Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 1

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HUGH PHILLPS WITH HIS NEW MP iCollingwood Man fWants To Split VfOntario In Four plan whureby Onlurla would be divided into idur Inlanumaus province has been advanced by Hugh Phillips 35 oi 70 Beach 5L Coilingwood Under his scheme Slralhroy would become lhe capilal ol the Pruvinc oi Onlnrio which would 19 in the was oi line drawn imm Toronto in Owen Sound on xure way In stimulate Um econamic of such declining and as Blind Riven The vlan in part an excuse and cluncs Io hulid lhusa our new tillesl We must when its hard and build nlllon llmll what our ancestors did Ten provinces illan lnin oh mum nunny mum mum mm diamond 11 ml nIIwr kulry and Humanml In um Ml wile hug Inlay hum limull nunrr NH unnlm Illlnn In lllh um uh he wullvlnl mum whtn hm bunt Into lb zoom Ind dunnmd munv CORNWALL ONL Tl 711m II nullhy mum union mm kulry ml Hmnlrmtl In um hi wll mm hm unnlm Illllnn In um JMKSNN Min lM lllmmrr My Ilmud huhy In JMkM an hull nllrr IluI Irmlm Mrllgnr limx Mler Nun ltnlnlh xlruwmlmimu 11w ummml wllh mlnnr llilu mlrllul Turnlny hlllll In Arumr lo lurlhrr hlclnln lo man Inlrirallon lem LOS ANIIRLEJ AP LIUII Idol lrdro dulllrlu lntk mm nl Mmm unul rm hII mm In with hullrt lhrnuxh lee hurt Jnhn Wuynr ho rmlnmd with an In Thmo Hooded Gunman Take lowolry mnnwul mu vuHIll Ill VAIY 71 IDVEH Tllm nulhrr nlucmlnry Ifllcllflrn mch In Ilndy be mm and mommcnl hunlrnnu norm mlrmn our lrnl In glam aner MU Ilw rims Tirol Vl could prnvhln mm ollur In tandem HUI Ilw Hulkr Tirol Vl phnlnmphlc mvmlwlon yrl nl Npgroos Agree To Halt Machiws mic growth anh ha new provlnm would have ll awn uovcrnmenl dcpnnmcnu th urvlco nnd lnx Ilmclurc nm Inlllnl dup Hjnlian Icrvlcu would hr wlp out by Immomtnnl grown In In In mm 11va Inn at um now my Hymn mm tdrrnl elccllan laugh on ho hum of III mLanchnl lam firmnn Latin Movio Idol Shoots Self Tic new cenlru would at um hidusl eronomlc proa parlU and un vrrlillu he nld own coyEnNmtm Ench province would bcxln lo build upllnl lrom lClnldL Our lam cum Ira bl enough Ilrcldy Illd Mr Phllllps Then In mm llvlnx nlono In on room on Jnrvll St lll nut cod lnr mm to live Ilka that Vflh lho haw onporlunillu up nnnh they would be encourag ed to make new III or Khom NFL Tiyqs VII To Study Hurricanes Mr Phllllps nld lhal the new provinch would bu enabled In mm an lhclr own feel lhrouxh icnerous Izrnnls slmlllr la lhe baldy pald la Newfoundllnd In 19ml Mninniélilun Toronto wnulrl he camn an Independent rtzlon with La own government The border bclwccn he two nnrllggrn rnylncu would run onfiI Wln 1k omfludsona Bay Marathon on uh Supcrflor The eastern provlncu would be called Aurora and would have In capital at Bllnd Riven Su perior wllh Ila capllul at the yet unlonndcd any 01 own mulheasl Lake Niplgon would comprise tho 0th prov has 1950mm ALONE ANAvganL Llndsuy wnuld he Ihe cafiiinl ul Huronla We would stretch as far as Quehcc harder and Ch lip of Georgian Hey just mu Sudbury plan whureby Omanla would be dlvldcd Into our Inlanamaus province has been advanced by Hugh Phllflps 35 70 Beach 5L Callingwood Under his scheme Slralhroy would become lhe capllal the Provinc Onlnrlo which would 19 Ln the was of line drawn 1mm Toronto In Owen Sound 99th Your No 143 NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Wm