eiféél EBurdette Wins FifsT Start With St Louis Ihx flaw Iknllnl duh In Mum lo mmrll luld It would Inrled l0 dlIlmml ll IM ml min ï¬umlay allmwn me am mum Human pruld lurk flNumu nnld In IlIamrnl Momluy he Mm may urrnl uml lrmrhlu In an In llon nl Hock um Ill dam In ml Min nle mllllnn mklnu remn ll Communlly Cmm om lulu1m null lunllnl our raundny Alllmmn lo Ila lul hnm mun sknlinl Club mu hlnlrr mum Ivy Ihl Illm line In Rnlunlny In ICIMI Illul la mm IT hvlorl rlly uunrll ml Mom ny nw lllurlluo cm In the Inn lulu he hmHK Imam CIMTIIMI CP Cllurlrl nnrnwll pmkltnl of lul hnm mum mm Hun IMO perom haw lillml prllllnn umu clly mumII In an lha Gulhnm Mum Mm club Rundny Iflrr Mall dulu ll Onlhnm Arena on mum mu Durdrfla lhauuh nluc ml to ulva up hi long llmu Imtllllom wllh nrnm may prove the nddvd pildllnz help lil lam nccdl In In drm lo mll ntnnnm or In Ilnl llmu Into 1M8 Cnrdlnnb fall Ill my when hry mamund him or the aim flipper nurdtllc rnpnndnd Immrdl Ilcly mm man perform hhmklnl Men unnl Tim Burdeucnn abyurrold 1m hnnder wn wchad lo Curd Ilonu with III helly ul Iry lur calchnr Gene Ollver Ind mlnnr ltazuo author Bob SaduwnkL Thu two llme 20 anme wlnner Inld lnnkly ho would hm pulmed ln my In Milwaukee 1500 Persons Sign Petition Atquhzd Irnm Mllwaukea Bram Just hem Snlurdny nights lndlnz dcndllnv Dur Ikue wrnl rlxhl lo work or St Loull Curdlnnll Ind mllnlnlned lheIr Ilim hold on lhe Naunnal Luuue lend by chccklnz New York Meu on nlx hlll Tun duy nluht Law Burdtlle reluctant tlnderallu who but this urola mldnllhl by couple nl lltlu may ï¬nd lhe ulnu Illpper lnmd on lnal perm By MIKE RATIIEI MIMIEd Pm Spam Writer The crowd two mlnuie ear lier conflth that Clay was lin lshed look up the cry wllh than of stop ll flop IL They Ihrew nlwspopcrs Into the ring to show that Cooper was done Reform Tommy Llllle Ilepped In The crowd In Illenca hr declared Clay tho winner on lcchnlcal knockout alter one minute 15 seconds of the llflh roundexactly no second eur ller lhun Casslul had lorecant Clay flashed remomles lulu lnlu the umnelng eya anle queen Liz hm with that other noble Roman Richard Burton jumped out at her lea Ind mated Icrcamlnu No no the filth round opcncd terrible cut nvcr prorl 0y pumped blood over Iha Wembley Stadium ring LONDON AW0mm Mar cellus Clay lhe punchlnl Eraphul heal Briluln Henry ooper In the predlnlcd llllh runnd Tuesday night and Il lrnccd horrlllcd crnwd In ï¬ght lhal Ll Taylor helped to Ilop BLOOD STREAMS from am under tho left eye Br lsh heavywalzht champion Henry Cooper referee Torn Punching Prophet Clay Stops Cooper In Fifth 11ml pmvldtd mm 1th ennulh mnruln Vor Jrk HI lanL who Irnllurrd lo hlll lnr hla nlnlh vldory III II doclnlom nml Kn mnw MMHInnnl Wm Inl mm mm Imum rnm fuller nnh MIL Ier the lam llnmy unllclnx IIumpInn Felipt Alau gal GI nnlx Knlnl ulinsl Dodml Ifllllni Icndafl tlnzloln III nxn lh rd Innan Ind windinl up 10 uprlnlnz wllh lwnrun II Cardinal pm ll MM reach wllh llvl rum In In lnnlnx making In mm three hlu an error balk wlld put pnml b1 Ind hm wnlkl In chm Ilnrler Cul Willey mm Key IIn 1ch were uruhd by Curt Flwd Dlll While Ind Gnnrfl Allmnn whu ulcnded In Itmk 10 Knmu In olhcr games laurlhA Inca Cincinan nod edged PM add pMI PhUllel Chicago Cubl downrd Homlnn Call And Mllwaukco delenlcd Plluhurlh Pluto In lq Inning The triumph knpl Cardinall onehlll game IhEld at San Frnndxm Glanu who look over Iccand place Ind dropped Lo Angela Doduerl lhlrd back by thumping Dodg lekneu Lachlne Qua na lwodun homer wlth two out In Iha ninlh Ha muck am mm and walked only on whllo banning his record In 75 Mill 1115 ounp slnlthvlqgory Cooper the best fighter ever met Hes really great lighter and you canl Iaku any lhllll away from him He ohook me plenty He xhnok me every Hm ha hi maï¬ Clay admitted In hls dressing room Ina the punch numhcd hlm but contended he would hava been up wllhoul the bull