Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1963, p. 8

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llll BANKIE EXAMINER MONDAY JUNEill 195 SPO 211 GLANCE IM NOT MAKING any alihls We played good team out there tonight But want you to know that my pitching was affected by the difference in the distance between the plate and the mound Those were the words of hi hly rated Richmond H111 pitcher Ray Judd following is teams 31 defeat to Stewarts Garage Saturday night at Queens Park in an exhibition softball game Judd competes in fastball league and theres distance of 43 feet between the mound and pltchers slab compared with 40 feet used tn softball Youd belncllngd to believe that thls would be an extra aid to pitcher with Juddl speed Not so says the likeahle righthander COULDNT make my stuff work he said thought that pitchers slab was in very poor shape Theres another spot in front of this which evidently the women use for their games and it seemed was stepping uphiii when delivered What about Pete McCloskeys long drlvé to left centre in the fourth innlng whlch went for home run meant to throw adrop it didnt break Bu LIB4 boy got good wood on the ball It was solid THE RICHMOND HILL coach assed by and catch ing the conversation added We ave too many stars Some of our players should smarten up You saw couple of them Undoubtedly he was referring to third baseman Skip DeGeer who at times looked like he was per forming in circus He downed at times and the fans were on his back throughout the nine Innings We dont have any hustle said the Rlchmnnd coach Dld you see the way that Stewarts club ran on and off the field They looked like ball dub It was mbst intercstln 1on for the Stewarts club game and an upset vic STEWARTS MANAGER Larry Wood anxious to whip his club into top shape has slated another ex hibition game for his club next Wednesdaf night Midland will provide the opposition and aga 11 its pitcher who is featured on the visiting team He is Bob Greer the big Negro righthander who has per formed here in the past and has always been popular with the fans helleve lonlghls win was great shot in the arm for the club slated Larry following Saturda game Their confidence has been lncrcascd an honestly helleve youll see dlflerence ln the club from now on JIM SHORT dpresident of the Senlor Softball Lea gue was on han for the game and was qulte pleased with the showlng of Stewarts However Jim had jaw complaints in general to make about the senior rcult want the clubs to know that Im going to start cracktn down on few things he said The first thhgg ave in mind is the appearance of some of the club One club has good uniiorms but lack stockings and caps another team has old uniforms but the play ers kce them clean and get stockings and ca The other we clubs have good uniforms but sur prised how many players do not know how to wear them And want every layer to wear pants and mentors the complete un form Jim wasnt finished THE TEAMS arent showin cnnu hustle They should run on and off the iiei and eras been too many games late nlarling Too much time is bcin agent discussing ground rules riur to tho games In team managers are not 100 in uiicr their duilcs Thls Is scnlor lea ue concluded Jim The piaycra should 5an rov ng It with heir acllons and dress us well as the play hlrnio Bnlllmoru New Vurk Mlmmoln Knnm Clly 150 Clovrlnml Lo