Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 12

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haw $15 Mlml Hmth Tnylnr ha Imllo uh um bald ulnr lllzlvml um Wrm Ivlun Hlmllum Ill lxmdun uh My nulwd nulul lluy lwnl llvllulnl IVle Coup In hmywmhl 5M Dr Spencer and lhrce other London sclnnllsll mod that the problem IIIch mlslnnm In all Insect klllers on me mur kcl prevents lha dcslrucllon ol harmful lnsecls On Brown cl he Unlvmlly of Western Onlnrlol malouy dopanmcnl nolnd Hm worldAwlde masqullu conlrol pmxrnm coordinnltd lha World Health orxunlzallon laund Um mosquilm In all tnunlrlu developed rcnlxlunl Drl Spencer was chnlrmnn of discusslon or lnsncllcldcs lllclr use and resulting prob Icma whlch came to lhe conclu nlan that dcsplle all lhc mod em chnmlcnl lnsccl klllm on he mnrkcl mun wlll have lo rely or some llme to com ah ha oldtnshlonud lly swallcr he only unlvemlly cllccllvu weapon agnlnsl lngds LONDON Ont CHFear that Insecticides are dislurblng the balance nature appear to be exaggerated Dr Spen car ma lederal azricullurc de anrncnln research Insmutu sald Monday Farmlng urban development Ind hundreds other aspect ol evolvan soclellu disturb the balance or nature as well as In secticides Dr Spencer luId the rixlh nnnunl meeting he Ca undinn Federallnn of Blologlcnl Socialles Insecticide Study Concludes Fly Swatte Most Effective BRIDADIER Wesl hud Commanding Olllcer 1n Mlhlla Group was the In lpecling Officer at lhu annunl Inspecllan of he Grey and RECEIVING liifl mrporail stripes from his inspecting Oiiiw Brig JF Wesihend ai Ihe annual Inspection FORESTERS ANNUAL INSPECTION NIGHT OUT AT FIGHTS rrwvhrcy Ilmnanfigmlr um muml the WonIr WImtwto Ivy cab 1er mm flu In new lilmurdnrw Inn to mm mm mom fined 5111 keg hll lul mm The nlr um glut In new Hm Idl Hut lhls Um may be dil lmnl Instead mudcrnltlnx an mung nrcu lho hotel owned by Cnnadlun Nauannl nnllwayl Kolng lo rebuild In culcmla Into mm hop resemblan 17191 century French Inn lhmll ho wlsMng well clrculnr fireplace nnk beams wooden lnbln tops old lunlrrnl and bullets The last llmc here Wu 1an messing around with the old world dncor the halal great wave at malarial wralh dc sounded on the Inflation and nothing more was hmrd of It The Idea modemlzlnu the grill was just loo much UITAWA CmThnyre go ing Ia Inmpcr wllh the Chateau Lauder lhu hallowed home of many clotted MP and IBM larl Wu The Hrs lhoux was to com blne two nr morn chemical sprays lo klll all he mnmidlol he said but last Ihnwcd they developed mslslanco lo combln nllons qul an to linzle syrays Ilrnln la culnr xprny Plan Changes For Chateau 51mm Forcslm hold at Vic lnria Park Owen Sound Ila made presentations l0 third from to Sgt Thompson 53L McNabb Ind Sgl Kelly the Grey and Slmcom Forest era Wu Cpl McNabb New Lowell attached to Squn than 38 Banlo OHILLM CPLEn llma lhr wnmm In mm ml ihmi ho drivrr IM or In which Hula llwuu Coml mm um am in bun mm uml lurlhllndpl Min ml mm In Ilmulnn and Gnlvnhm Tu No Mung and nulllmnu NEW VOIIK MIN4A Iprull In urlnIlrllonnl hulllo lwlmn no lull Iramml unlunl hm 30 nhIm In up In and lull MEI PplllTmld I110 