Dm Ilon Imam mam un mu ml My my cm In can Dulmllll rm Ell Amm honlnlnn um 11 ulnnm lawn ll 20 MI CRAIG lb mmuu viii mm upl m1 Abbovlo Mmu 4m Alum llbl I1 llumlnlnm Alb1 It IH 11 Ill Mi ll llul I140 Illmt II In NA NH MM fol l1 lrlllllll ILA llh SAMBA the boat Harris 1015 and hrnded or Laka naucmmlnx am The 11m 11 boat also has drnzzlnz nipmen and multitntur lch the OPP ofllcm had oe Chalan to mini Into union last Sunday IIth when an 11year Md Ulbplfl buy drawncd near Big Bax Polpl Placed on the cruiser In car My accessible Iocallons two automatic C02 me lighting mum in the englna compart ment two small C02 hnnd un lu In ha galley and two lane drychemlcal lyslem on the wheel deck hnfllc loin Iaulh on Hith wny 400 wu ulnmcly huvy hul nlxhl TMI plclura llkrn ll 10 prn Ihown lanth bound lmcl Hllcd while th The twin angina deliver 450 horse power and are capable oi driving the iivainn vessel over 85 miles an hour Equipped with the FM police radio luii lbii weather conditions niinw transmission up to 50 mllcs and the shiptuhore radio him range oi beiwcen 50 and 100 mile dgpending an atmospher 14nd the OFF crulser well WLPPS em955¢°¥ He nld ha water patrol don the same thing as the highway patrol can do We render uslsunca whenever necessary search for last parties and en Ime ha nlle cl waler sale theCanada Shlpplni Act is Crlmlnal Code or Canada and the Liquor Control Au Inld wm due the do on he water atml L95 or 5ng lnlrgqllon The patrol consist of cm Glddens and two other OPP of ten Constable Jon Mum bourquelte L1 going on his third season with he corporal nnd Constable Leroy Hedrlclu on his second aeasnn OPP has had water pa trui under Cpl Giddens since 1953 The 51400 cmiscr is named alter the late OPP Commissioner William Skin get This LI Ihe second boat custom built by lheiï¬ichardmn Company and has been on lbs lake lines 1957 unoun CALI The cruiser normally docked the not Maple Avenue goes on staggered eighthour pannu and an call lhe malgder be 144199 dgy Cpl Ted Glddenl Bunla detachment OFF charge of the water pure aboard the William said Saturday All lake up pllcallnn of common sense and would muka our work much easier Commun sense the Import Inl Item that might guarantee 31 hnuday whether on the road In Ihe country or on the water Simple Common Sense Is Safety Guarantee 17me In lndulhll nu Ml Inn 71 mum wad Compllrd by II Dunlap Bl PL null TODAYS STOCK PRICES Itï¬ my mm Cum Emu fluxul RIM his NA Data round 1mm Nb Mm Nlrhl lull UIHIIIN Inhan rm out Club Ahn um hm um mam am on uua nu nu Imp ranm mp on hi Im rein hr lei mnulnul Inncl ar nnrmbcund mum Wm quiet Ilcluro wan Inkm wilh rollrmux camera at nnndxhlh ol Itcoml with an oprnlnl Exam iner lholm The boat had tham Ind map coverinz every lqunro Inch of hell Tau01 nun and In equlp pod lh minimum nnvm Iona lnslrumenu Cyl Glddcns 34 the eagles Lthg about My plain common sense navigation prnclice en ables the men know where they are going We may he called out any night and if particularly bad night weve got to know nnr comes Vhlle Iha boat 15 crulslng CpL Glddenx has one owner chart course and the whyer man follow the prescribed course We keep sharp eye out for water skiers he said and wa look to no lhero are two persons in Ihe boat To have only one person in the boat is an infraction of lhe Criminal Code second person is re quired by low to iook out or the safety of he watcrrskicr iha driver is to concern himmil with guidinuhe boat ll any boat goes too near me lwlrnmlns area he OPP will mov 1n and charge the fender KEEP CHARTS 0n Lake 51mm Cpl Giddenu Instructed Comtahia Hedrlchs to hand or Oro Beach where