMIC EDUCATION BENEFIT FROM MILIT ARY LEADERSHIP TRAINING EARN GOOD PAY FROM THE DAY YOU JOIN Enmlmem starts May and continue untll queue are filled Amllcullon nre being accepted new and will be processed In the order received You must have Grade educatlon or bet ter be 16 not yet Ill on the day you enrol and meet Army lest nqulmnenu PHONE OR VISIT YOUR IJOCAL ARMY RECRUIT ING STATION TODAY 0R MAIL THE COUPON BF LOW T0 Cunndlan Armed Form Recruiting Centre 25 SL Clnlr Avenue East lolh FIN Toronto Ontarlo Telephone WA 47m uuflmmn Wm mu lu iy work hard abi iv in speak fluently dress needy and need for higher 01M average income Apply to Manager Suite 50 Queens Hotel aimnoniy NO OTHER TIME Required to assist manuerJn outside older Dept 01 large Canadian Company No experi ence necessary N11 training and ï¬nnsportadon at company expense Salary and comb nonmmmensurate with abn My All Mule bend Including cnl penslpn play You Hy wuiu£aérn££f In or III Ill Strand TamId ï¬n and liraEll man mun um 9hle chum ID JULY AND AUGUST or DIR nm or uvnl dlyl nah xumnud cook nun Idul In fly Ell mile mm llnll HIP ry hmyexd llnhgunlljoun IO HELP WANTED Service ZVYVOUNG MEN 2235 FEMALE HELP MALE HELP Rawii DIILOMJ MOVI WASHINGTON Cll Com mum sacralr1 Lulhu llodm um ha lorry lhl Ca nmllln xovemmml II lm In lmv hm an Inn Mew menl ammo hm Tueday ducth dle I1 Mrlco Ilu man But ho nu ny mm huenu lhu Cmth mum mid In expected In In prov Ibo Unllod sum Unlim olpumenll ulualho funk uh No am Mr Mlhlly Iain out mllk lmlrmn Jznnv COUOIILIN Aflotlonkr Foi MIIE 56mm Concnulou Imhnl Townsth SAII Hllllmll Mld do Hohleln Con lmh Ind mlnnm helton rumor 0th bull mllklu oqulp monl hay Ind lulu mum bou lnllrr Ind melon wr cnurch acmhnm Concuï¬nn lnnlflil mil ml S4 01 mm Mock Implemenu Ind homehold nllem SATURDAY JUNE 22 1230 pm Sharp For AUCTION SALE Saturday Juno 22 shal FOR 555 DC BY 115 EDGEIIILL DRIVE Barrie Nu In 000 lllmwny am In Anne St Bridle SIII lull line mod houn hold lumllum Includlnl slum IDDHIMH mm refrigerator TV tools 1nd mmy other ml cm Tmm Cnh No mam In home wld JERRY COUOHLIN Aucllonur arnbm Audlomrr TOWNSHIP INNISFIL SCHOOL BOARD NO SALE properties schools and equipment For further lnlormmon mm Ind School Secretary EDSU STURGEON ard vine BJob 5153160 lIn of 120 diam lo Ilructural pllla Nit Inlorrnulon ta Hidden Spec flcnuom Ind Tender Forum with den to length and me of pipe for each projea may be obtained from the allies of thn undersigned nle lowm or any lender not necessarlly acccpkd CLARK REnL Slmcoo County Engineer Harrie 0111mm AUCTION SALE Saturday July 13 1pm pm pJp Ia AUCTION SALES vlplqm iiayNows nu BARRIE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION AJob synm 1m sland immm pipe Bllonlrad No sun1732 Mn COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDERS at CULVERT PIPE SEALED TENDERS plnlnly marked to contents wlll be received by tho undersigned up unfll 1000 am EDST flfllRSDAY June 27 1969 or the supply and delivery of vulmu slzes nnd lengths corrugated plpe adverts and one structural plaza pipe wl vat or the allowing County Sims and Barrla Submban Roads Commlulon