NU In and mm mum hnvnlly ll mrh olhrr whm Hwy hm nwl 5m mm mm In mo uth mm or phqlnxrnohcr nu ma In um nkod In yul luln um nmmd her like shoal hrr Mud Min dlllnl lhlnk ludl amlllully woyrr In publlc bundloho or inc nnillmo Tha mnrrlngn wnu nrrnnyn by pnrcnls 01 mn lwoan ohl Mmw rmlum III olvlrnnl In Chlxm hut lnnl Imus dlr canlnl Ivy mast Cnnndlnnl nl Chmm mlgln For In tho hrsl wn ycl lo comp lmmlgrnllun nmlruvrd admlulon In Canada MI lamu Jenn Chan 20 she nr Hved mm on Kim Ihm llmo Inlrr um mrl mr hul bundloho or lho llnl llmc John McKlnslry olflccr In rlmrue mo Imlernllnn dcpmlmcnl nmm hm mid We will den Iynlpnlhcllcnlly Ind hnnbmhly with all Chlncsa lmmlnrnnh wlm drnl runlmlly Ind honorably wilh us We unuld like hnvn nll lhuao who emch Cunqu lllounlly prlnr low adjust lhrlr pmonnl Hahn II was like cmrylmz pound rlro has an my back day In day out Finally slrnln became loo much In ho JIycnmld Ito He mnmwd The Authorities acornch hll inhaler and mi nmd hi mm In Um cl nn lmlmlnfrgnl On May my m4 Alrmllllul SIMIth Fm Eulmam HIKE PICKUI1 AND DELIVERY lhm PA mu MIME mlmu In Our nu NM Intl No DI IMMWOIID l1 was cvcn Mrnlzimlo loll my close friends that hm cnlnrcd ho country under an mumcd nnmc Them wna nlwnyl he car In would Izak out When ho inme la lhls wunlry from nullva Hang Kong In I952 saw hl name Wang For nlnu yum was afraid balm caught and deported to on Kong ho lays VICTORIA CHFor nlna your Len Gnr Lou llvcd under mcnlnl slrnin He was In Cnn Ida Illegally Lord Home lorcign seam jury is on at laur men 1mnnlloned as possibilities to fmccend Prime Minister ilauu old Macmillan Brltish Con sLrvnllvc Party leader ln lha evml Macmillan resign in in waku hollow vole Zconlidenu given hlm in his vhandllnz oi the Pmiumo scnn jdal The olhera an Lord llnil slum minlsier ol Icicnce Richard Bulicr deputy prime minister Reginald Muu dling chancellor ol the ex chequer AP Wircplwlo Carries Rice Bag For Nine Years New An Immigrant recent report originating at 1Comell University New York jauggests that farmer can earn bonus oi $40 to $80 day by cutting hay on time June is haying lime or at least the time we should be getting start ed haying in Simcne County so rthia seem to be good time to Mail about making good hay All authorities nra agreed that tho best time to cut hay is when 7th lazumoa are in the laio bud or very early bloom stage and when the grasses am just had ling out Hay out later than thia jatage drops rapidly in digestibil ity irom 1i to per cent per day dependlnx on he waathar zand aoll moisture conditions in addition to this loss in digesti hillly of late cut hay cattle will not eat as much late hay so wa have In acctpt drop in UPHOLSTERiNG ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK ll flm BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE HQY Bonus Earned Cutting On Time BAY Cir By STEWART PAGE Anlcnllunl Reprennmlvo North Simona SUCCESSOB HERVE MANY 11m Cunldlun ll ed Cm mm mm lhnn moo mmmnn llln mm Camuln Thoma Taylor pmlllrnl Alnca Inn July bring up mud hy Chrnlcr lnllmnn unlnn wunlcnl nm vnlo wlll help drcldo Illnl xlmuld In dam with mum In men rclnllml hy MlneMlll nller ho ï¬lrolwnlb lack over INC rrprmnlm Inn Mr Tnylnr In mmrlml to he oppoml la plan hy Hm mu llnnnl unlun or rclrrrmlum un mlnu llw nlrllm luml nllur purpnm Irlxllu Mrl Inl mon II nimlml luorlnu SUDIIIIIIY CPI1110 pm dcncy of Local of lhe In lcrnnllonnl Unlon Mlnc Mill and Smaller kam 1nd IInkn leIny In tlecllan Inr new Inman uocnlIvu Imnrd Local formerly Included lnmo HMO em 11le Inlcr nullnnnl NIcIu Compnny In Sudhury um um UnIInI Sllll warlcn oI AmorIcn CW wrrxlnl Jurlndlrllnn nIler Irnxlhy depuln The local new Imlmln maInly employees at lnrlmln main emplnicu ol Falcnnluldgo Irkcl Minn There ac not mm to be any one