Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1963, p. 5

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The ochcn ol the Ame Ion Ihnll comls nl chairman Imelan lronaurcr Illd thm dlmlnn The ofllcm 111 al loclnllon mu ha rlcclcd ha annunl marlin the Mmlm llon by anon vote or ballot the modan Ihnll dclcmlne Ind Inch mman Ahnll be held no lnln Khan Ibo nm of April In ench your Dilltm Ihfl hold of ch mm Um dam of MI elec =Han unll lhclr luccmau nru The Mmqu meollnl ul Iho Alwdnlinn Ilmll he held prlar In Hue Hm Apvll In urh year And ruulnr mail um flAmxlnllonnhnll be an llm Thumb In ch mm or quo ll chumIL mil lelllufltm my In nmpndui nl any annual mmlnl Almlnllnm Mi irudmu In Tnvm MHHrm nml Illvrmmmnl dlllrld lhl bt flllllltd la ml thum an object he Alliston Ambulance Assadatlon ahall be lo ralsa money mew my to purchase and equlp an ambulance to serve the Town of Alllslon and the surroundan dimlet wilh ambulance servlca and to pay or ha operation and malnlcnanca or the equipment lb to provide ralnad volumaer drhm and attendants to open all ha ambulance on 74hour basis every day of the year Co carry on and activities may be necessary or the hill of hard and malnlen arm of the ambulance and equlprmenl ha organlaaflon shall be operated on mum it ball and no person or per Iona allall b0 enlltlcd to mxmgraflon or any lervlcu ren Membership In the mod lhn shall be governed by me lollowlnz regulnflans Any pcrwns over thu no of In yarn and llvlnz In Tm cl Aylslon nrIn lhg Township Tenunmh Adlnll Eu Ind lmwmnllo Ihnll be e111 1ble In be member Ibo lu loclnllon Application or memberMp nhnll bu Icmmd by the uemllva mummoo bo loru membership L1 granted Ind mmtyhlp can luv The Chnlr Ilda It mttlln ol llm Auotl IHDII Ind Ihnll he member ex nulclo cl All cnmmllltu nxo mnlnry Ilml mndurl lho cor runmldnncv nl lhc Almlnuon mull my record nl Il mln um and prepare or IM Chm mun an agenda of III hunlnm ln como up ll all mrctlugl UN Anoclmlnn Ha null he rulllrr ol the Mum and drum ho momberl whlch Ihnll In lmptcllnn hy any 1mm ma Thu mnlunr Ilmll rmm mnnlu pnynlull to flu AngelHum nhnll dvmnll lhu ml in nnnl In In Mm nl lhq Alloclnllnn Ind pay nll nccounll hr cheque anu Hwy lmn umvrovrd by Ex ecullva Cnmmllltt nml nhnll hey hook at ntmunll Two nudllnu mull hr nmmlnlul hy lhzl lilrmlhu Tnmmlllw Ind lhrlr dull mall lm in mm nrrmmll lhc Alwclflllnn prlnr In lhe Inmllll mmlni an lhrlr mum nlmll ha mad ll Ihc Ill nufl mull alirlrd or ninfiilnlcd II vine ty occur my elccllva ty occur In my elccllva 11cc lhn Exvcullvo Cammlllu IhnH mvo mm In 1m II or II unexnlred mm mm lhu mem hmhlp lpu Amclnllon EXPLAINS RULES Chuck Collins chairman of the Ambulance Amiafion which sponsored by the charm bet Commerce mndudcd the meeting He began by mm in aim the constitution ol the assoclallon which an forth all lha rules and Instruction vr the operallon ol the ambulance mvlce The nah polnu wen as follows ALUSTON SpeciallThurs day evenlng group of publlc spirited men and one woman responded in call by the Al llslon Ambulanca Assaclnlion to attend publlc mcellng in the Town Hall to let lhe local and dlslrlct residents know how ha mediation will be op erated ll aims and to obtain as many as possible the 61 volunteers needed to curry on lhe ambulance service GUEST SPEAKER Saturday night at the Wasaza Beach urea Chamber Cameron lprlng rally was Dr Wlllrid Jury at he University of Western Onlnrlo Last sum mer Dr Jury began excava Ilum at the Schooncnown site Alliston Ambulance Group Sponsors Public Meeting DRIVERS in reply in question lrom he floor an to lira can oi the Imbu lance Mr Collins ruled thl AlliItnn cIr denim had tendered figure at 170000 plug lax 3278500 piur lax Ind 00000 pIIu In for Vrlon nick Al mull of tandem received Chevrolet mun truck war pun chnud ior 0278100 includinl Ind bu been rent in firm in st Catharine lor conversion Thin canvmion will comm oi Ileel cat on Jockey uni Ipeclni lighll step II the back Ilr condllionlnz slecl lininl pin many other nectqu irntum Ono additional not bar been do mled by he