Mn and Mu pi Fuwlry mmd rmnlly wllll lrlrudl qulnn 11 party In ho hall on FIL day tvtnlml hml Hum prlzu uln nm un llm draw llul prlu ml Klln Invm co lnl lrowr Orr Luluz mm mm Mrlkm lllllulnlr lhnl yrlu no Fm anllu Illllnlnlo IM rommlilre mnka all who MI wllh lh lflll ol Uiklll numb my in ï¬nd Mn mm ï¬rnrhom hnu mum lnlo lhrlr my hum hrrl Mr and MI JHK KIM Tuf nnlo Ihu mlrml wllh Mr Ind hrlllrophll flnl 53 ire are thnse who can rend Engllsh papers and know you In no unfriendly MOUNT ST LOUIS am comp emy convlncnd ll Ihe Illuallon conllnue an olhcr lnnr yur there le bu no nuch thing as Canada as we kmle Speaking la the annual mack In the Volce Wumcn In French and being lrnmlated by NFL Salanze ChupuIRolland of Montreal Miss Du Val snld WINNIPEG CF Ills Jeanna Du Val of Quebec City prcdlclad Sunday that If some lhlnz not sum done to case In tensions between French nnd Englishapcaklng Canada Conledcgnllon will be dcglraycd In June Snail mud Lloyd Dnuglnl lluwmm Jr wcra unlitd In mnrrlnnu In nllcmnnn terrmony nl Trin Ily Anxllcnn hurrh The hrldu he duuxhhr at Mr And BIANDING 0N hl hot pavement walling ar the par ade In commenca can be both mm and llrlnx Elizabeth Simpson cent of First Al SAYS VOW SPEAKER Air and 1m mum and fly MIIH HM an IIIOM RIM 214 32 All rm IMIM IMI my mum ml II memlm name CUSDENS Something Must Be Done To Ease Serious Tensions II pf um KEMPENFELTGUIDES AND BROWNIES TURNIOUT IN FULL DRESS FOR PARADE T0 RESIDE IN CITY lumlly Churchlll Mr Ind Mu Mawnn Jnmluon Md llmlly mom Hm F101 Mn and Mm Grnm llobemnn Inxmrnd VII lrd Sunday with Mr And Mn Willlnm HIM HAD All DEMON Nov Zenlnnd whnlm In Cook sum hml Ihelr wnnl mum rm In 1M1 lnklng only 51 numphnck rnnumud mm In no pruvlnul munn Mls Du Val was speaking In Ilvnr resolullon later passed calling or cultural and new exchnnie Imong member to lurlllcr Fxcncll tlve members the Voice of Women no lo leave Mnnlreal by air tonight or Europa where they will take part In the World Congress 01 Women June 2429 In Moscow The group will ulsn go to Lon don Amsterdam Capcnhagnn Oslo Lenlngrad Harlin and Pragua but the FrenchCanndlnn whn does not read English does not know It Mrs Spall limit The hrldcnroom ll ma non Mn lawman of nnnio nnd lh Into Mn Bowman newlywrds wlll mldo In nnrrle Photo by Lu Cowper landale Broï¬nle Pack oflers her pals little asledlvcr lion Elizabeth entered the parade and kept pace with the other Hulda and brownies In For mervfllmu Ipply Hmld Nuh SumryTvununr Elmval Communloy Hnli loud II OMIIIO TO 75 WI upodnlly loom ll bgvkuflunl mlovlu and avgmlnllom Main mu 32000 per any or cvenlnn use of kllchen $500 em all or 50 pmom 000 per day or uveulng All anly Uecoralcd Suitable Io Iccommodllo moollngl or banquoll up to 400 ponom TWO HAllS AVAILABLE Malnlfllljzlqpt per HAllS FOR RENT Thu Toronto dulzntr Inld an lnlcrvimw the uled hrr Inm plu on Cnnndlnn Ind commit IXonrrI nnd lhey wuth mum Ind mnrkeu rr Ink ltca rwrlry lo anvnlo dam ll year In Why Aha qu 10m Cnmdlnn mull oullrll lwm htr warblva and uludln employlnl IuHllmu mu nl lcdy III will join an Ontario novemmml lulu ml Iiun which lenvu or Emva Juno II Mler mm In London Mn lllll wlll conlinno hrough Inch well ulnblhhad Jewelry unlm Vlrnnl Florence Minn lar Inq Ifrlluc ham nlrmlcd 11m nlltndrd lhu nlcond upon Imde promotion conï¬rm htld 011nm In Much Mn Hlll Iald In the only win