best mtlhnd ol maklng hny There ls agreeman how ever that we nlmuld alm In cut much My as possible In he bud or early bloom nlnxc nnd nave nn much of lha lenl as possible Whllo dim Lu sumo lncrnnsc In wclzht ol hny cu later lhnn early bloom lhln ln crnnso ln offset by hlghcr ylcld lcmnd cut hay on early cut my llclds the hlxhcr dlgcsllhlllly and consumpllon lhn nrly lmy all to lho flood Also here ll plenty of evidence ram 051 nl no 0AC and prncllcnl lucdlnu rlnls to me tiled that early hny nvnn ll browned by mln or lwm In much holler lead Umn buy good colour cut 00 lale Mine Local Votes For New President Various way at drying hny by artificial means are being iried out hen and than through province This meihod usual ly makes up quality hay ii cul early enough but may add $400 to $500 per ion to the ML This may sliil ho well worth While if the hay L1 worth $800 in 000 more ton in lending value but doubt if Ihls mull ad will in in very well with mnny ul pur smaller inrms In maklng normal hay hay condiflanm 01 he roller or crlmper type or the Iall forage harvester are all useful In short ening the time needed dry hny In 0w Held As suggested above making grass mm an way of gel tlng part of our hay acreage an of the way In goad lime Making haylage or law molstura silage by ensuing hay lhat about anevhalt cured or 50 per cent molslum another way To make good hayhge light all needed and the parllally dried forage must be cut very ï¬ne Va Seed dmerent mixtures at 19 gum and grasses lnr hay and pasture so to spread out the sensor when the hay may he cut to best advantage and there wlll also be plenty at early Ind lam pasture For example or chard Grass and Ladlno can be cut qulte early for hay and learller still or nllage and will then came along well or mld summer pasture Dupula Allalla with Orchard Grass or Saratogn Brome can alsn be cut lltlla earlier than Vernal Allalfa and uther Bram varletles and field or Blrdsrnot lrelnll wlth Climax Tlmathy make excel lent hay when cut week or two later than nur Allalfa ml lures We cannot do much about the weaLher but many ways luvs been developed In help make top quality hay law of um meth od that havs pmven of value are Inflows 01 course there are twu major problems In maklng early hay UI9 weather and tha act that few have Ike lime or ha equlp men to cut and save all their hay ureaza It um best time According to Cornell experk mnnin it required 750 ins ni grain exin to maintain milk Emduciiun when feeding the ny irom one acre cut two week inie compared in hny item only am out this best iime Willi grain worth cents per pound it cost $2250 or the 750 iba oi grain required to maintain production with the late cu hay This means that on yield oi tons oi hay per am the early cu hay was warm 39m ton more than the late cut hay production or Increase in grain ratlnn substantially Taylor pmhlrnl July II hran op Chrnlcr lnflmnn mm pnamopmws 01m lllPPKD PASSPORT READING England CF Prcuy Evelyn Roberta openrl hnr new passport and didnt like whul aha saw Her photograph she lays looked nwlul no the lore up xovernmmt omclnl reprimanded bar but lasucd new passport lulu Juann Chrlsllc June brlde elect was Ihe hanorcd guest at the home llllsa non nle Flalmn Saturday night when she was presented wllh cellnneoux shower Wednesday Mlsse Judy and Sally Camp hell were hostessu lo supper party lot the bfldclobe prlar hvr marrlnge to Donald Arch lbnld Mchlll lh last June Mr and Mrs CeclIBcvan Weslon Mr and Mrs Albert Bevan Tamnw and Mrs Arm strong Wasaga were weekend guest Burt Graham nggon ABRIDEELECI Mrs George Terry and son Billie San Pedro Sulu Hon durns are visiting relative in thu community for few weeks Mr and Mrs George Ritchie St Calhnrlnca received friend shlps here aver the weekend Mrs