ANNOUNCEMENTS For Flowers And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 80247 BIRTHS NAME ARI IMPORTANT Gabon tag nun In your chlld Ibotllfl measures 533 318 want In know your Cholca Nainl your child as ulcltty as possible no II Ilia Ind Vldual IIInte hi lama lanailiar Blfll Announcer just Elli nili Claallhd give the acts tncludlnl the no we will publish Birth Not1c In thunext Odlllnn or AIME Talapliona PA Mild let CIIIILIIIII eervioe WANM uid Illa John Dupaln anR Illrflearl happy to allnoun the blnla Incl ill R1523 lurILMisl nil IR Royal Vlctoria Hospital aarrla cu arin COMING EVENTS BARBIE HORTICULTURAL ll SOCIETY TOUR Saturday June 22 mm EJTo James Gardens lslingtoa Edwards Gardens Toronto Ca aadlan Rose Society Slow R1cia intd Hill TOTAL COST 33 For details and to reserve phone Mia Archu PA 235 on SERVICE OF REMEMDRANCE AND DEDICATION OF THE MEMORIAL CHAPEL SIXTH LINE CEMETERY lNNlSFlL Sunday June 23 pm OFFICIATING MINISTERS Rev Bell MA Rev Jackson MA ED Mr Page Music by St Pauls Band STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND SALAD PLATE Tuesday June 25th Ii 530 pm to oclock UNPIA COMMUNITY CENTRE Auspiccs St Georges Church Utopia Admission Adults 25 Children 75c PROGRAMME MIXED EUCHRE Every THURSDAY Night 815 pm LEGION BANQUET HALL Collier Street Admission 35c DANCE EUCHRE 79 Friday June 21 pm smouo COMMUNITY liALi Admisslon 75c $125 couple hospices CRAIGVALE LOL NO 605 PRIZES REFRESIIMEN TS MCOE SOUTH COUNTY ORANGE CHURCII PARADE Sunday Julie 23 1063 Leaves Alllrton Orange Hall 1030 am to St Johns United Church Au ioi and L0BA INVITED 10 ATTEND MR AND MILE FRANK GAZLEY are pleased to announce that they will be holding OPEN HOUSE SIL June 22 1061 14 pm and two pm II 270 KEMPENlELT DRIVE DARRIE in honour oi the 000i HIRTIIDAY ol if MILOLIVEILGAZLEY All Irlends relatives and neighbours are cordially J11 Invited RUMMAGE SALE Saturday June 22nd 12 am an ODD FELLOWS HALL Oolller Street by Auspices CATHOLIC WOMENS CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL REUNION SATURDAY JUNE 12 150 pm II Illc SIIIOOI on HIGHWAY 11 SPORE and PROGRAMME Ali Iorilicr iuplir Trubcrs and tends cordially invited faring Your Picnic it let vtï¬llAIVRERRYI FE IIlI sniAii PLATE SUPPER Saturday June 22 11111110 it be mi plum and others will REALESTATE PROPERTY FORvSALE Keith Marshall REAL TATE anom PA was ll CIAPPERION BAMIE FRANK NITLB PA um L15 POPE lIIO Member Dame and DietKch Real lltltl INN HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors Mortgage Fluids Available 50 ol Value 7Va molest No Bonus No Hidden Fm See our Special Bulletin on page regarding the 11 sales taxonallaewhomes1t will really pay you to consult any member ot our Ital listed below THREE LISTINGS iN stme SUNNIDALE LOCATIONS prlo ed from 313900 mellow Call now and make your appoint ment to ace the one inyour price range Anyone at 6M5 will be glad In look alter all llie detalll for you NEED SPACE Here 1tlsi bedrooms Istorey older brick home Only $0500 $1000 down Call Dewey Dewsnap or show mg 1365 Square feet 01 BUNGALOW Patio olt dining room and kit chen iireplaoe in the Taniily loom extra kitchen cupboards and all the extras that you would want In custom built home This home is years lid and belter than aewi We are very proud to be able to alter this listing at realistic price Try to replace it for $2100 We know It cant be done Call Dorie Nultycombe PA W53 now this arcs usually iciLs quicklyl SUMMER COIIAGE Only to mill Irom Barrie 200 yds iroin Lake Slmcoe Willi swimming and boat docking Tlng and beautiiul park setting Cottage contains bedrooms living room large ldtdieh pc bath garage and is Iully furnished You can own illls cottage for the low low price at $6000 with 12 000 down Treat your Iprrilly to cottage this year and be able to drive back and Iorth to work