about 150 yards offshore the corpora stopped the beat and ohscrved proceedings on the bench for about 45 mlnules After lunch the bout contin ued 1L pdlrol down Lake Cauch lchlnl and around Orfllla and back Into Lake Slmcoe Theral captain without any regard for the My 01 boats behlnd bun laid tha cor pnrgl snugly Aim stern reprimand In the captain flu alher vessel we Priceefldï¬ The boat Vlhen dacka Trent Canal Inckrn oxJunch When we neared Wuhan another pieuura crnli almost similar in rile to the OPP bolt pulled into docking area and limbs lmmediniely backed out again in iron oi the William Since the ban was proceedlnl on miss the corpora nld In can like that It In mm Idvnntaaeou to sand ouz had not been recom ed the boat wauld have headed towards the general are and marched or II POOR BOATMANEIHP radio call came through at mo and dealt with Itolen motor boat Cplelddem found out the but had been recovered and Inslmcled that highway pa trol car contact tho boot oww or Ind obtain details HIE Nnnlrul uM 31 Northern bah llumu Gear I1 Allan nulhnn Th Whit Rim Norm audbury Cloudy and mun cloudy Ind cooler wllh Altered Iholm under Marml lath Ind m1 ml dandy and cool hxe I1 ludl mlarly 13 la Ila1y ll lo Like Eric IDUHIHZII Lulu Hu ron wonlam th Onlulo No my pondoq Amman th 8L Clair windm Partly cloudy ur mum humid adv II uulrrod lhundmlurml Hull nflemoon and lonllhl Fully cloudy Ind room nmdnp Wlmi mthcrly ll Imp briefly mount 11 Ihundmlorml lodny baconan mrlherly 15 mini synwlu Cool nlr Iprud Ioulhwnrd Into Ontario Suudly dllpllclnz the warm humid Ilr mm nurly all of loulhcm 0n lnrla TMI mulled In thundeh llorml In becnmn In Iomo Iacallllu weather dlr lurbmu ovrr Mlnnnou ll lore cm In Ian mlwnrd through the lower lnku region produe In unuluzd showcry weather with lama lhundcrllarm nullv llyuvtr Ioulhcrn Dnlnrlo lady Ind lonlxhl recolded In varluul pm of 51mm County Dull weekend Three southbound can on Highway 11 mth 1m Ca nal Bridge collided Inst aim and angled ms hing According to the Orfllll OPP car drlven hy Joseph Jenn Maflo Heard RCA Smlan Clinton 25 prepared to make tum In Highway rom Highwny II and was by the car bchlnd driven by Bum June 1mm 17 of Oriole mt Toronto Fallen uld hlni tar driv en by Frank Taylor Hilton 36 of In St Leonard Av Tor mo hll the mom which In tum nu Mr Picm ur Tha IIHar 11 hll Ihlp eight month no in Vancouver And in jail In Toronto He 10 nm mm to un lmmlm uon ml band but mend appzn hu been yrelenled in Mr Flvuan An Immlzrallan dc anmmt Ipokexmm laid the nlmr II considerlng ha can and will make declllan in lhn next levernl days OTTAWA CF Immigra unn Mlnlmr Guy annu ravlawlnz he appeal Mm 150 Baullerfl 22 year old Greek Iallor against departu Uun order Charge One Another Pending After Two Area Accidents coo and Lake Couchichinl It in mndo unlu hy public cu operation Cpl Glddenl laid that this utrol wu curried out in con £01610 with the highway cm and that the hithwny patrol In checking docked ham oitm ind more inimctiom thm tin water palm Imam 3mm ME rum mmcumni Abomiibiixi scuob WITHOUT ANY onuamou ON MY mm mm 01 ntrol nTum nu which lye el Ijl oi Like Sim When he boat in brought Into berth ll compielely unlined ready lggo my gt my ttma sharp Walther eyn can nally warn ono of brvwln norm le cm ll bulld up on hp hon1209 Thu blue danm on Lulu Slmcoe and my lake or flu matter are the Huh mml The corporal laid the OFF take dim View than with powerful mambou who think their motor warm erwughmnd wutunlu tam hlubefore malgilng or sham Considers Casey Greek Sailor ed that than market In hazard night and can use conï¬denqu Amount dnmngo 11 haul