Why not Grifï¬th asked Every time we 1th we make maney Thall what wen hm Inr nubhmrr by Inï¬Vflylnr lhllllpl MINER MAM MA IIHHM Innnnd an Inn 11w rr lama dlvldcd lhnlr Sunday dnuhlrhomlm AUnnln Crarkm nlmml Toronto anlu lulu 65 an homur by cnlclm Dun Mom In lhl HUI Innlnl oi llvo Int palm and Luis lnXInlrd In Ilm MmmL Co lumlnu Jclu Ihmlrd lmllnnnxr III Indium In lha ownr Iul Int mm lho nlghlmp ml blmklnl Syunua Chleh nn lh¢r victory min In le hy lurepluu Mkmun Tunrim 01 and And Hulhfln lllxnn Imp lh nmflmn divlnlon nu um hy rnpplnl yulr Iquukm 1mm lllchmaml Vlr Imam and Nat Mnrflncz flock unillve ram lhe Rochester nm Winn bullrpen bound the mml un usual mums lodny In the In emnlionnl Luneom llul Ind one noAMllcr By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of H081 Ind nnllanal lelsvlllon nudi mu MW Grlmlh legIn tha crown Ralerze Jimmy Devlin and Judge Tony Rosa valed for Griffith And In mundl Wn gave them remalch qurlxuez mannxer Angelo ndee said wllh ohvloul bit tjrneu hope they have Una urlesy to give us one Grimm Zlyearnld nalivn of theVlrgin Islands who now live In New York won the first light with nudrlguu split 1m round decislon before eflher was champion Rodriguez 25 and null Cuban nnw Iighllnz out of Mlaml won the wellerwclzhl till when he Icon2d an unnnl maul but loudly disputed decl ISon aver Grmilh Much 21 11 Lo Angel lflll ND FIGHT Sure id light him again Grifiiih said niicr he had re gaintd the world wciierweixhi with split limund decision 11 the Cuban uiil Saturday By BOB GREEN NEW YORK AP After Him mm and 40 mm EmllI Grmlfll and Lu Rudrii Ila have lhflWfl one thing lhm Isnt muda difference be tween them Chum uo theyll light lllln Chancel In um It will duly contravenlal Ind 111 mndunve Relief Pitcher Hurls NoHitter SPRING INTO WARM WEATHER WITH Hush Puppies Griffith Regains Title With Decision Victory EMILE GRIFFITH ll holsb ed by bundle In the tint ghq his split decision vldory aver but Rodriguex or tho Icvm SERVICI HA Chppmnn 30 GOlDS SHOE AVAILABLE AT7 lmmh In lha llm mm Top onlu John Lamb Ihmx Clrm ml nml Jack mumkn Illa homrml lnr Allnnlm In My mnml mun Nril tilIvy Iron lII Hu InMm nm lnr Turunln and Him lrrrl gho klnry wllh mum lume Nn homm by Jon 0mm phr MI um and lath rnuhled liuflnln to win lhu llrnl unm lrum nlchmnnd lllck Herr Irhcrn pinchml Illlllf rm dured two rum to lho Bl Home by Doh Rum and Funk mm nvo Columhul he Icenary mm In but lndl IMPOHI In If ul nun Max Jnhnulnnl ho drprhcd lhllllpv Ahuluul lhe uc nmI um Brown lmmn homer or Syracuse ln und Chitin lma ulu lnninn nmml Arklnum Ind lum Goldyl doubla won It or Chm In In lllh flmwnl hmrun homer In Um lul lnnlu won he lec ond nmu wuked only on In Ml nohIlIcr Ilncy runnInz catch by rlghl IIzldcr 51m Down In In Inuth saved lhe MhIIltr wnvIllo pnudrd ballm In the pm In II bl InnInu In In opener Lulu Eular lnucd WInner Reuben Gomeg Inr him run wlth lha has londcd Cindy Spoil winner am Chlluuzay In Ihe Pullman mlddhI even at he Irlple crown or threeyeunldl wu lhe Ho Chalenugny owned by Pill burgh Plum pmldenl John Galbraith won 3101700 and de llzhled mm 55131 cuslrr men by ulmmlnl hi yenrl wonder horn flex Elly wnrlhl Candy Spolx Time fur the 1H milu will law No minum 15 month NEW YDRK CmChaleau gay shot Iharply Io lhe fora rant man he up three year nIdI In lha United Slate by rompan to MXenzlh victory In the 95 Belmont stake at Aqueduct Saturday In the xrvenUI Rodrigua changed slyles began selling his 1m and mating the incom Inz Grill with twhanded flurries Grllmh got off to last start and scored well wllh mlld hndy punchlng and an occulch that to th head through the rim nlx round Whlll llodrlgun cun lulled hlnmll wllh mmterlng Ind mxrrlnx Judie Joe Armstrong had IM or Rodriguez 11 Associated