Ad Tele phone PA mm ulephnm number to call or Bualnm or Editor Dept In PA M537 LES AP Lulin Idol lrdro Arnwndnrh rrmnlnrd Um mm nl Mmm unul rmconldden Um urlnr nnk vilh Imllrl lhrnuxh lee mm Ianzllme ml NW ho rmlnmd wllh Wm In many pldurrn Our Telephonés up In wuumn lwéllbd dunMod mum lM lllmmrr My lnr Imlnl MM hon an melt nllrr Ilw Mum ul Imuullm Mler Nun lenlnlhrly mm In rnd urmnml wllh mlnnr ulinrnl mm Al Num Ir nlxhl In Arumr lo lurlhrr umullrnllnn Ivy Inllfllllm hula hum urMI and higodgd mmnhhed IM Thu luvtnlh In llm mm mun mfde lnlo urhll logxny lo ow Ihnll It on my own nuudlnx Iln people at In map to Menu illnon lwnyenrl no And dldnl hcnr Innlhor Him haul Mn Phillip wnl unminill boul the man oi overcuming the pmvilinnl oi he British North America Ad iie icll lhnl lhn lcdcrni governmcnl in con iuncilon with Um Kavcrnmtni ni Oninrio Ind Kim niim pravincu wuid work out Iullsiuclory Iolullon Mr Phillip laid that he has been thinking nboul lho pinn iar 20 ynnn Tim idcn in nu tx clusivn and npnn lo change am looking in help and nun be um Sinus ha dislnnce from Tor onto to Kcnora 1000 mm lha government om touch with lhl Med Ind hopes In mania of northnnl Onlnrln TM MPPI lry In all or lhnm but lbw Ira unable lu do very much per can In name much higher In lhe Unllcd Smlu than II here The small male mvldu hohm mark where my In concenlrale the el lart Ind purposa or my com Prcmlcr Rohnrls has just announczd gum $50le lnr additions In tho Pur llamenl Bulldth In anonlal It wnuld be better In make the mnney avallable lo Slrnlhmy Llnduy nllnd River and own The fund would be warm $100 mlllion In lcrms ol rcal lulu and the lvnllnblllly of labor stcnvxraphcr ln Kcnorn coal hall 01 wlun xha would ml 111 Tomlin he continucd 1951 you MmuoN We must when Ms hard and build nllloni ihnil what our ancestors did Ten ymvinccs filled lnio the thinking century nan said Mr Phillips However John MIcDonaid were alive today hed any we need 20 provinces an eco such Blind Riven excuse Mzw OIIK 1m Fonmr rurnltlml anml llnavrr l1 lmmllrnl in wrll unin lwuuu In any be In unllnlllml wvtk do Inmlly mkumnn trunk nul doctor My um 00V nlll In mlmnly III II nnrmln allhnuzh name Imprumnml In Mu Mndlllnn in mm nm qlny Amer mu mwnlml MI ur no at tamer at un lntullve anlnu ulll hrnln Thumlnr Four lmllnu will be held duly III lhn Hlsllnn Chnanlwu In Hm mornlul and In the alien nonnunlll mu mun mu mm lwnvlllinh malnllly hmllh rlmrrh law rim nnl bar lmvr wrlnla ur Inn My mum he Mw pope la rnlnln In In urdlnnl Ind probably will In an llnllon nlla utlcmlrd lol mm mm lloly Snlrll md In SI lmrl Ilnlllrn hy lhrlr lerh dun Eugen Cnr dlnal TlmranL They wlll nul an51 1mm miniall Men luv Ilnllc palml nrmlnd flu Slut Mprl nnlll lhry have 1mm Um 2mm punU cl he thuuh Herbert Hoover Is Seriously Ill VATICAN CITY MUEmily rnrdlnull lhu nnmnn Cnlhoxlc Church prayed lnr dlvlnc luld Inca lndny Morn lxltmbllfll In cnnclnu lo olrcl lutcmor Page John anrcxu Terrence Balll dc cnce lawyer mndo the tim menl ll Hm npcnlng the ncwno plpfl mlnn rial cur chum ndaconl aflcnm In vnlvlnz Guardsmen LONDON maulcn 16 yourold newspaper man old the Brlllsh government and pros In February that Dr Slo phcn Word key guru In he Proluma lcandnl won Communist and mud nuclcnr Inlormaflnn courl hero was told today Cardinals Pray Before Conclave