at the same time For iurther lnlorrnalion call Curly Kiooster man IIAVE BOUGHTMUST SELL models to choose mm in Oakley Park Square piic tram 311600 to 3500 inunch ate possessionall have bed rooms brick construction large lou low interest rates low down paymcnls Call any sales man listed below COZY FIREPLACE July 151 occupancy can be arranged it you act now This brick bed room bungalow hru divided kit chen and nice living room Lge Iciiced yard has trees rind patio Carries ior $96 Call Gloria Rosaatl evnmus cAlie CL°°lt ti till Gmlolia Karler PA asile John i1 lvhiia PA 71a Maillral Moore PA lIJTI RAYFIELD ST PA H453 ANYTIME llenly a1 rlt aiialre parting CARSON IIIOTO iliLS REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST PRICED TO SELL bedroom bungalow at MIMII Point bedroom store and hall 90 Illfllway llowy PA All Evenings PA Mitt SERVICE STATION no good highway large lot 150 I30 left thingalow snack bar all equipment Included Will tonaler trade lor small horns lloppy PA All Elenlngl IA £47 PA 6648l Member el llama and llivlrlet IIII hill Inaid STOUTT AGENCIES LTD I0 COLLIER 31 RARRIE PA 901 Central nunrtoa Larml Rsallora STREET IlARIlAIN and llien call ILI hunting mi laiy CHER MIINITY vr IZNTIIH dlllla 00 Hillllren 500 Rail Game and Dante OPEN HOUSE MR AND MRS iv OIEASON to Melrbu Avenue will he at home to their Irlelrih and nelgtllwrs rSAiUiIHAY JUNE 2103 lllr nerulorlnl Ililla retire mull Irons up unit tor the discriminating Iniyer SMALL IONIIHRORA or notice clean imlroom house all lieltd Rood barn drlra ileuI will hold and Atrl nI garden needa some cleanlng up time of run avtaa Minn cant gsmam Ollflm 17rd rm Airs Duneen PA ellu 1hr EXAMINER WANT ADO 7110M IAIull REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL PHOTOM REALTORS DINLOP scampace PHONE PA 85568 Slvve Miler WIIJI Our Photo Files EVENINGS CALL Mn MoorePA 86107 RogersPA ealal MEMBERS HARRID AND DISTRICT Rm ESTATE BOARD CAMPBELL SMITH CouncilPA M765 REALTOR 32 IHGH ST louf LungPA lrï¬lci PA 60241 Home PA 87389 Charles ReadPA S7317 uol ColoPA 84981 MIDIMI ill Barrie and Dbulnl Real hllte Rnlrd GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARBIE WOMDAY GR NIGHT PA 87951 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA It in Dunlop St Mortgaas Money Available uaaai uAnsilALi PA all DEL Innun PA been Win iiAitRis PA at am SUTHERLAND sumd Rid REALTORAPPRAISER Home Farnu Businesses ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone PA 87236 Opposite and Store FRASER LTD REAL ESTATE BROKER sraA Dullerln 5L Toronto Farms Suburban Properties Home Businesses Appraisals Represented by ARCHER COLWILL Barrie Phaaa PA canoe OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON 10 ACRES Itll torly rods Irontage on good road close to 90 Highway ACRES bedroom dwelling hot water heating converti cnccs in ivy ACRE double house all heat ed near Mlncts Delhi ACRE bedroom dwclling oonvcnicnccs at Shanty Bay ACRE bedroom dwelllng conveniences It Hillsdnle iJiIDROOM home convcnl cnccs hcar Cookslown LARGE CONCRETE block house Horace and garden in Thornton BEDROOM home on 90 High way ncitr Angus BEDROOM home contan enccs double garage at 1v erctt Ia ACRES bcdlooni conten lchccs in Everett 100 ACRES lrnme house burn and shed river runs lhretiidi property In rum Reduced for quick sale to 500 150 ACRES with crop hItol barn bedroom home con cnlcnlcs askliig £000 IIIONE iVY 27R lira Eleanor Maw Oscar llaiea Avuuvl Thrva bedroom innit Nita and small ham also aovan li Ailing aim Contact lira DlInIiil Wavelley Onlliip ihune zlmvaiq mlua in will house twe bathrome rumour drive way florid In in run ciur rendition Well on healtnl irarlgag tlaar lA sum Irntaciivl new will Mdmmr bathrooms room near North SLOW down Plies III NIIA monrala lto Roea Slllat lalephona com riumaalbrv east end ot llarl