harpilIi The elli mnled coll oi convenion will bI IiinhUy lrn than 36mm mnklnl lolIl oi up roximllely 50000 111m will be Iddilinnnl ex pener Iuch ol um lnr oxynn equipment mom or imurInce elc Thin inIurIncI will cover Ill driven purmzerl and HI bilily Ind live 00000 lilI InrurInco $5000 moditni penIeI toverlle Ind $5000 per wrek ll wnm uniii ptrlon in luily movrmi Till Imbuinnu il in be Ill while with In innin niI will no but lnnllurlnn incillluu II it it no loo our Mo to carry Ill tho IypnI oi blood necennry Mr Comm CXMIInCd lhll volunteer would he rtqulred lo elllclenlly opcrnta tho mvlco so to be cilhcr driven or llltnd In 1nd la be alllceu Thry would nnrh have one hour Ihln llhml runnlnl mm oclock lo oclockb every two Wflll All would recele SI Jahnn Ambu Innn trnlnllu Sincuhm mem bm wlll nnl bu pnld lor lhclr nnkm Ihv mmmlllu In chum hm detlded lo Illuw membm mo lM nmbu OTTAWA CF An HH mnlui venom umtd oul snlunlu In with In humIon dhylny cl umhnllu md In In wed mlllluy nlrmfl on lhu Imund II RCAF alnllon och NI hm QIJESHQNS ANSWEREII Thu Mr rum Day tmwd In cm In Inrml evrr lo mommy II IIHIII apol In In on nu cash donation in the amount $11M was presented to Mr Collin hr the fund on behalf the Orange Asmciniinn Aiiiatnn This contribution wu raised pri marily from lhn proceeds bit S0 in Allision nd Cookstown Thin dnnntion brought he total niu so tar nised lo in the event that this Assn elation should cease to exist and carry on the services for which iormed any assets remain ing on hand the lime lhai the Association is discontinued or wound up shall be iransiarred in the Corporation oi he Town oi Ailision in he held fin imst un til Inch Hm as new ambu lance urvlce armed for lim illr purposes Only has persons who are financially ubla to pay for ambu lance services will he required in pay an the rate as so mm lime to lime by the Association and In In case where the pen son or person receiving ambu lance urvlcc is an lndlzenl or needy case the service will be rendered lrge of Charla selves loe ambulance servlces whether at not they are mem bars Lb Assnclatlonl At Air Force Day Crowd Of 64000 In Ihe beach am and will be returning this tummcr in con Ilnue archaeologlcnl wnrk here Back row from lelt Russell Fugue membtr of the administran com mittee promoting Schnansr Suppomd The Shobl Shflno Clmu THE SHEBA SHRINE CLUB Wlllm To Think All Who um luv we DIrlcl Grand Chant1n whnu lubject Tho Dllllnlukhlnl Chlrmerkllu ol the Muonl nun gave th nurly no number lumdinx real food or thought All nddtd nltrncllnn wn mule quartet mm Bur rlo In In pmonl ol Bras lambm All Shopbcni VI Knox and Croll Fallawlnu the urvicu the munbm umd lo Masonic Mn mom for mmvnl ol relIII Lam relmhmcnu wm Ierv ed In ha hmmenl the Un ltd Church to than mending lhu urvlce lncludlnl ho wlvu Ind 1mm who had Ic cvrnpnnlod Man Durlnl Um ulda lhn lrmpmlun hnd mc rd In Mlh llmll at UM my and he relmhmanll whlch Included prnly ol Iu mm hlliN all to buck to nor mu llcv ll Dlvlu DA Ind hll columnHun were Hunted or 1er courlulu hull Knlllerlnl The mullul hullh cnmmll mm vlnilrd llcplrlmml Innuh In Tomnlo wlll lmvn an Inlcrullnl poll to present In lho tounly councll nut week Mbcn Cnlverl Anthony lock and Jack Column lnr lhc eoum ly Ind Charlt Nuwlon or ll Clly ol llmln went Ilny dln cunlnu Ilm null Ind olher omall Ilul nra nullIll wllh Ur ll llrndorum xll odor nl mtnlll hullh or On um ll would Mr um lhey him wry m1 Inl rrmrl lo all filmrue mlu um ll lhry Ivrule lo llnnme put ol llu momI Imllh program Cankslown wns lhe mu 010 Gemini District Innuli Muonln church service on Sun day aimnoon With Um horn oi Dizlria Depuiy Grind Mn er Earl Glimy being in Ooohlawn Ind hil father Ai but Gill9y being Grand 80¢ Mary ii wu very approprlm ihal the 20 ladies in the disimt chase lo hold the service in line Unlied Church where hail Ihm indium hnva been liia mend Inu The dillrlct in total membenhip oi belwwn 2900 Ind 4000 and member cum mm Iii acciions in Mimi tin nervice with me parade arm up at in Coohiown iodlo urvlce wu ken by Wgr Bro he lance