lnr the government 15 concerned we propose la in nhcad with that tax he lad flally Mr chmns was seem an lcd by Iha the 111 Shortly beore hls meeting wllh Mr chram Mr Gordan old Commans questioner hr has received pralem from the Toronto and Vahcauvlr flock Aexcharmea against he takeover ax The angry blast from the 49 yearaid armor universiiy ecnn amist is likely in be followed by similar criiicisms inform Inlx said investment and stock exchange oiiiciait irom other cities have asked in see ha minister whose budget spcncil cnmcs up or Common dnbate today oymrgs 111101551 iicc Lawyer Says Cher Informed On ProfUmof He delivered to the minister Tuesday 55min letter de acrlblnx the new supercent takaer lax as complete and utter nonsense unconsti utlanal and an axe that will murder Iomlgn confidence In Canada The lane hls lellar was set in the opening sentence Th financial capital 01 the world have just abaul had enough from Canada Nailhu Mr KIcrans nor Mr Gordon had any comment for reporters allowing lhelr minin gle meeting In lha ministerl oi OTIAWA CPlA blistering attack on one ol the main budge pollcic of Finance Mln lstnr Waller Gordon has been launched by Eric Kleranl president of line Montreal and Canadian slack exchanges lle delivered to he mlnisler Tuesday sispage lcller de ncrlblnx the new supercent leller wndcly distributed Kierans Says Tax Utter onsenSe SPACE COUPlE lAND LOTH FEELING FINE lhe minister so letter de rl supercent cnmplcle and unconsti MI rmlnl lulrld INIII wllh lulnllng llur mg 11 summer MI when lb MI mlmlllal In let ur minuan mrtlui nl Iluh aviarulhnl he had Pd Tlml flu nl IIUM In nul luy he nun ommnm lhlrnlnl In her lmlmwl den In In had IHIII wllh puly Ill UIIIIIMI Kee In he her all who wr Immum in TM Kl Int ll Wu ml Mrulnnlml Ml ml lwr pulnrmnnrn Martin 21 dam On win nlnhl In ms nu lmulml nmlirncu nulld my 11 lprpplnud what lnylun Inlrly nml Um mo Inn up or her In lhc lulutr nvuh Hm muurron rxprrlcnml lmnwr Vulorln lulull lmtlne Hub Inn Imhmm In lmlllnl lhn llmrllxlxl nlm rulllvulnl AIIMIV muly Ihrmmh mm of Mr mm Its lurkixhua An Irlrm Inhl Journnllsl Anna Hdwnrdl Mm knnwl hrr wrll or lum mp mu um wn LONDON MUArm an rrle vyhsnn Hm wllr John lmlumo In 1111 In lhu luxmh rplqnl Mr ile fluy cleand hlm Just he urn Mr lmlumu slimd and they are now dmrglnu Mm wllh lndmnl olfanm with mud mm hm buglnnlng IhoUWnrd mchr Ihny Irmled Mm and held hlm nlmml Inwmmunlcndo or 16 mm In tho prm could 19ch Mnr hlm Ha ha rccclvcd lhrnnlcnlnl Icllm and has Ignored them Ihu Inwycr Inld Thu police dlxcomcd the end Aprll this year ha knew nhuul lhe Pm alfieclgrWnrdnflmr Lawyer Raphael Tuck Inld Dell also xnvu lniarmaflan about Iurmer war mlnlsltr John Pra Iumo and glrlabnullnwn Chm tlnc chlcr Thure have been all kinds rumor bul lhls In what going lo happen Nu In No buts She wnnl to marry me wan la marry her hm Taylor was quuled saying Im so happy that Rldmrd has old you In in exclusive rantpage an nouncement published by lhn rcwspaper Burton nld want In marrLEliwbclh 1nd will marry her The 37yearold Welsh nclor added London Daily sketch reported today that Ellzabclh lelar will marry ndar Richard Burton soon they am both free probably In Oclober nm lawyer drlcflhrd lhu can His on two key budge measures Onel aimed at halting oreign takenvera Canadian firms levle Wynn cem lax on anyone