mad con tinuation projects COUNTY OF SIMCOE AContrm No 639946 Lln Plans and Specification and tender envelopes my be obtain on at the City Cierkl oliice City HIH Collier strut Enr xit Ontario Lowest or my Tende not nmsurily Iccepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk Corporation the City Barrio 7385 IonsEarn or less 01 Hot mlx Hoblaid Asbestosuphill Th1 OVIH 495 ion man or less of Hot pix Hamid Kb mg 496010 more or less of Hot Mix Hablnld HM Asbestos F1 yam 3900 En mm or 1m Hot flx OMAN lel Asphalt Sealed Tandem In envelopes provided will be rewind by the underflnned up to pm EDST JUNE 14 ms or the lupply and laying the 0110 In Alphdt Payinnr 12 Tmusns oi3 TENDERS FOB PAVING UCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Auctioneer mm mqpv couanIN kha pm MILL WORKING mTAWA lClMr Jmllu Nmrll hu not mm plated MI rrporl on run mmmlulon lnmllullou lulu Uml Lam llmr lnmblu Imr Mxnlnlcr hlnflï¬uhrn nhl In Ihc Common Tuudn In ply In Dunn Flatm DPlnfl Iulhurl ml Mr Jufllcu Nnrrll III Iannl on Ihu pail II had ruled II In ho ur Iler hul lhl wn MI pnulhlo DOOM IIILINHUALIMI VANCOUVER CW Now ud Gm lormvr utmml nln mlnlllpr anm 115mm ev ary Inndun Ihuukl be nblo lpuk french Ind EMIIIII ma II menu at IM notary Club Canndlnnl lhn ml llnlulul In WM and should ha no bad And Im Lhc warl Ilmr bl III II 21 mu In How Com WILL REVINE YEAR MONTREAL Cll Collar HI an Human Cnlholc tlnulcnl mllcln nlnllalld wllh lh Unlvmlly Manlrnnl nn Haunted plum Monday In ro viu Iu uldemlc your Inlo laur mm ll mm wllh lwn Ilrkl vnullnn between rad mm OPEN BLAST HEARING VICTORIA CPIThe nnvy nu owned rmllmlnnry heur lnu la dalerm no lho cnun In uplonlnn whlch InJuml lwo clvlllan unplawa II he HCNI Rocky lulnl mnlnllnl Mvnduy Thu mm Frank Gibbum EnquImnll Ind Jolcph Vlltnllm Vlrlorln are bolh In Inlxly good condition In MINIIL BREWERS ELECT DIGBY NS 1C Moon London Onl pm dcnl John Lahnll Limllcd was reelected president hxcb day he Domlniun flrcwm Association Darnn of Tlmmln was elected lo the av ernlnz commlllce MILL OWNEH BIIOT PRINCE GEORGE HC CF Pclcr Inurkn 49 uld Tue dly he wnl shot lwlu when he lurpriscd twn men 11mm lur en Hm In lha wood lurround In his uwmlll Pacnrkn 1n hospllnl Inlcrvlew nld hn wn lhnl Saturday In lh lcfl hand And um um hip unil nln wore nunaluuu and an on whnl poured Io ha In bllck ulna mnnlnchu NEED SCAR vrcmnla CPiThe way lo Ilop people irom making is to more the hell out oi ihem Health Mlnlsicr llirtln oi Brli ish Columbia Monday ii any nested public exhibition oi pair oi cancerous lunll or ruptured heart REPORT Ilifllil FIGURES OHAWA iCi Number birih rcalsicrcd in provincial oiiicns in May was lower than in May 1962 bui hlzher in the JanuaryMay period Ihan In the iiril ilvo manth oi 1362 iha bu mu oi rialisiiu said Monday Registrations oi marriage worn down while death were up in bolh pcriodn compared in your coriicr BOXCAHS SUNK VICTORIA CPIEleven rall way boxcar warn Ias In 40 albums 01 water near Dlscow cry IIIand nxcsday when the 180100 barge on thch they wcrc bclng lowed capsized lIcinIs of lhe Inland nld the In and barge hit some object can ceIIed