Lalga Iivin room dining It ailrhm room hedgoo lens latest mum tn baa mriit Aluminum llllillll sennu doors lencbd ï¬eld All olim core at no rain on lA slot no liutlao mus this war lmmaruiel lhi room twill homo with as any iargv mmtlnn loom dun psymnl month itnrlnai and eat lncgiiim secluded grounds no its vqu aiuuti an Limited llullrial nanie amt HOUSES WANTED air In buy llr aviva erl bun alii gnlltvrd wear iim inntum ens Inmlnvr mm it Wall all Nrso Avallsll MORTGAGES iMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans All where BRICK INSUL FR HOME AND PARRIS LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS il YOU NEED MONEY ITO consolidate dDII IPIY nlI exlrtlnl naprtgalu nanllllll comlnl dul Illoml liar iovetneiits Any Ila whlll causa Write or Phone PA 60981 Mortgage Funding over SImBsonsSears 129 NIAP ST Member Ontario Morlllfl Broker1 Association 500 Curtis Mortgage with in tcrcal at per annum yearn to maturity well secured lviii cell tor $5000 Write llox It name Examiner WANTED Iu borrow 180w on nut mortgage with Intereat at 767e per lnatum on new bu low wolllt Home or Aveyear rim Apply Dex 35 Rama Exam ner INSURANCE MOVING Dont Target to translcr your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage oi any kind SEE STEVENSONS 113 Dunlap St PA 61801 RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT ANGUs immediate possession Two bedroom house with modern conveniences Apply ill Robertson Angus tcicphona athlete roun BEDROOM HOUSE for rent 1n Crccmorc bathroom Rent rea amiable Avallabte new Telephone 10 Creemore PRIVATE me down to one more gage Iour bedroom house Iorced air all turnre 0n paved road in strbud Telephone Snood Mlle AvAlLAlILs August slop mom lhiy Oil heated two storey brick rooms Cen on email lot unlenced Adults pre Ielahly Telephone PA 554 IRES BEDROOM Ilfluaa Ior rent Would auil Iamiiy with two amall children situated at Thornton Cloverleal oil Ion iiigaway icie phone Ivy zoilt HOUSES WANTED glinae ilebnomi iiOUaa requiri rd by July in tor pmitulonai man and Iamlly W111 pay up to aiIitor right arty Telephnnl IA aisle Mr iambrooii APARTMENTS FOR RENT $68 PER MONTH room apartment privan Lnt rnhm downtown location Siuvc rclrlgcrator heat light and water auppllcd Freshly lllrcoratco Immediate msscs ADI PHONE TA 60I16 ceNINALLv healed acil carp tallied rooms and bath laundry room no pulling plrgthonl iA dove avenlllga rA elarr nvn IlYDROO artruenta only All including anltu service etc line stop at door close to echeul Telphone IA MINI ltlifllll clears unlurnlihad tour mum apartment in wart end IIeIt light and water aupplird let monthly Telephone lA Ietll hinnziiN lour mom aparliw on loan Mallet stove and lrlrrraior Our Wright Cleanell too month Trirphun IA ulu TWO lililllilt Apaltmnl Iar ml with rvlrigrraiur love Earring rpm laundry lsrliillvs vw building Tirphpna lA Hell 111an IOU rlltall bath tiinlatletl lid Wursty Iiimi Apartment wllh Heated and ualllv mnnlliiy Apply II mull n00 Apartment with send all halllrppm ilririarrator and alrl Included Apply nuriun Av in lairihpno lA um ON anti llldrnnlll inertia liinIgraior stun we vr and dryer nlinr arrviu new huiidinr in all ten11y lac 1111 Iiiti rwri ngilntultl upper aparimrnl Tor lvltt not our hratvd garage central inu 11 Inn to lchlitlll imm lvl Telephone aim In pm IA IIosa IilrllahN 1er bedroom mvni Ilore end will aln Iacilil Te rphana PA yhlaitod apartment Hy Hilly atrial asllruntalnul vi Ilvl Iarlllll Av Apply Armstrong Two rileirlivii lull nha MM nirilui nartmni in tent in all with arid milum lolllial Arallahle immuiiaiiy ivlpnnns elm irrri AMI turtle MORTGAGE DINAOI lulu Alailabh OI an lulled Chm 1m mute fuelme with pa Illn wwl vrvrldln Mlle to trim or no in II Ht itlI tint lailll IA Inertia luintrimt entrawvr halir riip led Ml Vilim pend read My Coralmin Idsr