selling more than 350000 day of sled In Canadian company listed on stock exchange The Canudlan Investor will be In first casualty 01 lbs pm poigd legiflaflon Liz Taylor Plans To Wed Burton Soon by the Montreal and Canadian stock exchanges last nlghl uld Ihat dlpsydoodllng and d1 crlmlnalory axing methods lnA lmduccd In he budget last Thursday nlght will cause sharp dccllnlz in the value Canadlan slacks and lend ta wipe our stock exchanwln Canada Profumos Actress Wifé Plays Her Toughest Role LQNDQN Rgguerg The Bufrlu OnOIrlo anldl Wldnoydaywluno 191963 Well we nlulnl on the null Inlhlnq Imrl III lmhlm uh luvml oul he llqhh um an an MM Why did ynu Imu our home In curly In Mr An lhr wlle ml MIL lrlnn Ihu mu hoIm Al Immy tunrllann It lurr Ileurnll lmk muml ml at Ilm Iluue Com mnm 5m luml ll hemum Ih mu 1mm uvlnlnul Nun AIM hu lmlrlllldrm 0m ol llw Imam why 11 Klnz um hnr uvarln Ihnw nluI uncr IA he Cllllu llwu mm to many Ml dlrn In Ghu lows thmI My lml Unto munSlmnm ll nnd An llmny Mark Iuy hrr llul mnnlnyu In mnvlu mlurcr Anllmny llmrlmk Alrn ml Duld hy lrnlmm llrr Ilul Inmlnuo min In dlvnm In 32 anrrlc Nahum lhrmllllc Inns wlln Inldns nrrnlly nu January uh wnx prrlcclly nnppy In flu rule aha rflllnl hrr llnmmrmu Inmln om henuly Wnrd lrlrnd all Ihruu wnn nrrultd nnd dwqu wilh Ilvlnx on lmmornl wmlngl Guvunmcnl Iuurfly cnlmd lhc cm when It mu Icnrnud Mlu Keel wns having an lnlr with nusslnn navnl nllacha chgcnl Ivnnuv nllhc Inmo llmc Aha wnl lnvolvrd with lqumu miumo resixncd his past June niicr admitting that he lied in lhe Common Martin 22 when his mid hero wn an im propriety in his reiniionshin with Min Ku cr IciiIlyicd ycuruid model on he hlggcsl plum political chlcnnnry nnd mmch Ihnl we have experi enced for name lim Thu stage was so today with cnlng in 1113 Commons ho xdny dtbnlu an Finance Min Izler Gordnnl budget It pmm4 he lo he one ha livellcsl In yam OlIAWA CHThe Liberal Ininnrlly Kuvcmmcnl peppered wilh opposition crlllcism the budget face possible lhm wnfldence vnm on which toga stand nr ML SOVIET WOMAN cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova shown as she appeared on tale vision screen during her night around the earlh Tho mycar old Mlsa Tcreshknvn relurncd Budget Debate Will Be Lively HERES ONE sum imifiumfliwufi Thumrlal mule Un me menum In Lu hy Conlrnvnrsy nlso aurmunds the budnclx tanknu Tuesday nucrnoon Eric Kicrans president the Montreal and Canadian stock exchanges mcl Mn Gordon dcllvtr sung Ink nllack 0n he now 30p cflnt lax on lnrncunlc salt Canndlnn compnnlcs Hack to lurdgn Invcslau The hours Issue llarcd again Tuesday There were opposilian houl ol shame and reslgn directed Mr Garden during an unrcsnlvcd dispute ovu whclhcr lhrce Tumult business men who helped prnpurn Inst Thursdays budget were prop erly lppolnlcd rho Iirsi oi the votes arising out of he debate muld coma munday night It will be he first list gnvcrnmmi sircnxth uince ii weathered iwa nancon iidcnce motion in the lhmnu speech debate the star oi the session Ins mnnlh to earth today in presLl area Iassv the Sovch news agency announced She was in her 49th orbit when 511 landed Tass said This pic lure is from Novosu he Sov iet agency AP Wircphulo ITS 3033 my van mnmfkifisfiu dy Lamb loll Al film I1 klnmwn nm lily nhalmun tInM Illu Mum lmkr land the um um all Thorn may have Imn crackling