Anurlrn Dclrnll Wnlhlnnlon 0mm Tumy Im Angela Al Klnm Cll Illnnnoh It Clllu lloflml dell Jutland fllldm ll fillml lune IV Petal mom am an mm uum Mn Imam II llrlulll Minn Minnewln lm Amtrch gulcngo Kllfllllfl Illyr7 Nrw York Dawns Clnvclnnrl Waxhlmflnn kuan llnlllmuro nun sumy Mm flnlllmam Clurlnml Wmlllnxlon Ntw York Drunll Chicano Knnm my Mlnnrmln In Mule Pmbnlull llldwu Tully Now th lknunn I11 Ind Dawnlnl 00 ll Wuhln on Mm and flu Iph In lwlnlghl Cluvrlnml IAImnn ll nul llmurl Mflnrmlrk nlghl Ina Angrln erum or Oslmkl ll Knnul Clly Irn HI nllhl Minn Haremad II DI lrnll Tnul ul nlghltm Fly THE NADIAN Pill53 Mound Miected Iudds Pitching Amuluu By RICK FRASER BASEBALL SCORES cm MflMIW I55 521 JP M0 45 M9 0h MW Ml muw 555553 SBEEEEE Chlrm Cinllnnnll Pllllhurgh Mllwnuku Philndtlphh Hmnlan Now York nuulh llumy null New Yark Mllwnukrv llllnbumh Clnclnnnll lhllndclplfln Anulu Chlcnxn null flundly Mllwnulm Fluburgh Clnclnnnll Phlladulphla Mill MD New York Lu Annlu ll Mlcnin 51m anclm Hmuhm lnblhly IMthm Tody Bun anclocn Mnrlclml II In Marl Mlllnr all St mm bum ll Mll huml Schwnll so mm Onlcaxn llahhll ll Hou Ihm 1er 11 nigh Clndnnnll Jay 3D New Yuk Fullntd MI nllhl WHO Allunla ll J21 Idlinan II Hill MI 01 chlwflvflb ll 4l1 IN alum mum Tundl lndnnnll ll Nu Vail Mllnulwc II null ll lllll HI miclo ll llwnlnn Inn run at Anx Immu hull thm nhlllu Petal mum II 59 lullIa I1 MI mm 22 uchnmd mun Wu an DIfl mmmm NMHM Mflflfl 35 The more than 600 tans who were on hand to watch the opening the harness meeting at the air grounds Saturday evening were rented to plenty of thrills spills and excitement as 32 horse look of from the mamas truck in eight twi light rac Lss Todd Rldellhdrlvcn by Sid Murray and owned by James and Slnnluy Somewllle Orangcvllle ramped hume win lhe opener of Ihe new son and cnnlinued her winning ways In the lllh race to pay of In bolh dnlly doubles The second race saw driver Rod Stewart 01 union all TORONTO CF ananal Go Week cndad Sunda and marked he end eflort by thousands gallon across Cun nda In wln but tho chump mtdnls Keller look the link as part of an annual mmpctl tlon culled Ben the Cnhmplans In which they pay $1 round lo lry la post belle scare wilh hnndlcap Ihnn lho chum plons Proceed further junior in In Cunnq me lvlsion they had to helm 72 shot here Sunday by AM mompsom 1961 Cana dlnn Protessionnl Gollen Asw elation chnmplon homo murse hu par70 Nonhwood Cognlry SAMMY BARB gamed by God 9nd Clayt Perry Bar rie lays on the track the Barrie Fair Grounds Saturday cshndtalopanm last week by lByeuwld Gayle Hlldwns 1116 Canadian wum Enl Open chumplon nl lhc par 76 Cnpilano course In North Vancouver ILC nun compdllion II Iponsored by Um noynl Cann dlnn Gal Assoclnllon Proceed no lo lhe IICGAI junior devel vpmenl pmzrnm LEM5 MAKE SWAP NIKONTO CF Torunla Maple Aan In Inlcrnn tlonal League nnd Denver near 01 lhn laclllc Conn Magus hnvo mapped laym 1n ma formo min Wm announced Sunday nlgm Tho Leah lnvu up lhlrd hath Slaw named at and talk wilther mm No man or nnmuldnr Jlm Me Knllhl nnd nllchtr Arch Whlle MAY GET CllAMllONfilllll HELSINKI MU Colarnda Snrlnas Calm waa lanlnlivcly awarded Ihu 11m world lluura Champlanahlfia Snlurday al um clone rundny meclinu nl Hm Inltrnallnnal Sknling Un lanl Conumn Sammy Van Enxlmbur any ISUI lluura Iknlinu Irdlvn unphnllml hm th dcmlan wan no llnnL Ha Harness Racing Opens HereAtFair Grounds