wullaul Ml lho wan llm mnlermrc wlfll nnly hill 11 mrmlmt GENEVA mum11v Inl eunlloun ol Alrlcan Arm and MM bloc mquIM wnlhd on 04 ll Memulannl Labor 01 nnlulinn mulmncl Thndny pmlut lulul Kinmm or may Mrlcg gh errIon Kissing Driver IlaHill Mm mm Daddl pruldcnl at UM liernl Educlllnn Ann cllllom predlcled howtver Hut even nurh my unllkrly lhm wlll be rndunl undlnl fl puhllc Adm rellllom lum TORONTO CmCflnldl II no llkcly lo allow ha Unlud slulel In bannlnu lhc nlble Ind lha lords PM In public uhoolm lwn Unlcd Mulch at Id ludu Id Nmquy Dispute Spreads The declllon wnl made hy lho CLCI execullvu countll hm week and cammunlulcd In Iha two union hm dlln Lbor Conarm ha Jeclrd Illdlnl chum ed by tho 0rd nullmd Tumm phcrl uni Ihu Canadian Urolhtrhnud of Rnllway Tun pan Ind thcnl Warken learned Tuuduy Walk Out Mnlr Chic lbs Cl nadlnn wildmu 5mm nld lhm must be cloxer moperl Ion bclwccn arcslry and wild llle Inlcmll Same Ioluliun had to be found lo the Ipparenl con Illcl belweln use or chunkl Ipllyl lhn kill wildlfl and wlldlfla protection meuuru lhnl mm In lunn commerclll 1mm The Ihree country commhs Ion holdlnl It blennill mael lnl hm 11 lhln week heard spokesmen mm Clnadl lhu Unlled Slam And Mexico de Icrlbe an ulnnlnhlnx lncram In public demand or outdoor mreallon Iplce Ban Unlikely 0mm CP Compelluml between Indullry And the renllonmklnx public or forest lpnce In North America II hud Inn toward Ihowdown lhc Narth American anlry Com mlsslon reponcd luuduy Rejects Charge No to replied Mr Picker gm mlnlaler responsible or up urallons of the fledglinl band and Newfoundludl clblnat reggaenlnlyg palm com lleon of lhc penom nppoInle will not actor Thu lowest type political pnlllllnshlp that you Could pol llbly llnd Iddld Robert Cantos Conservative MP for tha Nova Scotla constltuency Olmberlnnd Jimmie to let Ha the presml membm uld Hugh John Flemmlnu ormar revanue minister and onetime Comerv atllvke premier of NEW 8mm The government plan In add alx member flu Ivemun hoard established by the 1m Parliament under Conservnlva lovemmenl OTTAWA CPIStile Scum my Plckcmlll Ind Comer Hve opposlllon member tangled the Common madly over the nuw Linerl govcmmnnll mnllve tar ravlslnz the makeup of the Atlantic Development Hoard CAPSULE NEWS 0mm gm Clnl Ha made the statement altar ha and three other New Demo cratl tulked out private but to lucorponta the Slandnrd Trust Company which would Frank Howard INDP Skew told Thu Canadian Press outlido In Common lhul Ill prlvalo bill or Incorpora Unn mmpanlu will the same Ircalment divorce pen Hons NImely Ihay will be dr ballad Ion the rule per mil OHAWA CPI7A apokesmln or he New Democratic Putty Indicated Tuudny that bl zmup wlll conllnnu pnrlln mommy blockade nl divorce bills and launch MW blockade lhls one aimed at American colIlmlled Igompnnleg Calls Govt Plans Lowest Gimmick Divorce Blockade To Be Continued Public Wants More Forests mu plum Mlde Yumllv pllmnnl In um mm WnlM Wu will In mdny wall In 1c Mrlnllc hom lho ul cumulan Ihovlml cable In mwnI bl Imnll Ilrc nhlrh qulfll ulluullhwl nulumnry nlnrm mud whrn mmka 1m warm lurl TIMMINE lClJMlnn nlll rlnll