They no not blo at nlght and under poor vmblllly may be mhmon or dunno marku or buoy Ind can lead to death FLASH VBTORM DNA 1st chdenll wen Relaxï¬n to common name he laid that the ï¬shermen who erect Huhmam lump or In anchored by chain to the bottom Inca themlelvu In yasllion are my cm In charm BARBIE BUSINESS EBLLEGE NAME ADDRESS YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY IITABLISHED 97 66 TORONIO STREET BARRIE COMPLITI counm ron OINERAL OFFICE AND nusmm IMPLOYMENT WEATHER FORECAST IARIII IUIINI COLLIOI 66 TORONIO STREET BAN PLAN NOW TO ATIEND THIS SEPTEMBER ï¬udbury mu Blt Ilnrll Kn lhllnl Mm lllver rmqu Tampatum Low th4 In Tamil lndtor aaaszaazaszss 8388338888333 Narlhtm flmnxuml Coch rnnp wutnn Jlmel nay Ilrlly cloudy And oonllnulnl ml today and menu WIndA easterly 15 Mulnt Farrell Llh llumn Gmralln my Wind ultzrly 15 Mon lady beaming nortth no to as knot lonlxhl showm Ind mut lmd thunderlam lodly 11k Ily tndhm lonluhl molar with occnllonnl rnln Ind cnuered Ihundmlnrml today and lordth Pm cloudy and cool nmdny Wln eulcrly 20 other dlstrlct and munlcpnl police forms mporlud qule lnlllc wtckcnd with only few minor accldem Ill under I00 dlmnge John Joseph 0min Tot onla wu charged with can 1w drivan by Vlctarln Hur bour OPP Constable Fm yesterday anemosz According la Vldorln Har bour Police Mr Oman triad to plus Inoulor muxhbound car driven by Harry Chappefl 554 Elmvale when Mr Chnppe was prams1n in milk en tum Then wen no mimic In all or mum Chum pending on thn accident Mm Nancy Smith the Bar Ha Central Comma French Department has done much In hdp organlzu the vhlu thin year neilzned to encourage biling uauam and to develop under Seventeen Barrie and am hlzh Ichool lulde will leave July or vuloul part of Quebec la mum two weeks later with their Frenchspeak Lng hum The will pnfllclpala la the OmanQuebec Student Ex change Vlslu Ipomred um flanally by tho Cmadlan Coun til at Christian and Jews and locally the gaggle glue TAKING PAUSE that re treshel In 85 demo weather Look 42 Trent Canal are Javcees Sponsor Goodwill Visits OntarioQuebec wquMMHMquauudflww VIIII HAIRCUTS Chlel Hulhel Id he didnt know who Ibo owntr of flu cob use Will lho ownmhln had recently been thinned Eu Tawmhlp 1m bean hit by About club Hm In he In month Ind ha All he bulldlnu pmvmuy damned by Hm were vum And the cottage and lha Municlpll Shed mm the HM lhnl hit any mpnnqlp ghem completely inmilhed but vncnnl coitus wu mud by lire sometime Fridny night The Thamlan Fire Dcpmmenl um cuiiod out but could not nvo tho building Fan NW1 lhlp PaUco Cilia Ken liughu said there were no damn iimnicl yet Enrly lhll morning lnwrr IhIp employee walled one and lbs Tawmhlp Munlclpll 5M1 an ï¬re Ind lha nlomton Flu Dupurtmmt mlnmd tn arrive In llma lo mMIln the re In one wall Inspeclar Ray Slmmml mm he Ontario rm Mar Ihnll office In Tumnlo L1 1n Eu Tamep today lnvuil nllnz two more um um oe curred this weckmd Mr Penman laid he in keenly Interested In this miect Ind added We llrmly Have lime exchange vhlu can do are deal to cumin urnrnmm We hnva ovary Intent an of IIvan A17 goodwill bombs mum to Quebec The committee will Ilso In nnge laid Mr Panmnn mecunl between participallnz linden their purnu and loathe prim to he uchme to ravlew mangnmenu The Jayceea Exchange Com mittee under Eric Penman hu planned variety lightnean tour In mini hhtarical In terest within the county 11m cammllm has also mined for supervised social ucflvltlu to lupplemenl he enteruln ment provided by the honIna parents More Fires In Essa Twp standing Ind goodwill between English and Frenth speaking high school lindenu