National Golf Week Closes CPImu slum lmruy yourold Nah ool Ilmlml lrom Allhlan Dnl In PM ul runner In Win Illa mm Chlmlwr of Comme Mu than hm Salunlny rvtnlnl Mimi luck Emmaum view his mm mm mm mung mdl In II mmm two than Eflll cl lurbomd Llan TmI And nub Ill um In 1m Me In 555th rml III hivonlwlgnhéluwm Alliston Boy Backs Up Win In Marathon Running Tmnnla Olym lu lAMAOnprl Man school 13mm 140 0m By CHUCK TULLY SCISSORED SPORT from his Milky and appear la be run over lay Molly lan Len who was comlng up hehlnd Mr Stewart was only ahaken up and rblurned to ram In ha lelh me only Id have Imuhle with his mount an lhe corners The combmatlan ol Mls Todd flldell and Star Frlsca llnll pald $4330 or he llrsl dally double and Mlss Todd Illdcll and Susan Dlllard pald 311350 for the swmd ol lhc day The complete race mum wet as follows 15 ramMl Todd maexL mu Haw Lea Black Salim 2nd racestar Frisco my night alter taking nplll an the top Ium duran the third nce Nallhcr hum nor drlvqr Clayton Perry was Slmme Cowdmlked up victory over Smiths Dalry 1m nlm It Queenn Park In Intermedlata Sommll League oonlest Coap leaked well on lhe rand viciory Snjbe In In ning when they mred three rum Bu SmMIl chmd 11an or MacDonald In their hull of the min when they p11de across our lulu lene Eus Despite Ihe high More was leesaw blah I11 the way Orlllla Ind Ulapla chllkcd up vlcmrk in he South Simcoe nule Magus over lho week end Balh Wm he vhillng duh lelxua Iclion Mulch MW Mld Colorado Spflnll wnl um nnly my to hnvo applied or ha met In lur The mnxrtu mud ll dcflnllo that In IBM world guru Ihllnu mm wlll bu held In wm Germany Feb rm ma to be dmtn by Wul Grrmnny JOCKEV IURIENDED MONTREAL CPISlewudl mumnonnrll flnl ml unck Imptmlcd Jockey Fred llyln Snwrdny lor lhn HI lho mun llonnm urnon thnrl hm hlm wlln nllemwd brllwrr Thu lulmmlnn nuwmnllcnly burn lhl Tcwkflmry Mun oclw lnrm rldlnl 51 my 1an Norlh Amnrlu unll Ml um II lnrrnnlly mllnl The slow nrdl Inld hty wlll recommend In tho balm be Mounl flayl Jockey Club Inc um II In Wl llynn or lllo llUNLWllONfl WM CINCINNATI MlA ham lamd rider Ind lha mun way In lhn mm mu ll lllm Dom Mnnlny rndlnx Inn In hcmlen wlllllnn wllh Irmer horn Ind anurInl may WIllum Hllu urlmuly Ilm lon lhv man my Mum Inl flmnnl mm Meynallrr 17 iuflcmi mum IIM In mm mum on In othrr Mull Tlll AMOCIATID IIIEM mummu llmll Cubl Ilumd mm Iwmm Mr mun banal In Icun lml Io mum um ludlnl 1M Annlu IN Ill Iconlm InA ltlnn mm om HIM +M99 Mm My 119 ltlmlmlmmw how mm Immi Orlolululn mm $743 In Amnlun um um mum Smiths Nipped By Coop Squad Orillia Utopia Post Victories BALL STARS nqul Echo Looknu IlawLca 3rd raceLady Haw Lou Ida Byrd El Mums raceChin Attorney Can Vanx Cells Avqlon Javelnn 5m raceMB Todd RIdell Black Sntln Honey Bellle Lo afirnceSusama Dillard Roy al EchoMglly 3w L33 raceLadyuliiawrua Ida Byrd Pally Counsel Hamessrriclhg wlll return In the Fnlr Grounds next Satur day Post time It 615 nth rncthcl Allnrney Can Mlth Renown peels Iniurcd and returned to taco in 015 seventh race flames raclnl wlll mum at lha track next Saturday Post In Coup moved lnlo the 12nd nzuln with single runs in the second Ind thlrd Smithl fled It wnh run In Mr hall of flu third nndfioop wen lhend to may with our rum In the link ml was called In take over or MacDonald it Smllhl hauled back with two runs In the Huh Ind came close in lhe nevenlh when they scared me run