Pml neared It or Rodrlzuez ML Chateaugair Wins Belmont Stakes thip Saturday night Grillilh regained Ihe crown and be um um ï¬rst man am world weflerwelzht champion PA um HY GINIll Duck lnur Ieldm In order mm Imurredion Top Gulln and Bonjour Insurrec llon Wu Ihe In flelmnnl Ilarler lo bu muddled by miner Sunny Jlm Fllulmmanl who won III or the runnlmu Thu Mycnrvuld dean or Amnrlcln Inlnm rellrcl wilhln week Chalunuguy humebred Ian 01 Swnpsnnnquel Eel by Polynesian Swaps Eilannhl 1955 Konlucky Derby wlnmr was said to Galbnalh In up 000000 dual Chaluuzly Iha mam choice returned 31 $290 Ind 70 Candy Spats returned 230 Ind 8120 or hll umnd detail In 10 mm at hll career Chaker pald $33m Candy Spots which hank the lead at slx IurIongs hung on to linlsh mend by Ienxlh over Choker 1940 that In Ihe held of seven Tom CH Wu rum another on length b9 hnd choice dcsplle Inn to Chat eauxuy in he Kenlucky Derby cmmn wsz In the decislvo 15th Luis coasted whfleGrfltlth put an nlly with some good IthI to Ihe head and body The ofï¬cials who voted for Grifï¬th 53v Mm that round Each weighed 146 pounds Ba llleclcd $40000 It Iallowud ma general pal tern until the 12th when Grmilh again lock um play with his body punching but nodrfluez regalnad the lop hand in next two rounds win flue ille three umes The 15rnund Iltle light was held In New Yorkl is Square Gnrden AP WIN photo SM 94 On mum Glnu Ind Inhlmon had made an cum plua hr hulore lhry lpllled ll mnxl Imuluneaully lhzlr ty nnly lnchu apm Gllu died broken nrck Moore spllled on the nm Inn lhe lirsl nmulcur heal Ind wu hll by Inalhu cycllll Thu rue wu billed to clear ll luck an en ed Jnhn 61 24 at Fllnl Mich Reporlcd in lalr condillon In Mansï¬eld Genml Hospim were Robert Moore 26 Van dalla Dhln and Jmu Ilohln my 29 fluHey 03L MANSFIELD Ohlo AP molarcyclin tumpeunx in mm It Mnnxfleld RuceWIy wu killed Saturday nlzhl and two mher Injured lq sp Clark who finished second in tha men Indianapolis 500 led lhmughnut the amp race Ice and event ol this year world drlverl chumplonshlp Ind clockzd lwn hourl 27 minute 47 mend or he mm race Emu McLuen of New Zea lnnd wu second Ind American Dun Gurney Ind thchh Glu lher mm and 10mm rupee livAelly FRANCORCHAMPS Btlglum Reuters Jim Cllrk 27 yearold Scot driving Lolul Climax wun um Belzlan Grand Prix here Sunday or the un nng yearlnjuccesslon Root became hrs champion oi the new division by outpoini In Kid McCoy in 10 round Delta April 1m Motorcyclist Fatally Hurt Wh Ron oulgrew the Ihen 158 pound middleweight dlvl uon his mmazer bou Home man Chlcam baxlnz promoter and newspaper mm estab Iishcd new 1751mm light heavyweith class between mm dlewelghLIs and hsavnglzhlsz ihyxlclnn nld hl luc cumbed lo merlosclemun hem dlguse LOS ANGELES AP John Jack Boat 86 who In 1903 be came the worlds Hrs Illhl henvywelghl boxing champlon d1 Sundgy in hospflll Jim Clark Is Race Winner Mum Baundy of Manual upland the wnmenl tingle by admin Mn Shhlay Hum Magma 824 In the womens double finI Mn Hum puredwlm Mrs Ann Bedard In nearing 61 vlclorylover Mu Pal Mark Illd Jean Mlcphemn at at nwa Holmberz and Bedrd teamed assum 1n UII mens doubles llllLlfl whlp Universlly Mlchlzan pair flay Senknmkl and Ham Fnuquler Fggquylzr n5lvuol1ï¬ronln OTTAWA CPlRon Holm hug armor us Davin uni tannin mr lrom Brooklln NY deluded Canndal lapranking Ellyn Bob Bedlrd Shar rooke Que 62 Sunny in he Ilnal the mens ulnxles lur theElam Lawn Tannin Cluhl annupl Invllnllup inqrnqmenl Former Boxer Passes AWay mm mm Ime mommy mu Bedaxdfloses To Holmberg SlrlkmubDmdaln Lo An nlu Grant SH 23 35 Covlnllnn PM Dnvla LA 152 11 Soyuz Su erwlrk Hon 155 ll RumFlam SI Mull 50 mm mind In Roblnson Clndnnall Ill Groal Bl naublnCeptdl San run clsco la Trlplullmon Cinchmull am RumH