llurcd TORONTO CWAn Austrian born woman whose jewelry bull um hm flourished 1n Canad plnn lo Invade he European mnrkrt wllh hcr handmade Mutts Jewelry In Canadian Designs Will Vie For European Trade In mm she came to South Mrlcn when she married her other Ivu husband When the wed again Aha wll remain hm Mamie was gï¬ipl Inward and now hotel chef hm whlle Mn Sleinbcrz lives on he Interest her molar mam week and husband number lwo was Jim Tharp Nn In Dame lmhll player He only son Lang was hum In ms while Jlm wan In His US Navy Arlléri year vorced Daugh dlan mm or lnduslrilllsl Mel Brooks Mrs Slumber wan horn in Geelonz Australia She re iumed tn Nurlh America tram Sydney when llx Ind was educllzd It SI eryl Co SothBend Wlule student ol 17 sh married husband number one Mlchnel promlsed never tnleveal My name she nld ABOUT T0 WED EIGHTH HUSBAND PORT ELIZABETH South Africa AmMrs Mariam St Clair Stelnberg or merly of 50th Eend Ind dlvorced her seventh husband thls week and IBM In her luguxfy Hut hgrcg So Lionel Steinberz 23 Johannesburg lawyer aha wed here In February last year and who left her anu lhrgedayg lo llya inland Husbané xiiuiher eight will he Albert Hanna mm Argslerflnm mum spite 01 her handicap left Wendy Lazaro autographs he cast on Elizabeths left arm WM Helen Berbey walks to sign her name Examiner Pholot My next hushmd will be for keeps Alla all have got to llnd Una right man some llmel Iha wal d1 Euclllnzly lluulllul Runan Hmnmnlml nummwl d1le out or ymnr home lhdllln Huhly de rmuhlrrm Eu mulla lion Ekqndln Wfbuthlllofl ll Ann ll Collier St UCW Wind Up Season noucms bdriékara PRODUCTS no Sh LCI ItmlApncious none lrom thrndor Nlngnrn Falls the Mnrlflmu and Northern Dnlnrla in her Jewelry She nlw make aynlhelln Ilene mm chemicall Her dram Include Inch lrn dlllonnl Iymholl 01 Canada and Onlnrlo 11 ha mapla In and lrllllum There Ire nlw copies at Imroquu anllque lam Ind conlcmmrnry pro ucll In lmvm Ind Illvcr My chnln all Cmmdlnn and Am proud to hlva Cnnldn my ultrle munuy has been nod lo ma nlna and um die rush nrdm Inslllute cups and mucm ware presented In 4H club leadm Mrs Smith and Mrs Stoddarl mm wm unt Io Fimil irrihxemenls were mndu fur Ihe Guelph trip or whlch our can will be needed Mn Drown gave brlcl re purl on ma Dlsmct Annual held It Bradford with full report lo be giycn at lam dne vmu In Band Haven nursing llama were arranged or the month June Mrs Smith opened the meet lngfollowcd by the roll call ralely rulcsr ILWIs degldcd to enlcr d1 Elay al Beaten Fair and maln will provlda miclc mil Able or bazaar The United Churéh Women of Colllcr United Church met for the ï¬nal meeting More the guaner hullqays Folluwlm 1h reports 01 the committees the meeting WA lumcd over to Miss Gillespie who had arranged panel dls cusslon nu Community Ser vices The meeting 01 the Hand Head Womenl lnstltuta was held In the Communlty Hall with 18 member and one vis auras The president MrLBruca Johnston welcomed the mem bers and called on Mra McLaren or an devotional Bond Head WI Host Speaker CHECKING LASI mllilflo delalls berme ha parade com meme members the color party tom second BI PHONE PA 9641 ton mm mmmnu an Jackson spoke the worker Lo hnn if you love to travel nnd want Um but at tho but prm1 drop in And no our MlocUon Beam now Tho bullbln convcniono on at tho Beaver give you go anywhere have freo