and 1e he Icing run stranded Lu mum won the dishmen Ia pick up In win at Camp Orlllln lop Thnmlon Ind 9mm post mlslnn over Orlllln stand hrewun rally In he evenlh Innan nvurcomn dellct Ind chalk up lhdr wln nmrMan Imrod Ilnxlo rum In In two Innlnxl Inr IcndI OrIIIII pulled Mud wlIh Ihree mm In Ihe Iwrlh only to ma Iharnlm bounto buck wIIII pnIr In htIr ImII In Innlnl 111m onm opened up of mm In the mth llenneuy Ilnrtcd or the why run but needed rellel from Kml In he sum Don Jam Alon wen flu dlulmco or marnlon Al Knock Ulvpln ran up 40 land In In Int Inning Ind lhry were never hmlcncd4 1W mm mm In 01 nuth um Ihnn muraln Ind Knock mndwd Illa are Ihm wllh run In lho lelh Ind IMM IMth In flu month Wnrdln tlmlkrd up um vlclnr lo plap whllo Campbell hurl or Knodn Cullom Snung RACOUETS Rag I150 Spulll Dull MHI Rulllnl Skull mull hull Bood OIIM GARNERS WHOLESALE SPORTS 195 Armsrrongamd Hurl SteWCtrts Wirfa Judd thawed ram sharp can Irol In turning In in IIvehII 11 AlrIkcouI eIImI BuI Armstrong 311qu only we anan hl IIve Innings on the mound and Boyd came up with brlllInnI Hob In the final our Innlm reIIrlnf III In 11 halter b5 or ngnz up walk with two out In ghe nInlh lament witth turnout ol lha Ieawn cams nut Satur dnynluht Loancna Park lot lee pitcher Ray Judd and MI Richmond Hill squad plny Stew artayGamge of the local Senior Softball Loam Desplte an lmpreulvc permnmmce by Judd t1wns Stewarts Gimme gltchm Jlm Armstroan and ulch Buyd who had the lam buzzan at tho and of the game which Stewarle wnn 51 Ell blow thegarno was Pele rMcCloskcyl tworun homer In the fourth Inning That grovldcd lhe wlnnlng margln Armstrong aided hlr own more when he drove in the Insurance run mm mm In game AH Mart was lnle or hunL But he didnt mnve lrom Ira Judd got Joe Mar ley on popup and fanned Jlm Edwards and George Falconer Richmond 111 only run came In the second lnnlng and ll was nncarntd WWI me away Ken Caulk drew walk and was racrlllccd to second by Bill Robson Moe Wllllnmmn than grounder unllrr whlch Edwards lumblcd and al ler recovering um bullhe threw wlld In the plat and can scored Stan lharlng UNEARNED RUN GRAND BLANC Mich Muscular Julius Enrol loomed lodny clear threat or he US so champlanshlp In the his record triumph mine Eulckppen The North Carolina Holler breezed mound the tmynrd Warwick iiilla course In two muru Iuhpnr showingl Sunday ior ltunderpar loin of 114 live simkn ahead oi the Iieid Bom performance in which he in mm the start oi wily Friday liter Thursday nin out broke the Buick Open rec ord by eikhl mitts All his iour mgndg were ii Pockmln 59000 lap prlu money Barn planned to pm In two prndiu round In New York today prlor Heads 34 hole metmpolltnn sectional qunlflicmlons or the Open June 2M It Brookllne Mm FEELS GRIND 43 Doro laid ho wml too Um alter Sundayl so holes under hot Iun although by all It 1min 1n hl leg and WIUI hII 716869 firing Bonn led runnerup Dow Fin ncrwnld by live mom Dow lhn Georzu Dam wnl third with 230 George Knudsen Boros Cops Meet With 274 Score Matter In he BROWER vs lYONS llhllllknl lunch III Idam IIlhovIuI Ivy OIIINI Alhqut fnmmlnlnn FRED ATKENS vs ORENZO TERENTE New Sensation See The Beast and His Manager 0n Chunnel3 TV Sports Wed 645 BULLDOG ugn xgaundcd out In Vendthe 1n Alter lhree and unclhlrd In nlnul Judd had IflEkOd up six slrikeauu lhen Edwards grounder wul bootedky show sum Wllllamxan