nnlso n1 oxncricnccd gourd whllo but from Um clash win he alt Smoku and llamasred urnnzn yelluw green and blue mulurculorcd flame worn 51 mm he armhole signal55519 rmnas Then cifierlhe mnsl lurrifylmz momth Voslok VI entered lha dense Inym ma emhn nmosphcre ancnlina report nnvf taking pllc Equipmcnl Minimum 11 breaking power plant was made readyi Valentinausing lhe call signal Seagullchecked oil in stages Voslok Vi hurllcd Ii wnrds Soviet territory at 18000 miles an hour The hrea ma engine was fluid to bring he mace ran the orbit of an earth Intellila nd Into nascent trajqclqry Judging by previous landing ni Soviet cosmonaut this is how the worlds first mnccwnman returned earth noxietim Ind landing lyl cm were swllched on by tom mnnd ram earth or passny by hersell the landing points the cosmonaut were greeted by landing craws friends doctors jaumnlisl and spam tommil nrsl Tau laid Cosmonaul Valentin Te mhkavl and Valery Bykavsky arg uglinlwellf Bolh ship landed In the north ern area 01 Karangandn In ho Ccnlral Asian Rupnbllc Km zakhskan as was pravluuxly cal cuialed 653mm yummy Bykavsky had been In nrbll In hls lenk capsule iiuca 1le Friday and Valentinatha worldu first space womanwen up Sunday In Vomk VI Valm Ina made orbit of lhe earth and Bykavaky Russlas fifth xpaceman made 52 orhlu In break the previous Russlan world record or space flight Tass Ihe uchlll Russian news agency said the cosmo naulsuCal Valery Byknvsky and Valent Tercshkova were both leellng line MOSCOW Reuters Rus sias man Ind womanln Grace landed their ships safely prescg area today alter rec ordhreaknz flighls BYkovSkYMakésIBZQQiBits Valentina Completes 49 Nu Mora Thu Par Copy22 Pug Dnscanl Cloudy with showers tonight and early nmrsday Low tnnighl 51 ngh tomarrow 1L For lull tunimam turn to page two warm lo ml KIM nwn nu hum hm AIM qu mm the yublln To 1m lcdcrnl Halal5 lo nny pmgrnm or nctlvlly In which rnclul dlscrlmlmllon curs Tu up on he fcdml level Ihraugh cxrcuuva ncllon community manna xervlca to work wit Iocnl Ibirnflnl groups To provldo lnlr and lull emplnymcnl Local Weather ve Negroes equal Ile commodnliun In such pull cililics restaurants hams thflLCS and rccgcalqnnl Areas Kennedy ncd 550 ward spcclal messaxe Icglslh lion hat mounts to one ht broadest civil right program pmposcd nearly 100 yuan The male mm the pm 1mm are WASHINGTON AP Pm qunk Kennedylenl Con gress today llvawinl civil rights pmng which In aid provldcs lhe most responalble reasonable and urgently need solul 310 Ih Emblem 11 can nrml wxlh the pro gram of the 01m flight ha space xhlns Vaslnk VI and V0 lok landed in Iha pre area ha Soviet Unlnn on June 19 1963 The Joint night tbs mace ship Vastok VI piloted by Ike warldx ilrs waman cosmnnaut citizen vi the USSn Valenc ina Tercshkava and the satel lite ipaceship Vaslok piloted by cosmonaut citizen or In USSil Valery Bykovsky hll en sucgmiylly TheTass annqunccmenl on henlnudlln by cosmonaut Amman Nikull yev last August It starlled hlm rbul he thggnd It of nor mal descent As gravxtallon decreased Va lakVI humped as cart on bnd mad Eventually however thg shaking qimlnishgd Huge parachutes b1 11 mm the space ship as nnared the ground ValcnUna an aca parachute jumper wn prob ably among them WAS sgccassrul JFK Outlines Negro Program ff V9 33

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