It required inr lhemseivq ur members oi their families Anyone between the ages of 1B and so may volunteer and iha final decision line 64 lo ha chosen will be up to Ihe commit tee in charge wailing list oi vglunlem will also be maintain Two questinns were raised mm by Mrs Yum Shipman oi Ev erett asking ii women volunteers wouid he uiilized an ambulance alimdanis and one by Henry Goidenherg oi Aliiskan asking if tho chosen vniuniccrstnuid imvl in hav medical examinations Mr Collins linked that he was not in nuiiicicnl authority him xeiHo Answer those quesilnns Ind that the iinal decision wnuid be up to liIe committee but that they would xiv ihcm cmiul cansideralion town amlvillas Frank Bril llngcr or many years pm molar 01 the Schoonertown project Wasaga Beach meve Tony Beck and went Fred Zannl In charge Camp Hendrie boys who hava been INNISIIl NOTES DODSON Chlrman Cluul Commllln 1mm ImnInnE pmnIu Inf District Service For Masonic Lodges By RAEl Pnllcc were called ha AI mna Buchflnnca hall Salurday night when lama liquor lud been In drtulallun Ind cnuscd disturbnee Three chino hnvo been laid and llquor uh ed The motor vehicle accl4 denu Illhounh mlmr Involved the nmully law ruck Ind dnmlm In the property but no perqu Injured pmptny awner It Della Bench upon od lha door of NI unto mlu um Also lhc urpnulln mm boat Pollu In unable In un dcnund how the door 11 feet wide muld hnvc been Iakcn nwny wlflmul anyona minu it union Wu mm by boat an bulidln mspeé thi the law estimate and Um totl expendilure may really exceed lhal Imuunl when com pitted BQSY WEEKEND Flvl breakins lhm Khan ports Mather with number minor motor vehicle 1ch denu Ind lhe then at Illoofi bonl lave lnnkfll Township police full calcndur over In weekmd he mqnlha gum Janum he manlh from Janna the and April madly Kat new bulldlngx amount to In Unmed £72330 Gordon CLEVELAND AP Some order adjustment wlll result from settlement ln Heel labor negollallonx but ll wonzcausa rmnrkel collapse the magn zlnu snld Sunday The melaiworklnz weekly snid this is certain or two ren sans Users havent gone over board an inventory bu idln lheyre consuming steel at nearrecord rate About 6700 000 tonan month Aniamuliva demand is second only to Iha of 1955 and requirement at nlhcr industries have sel dam been highcr The magazine said demand for slcel well above nvcrnga for the lenwn dusplle sharp drop In order entry auxKhulnqu to the slowdown In Inventory building Steel production appears to be lapping nui around 35 per cent 01 unofficial ingot capac fly the magnum 1a Steel Wont Cause Market Collapse SHANTY BAY TIPfl workldg nu Iho silt anl row from left are Sam Prezlo of v1epresidenl Dr Jury Ed McMillan displaying cannon bull he found and president Eugene Lange vln Examlner Pholob LnIJ ITMHI AT ll III II Gnthrlo TUESDAY ind WED MINIIll muui Refiofis51rféfires3 At SehOonertoWn msncAflAcn sum Proms In developing ha In war hl Schoonertawn near herewaa descnjibed Saturday high by Gene Langevln mesh dent nf lhu Wuazn Benchm Chnmber Commune Hg was weaklnx In Chambers mlnr rally ha Dymnll Hotel Stanley Plhfquln drowned In Heart Lake near Brampton whlla lemmlnL SATURDAY Arthur 1w Wlllllm Wll wn Ind Paul Gmunn all of Hamilton And Mr And Mmmmu Hill Rochelle NY In lwocu cofllslon neu mzmvllle 20 mum wuthwm olrmmlllon Joseph Smith 40 his will Catherine 32 their dluzhler yjnda IrL MEIII Amun The Chamber 01 Commerce was able to purchase fiha Schooneran land last sum men he said on terms um we pay Instalmenu year by year He Ihanked the Hulk nnln sues and Tourist Ausch tlon lor helplnz lha cmmher In this re One budding has been par tlnlly restated on mum inundation rall lent has been ended around he sits and lwo dimflon Ilzn And gateway built iEuuene John when In enzulled his twomom uhln It Whileflsh Fills By THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec hlxhwby sudden lhnt claimed st lives and Iwn crashes In Ontario that killed Ive persun each lwelled Ihe wanna trams toll in Clnudl 49 SUNDAY Geraid Pambon 16 Sault Ste erh Ont drowned whtn Ill canoe elpslzed