IntiIt Ipallmenl ler rent with rrirale alliance and all rnrivm emu omFIIlIy lurnihed an Vleiol no IIIplume viva ï¬nite annï¬ meet hootrnnmu living mu dintnl 15 mi Iltrhen rlnp haln rI unndah iii ls std Street RENTALS Wm CENTRALLY Meltld Vomit unlurnished apartment or rent Two bedroom llvlng room ltv henolte Adult only Telephone PA Hill mill ROD mmlahed apart must plm bath heavy IIil stove Interlink Rankine may llcllillu AVIIIIbiI lull July Talepbonl PA FXMI TERI IKDRDOM bested apart ment in modem triplex close to aohonll Ilnrea bus Available July monthly PA mm or 15 SL Vlncanl Strut Apartment IURNIIRRD lJlIIlll room kiklaen etta nmlng on to balcony also bedroom PflVlta heme Central rAdillll Parllnl Avallabll septum her McDonald SlieeL drown noon three roons apartment Ilnltlrhlalied private entrance Utilities included Brad lord Street are monthly Telephon PA earn In pin LARGE POUR ROOM or rent stove refrlg art vatc enlranta In close to downtown Available Jilly Telr phone PA 1017 ROOM arAilailllNi tor rent KIIrCOIIIllnIG heated hot water supplied Avallabla Iiliinedlltely 15 weealy or $65 monthly TelA Phone PA uoza ALLANoALz rour room spare naent to mu prlvlla bath and entrance Close to all bus Lliies Telephone PA wars altar no pm THREE ROOM Apartment or rent lieled private enlrlllcl bata car parking Immediate possession mirally lulled Telephoni PA Metal MODERN tbree room unfurnish ed sellcontained apartment Lauri div room One block Iron Post Omen Suitable tor couple For Information telephone PA 153 routs Roost nested apartment In lent In Darrin Sellvcnnlalnefl private entrance and spieca bath gays Avsiiabla July Tait phnn 50311 POUR R00 Abutment or rent Private enlra Sellflinlllned Heated Avalia July II 65 per month ADDlY Allandale Haid ware alillnl ROOM Apartment Central location Washing Iaclilliaa Arie pie parsing Seilcuntaincd In mo dcrll leplex Avallabie IIIIIIIedlalw iy Telephone PA Hm MODERN two bedroom uuhrrn inacd healed apanment tn Stroud apartment house No objection to baby on at swimming pool Ila monthtyy Available now Tele phone sunud 4e LIICONTAIN three rounled apartment nelrigarator and stove Downtown river atore Complete redecorated Telavbone PA um Delor or PA 400 all ruanaIlnii modem apartment in new home lelng mm bed room kitchen and private bath room Separate entrance and park trig Iaciiiuu ait end Available immediately Telephone title hioDlitN Unrumishr th apartment newly decorated Liv ing room bedroom kitchen lpurv piece bath Lots of storage space and parsing Iacliiilei cillld wei come Telephone PA ISIJS ArAnraim on Woraley Street tor rent One living room one bed room one kitchen and hhlhmcvrn Heated Newly decorated 10 monthly Avallable July lst Apply Salli Stransrnan Queens Hoch any time UNrtiilNiaiiii ated apanmenl Iwn bedrooms living room all chpn and Tour piece bath hunt and sell entrances laundry room In lament Pailtlng Ipact Wllh car healer One or two children welcome Apxly ail Iiaytleld street Telephone Mile MODERN one bedroom mcnt in apartment building vate balcony pulling ihlrrier da aignpoal beam cnmlmrllon Centrally atcd is minutes downtown mlliulll in well End Plaia r15 monthly Telephone PA um CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified advcn llacmcnis lire lnscrtcd at the rats oi Ic per word inscriloa Ior one and two lines to pel word tor Dim Tour or live times and the per word tor or more lnsortions ioCp addi tional charge 11 not paid within 10 dayl THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS We FOR II WORDS Ii IAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 100 FOR It WORDS IF CHARGED IER SINGLE INSERTION ennuita on connslrr Adletllasra are mine vhona insertion old so revunbur to you to advartlnr rhmi the cunt lied Adventtill plvlmsnl is out all laser that hell medlatsly om lliallllbll la