Anon Mll uukea 11 Helen BumRoblnmn Cln dnnnll 15 IIkhlnlPemnaski In An wu 714 575 Trip Hinton Washlni loll Hanna BunAllison 15 Blulen BucoAparlda Balu mare l7 slrllmmll Pucul mu Mtlzone 1i as Knllne De 196 87 332 Robinson Ch 194 65 325 wxner LA 195 as 63 Pemnn LA is 53 73 316 RumAllhon Minnesota to Run 1mm XnKallna 41 lbPurim Donhlu Vlrullea Minne mm In By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Saiurday Boston driealed Baltimore Deiroit whlpped New York Minnesoin de feated Do Angela Kansas City defeated Chicago and Four homo run powered New ank Ylnkeu over Detroit Tl gm 62 ending threegame losing mm Ken McBride on dny ol pmonnl lrlzedy plldled to Angeles Angel lo victory over Minnzsou Twins and Cleveland Indllns hammered out 16 hlta In whip ping Washinglon Seniors 74 With Builimon lasing Chi cnn wmu Sex jumped nio the Md by nneinii nme with Iquanker over Knnm City Ihieiicl Ron Hansen doubled hamu line deciding run in Una ninth and mm turned ra iiever Juan Pizarro regixiered brimm pitching performance or Whit Sox Rndau stout eiiori wu backed by the Chuck Schilling Russ Nixon hitting camhinliion lint produced the yin nm in the ninth and the winning run the Hill Radm late conquls came at lawman Sunday In Red Sox conquest in 11 Innlnza that shouldered Orlnlel out of ï¬rst plnce The leloot lehmh M5 nound ml haller Ignln Ihuwed why he ruled at one the but tzflevm In hue ball by mucllnrhu my lhrough llx scoreless Innlnu nrlklnroul no Oriole lu thu procesl Slack Balllmm They all Dick Ridall 11 Monster And wllh landwa san the my the burly Boston Red Sux slrongbny has been ter rorizing 1h American League By JIM HACKth Analaum 5pm Writer White SOx Take Over Leqd Orioles Downed BALL LEADERS Amman N1 21 50 M0 152 17 50 329 III 71 13 155 ll 50 32 Mull Roblnson Mlmr ll Pd II 551 Giants are two pmu behlnd allowing their Iovenlh unlth Im 10 to Houston Zulu n4 llam Skinny Brown pllthcd oneIII bill for Call Thu Ipur hu ruled Wllll Iveru from 152 In 790 Ind revitleed Ilumpm 10 An gelo Illck Jun In time or he am of lwwnmeurlu night Iwnll UIIrdApllcu San Francisco BUIFEE BEVENTII L05 Will followed up ourhi yedormnncu SalurdIy with 3for5 ellofl Iznlnsl Cubs Sun day driving In Him key mm with bnsu loaded dnubla In the lelh Innlnï¬ That gave WI 11 hitI In 21 ubala lorrid 500 ng rIluran Wilix missed thu flu pm the road trip dun la cllcium deposit on toe of hi in loot Ind Dodnrl proceeded In in uven ol lo games while hiilnl Inur iennhl oil lhe pace Then Wllisreioined the club 11w havent lost nines Thu Will lending the way In Maury Iho mu amodxker who In turned lluuer lines recov ering from an Injury And led Lo Ankle to ï¬ve Ilralghl vlc termhe latest an 11 con quest Chlcun Cubs Eundly la Annie Dodger pw pared Why or Imlher Ihow down with San Funclsco Glam alter concluding ran trip with Ive nm winnlnl streak IIIm hnld on the NI lional Lamas lead and Iheory that when Iherel WlUI lherel way By MIKE RATHET Almhled Pm mm Writer Baillmnn look land In lhe um nnlnfl Eur Wilson and wunt until the ninth that Red Sox blush up when Nixon uhled Ind cama In on Schll leut single Boston nllly lcltled lHn the 1m all In II Innings ulna Orl oIeI he yielded two Jinglesma Inlnfleld dribblerInd an in tenuonnl walk In million ha 10 Enlumare xtrlhouu mm were live our pnpoula Baltimore look mm In fladnu whn established hlm nel rel liar In hln mkle umn luk year Improved his current remrd to In ula aimhauler It BIltImme The 25 year old right hinder hu wurkeJ In ll games finished 17 and unscmd upon In his In 11 appearances coveflnl 22 In alumina defeated Waxhkmlon HA 4l nponn PA mm 12 IAYFIELD Maury Wills Hitting Pacing Dodgers In TUNE UPS WASHING LUBRICATION MAHOUR TOWING Repair to All mike ol nu ma Plclurp and Dellvery 