pul much In In Im an Illnllnl mum ol Mrlnlm lnmlulnr Mlnu hm nmdnr In mm umlmmuml walk In llm lllchml Humor Clnrlnnul VIAMINI uuilly and mu nunum In mnnlhl an enrh ma llrnl lwo chnurl Ind no dnyn nu ma nIIur All lenlrncrl um to run unwr nnlly DRILLM PJ Unlltrl sum mulna alnrnl wllhuut 1e ronvlclod In mllll lulu mun Tnudny It lnmnlcd brrnkln and rnlurllu hen um lrlmlu cnlly oblnlninl logging lllln Whlllnn conlmdcd that mollon by Conlrollrr Don Held In upaud pmpmcd hum rm to 500 mm 300 bull wu llmll Sll mu nvmuled by ml vol the mnllnn clr rlld by llII Inn mlrsln OTTAWA CWMayor Chir lalla Whlllon Iouuh Inalhrr bulllo wllh board of conlrol hmdny She lull he Hm round hul hlnlcd Ihc will Ip pul to lhn pvanclll ovum mrnl Gas Wams Pmrolnllnn In ellcct Illll kllled lhu conlrnvmlnl labor rclnllom hlll whlch plunged Ihu counlry lnln Illa Ilrlku whlch now In ln Ila nlnlh wrrk GEORGETOWN Brlllsh GuL Ill APlThe xuvernmcnl Prime Mlnlller Chcddl Juan Neldly wotowed lhc lclhll IlVO mamth Ind In mvcd all no confidence madon whlch wu la moved ludny Iha mlnorily opmlltlon Un led Flam Imy lendcr Peler Dll unr Convict Marine Nu lnjurln were rowlnl luau nu lulucncv Canal VIn der Voufl mllflzd he allowed 5mm Ind womln In car on Hluhwny on May 20 and noticed emu drlvlnl In ha are heavy on comlnl lrlfllc mi Ilso wu nod 20 and com fur hnvlnl llquar place 901 lhan hll mldcnce Whitton Battles The Ontario Frovlnch Po llce constable wu lemuan ha lrlll Clarencu Barnes 51 nl Bill Duh convicted and fined 25 And mu Im urelau drlvlnz Van der Voart lullflcd III mum5 Imuii Nagy Motion Halted KIr fiélér nld no nnly Ill direclnra bill 11 Ihnrcholdcra glandrd Trust should he Cann Ins Similar prlvale hm hm been passed wlthln mlnukns In the Common In the put He had nolhIn alnlngl Amer Inn but he be aved the Cm dlan Mommy would not be lubject to such 1mm external Influences Thu lama arlunwnl wu volcud by Arnold Pcterl NDP Tlmlskammx and Herrldue lNDPKoukr nax will Ruld Scat NDP Tnmmo Dnnforlh uld American and other oxelm Investors hm gradually Increased IheIr du mo of ownmhlp and control or Canadian mdunry and It we llme the trend was re vemd Mr Cuchnne Ind Mr Ramnn identified execullvu Mn wflloulhby realm Mr Thompson zrlln mcrcnnm and Mr Bull Ind Mr nodnnx farmers Ill Curllsla Cochran Ind Barlram Elmon Willounhby lhmnlo Thompxnn Blenhalm Stephen Ronnun Mnrkham 0mm Rodnnz Whltchurch and Josh Eull Chlnzumusy Peel ll Mr thn nld only that the company had found Ihn never any an In and mannncmenl pormnne The le mvhloml dlrnclarl llsled In the 11m Ill OntIrlo mldenu mamas 11mm TM blll1ponsnr¢d Dylan Wahn LToronln St Paulnl dld not com to veto durlnl the hour uslde for privaku memhon bualnm Prlvnlo and divorce bill In dalgnted only one hour each week Ind can bu held lor month when lhm In up 1m Jhem All our NDP upcukm slremd that Mr thn ahnuld um nuurnnm Ihal Standard Tm will be ownpd and can 191ch 3y Canqdlang vs cnpllal ilmk 01 $5M umm All FAVOURITE Poop STORE CGMPLEFE LINE 0F TASW SEALTEST TREATS IN ECONOMICAL CARWHOME PAKS xs Hggdgps ycJppgaAgfangpl hand puppet

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