Mlle lh arty lam Bl amt aihnl aria be perm bum It In piflar that Hill ml It tilled l0 Ill lulinIlri dayl tuition tan nah II rnlnl trill inal rne Harrie use mnunltnl In only on inrnmclir printd Inaerllpl on meal and their only rolllhn II ad the mic rlnl nuns tum Vlllll or the adlalllremant are rinl ell Ible lnr ronclionl by mean gn Coming ï¬lmlll 5c per word Inilnlmuin rhnrga lltol Ruth and iicllii Nollrcs mo Ior up to 13 Mlltl Intel 13 Wortll ac tor rstra wortil iii Melnhrlam nllrra 0150 III yam 1th to per word Mira nimrl rrrrru nrrl lnlolnallnn inerlllnl Mullang tulng lltlll him In Nlirnhela tnr nuriin it held airtrliy eon Mentla Itll to Ill nm III in RIM nniy is can elm day at nuhinilvn Clntsllieti advertiarsnrma and notices Ior these pages mIIII he received by pm day at Mllfll publication with the es ciplloli nl Classified illplay hilvnllammu which must In in by 1200 noon preceding day IIVIII Int ml an early Iva uh tallvplt thin IN EIAMIIIII IG rutlung department RENTALS BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kiteb en uli basement wltli laundry tube Central location Free parking $55 monthly immec ate possession Telephone PA E9238 nooanu man noon raner Ialied apartment sailcontained urwilv decorated laundry and pub Ina aciuuu Avauualv June or Telephone PA rater BACHELOR SUITE In country elllh area Spacious lellcolltalned pil Vltn entrance and mnlln pstln stove and reirigerator supplied Ideal for muplI PA um or ap poinlment IniiN alltuai Four rooms and bath heavy duty wlrlnl second linen itcnt III Includinl heat Illnla and water No ohleolloia to one child Immedlalt pflmuion Telephone PA 5553 or PA NBS AVAILABLE Jilly fluted sell antalncd three bedroom apart irian Relrigaraler and slave op tical ApPlJ Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings altar III at It Panetaitg Street Iecpnd Iibor UNWIINIIRBD sell contained three Mm apartment on bus line Heat and water aupplled AVIIL aa June inputRb ll smut Street PA 550 at PA Illilhiisnnn Apartment Central Three rooms and bath Seltvcon tsined Private entrance Iieat hy dro water and Farllnl lllilillled monthly immediate poms IIon Telephone PA 54150 unnii eelleontalacd lumlahed apartment one bedroom Spacious grounds Parking cbiid welcome Blah Street area Vacant Jilnl n5 actors PA Hm altar PA ateoa TORONTO STREET lacing Queens Park Unlimilahed rooms and hath private antrlnoe 1100 mm liity Includes heat hydro water Garage available Suitable ior ults Telephone PA Halo ULTRAMODERN bachelor IDIII Inenl available Immediately Live In room bedroom kitchenett Ind tour plecp Nuamnm In our hulldlng Paved parking area Telephone PA eels Its MONTHLY small unlurniah ed one bedroom apartment Cent tral Private entrance cal and water included Recently dccnra led Available now Apply Peel street Apartment iiinnil Roost hebnaier hes ed repaired student lint1 rates apartment seiicpnteined rc aulc rcnt Ccnlral location stores laundromat and hue Parr Dag and alorala Inset 135 Ptnb tang street IA Hedi avAiLAnLlI Immedlately New and modern two bedroom apart menia In east end iicat he we Ier aup lied stow and rclrigere Ior oplonai Janitor service and paved parking Toiephune PA Heel PA Mlle one bedroom artillenl building vata balcony parking Interior db signpost and beam construction Centrally located is mlnulcs downtown minutes to West End Plan We mnnthiy Telephone PA basil INVITE Apartment Building i1 lilairc street how rcnllug in bedroom apartmanh Stova and er Irigcralpr included eicvaiur serv ice iahitor luliy equipped laun dry room locker rooms iiany ex Iraa Telephone PA Iiiot iA Hess ltidiand Stupor ROOMS TO LET R00 to thI very central lo cation lully turnlslitd Lady pre lerred Apply at at Dnnlop Street East Apanmcnt Mia Kuhn CUMIIJIITAIIIJE liedsliiing Room or rent ground lloor claw Io hua stop in Poet Street