Mmlml llmlnlphs llellnnl Hm rune mm prlulc lo lbculmnnl xvlamel ml Mm mnmunl olllrrr at Al rumm Mnnllflnyll Inh all In Jlmuwl Villun hymn nu Immtm ruhlnm ml NHL Ink modun llmlnlln OntMn Nnrlon Hdwnrvn 7n Immder lhm IIIMIRUHM ol rlnnlll nun Ilvnkr lrlmIIIlmmy llulnl 01 jun lln vl HM erhlnn ï¬upmm lmm hum 1m 1m TammiJim Emma mm pln ID burn at Manda In ulrrn tho rill Wu yrnn nld In nld lhe mmc WM lnmmmm Them Imm ham been Iboul 000 maple nl lha Williamle mm who prucllml Inw In Onlmlo or yurl Comral Lu IM Wnun Hench Ofl lodny mn ruulnlrd molorhll hendlnu lo and ram lho Imam beach on their mmmon mm on the Muh whyl Total value 01 building per nwn tram Kile corm sponding period inst ytar but as passed Ihc mililanrdailnr mark Aid Smith said While the total vniua building pur mila for the year 196 inwcr than the same time inst year it signiï¬cant in note lhnl during he put month the mini or the current year has pnucd me milliondollar mnrk with in dustrial rmil showing an in ram WWI Fouriun ruidcnliai pcrmlLs Ii single family dweiiings were ssued during INvey yore Beach Traffic Quit Heavy But Orderly Klwnnll club Barrio lllru IL pun blllz lhII cv enlng WM puknm of per nut Ill no lo bu sold me ram Ian Boyd ohmon Prall le2ar ï¬rm Myer or as Having her halt dam on the beach Diane Totlena waylo beat the hot weather the temperature soared City Building Permits Pass $Million Mark DEATHS PEANUT BLITZ STARTS TONIGHT PRETTYINGUP THE BEACH cnch Nnmrllly hm um In low molarllu whu Always Iry la mnlw IIII mlmnble or me ml ho HIM Hawnvu lhlnu were pretty good In xen ernL Cpl Lee upmml ho hum mm luluru vlnllnn la lhc bench would dlsplny flu lama good drlvlng hnblu Sprlnghnme Road builder Sprlnl Slollar Construfllon Company or 138 Sluel 51 142 Steel SI and 158 51ch Garskl or 32 Pratt and Inbrandt or so Vincent SL Morrison or I79 Shanty Bay Road Homer or 23 Spflnghome Rand Thuckcr or 16 Clanpcrtun 5L and Cunslruclion Co for 29 0K laway Ave nnd 158 Cook St Total value 5131000 PcrmlLs were mud or re paln and alterations Io ho val no $19135 and or accessory bulhjings In In vllgq at $3675 ThrEo cornmcEclnl pcrmlb were Issued In addition lo the value 29500 Jack Slmur and Jack Dnvlu The pcunul him In one he cluhl prukcu la nine money In mp the Onlnrln Crin pkd lldnnx Soclcly Thu lnh lhe Bfll citizen Hacked la the local beaches In mad study play lag or Just to cool on The girls above You cant mlII you Invlnal largo wllh FSP lhn Mmlnwmd gunmnluod unvlnan plum le lull dolnlln 1mm anyone who work at Scalinbunk qusva witI THE WK 0F NOV SCDTIH IZaMBHNK GETS 10 MORE YEAR MONTREAL lCl Jncquu Tlrunl mm 137m old canvld urvinz ll yum In pcnllonllnry recclvrd nn um 10 yum Frldny ur nunulllni nunrd Guard Lnurlor llnunol out on eye Ind II nrflnll paralyzed mull he Inc drnl lml Oclolwr Thny Wm Issued to Allan Cank or Bertram and Sam to erect an Baphlfl batch plant Klnzla 101 an addlllnn builder and Kennedy AL Inn Pram Ltd or Tillin 5L builder Vletch addition Permit or ccessary bulld Inzl la the valua of ms were Issued and three permits or palrl and duration to tho val ue or $35400 They were luucd In Erin and Glenn Mens Wear builder Dener Bros Ltd Woolwmh Co le bullder Em ery Engineering Roy Lem 39A Dunlap St Wen builder Simpson Co club hu we rounuu II he Blue Maunlnln Clmp nnr Culllnuwood II vnIuLd at man nun 0000 Exlm Iner Phota are left to rlzhl Diane Tot en Elaine Winter Ind Sha ron Elmer all 01 Earth Member Phat Flfly Rayal Canadian Sea CA dcll kn across Canada havn been Invflm by the Navy Lu lue ol the Unilcd Slnlu to at Iend Iwawcek period of min In ll he Gm Lnku NIVII Trnlnlnl Cantre near Chicago IL Seventeen Ihua cadet will be OntIla boyl Junarn will no lhm adcu all to macs Cnrnwnllll for ludel tnlnlng courses POI lllchmll wlll lake leadershlp mum P02 Ahrlhnm will lake cauru ln phyllcnl Ind crcallnnnl Imlnlngv and P01 wllmn wlll uh two mnnlIn lnlnln with lhc bnndl Bmla PublicSchool noun wlll hold mcclm lomorrow