James Beardsnll returned themh spcnq sum3k Tnla lMx Cmm Shmy spins your lavmllm Keep an npon mind and palm In lnlcmlud in yourjudzmunL Kitchener Manning London span couple days with his parents Mr and Mrs Fe mpaulos and Mn Paul of Tor onln spent lheweekund with he Inltern parents Mr and Mn Tipping FROM HONDURAS Thu wkn the toy Ill Canadian Cvaam Shcny cast mmlhanlhummCamdim show but 0041 deal on Ihan you would be unpaved In my In conupmbla wlno nook lwalvnyeaulu pul Ihis Canadian Cmm Sherry on Hm mavknl Wnlo mud ll Wu tanvlmcd that by Any Notion ll such up with my no Cuum Shuuy mm Any whmln Ihnworldullho plico Wednesday nlght relatives and Mend gathered In the Presby terian school room to haunt Mr and Mrs Francis Drysdale nee Edna Lnurlnu Mlnly wllh mlscellnnnoul shower They re celved many mend gllu and Francls ln wellchosen words thanked all for the gllls Lunch cd lheflsoclal lee Saurin Womens Institute mel Thursday alternoonl June at Mrs Ron Grahams with 21 members and three visitors pre sent Roll call was answered by flower that blooms on your birthday committee was chosen to plan the game night at Saurln school house June 27 at which pens will bepresented to the graduating grade students Roll call for September My objection to the oldiashloned cookslove and for October Bring home made article or the annual preschool deai chil drens bazaar at Hamilton Mrs Dickinson gave report of the District Annual Area presl dent Mrs McEiwnin was present and spoke briefly This was grandmothers meeting and some members brought antiques and told the history of each Mrs Lorna Graham and Mn Arr Spence showed two iwtes muir history book while the lunch Nmmlttea served tear Mrs Albert White presided at the tea tables an cverybody nnlnys mam Show my lam good wlno docs Cu uqun NEWLY wnns tI mm My Ruben Badnnai member Parliament for For Wmlam said the improvement will In llldv more terminal space and strengthening the eastwest nm way an estimated cost of 935090 He also said lenders an due next Wednesday fur 55000 waxDI of dmdglnz In the mlnlsuqula river FORT WILLIAM CMTen ders will be called More June 29 for lmpmvemenh to Lake hend Airport to accommodate aiman up In Vaï¬guard am It was announced 01 Plan To Extend Airport Facilities ELMVALE CHOICE NEW ZEMANI LAME HALE LEG LAMB mmn CUT wnom It on HALF RECEIVE $1M IN BONUS TAPES WITH RECEIVE ma IN noxus TAPES wml CHASE SANBORN COFFEE lIb bug FAB DETERGENT 37¢ ldng Ilu CREST TOOTHPASTE tie glam leo nncmvr mo IN nans TAIHH wnu CORN RELISH McLInnI 014 SWIFTS BEEF STEW ID 40 EXTRA 36m COCA COLA lOlN OlAMB 29c swnnspnrmmmwmums WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES FOOD PRICES EFFECHVE JUNE 19 20 ll 28 HOLE FLANX 0N Mn SWIFTS SIDE VBACON SWIFTS SAUSAGE FROZEN PIES 2401 111 87° Ihrlmp I43 p1 GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE tclovrad Mb pkgl suceo BOLOGNA mum my pkg TOMATOES U5A No 0min l4 ox Ho lulu PILLSBURV nous swnlmllk mi DRAQOlN DIer QINNER lronn chlckm or lAMB BASKET 23c Imulvm lllrrfl Mudlpu IIOMIT CllOlfl RTE would Illnlul BONUS TAPES AT THESE MARKETS ONLY HIV Irlk Dil 45c 69c 45c KING SIZE l0 OZ BOTTLES 502 PLUS DEPOSIT ONLY PRODUCE OF USA NO GRADE RED PLUMS 49c DEMPSTERS ROLLS SPAGHETTI EXHIBITION YORK CHOICE CUT GREEN BEANS STRAWBEle RASPBERRY 0E FRUIT CONSERVE SWflli 10c OFF JEWEL SHORTENING PEEK FREAN ASSORTED BISCUITS ROSE BRAND JAMS HOSPITALITY RAYMOND BLUEBERRY PIE CHEESE TWISTS Market Sq IGA Foodliner STFOUD ONTARIO Christies IGA Foodliher II ESSA ROAD mm N0 mum MUNICH 0F Youngs IGA Market WORSLEV MULCASYER CANTALOUPE MINT AFRICAN NAVEI ORANGES CORN 32 PRODUCE 07 UM NO THE BIG OVAL OF QUALITY TASTY TREAT 35c 1M COB 39c with ll 01 Mel BIIII fln Fkl um fllxa Dal Ierm Ju Din ench lb pm pkl oz 59c 37c 99c 33c 3Ic I9c 45c 49c 39c