area Tgls phbna lA Hull Ior Illilllel de Iallr cLOaz 10 liovtNiOtvN ibr rent in private home clean Iuruiahcd bedroom Telephone ailer aia pm rnr lurihcr tnlnrinatiou telephone IA $1501 ROOM BOARD ROOM ANIl nuann lor dents man Cenirai location For iurihrr inibrmatian telephony lA met urine ROOM and heard avalL able Luntliee gnarled and laundr Teirpliona PA India or apply ll lluiton Avenue ilarric ROOM BOARD WANTED mums Room and heard an vlucrly nuiiuuan pensioner Tele pilona lA um SUMMER RESORTS corraoe T0 RENT lent al iiravr duty star lu really honarda and to Hill PA Nair LOTIAOI rial Muaauaa Aim Ior ywlll aia mllra inmi ilrmbvi ll rully iurnlilvd ihm hadrohma Ito weelIyleia ior longer yvri oda Taltphone IA nira niu lIAv rtliNri eaarutive rota II III Konranlertrea hedmnma moduli alirh alga iivin ioorn llrvpim red mand win Illa imhi Talo iltroud Iiilti ml Lottasv tor rvni Ian led us ilim limit on Ileoiglan bedrooms sun porch in lllll rnnvvninm Avallairir trbm rum re to July ll last two heel or August rnr twinr thipimaiinu teirphuna rA ram ARTICLES tor SALE NEWSPAPEIT MATS Silos 11 la Iticni lnr llnlng hen llotiwa Attics garages etc palm inuiiatnr 25c PER DOZEN ilm ial Apply ilio llarrlo Iilplnlnor Illlilt Ontario in all wrawva er in Incl wide Inches an tr Inrhl ltlgh Alai rpm in lull marlnu inrivtmin In m1 rnryrlllliwi Arvl ll lellatl RR Hildaii IINlInllo mil 1mm rn tin or runnu iiti imvi Ilre all all rim rum rpndlliup Ielvpitn ARTICLES FOR SALE CLEARANCE TV Sets $35 up also Vacuum Cleaners tau and up Llrnlted quantity Repairs to all makes of TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA 68611 iI Mulcaster Street FREE Year Guarantee be Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP MCFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 27 NORTH PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner 11 you would like to have to vrlnts at any news picttuea taken by our stall photogre phera please call at our Bust aesa Ofï¬ce We are sorry in cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 10 $125 plus In HEATING EQUIPMENT SALE 01L$himaccs Iormd alr new 100 GAS Furnaces new 99 GAS CONVERSION BURNERS We will give you burner and install It Tree with aas rcatal writer tank titcntal $175 monthlyi Above specials limited time only to nonusers or gas WOODWARD to SON STROUD MRS COLLECT TVPIWRITBIII bought told rent All about our Rent Try their any Plan star Typewrttel Co 1M Dunlap St West PA $6393 nmms aurrn lnr sale pieces anotly plna arborile table tap biacil wrought lion trimmed wilh gold coat new $95 will sell Ice in in load condition Telephonl PA Male llPllC iANKl pumped by tbs most modern equipment any where only 15 Now equipped with Loop gaiiun disposal tans 20bit lien winter laiepbane PA is Going Fishing 1361th VAMotors Trailers Youll Find Them In These WantAds 2o ans DARRIE citAluiNiin WEDNESDAY sour iii in ARTICLES FOR SALE nan iron sun to rise with spring and mattresses good con dltlunreaaonah1e Telephone PA 37101 In any lurther detaiia iRoN HORSE Garden Tiller ai ninet new Ilalgaln priced th Mr Oliver Wllson Minealnl alter 9111 Telephone loll lulnui UNDER Electric Pd as to III by the well or month Ml ilpllr eatlmatel on any areas at sewing lllaclaln Silage Sawing Canln earns PA um IINOBR brand new round habbtra reverse autch machine tor only In or as month singer sew lnl Centre 23 Dunlop strut Well Telephone PA E79 Ac illinn or sale Due Them 011 Silacn llellli In 004 worklnl order It or beat IIIel Telephone Angus Hip or apply Ill Queen Street Anliu QUALITY BEE by the quar ter at lowest possible price Cut and wispyd and dallverefl Oiliv lnlced to misty nycas Food Mallet IIIIDhonI PA lull SINGER special ï¬ller for month June Brand new till aired machine in new cabinet Iul only mus Singer Sewing Cantu telephone PA OMB cAeil lizoializit