mink £1th ock MDIES NIHIIT The lath nnnunl Ladiu leh lhe Chrlulnn Durham Mml Auoclnllon wlll be held Con lrnl Unilcd Church tomorrow 050 pm The gun lptlktl wlll be Fnul Mchrroll re olaglul Ilwlcnl In hll Hnnl year al Emmnnucl Colinfa Toronlor The um Ilnler 11 bu Mroy Super PEAK Guru weaker Al the mull mullnl ma cnn Pumlan Amelnllon lo be held ll lhu CNN Allotllllon Bowlinl Club unu lugm yawning wllbg wmnuday evening ha Navy Luann Cadet pnraded mm the Armcnry to me bnalhome It ha too of Maple Avmuo nun their Iummer trnlnlnz Menn whlle the Sea Cadet under went medical the armoury prlor lhclr departure to HMCS Audln or summar mm In around July 15 Thm cadet will receive trnlnln In gunncry swlmmlnl basic unmmhlp 1mm wall as some 5511an on whaleu and mum The parade will assemble at no pm on lhnl dale and march lathe Valernm PM at the Newmarkel Cemelcry for memarlll aervlce luncheon to all those Iaklng par and to vlsllorl will lake place later ally hull HELD PARADE lhafl hmlnesl meetlua fol lowed In muko Hull Imnw menu or lrgnspnrtallan Ihe Navy League and Sen Cm dam to Nawmarkel Jun 10 or the Annual decomlnn day parade Rory ODanal of the Ontarlo Hydro was present to epeek lo Lhemeellnl on the tlmely Ioplc ol puhllclly The executive and members lelt that great deal ol lmplrallan end new ldeee had been gleaned lrom Mr ODon all dlecuulon end were meet zrerelul to hlm or hle llme Barrie branch of the thy Leanne Canada held Ila Juno maelan In Illa Mr Force lu Iocllllun maml The Kraup was given talk on the canatruciinn and the upm tion oi the teiuco In this with administration bu ldinz Ind al terwnrdl law iilm which thawed lha panorama of the heavenl and the lira Dun lap Observatory nyod in their ohlervntlan The unhlha moon the other plums 1n the Mar lystem were Ithn In the llm ll well luch thing mm mo Ieorlten and the what gflnxlu air out In deaf trace the can on of the lflm Fourteen Barrla Columblnn Squire Sourneyed to flu David Dunlap Observatory to lee the ï¬n llInch refleclar eletcope salon The party wan ucnmd by mm Kramer and swells mum znmx Human JUNE 10 1963 Barrie Navy League Heats Of The Value Publicity Barrie columbia Jquires Tour The Dunlél bservatory Appllcallnm Imrh Navy Lel WHEN YOU BUY YOU OIVI TONIGHT mm or nunm IT TUESDAV wm or Human or AND ALLANmu SCHOOL BOARD WATCH 70 Tllfl llnmlllan mnnutr LOCAL AND GENERAL KIWANIS PEANUT MAN TONIGHT and TUESDAY BUY GENEROUSLY mm giant of man me din conduct vandclu In which they hold upinr public view II laud wenkueuu the other wander If we Ire Iimply go in in encounla lha public to ncccpi UM worm uld radio Ind elevlllan rely portray ncWIpoer porterl very nlce clllzem and added um alien me an lhlnzl Ire dellherlge LONDON Onl iCPlW imlaln chairman oi the pnh llc lElIIlonl commlllu oi Ihe Canadlln ily News Iper Publisher Alxoclatlnn ab ecied Suarqiuy in irrupomlhle and generally obluilanlble por lrayall new apermcn mt India and lelevil on pronamt Spenkhm in Pm lmliiuia oi Canada laminar here Mr lrexlAln general mnnmr and execullva edlinr oi Ihe London Fm Frau diacuned the lill ludu mumburl oi the public hnve lownrdl nawmapcm lha Penllon Ind Welfare De plrlmcnl In Monlrul COUNCIL MEETING Darrlc Clly Council will hold regular meeting ll lha chum bm lhll evenlnz All van clock Amanl drpullllonl Ir cxpccled to be pellllan kin tmm la on record be In Alllnu lhe mauled lock all Bl Chm on Severn var CONSERVATION Burl DIIlrlcl llunlm Ind Analen Conlervnllon Club will mm lhll avenlnn Oran Hall Allnndnlc ll tight ocloc The local tomcrvnllon club wlll hnld Hi In plrnlc nn Ill awn provcrly June Plenly nl enluulnmcnl In Ilnrd up or lhl Inmllirl of lhe mtmbm Those Fusing the examination qually or Able clde OC Kent Dazneaull 0C Da wnr 06 Gamer 0C David Howard 00 Brlnn McKennoy OC Chrh Nichol OC Douglu Sumabolhlm cc Smith OC Thehm 0c Jnmu Trav en Quallllcd ll P2 LC Earl Nahum LC Kennuh MncIAIn LC Ranlld Wllnn LC Robert Abrnharn Qualified an LC Lending