Falconer lan ned but McCloskey flopped Into wanthigh pllch and Ilammed ltbetwcen he lei and centre elders and munded he bases with 76555 Bill Berlrnm led all lha flflh Inning with double and alter Mme Armnirung muck out Juddl ninth victim pitcher Jlm Amman singled home Beri ram That closed out the mating but there were many lnteml lng moments In the lnnlngi which followetj Armlironl lost his nu hitter with one out in the link Thor ingum singled through short and Fernandez allowed with anulher Ilngie Eolh advanced when Dchcrl ily bail was caught by icii lleldur McCios Elmvales Leo Belcourt spread on xeven mu Io ml lcr to victory uvm lruelova Heallnl in Senior Scuba league game Saturday night Elmvnle Balcoun and Truclnves Billy Henderson were hooked up In nulnss lie for Iva Innings Then Elmvale broku through oI Toronlu finished four at 131 collect am Shooting 67 and respec tively In lustvdlldl challenge on Ihe Ilnnl ll Flusterwnld and gnyer man sub catching However blK Jullul already had zone around calmly or momlmz ea and he wound up with 69 MOVES To THIRD man moneywinninx weak including two imma meni victories and two lecond places Born weni lnio ihird pinca in iha pms 106 cash enmings Thu North Carolininnl come back afler an mintyplagued 1961 season he brought hlm 1325 In winnings Jack Nick luus leads with 857615 and Tony Damn LI mom with 9006 in cludlnz hll 81310 mm the Bulck yum orh1 7M Stan Lennard Vancouver had local Ind Al Buldlnl mate 300 Both lulled la mnko moneyWiggly 1m WED NIGHT 845 Belcourt Blanks Truelove Heating nme Canadian didnt nuke pan the wand mnd Bob Pnnnliuk of Barrio had 154 Al Johnson at Montreal 150 and Jerry Mme Tomato See The THE BEAST key bu Blunt 5m wl to and the Innin BOYD BRILLIANT Boyd came on In thgstxu and showed ImhmOnd lllh lllllupced ol hla own by erlk lng nut the llrsl our menu faced The next three he pw ched lo popped out to lnlleldcrl and Salvagethen got the vly ltorn only hit out the Infield oll Boyd when he lofted drlvo to centre fielder Faicuner Judd popped up lo start the ninth Inning and Sleflan went dawn lenglng or the mh tralgm out Coulu then be came the only basa mnner Ilnw tha mm inning when ha draw walk Boyd quickly recovered his control and struck nut Robson 10 end the Art Martin was he my bat ter in the game with man than one hll The Stewarts right lildcr had two Ilnglel ln my pa Im two runs In the In ans kepl Ihc attack gums In tha lollowlng lwoInnInga lcorInz Inge In each frame Belcmm besides hurling the shutout also picked up lwn mu unnamed nm Gnham Ind Slbbald were mher Elmvala ballets with two hlts In he 10 hll human George Chappell was lhe anly Tmelave halter wllh lwo hill Bulmurla shutout wu erl ausly Ihrenlencd In lhe fourth when Chappell and Frank Rawn In Iwo Truean ballets hl aaIely But Belcmm seukd downla gel ha next three hu and Chnppell and Rawn were lclt stranded on third Ind second In the first inning and Iain In the ninth huelnve Ion two runner stranded as Belcom came through in the dutch WARD WINE MCE MILWAUKEE AP Roger Ward at Indianapolis won hll fourth Rex Mm loomils nulo Inca Sunday Ivcralinl 100561 miles an hour none out Egi Sachs Dcimll by five no ends Chuck 1qu ol Dawney Call flushed bird 1h puru was mm BILLY RED MANAGER DANGERFI ELD MOTORS and hll nq time In llng In all wava gutflock ml Mlulkl WASTE

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