below In gufluce LEE APPOINTED OHAWA CHWing Cmdr William Lee 39 at Hamli ton director of public relation for the RCAF haa been ap pointed special aaalsiant to De enca Minixter Heilyer it was announced Tueaday Wlnl Cmdr Lee will be promoted to the rank of lroup captain WANT STICKERS USED PORT ARTHUR CP resolution recommending that police place stickers on the windshield oi vehicle damaged in accident was endoraed by delegates hiesday at the Orr tarln naiiic Conierenco conven tion The resolution laid the atirirera ahauld ha placed beiore the vehicles are permitted hack on the highway or before they are repaired because many bitaadrun vehicle are being repaired In auto body shops without the repairer being aware ot the circumstances TELLER PLEADS GUILTY MONTREAL CP Kenneth Albert Wright 13 Brlmhbom tell pluded Iullty Tuudny to nbmndlng with $10456 tom branch 01 die ToruntoDomlnlon Bunk In the westmtrn Coto de Nelgea dlrlct Authoriliu uld more than $10000 wan re covered when erght surren dzred In pollen Accompanied by minister WILL BE SPEAKER OTTAWA CPITrade Wall or Sharp will be principal speaker at dinner marking the opening tho In Chicago In ternallonnl Trade Fair In Chl cago June 19 An audlenca lame 2900 wlll hear Mr Sharp discuss Canada Unlted sum trade relatlonsl OFFICERS ARRIVE OTTAWA CPlFlve Cana dlan Army ofï¬cers are among an advance party of the Unlled Natlona Yemen nbaerver ml slan wlllch recently arrived In Sannlllu olllcerl Include MD McLellIn al Samla The RCAF has made an other and Carlbau nvallable to the ml slan The Carlbou pllola are Wlnl Cmdr Mel Bryan and Flt Lt Colllns bolh Fort Wllllam WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF an 0w mt mlum townl only dun paw ppm for yum mull that he mm mld In Unlled Worhm lndJ mm mm Mllulkm In GVIINEV Cl lï¬nml llnvld Macmill owner And wblnhrr of an my hum hump nm mans um Mr 0mm Im rm Comemllvl delultd Ihu hut Mural Ilullan 11mm AnUvm Inld In mu CAId nn lunar and mm mull Inln urnIna lo Fol lhrlr menu In huy mall unlum In umdn Gum ulrl Inc Taylor nboul moo and aimd In ml lhc mun annlu YMCL Gum how um mm any ll um YMCA Thu man called lxlmull 11mm Alwyn Taylny nld In mnru IIIM he ml rmlvrd about Mo In MI lullItrl will And Invrd nmlhrr mo Whm ho Iml nun lJvunml nmnn tlull TM nycarold than old Muiru ThomI Elnmn nmdny how ha In duptd out ol mm by wt men In two upnrue Incldrnll TORONTO lCPlMnrrll WI Ilnm llmfl Ind MI mamy um loan nnrltd luua In pcllllnnl wazu and unlon murlly or 11500 INCO cmploym In Sudhury Ind nnmher 1800 ll Pan Col borna Labor Minis ll lawn lrcn who hld ncnmmended lho mumpflon ul complny union lullu lflld Nudny nlnhl he keep In chm lunch with Ihu IHUIUDIL Briton Says ZMen Duped Bill Of $22900 On Separate Occasioris chollauoru Steelwnrkm and he company broke down Mundny night few hour ullerUuy had rammed lollnwing the allure cone Iallon board In reach agree men In Hm prolonged contact dlgpgle TORONTO CmTho Unlch Steelworker of Amerch CLO culled hmdly or mambo lhl mcellnz In Sudbury loday an there was niblllly slrlke vota elnx Inknn axnlml he Inlemntiannl Nlckel Company were hurled at the 