dum whorovnr you no It sturdy road pmvon mm ntrucllon bum in wldc nmm of modeln lnnum that when you buy Heav nr you have bought the ban At ml introduce you to he ï¬ncnt quullly tmvcl uallcrn In Canada today Following lha close ho meeting Mn Sleddan And Mrs Dlxan mvnd luncheon duran the Loclal hour The mecllng was turned over to the ngram Commmee Mu Kneeshaw and Mr Brown The maker Tom Ev an was Introduced by Mn Brawn Thu Incken topic Wu Sue cuslnn Duuu Will and other IIWI perlalnlnx to women Fol lowing thb talk Mr Evans ul Iwercd quullom an ill Law Mrs Knccshnw extended hanks In the speaker or MI Wm fading was given by Mrs Balemnn Mrs 1471 and Mn Mom The presenlatlons were In apprecll Inn for Huhwork with ï¬ne 4H club Childrens Aid Society which was started 65 year ago in Ontario and which dealt with the care and protection oi ue elected children Austin Wait nutlined his work an probation oiiicer and Miss Gillespie ioid oi how the Simcoe Health Unit would carryout Its pmgram or the rest oith year on nArcducedjtraiii question period followed the discussion Mush Parry lhgnlfed Hie panel Come warssgwed and social hour enjnyed SALLYS SALLIEI munmagnum Going Places flo Guides From the let are Bev Harvey Joan Eyers Anna Sllverthame Sflsln Ly nn Danna Pudden Leslie MOBILE HOMES No II Hwy Sovlh RUSSELL CHURCH PA 11m PLAGUE MOOSE Heavy Inlestallons of ticks have been round on mouse In some areas Onlarlo In recent years Gemw The parade cam menced from City Hall and wnund up the Queens Park or ofllclal ceremunles Ex aminer Pholo DUNIJII IT MNT WALKERS mm HUM Dull ll nu pJII Waindun mm lo NM hid7 MI Dlp nponge In these all sud and go over one section lime rinsing and wiping dry you no tum mania inursz MONDAY ma nyuamon moss Some homemakers will wash everylhlnl In momgxcepl the umuure assuming or some odd reason that wood and metal and upholstery are able to keep clean by themselves Now Isnt that rather silly when you think about In Soil collect on furniture up holstery gels ditty nld wax or polish needs to be rsmnved before fresh coal applied So why not see it chm1h lurnIIIuaxeta Ila nudslng no While daily care may be limited to dusting and an occu llonal swlpe wth sponge there come the day when even your most lmgomnt pieces nzsd Open cabinet door and pull out drawers and table or deik extensions so that you can gel at and win away the dust hid den there Use mass to squls up thick dry Ind pal or bowl 0ruse rotary banter nr mixer to whip lhem up usw In big handlul of soap or de lerggnt mnlslened with water Nwayswslréita dust cloth or lalhcred sponge with the grain when cleaning wood DRY SUDS WQSh Furniture Using DIY Suds piecea Circular nr crosswlsa motions may do some dawn and are sure to leave unsighlly streaks or whorls on the wr lnca Lightlanai urnlluro may need second wnmlnl In re Iloro thq blond look Cotton swabs dipped In luke warm such are handy for cleaning out the move of carved furniture Ule hath Illlt audsy hrulh an cane or un DEF alter ï¬lflld plea la 111m oug Y0 EDDY my ï¬nishping all wax or rough according to the mum aclurers directionl oryonr own prelarenoe Tadda upholstery section by action Remember that ex em cnutlon agnhm exposlnl onm rubber In cleaning solvent which cause It deletionan Adelaide 24HOUR SERVICE SALES and SERVICE OI All Typu 0f HEATING EQUIP liean And Mr walkway BOWENS Plum