Ca det AC Ahln Cadet William human AC Richard Trnpnell nun branches across Cannda will be led unlll Ann 15 or 10 helmship valued at $300 each These scholmhlpl are won nunlly by cadet and ex udetl Illendln Ihelr um war unlvenlly iiécchi razlnu In the Bafrlt Corp and examination result Inflows Qualiï¬ed at P1 Pl William om RATINGS Unfonunataly due to mm In threat thunder Ihowarl the lolucopo In action or to oburvntlon And the disappoint ed Squlru were unnhlata the elucopel action or to vlew the heavens the may moved to tha mlln oblarvnllon hulldlng when lam clamps ll hauled under tho dome The lelucope ll mounud on two llm cement column which men Into the earth In mm 15 eel They no not Attached In Ills bulldinz bccluu ll they were ll would taue enouzh vlbmlon we explained how lhu Iclo scope was no on star select ud Ior ubmvallon and how the muhnnlsm he Ielucope could bu not to olluw lhll um Reporters Image Said Distorted PICNIC Mr Dunn Itunned by hm Ilna more brllkly on lhuhend Ind de med in wooden zax pr or to calling The Exam briei In the minister of highway is being drailed by the town oi Cnpreoi and letter ol nuppur being drawn up by Bimrd Hanmcr nnd Cn pml Township council and chamber oi cammem Ali Ire in the area irom vs 20 mils nofth oi he city The hriei proluta grown by iha department oi highway to routo lho SudburyTlmmim highway through Bunny 111 community at the and oi nghway 544 about 57 mile from here The proposed mum in one oi three mapped by tho depnriment in an nerlal photo graphic rurvey and bypasses the Bimrdhprco Iron mm which tho protest come SUDBURY CF Elezard Valley municipal nndchamber commerce omclal are ob lacllnl lo the route proposed or SudburyTimmlnl high le lull tho carburetor on mm at when law lha In and heard lhu ntllau hunlnu he Illd lapped all the head And it practically hurled luel thrquglL the alt aI Whether maumbed lo the blnw or flu heat It unknown but the snake was deldehen thg box wu mums saw Ilmllar Innka down by the river the other dayaald Mr Dunn lust assumed that it was mu mm but now Im not no sure wlll be war Inl mung boon when work Ironnddhe properly mm mm on he vowed Funk Dunn of RR An zul wul cutting hln lawn on Bulurdny morning when ha wnl camouted by Much Mm lyï¬lnakoi Do on raved to hm brown and blue mark lnu auperlm pad on lawn Ikln The belywm white with black mnrklnzl Tho mm on the end the tall re nnded when was Ihnken an um uaw couldnt the In inch the tall Wu mgylnz Io said 1r mum Tho annkaa mouth had any And the tgalmn lack wu evl may on Mgr jaw Highway Route Gets Opposition MassqSngd 2Rc1tl1er Is Found NédrAngus roanmun us DUNlOP EAST mm POTATOES Pink Salmon Dog Food BUEHLERS Pork Chops BUTTER NEW BRUNSWICK TABLI Beef liver CLOVERLEAF FANCY ZIP BARR CREAMERY LEAN LOIN FRESH SLICED YOUNG SPECIALS MON TUESi Mr Dunnl roperly ll direcl local beside he Nouawman laid on bridge and mum on the river deuce He Iald ha would cnnllder ul caily has Years week nan June an yenrold Utopia laddrwned nenr Bl Bay Palm This put SMurday mrceyearold Bar rio boy will saved from drown in by 311 Vlather Red Cross Water Safety Wank In the Barrie area almost ended la belan with drown Father Saves Child Pnui Iaking 23 1mm 8L FRANK DUNN WITH DEADLY SNAKE LB 01 local conservallon crucial and on Salurday that the 1nd dence nl rattlesnake lound lo caily has Increased In recent yearn Members of Barrio Fire De pmment wen quick to arrive on tho scene and usnd resusci lalnr to help bring the boy lo mum healthy candlunn Corporal Gmrzo Wlngcr Barrlo Pollce Department Iald the muscltntor was held few Inches mm the boyl mouth the chlld was already breath lnz when the ï¬remen nrrtved was pulled mm downtown pool lust Incond alter hed moved nut of night of his Miler John Mr Lnktng who had briefly turned his attention to three his older children dava to tha bottom the pool to menu ht mt lmmrdlatcly on the nurtace he started gtvlng Irll lctal resplutlon WED 00 FM