Coo caught Clay flush on he ln wllh olld left hook and Cu went down heavily lo count ol three belore the bell nltlm end pl 11 lqurlh mundl For rcsorvnllmu Apply lo Humid Nuh mem ammunlly HI Bout Onlulo W0 upulally mlcomc Iquulluul lo and nrganlnllnm But he malxhlened out in lhn second round and he outdoor crowd at 50000 law lflsl qulck punching heavyweight The clown In Mm Wll one when he not In mmbla The Lonlsvllla Llp who en mtd llIe rlnx lor the Ichudulcd Wrounn llgh wearing crown appeared anythan but klnzly llrsl round when Cooper Iwarmcd over hlm Illa man lighting hccs Thu Clay had pullnd all an other prophecy But he was dumped on he ml at hls Imnk beforo he dld 1L my Llqu zulde hlm to Ms own corner allerslnppln the 1th between Cooper and Cassius Clay last night Clay Mnln 82000 per dny er evening me of kitchen 8500 extra Hall or 50 pmolu 31000 per day or evening All Newly Decorated Sulnblo lo accommodlh moollng or bnuqum up to 400 porlom 1W0 HALLS AVAILABLE HAllS FOR RENT nobhum mm the wln nrr wlm Mrnun lak lnx lho Inn Joe Tom at Job don lor nrnvu with we run homer In lho mh lollawlna DIck Srholleldl lhlrd erm llrnm Imh cl Ina limo Turr lrlpled lo knock In run nnd ylnl Ile In nna Imreu Ihl lylnl ml In Mk II gumkl om Ernie Bnnlu drove In two Chl cafo rum wllh Ilnal And In rllu fly Ind now hu 99 run or hll cuter Dirk Elllwanh wan hll ulnlh IMO nr Cub Ilchinx hll we vlclnry lanwllh Llndy McDanlclI rtllcl help Klll warm wlm ha loll llve had Ihuluui unlll the ninth when Coll Icoer an Carl erwirkl Alum wild Hch In error by Ellswarlh In Howl Gnn lrnumler Dnn Dcmtlcr homered or Phlln In lha Iccond Innlnz but rd titd the mm In lhu llxlh whnn Plnson wnlked Ilnlc ond and Icored an Funk nob lnwnl alnlle Reds wan In thu nlnlh Iller Vadn Plnsonl bouncer flipped over ihe head Phlls first baseman nny Eleven 01 ple lwu lnlenllonnl wnllu lol lowed bcfnre Johnny Edwudl linglcd he dtcldlng run That rulned 1mm pllchlnn pulormnnca by My Culp 55 wha nllawed only nlxhlls Al Warlhlnglon 21 at UM vlc Kory Clay Weighed 207 he heaviest has been Cooper cam In at In Denvc lion said only Im glad he won He declined any further comment and would um sprculnle about We Huh with Clay unbeaten In 19 pm lassionnl Hahn Ind winner of 5ol them by knqckuuts Cassiul collected rcporled 315000 and Cooper 1000 The Half wu ghoul 330000 mm Jack Nilon one world heav ywelght champion Sonny Ll ton managers was In Cluyl drum mom when Cusslnl nlI he was ready light Lls um the prion ll rlzhl Nllw It ged up Va WE you he told Clay nd the pm will bgrluh hum ï¬nd crlpylewhlch Wu what Clay called Cooper beIoru In his own dressing room Cooper badly cut above Ind be low he let eye sald was ï¬lm In my kn on or In last twp rounds Cooper lull manned in wise crack Iquulluul loch was declared the Wlnncr ol the light In the ï¬fth munn he had predicted AP Wirephah We qldn 31on bad lot BROAD BEANS SMEDLEVS BISCUITS MANNING on vim FANCY ROSE BRAND CHERRY OR CRANBERI JAM CRISCO AYLMER CHOICE HENLEY CHOICE snonTEmm 69° CULVERHOUSE EHOICE VANCAMP PEAS PEACHES PO Small Potatoes BURNS DAISY BRAND Bacon CREAM BORN BEANS fleshCut Pork Steaks °° BOLOGNA tEAN SHOULDER FRESH MADE CHOICE anusmet pun 5969 Pale Es ARE LOWER Sausage Meat 419 FREE IOOZ TIN OF CHICKEN GRAVY WITH EACH PURCHASE bnsssab READY FOR nbAisrING CHICKENS LEAN SLICED BREAKFAST l6 DUNlOP ST BUEHLERS 2002 TIN Apolhulry JARS 9OZ PKGS 20401 TINS 2001 TINS 2001 TINS I501 TINS 2001 TIME lEAN TENDER BONElESS RUMP ROUND STEAK OR BARE MINER READY FOR ROASTING CIGARETTES TILBEST PEANUT BUTTER ALL POPULAR BRANDS SIDE PORK 1°° BUTTER 53 BARRIE CREAMERV FIRST GRADE Emb Chops 1°° LEAN SHOULDER CHOICE SKINLESS EAN SLICED BANANAS flllEEN PEPPEBS3 19c GREEN BEANS U5A NO U5A No CANADA NO LARGE New Potatoes oomsiï¬ï¬ flLESH PRODUCE CAqucss 229c 179 16 OZ JAR zmzm upon or ms 29c 20 OZ CARROTS 215 BARRIE 2W 29° LB 09 89 msz Fféiglï¬ï¬