0M NM SERVICE l5 DAYFIILD STRIIT LWI BITTER ILICTRICMLY cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or Electric heating ELIMINATES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STEWARTS GARAGE Emwn 30 yur old mill hnnder Icauind mm Nzw York Ylnkeu cums on with two out In the third when Dick Fmeii miiered log Mm Viiilo May id of lhe Mirth with In lnlleid linxie Ihan Bmwn let Gilntl drown in order Deiplle three human by Cubl Ernie Banh Dodger had the bigger bomber wIUI Will combininfl wllh Tommy Dnle Since Will has returned Dava has hit 455 cllp Ha wu Jar5 Including homer against Cubs raisin MI Iver nze lo 319 hrry Sharry working In rcllel Sandy Kau lu was he winner Dick Ellw wgrth 84 took lhe Ion In tuniayl lama Dodger whipped Cubs Cardinal Ihul out New Plrnlu de feated Brave 64 Red nlppld mum 10 and Call deflated Gllnu Mst am in Secondpines St Louis Car dinals onehall game back an ill doubleheader pailem for His day by spilllinl with New York lieu losing I1 helm wallop in Men 104 Phlhdclphiu Phii lied edged Cincinnati Reds 87 in 10 innings but Red won 31 behind John Tallouril nuthil let Pittsburgh Plraies Bob Friend blanked Milwaukee Brnvu Ihen Braves look the nlxlnlcqp pl over the mu Innian In he In Sunday night game in male hlggorz Harry Erighi Tm Tmh Clue Boyer And Hectnr hope hamered inr Ynkm Ind Inuihpnw Whitey Ford pilchad an eighthill in winning hil eigLUI IIIIMI Keying Mennwhlle Human home the winner In the tap ho nlmh with hi dnubla following Pm Wardl Ilnzle ucrlllu Ind round out Plum now and HI laser 3le Fincher Plzarro an While Sax Harlinz ms made an emer gency relief appearance Kan City with Iwo on and mm nu In the dumb An inï¬eld hll and double play enlbled the In to He Ihe more at 33 but Pizarro held them the rel of lhe wny Ilrikln nut Inur Stu Miller who Ilnxled Id ucrmced Ill schllllnx hit IwMuI tingle CORPORATION LIMIYID DUNLOP 51 Bah Hulk IT COSTS ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS Takes Only Minute Auk For Miniloan 711x97 vcmy wu onlymmuc Ermaant NEED 5000 Tlll PAY DAY Boh Mull PA 625 mend won In mm for Plum with ham run my van mm Ted Sun and Dan ClendLnon and thHun dou ble by Roberto clnmenlo Wm ten Splhn end for Tullourb Kat III lhe luppofl he needed In Reds unlupr trl umph on homers by Vldl Pin Ian and Pete Ruse who he counled or another run wih ucriflce Ily Red led the opener 12 behind Bob Purkly will Into the ninth but bumn by Don Demeter Ylm hmnl Ind John Cannonhie Iecond of the umelled Ihe Icon Phillie lhen pushed the winner acrou In lhe mm on Bobby Wlnal lnlleld Ilnzlc Met henelllad ram Cardlnll arm by Blll Whlle Ind Stun Muslnl collecllnz our mm on the we mull In all lam slep to he openinl name vlc lory In the nlnhlcap Card piled up nlne mm In lhl uvenlh Ind elth lnnlnu our comlnl on an Inside par mud Ilnm homer by Tim McCarver Whllo lla homered In the nipped ol Ray SIdeckl the mt of the way He struck out le Ind did no Illaw wnlk Runproducing single by Curl erwlck and John Baumn Ic counled Ior lhe ï¬rst lwu Hou slon mm or Jack Sanlord 75 and Howie Goss dauhlc drnve In 115 other VI Devav Wood Held Ind Fred Whilfleld hld three Mu each Indlnnl completed threeum Iweep ll Wuh lmn Gary Ball 34 wan It with xix rellel nnlngl and th on went to Senior Itarler Tom Cheney 57 Melinda avened récoFd 00 And Perry Melinda whnse brulher wu killed In Iulomohlle accident only hourl hcfara um um allnwed seven 1111 More heln med with two on and an ant In the nlnlh nualml Nlnl Ro Haver Mei Nelson flopped lha alldllch threat Anzeh over turn lworun deliclt in the hurt wlm hm mm llllml 11m Perry the clincher crou mz on Ed Sadowukll Ilnlla and In the In ellhl name or New York and on Ihu ucond In elnhl muting yen with Mars 557mlan PA um 52