or late Nation at Cash Ragialer electric col umn departmental tape lull acy board Sultabla for any tape 01 business Telephone PA Hill tNIIIanlt Latex Paint In all col oftN lallnn Exterior Home Paint in all rulerstut gallon Porch Paint$3 gallon nauie Government Surplus PA will aunnnn All and Numbering Machines all all made In order Dependable service all prompl delivery Contact Tha Examiner Commercial Prlnllnl Service 10 Bhylleld Streak Danie PA 03531 liAchNnA TENTS This months special beetle is Hacienda Tents with flour bullbln liltlaen Compar our priceIlia Dania Government Suipliaa Dunlap 5L West PA 60611 nanisinN Ioi eats ï¬tnca Westinghouse console model talm vlalon used only 1111 month Deal oiler Reason lnr IeIlIlil going to Europe TIhDhonl PA coon evenlnla aeacrilic althB Admini to inch aulmnatlc with window in door our yeala aid $15 Dlm washing Machine suitable lor large tamin or unall restaurant tan PA slats Have and some location you with to mill iiouscheid iuta or individual piecesr Catt Central Purchasing will buy your lul allure or other arllclea or give you our opinion tram experienced buyers as to hrivt to stvou at nine Telephonl suoud ion spa in 510 in call aunt PA calla alter IURNACI ad used record all oil11nd turncu twp oIHiglfl llanr turncu in good condition and several Ilied plIIlild Unac neatcra All one set at used wirita baihreont datum Wanted Good uscd Propane or gas reoa slaves Apply Norman nrialorr ce 1T Iirirtovr Plumblnl and llaalinl Lllnlted pants PA um BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE PA 82414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year ROOFING MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing Siding Insulation Eavestroughing ALUIIIINUM WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS New work and repairs With no down payment and up to to months to pay FREE ESTIMATESALI WORK GUARANTEED PHONE PA 81281 ANYTIME ELECTRICIANS HURST ELECTRIC HAWKESTONE General Contractor Elcclrlc Heating Plumbing Pumps 12 CONCESSION AND NO ii HIGHWAY PHONE 0R0 131 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING GORDONS HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Gas and 011 New Inilnllntlona Conversions and Repairs Frco Ettlmatos No Obligation loo IJAYFIELD iA ma INSURANCE INSURANCE ALL TYPES iur KTIflRlllItftl aertlcv Contact MR VERSTRATEN ll IiUN101 IIT TItiI lA Iml lies PA 3191 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Riilll tnr this work Accmtiino llnllhna Illl Ind and ii palloiiili illiilo llllll leiiinlc ltorw lood lll svlalon Holes 00 And tip Call Slioull tilllll POWER MOWERS SALES Cr SERVICE Mmlrin llttllptlletit Inllury lillllllVl lrtliiilrlhiie We repair All motor at lttlilll engines any male We altariwii IRII Ilnlpnes ml or rotary type more any Illa RENTALS USED MOIVFIS AITIIIITIZI AH TIlAllEI llN Till HALF 01 NLW ONE SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE Highway 17 PA 03577 PLASTERINO PLASTERHIG REPAIRS NEW CEILINGS AND PAICTHNO Free Estimates STUCCO SAM CRYER PA 61515 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON lalnllng and Paper liangliig Spray Painting Service Silica 10m RR Rnrrla PA 56060 PRINTING ilmliy Reminder Io CHECK your supply oi PRINTING Ior beat value place your order NOW ALL TYPES OF PRINTING We are fully cqul poll to handle your prining to qulrcliiciita nclullliig 234 color work For QUALITY anll VAL UE have your PRINTING done In iiliilillli Ry The EXAMINER COMMERCIAL llliNiiNIi SERVICE ia HAYFIICLI 51 PA our REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON llliiuiviiATiriN 5iitVitit ii llnmurluu 5t ilithE IA AIM WELL DIGGINO DRILLED iNmtllnl RY Iitl il illliiliiio rtti rilltins Counlrinti Drilling 1111 IIAIIIIII PA 0711 Call Ill My ms 01 Ill 1hr rlnhlltnd ell tlltlll will in Ilai lo Iaalll you with your to