the visits provide tn ideal combination of vacationing and lemming Comlablea Lem Hedrlch lea Constable Joe Mombou queue middle and Corporal Ted Glddem right 00 JOHNS Bub Shop Dunlap Adulll HULL Quer CPLThe bod Ie two bays drowned June whrn Ihelr rawbnnt capsized the Chaudlaxo Falls ware recovered Sunday on Ihe bank the Ottawa River actors from Parliament Hill The youngster were Jncquea Rm than 11 and Raymund Pl quln 12 IEY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um Two Young Boys Bodies Recovered The Lock ms the northern most paint of lbs Wlllinm 11 patrol axon Examiner Phoï¬o FREE CITY DELIVERY DUNLOP STREET EAST Chux DISPDSABLE DIAPER PADS with IIIwimp leh BufllJn Hath Hold Comm flu Inmflall 10 Intan Mka Mdum REG 1595 1083 STARFLASH Camera fluttit 20 Reg 19a CREST TOOTH PASTE SPECIAL VALUES ffl IAMBLYN 113 169 REG 139 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE FAMILY Slll DRUG STORES FOUR CARS Almost twn hwra lam ourcm colllslnn an Highway so about one mile north of Bar fie multed In posslhla bro southbound He started to flop and was hit mm behind by car driven by Thomas Gun 19 or 593 Brigham mt Tomnwanzja NYV Glrnnmna éaflwmed $35 damngu and Sullivana car only $5 damages According to tho Danie OPP Clifford EmceSulllun 25 ul 1006 Avenge Tqmpto was Barrie detachment OPP re ported only two accidents aver lha weekend and both of thou last night LIME DAMAGE The flu one occurred at 130 on Highway 400 about three lenlhs mile north of the Lefmy sldemad and resulted in damage totalling $40 Cmutablo Mdmln said the passenger and owner of he car Ron nlflold 25 or Mllrn Ava Tornm was thrown out of the car and WA found feet noth 01 when tha car cum to mt Pom 30an was dead at the scene and mlord inflated broken neck and broken 11th thigh 6mm Black wall of Bradlord on man was killed and Inn lher seriously Injured surly Sunday moran In an accident on Hithway 400 Bradlord OPP unstable McLaln uld Hut uyaamld Peter ilkth Bowlla Oakley Blvd Scarboro driver of mlhbound was thrown 17o lee south of the cur he was dylving am it Upped end nveHnd shortly alter threa oclock EARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE mm Driver Killed As Auto Flips for 83 489 doz 12 Value STOPS ODOUR 24 HOURS WONT STAIN CLOTHES DEODORANT HARD COVERING SIT VAHIV Shaw Union Spray Dc odomnv GIFT SIT Mm Show Lallon Pyo Elltllll Rollon Ln Mom msnc mvn FloILICYIIC loll INAVI loIION AFTER SHAVI LOTION FOR MEN Weiw 133 SHULTON 295 anuo HS WEEK RADIANT RESORT TAN Clan behind in second plan was 8111 Panel with crew Dr Bill Evam The series win continue next Sunday In sum dnyhuboeusetuthedlytor the annual Sal Put On this occasion 1h ammo dtm and Flu Officers will re view the whole fleet both pow er Ind niL Sailing Mum Rim Galvinl Junior Sailing Com5a again turned to practical mm on Slimany morning Student went or the ï¬rst nu of the mum and fluted In the working of the but thus puwng lnlo prawn mm the flop taught In tha leaun BDPPERTDHE SUNTAN LOTION 237 Snipe Iklpper Bill Prior with new Miss Mary Prior won the mend race Illa Int mien on Sahminy an Ear rIa Yacht Club The other can Involved wm driven by Stewart am For au H111 Toronto Douglas 61mm 132 Ymkminmr Willowdah Ind Arlhur Corless so Hume 51 Bolton Mrs Vlaln Corleu passenger In the Carlos vehlcle amend bnflsed elbow 11 accident ll mu under vemzntion by Provincial Pal lca Gamble Clmpben Mn Beaulee Klnnenr pm enur ln Samuel Klnnearl car the third car Involved ln th MM colllllon Inflated tho possible broken llnzer ken Inge or onevpasmger gm bruised elbow or ano er Bill Prior Wins Sail 158 FOR REG 175 275 150 TONI PA M106