57yearold char tered accountant Tuesday when he gave the Common unher explanations about outsidend vise engaged to help him pre pare the budget presented to Parliament last Musday ervallve and Nzw Dzm ocratlc MPI hawever are alm inz Lhalr speech preparation more on the finance ministers needas they see ï¬tto lace basic parliamentary Incl of lilo than on Parliamentl nerd oace empomlc lflcll Steelworkers Call Meeting UIIAWA CPLJIX dayl Commons deb2e Item today on Flnnnue Minister Wllkr Gnrdonl fnce the ma buglel Frank Mlhovlich gomellmu known as The Ell proud ly hold nimuro of hi team Stanley Cup champion Toronto Manic DELL of flieflntjqnl H013ka Line Shouts Resign Hurled To Gordon gr yum wannan 7m 1mm LITTLE IS UNIMPRESSED in mi Ihm qunu Im rll lnlIMML Md In willed ham mulnldq lumen In Jrefllnl Irmwnlum Iur Tar Ior In mum II you Ilnnli lied polka llmu Mum Mnmllll Tuvalu whom Ulmfl Idcn mled elm Tubr noon pollen Mommy wu mm milled Io mad lrlal lot IMP Ind hind um III III of dend hold Illhvul ball When Iv nmnmllun IMP ruled that cu dukr wuuldnl Imp dunno urn nu vnlunlmcd lo lend TI or um Im hurl ml Mm Whllu ny Ior mnl on lhu Ilth llm innund nmnoy 11ml dlnpalched plcl nu hy lmn luunu ll lho aluuon Tnylur uh Irma Ina phonr lhul had 100 Mill tad may tn pick up fr Heron GImll mmplIIntd in polite ha rectlvod alrphonu ull 1mm man who culled hlmuH Kfllh TIyInr IM am ho was lwnlnl lrvm Montreal Tnyior mle hlmul II rounln 11mm Tnylur and In lnnxcd In mm Gnmfl In lnml dawnlawn Unlan Bum FHNINII CALM The mm mtl Ind vim lo phone booth when Taylor ol lemlbly IIch In Iulomoblln urncy Ibuul hum Ell Mum lrlllnl Ir1 lhrm nlmul hl predicaxucul Jlnl or flood nearby llutnlnl of Emmi nxrlcullurn Another new MP and ublnc mlnhler who was dlncovered by tho opposition ncllnz mm Ullll parliamentary procuua perml nan ncmblny minmrr wllhnu parllollo whoAccent ml to Prime Mlnlller Purim when he cabinet wu armed lrn Aprliln lobtcomo mlnlnlcr Mr Drury lflld ho had been illadvised In Iuflullnl that new Illa might have In be nund or the world Mr lo be held In Montreal In m7 Worldl nlr mnllm hnd bean uninzd lo Works Mlnlnler nurle Dmhnlalnu Defence Production Mlnllln Dmry Idmmed lo Comma Monduy he had spo ken nuulde Pnrllnmcnt loo Im my Cabinet mlnlslm are posed in know Iheh denn menu In divorce lhenuelvel enllrely Irom wuldu Inurulr Io ml nothing hut the pun Inn on my mulch Ind to speak the whola mim men In am he molt ollhlnd remark Mr Gordon when prolc lflllal ethch and career luv lnskllled ln mm In upflzhlneu not usually allrlbuled to may pollllclans In one or our men hen of he Pealml cnhlnet all whom Ihe opponltlon lm culled loul plnyl Lonklng paler than usual and his voice wundlnx heavy wllll fatigue Mr Gordon explllned that lha three Toronto hullnul men were gamed on com Incl bash no RIth medal appointments uhe aarller had lold the muse Hll further ex plannlluns led the opposlllon lo accuse hlm mlsleadlmz the Common on earlier occaslons aamelhlng Parllamenz look on mdlnal ln FOUL pun Michael Fund Mnhovu llch Idenymld IUD of tho hockey Itnr cuddle in MI mothers sum and yawn the whoh mm Win photo