In lawn II Ianfllake mile north at the SB Jolylua mm 21 at Bump on when Mr car went out of annual and overturned In dug Bryppm man and woman lrom 5L Camille dc Reflecth and our men mm Sta Justin dledXn tn lWHar crash near St Ger main Qua 50 miles southeast Quebec City ThreeHamilton men and Rochester NY couple dled In twour crush at Hagenvllle 20 mlles southeast of Hamilton Four Toronto Adth and child were lcllled ln cartruck Ic cldcnt near Parry Sound Canadian Frau survey 1mm Mn Friday to midnlzhl Sunday local time showed total at persons klllcd In nor mg weekend aclivlllen Ontario repomd the highest lollv 2411 highway fatalities nix drownlnn Ind on In death Richard Klnnelk ID of NIP ance when his clr rolled over lzrmuc north of mere There were 21 drownlnxu hm pemms burned to dellh Ind one person died after Ill lng down light 01min Canadas Weekendfioad Toll 49j 17 Of Them Occur In Ontarin mow mm An NOW SHOWING mo um DIIIIIU IV All LOVID IV IONII Reterrlny lo Ihe mushy noxatlon quesllon between Wu IKE Bench and the surrounding townships which to some ex tem concerns Smoomnown Mr Lanxevln mum Chum ber of Commerce In neutrni llILsndispule We dont thlnk the Chnmbershonldbelnvolved matter baweenthemnnl clpnlluu lnwived lhlp an It rem Lloyd Prid hlm or help In bringing In Ion or In lanes and boys from Camp Hendrk who havo done most he construction work on the alto lhla nprlnz Our aim is to promMe tour lam and to educate young peo ple Mr wzevln said Ev annually we hope to munu some the old ship common ly used duxlnz ihls period swerved broadside Inlo km tortrailer nelr Plrry Sound Henry Nlcholson 22 sonal Inn worker ram Wnur ville NS rimmed when he toppled Into ha Welland Cum Robert Douglas Adle the ToronIn luburh nl Raxdnle drawned whfla lemmlnl In In nu of th Humber River Mnem whlla Manualon Low Inland Camel1n Morin three months of Hull Que In My car trash about so mile north North Bay Albert Frederick Donald of Oakvllle when Ill Ilatlon wagon collided wllh car on Oakvlllaa northern ouuklrh Wlllrcd Tannin 37 of Wlnd Ior mm by Ipnulng car whlle hitching hlx lawtruck to car lr dllch Herbert 11mm 45 God Erich when his car It the highway near Godadch and rolled over uveul llmu Mlchnlenxelo Neda run wer by truck while 111th on meet in For Wlllhm Allin Mlchnude ll 01 Pick lnu hmhlp drowned In 11 M19 River just cm at Melto poliun Tomi TELEVISE CBCTV will pram ll epilode dnmllanon of Rob ul Louis Slevenxunl The Max Baumlru llllflnl on Jun 20 Herbert Goulter of mu 91mm drowned nut Jule lhpnked Suimldalo Town BANK or MONTREAL FaminifinancePan mm iInnufi Original plans of the of to launch television advertis ing campainn were dmr ed through new dimcu one or them belnxlthe high cost Advertising Those who pledged money for this campaign In inini oi 51500 have been in vited lo trlmier their piedle t0 other cl project mt niminm ENNHNEII WASAGA BEACH sum Volume at enqulrle now rolling In In th Chamber 01 Commerce lnlormallon bureau mm ndver llalnv placed In US large dulllea la tar above expectations chamber vicepresident Sam er He urged local resort opera lor to acknowledge all lellera llley melve or else lhe ol eflorls would be In vnln ll you are all booked write these people Ind lnvlle them In maku My bqoklm spent the Sunday supplement or large US newspapers this spring we have rewlved over 400 enqulrlea so Iar he nnnnnnccd Lute Iy 2530 letter per day have hegn cmnln DANA ANDREW RHONDA FLEMING CROWDED SKY Show at 11 pm Tenn cl Idl Shown mm Bureau Receives Over 400 Letters 2ND BIG HIT mm Mime TERM TRIAL When Ilia coil 01 mnlor hmily pmdnm comm Io mom than ynnd Ilka In Ipcnd now II Add up In palm cm In link of Monlml hmlly Flmnu Plan llama cul whal mlov Hum you nml Illclv lolal mlllwn manna In my lot all nl them will one nequ munllvly Hymnal wllll lownnl lllrlmum lamlly llmntc llm loan TONIGHT and TUESDAY MONDAY JUNE 10 ms fine KMPRM Ow DRIVEIN THEATRE ummammm SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Ave Con ll MON TUES HURONIA AND IN COLOR

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