Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1963, p. 14

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TORONTO UP Donald MacDonald Ontario New Dem ograflc Party leader Sunday described cheap political glmmlck Liberal party prom ise of unlvcrslly ngnflllancc or every hlgh school sludcnt with Liberal Lea er ohn Winter mcyer made the pledge last week candilionnl on Liberal gnvernmcnl being elected in On tario ML MacDonald laid Metre poiilan To NDP youth meeting in the face of lhe dif ficult task of providing univer sity iacilillc or ISOpercent en trance and he almost impassi ble task of providing them or 55perccnl entrance ii is sheer irresponslbiilly In play politics with serious silnatian by milk in idle promises CAPSULE NEWS BUFFALO APiSir Caslmir Gzowskl who helped build part Canadas national murand system was enshrlncd Satur day in he Nallonal Railroad Hall Fame Gznwskl who died ln 1393 Joined 13 olhcrs including Abra luam Lincoln in the Hall ul Fame KINGSTON CHMast REV Emmeu Carter Roman Calho llc auxiliary histh Lnndnn 0nL diocese said Sunday mnny non Calholics have mislnler prelcd the Isle Pope John re garding Christian unily Calls PromiSe iCheap Gimmick We cannot pmcnd there are nn Ihcologicnl diliercnces be lwccn ourselves and nur hrnlh rcn no matlcr how much we love them he said Never at any moment did the POW pm lend Lhure are no dinercnccs Enshrined KATMANDU Nepal AFL lircd and Ihln the American conquenirs Mount Everest relnrned lo civilization Sunday um our months In the heights and wilds They werergrcmd with kisses and coll beer er Jlralnd as of En gene 0re one Ihe in American who Inchcd the 29 023th summit hobbled hm hilNépnleu cnpllal on pnir olsld poles in Inc are paln lully but no levercly lroslbll ten Are Differences MANILA RwlcraForclgn Miniatu Emmanucl Pelacz of the Phllipplnc rcponcd prog ml Sunday In mu with Inda ncalnn and Malayan mlnlslm concerning the disputed Malay alnn chcmllan Ha rcporlcu Mm aur hnur Inlormnl meeting the min 151m had far rnnxinz ex change News The Inlku are progrusinx well We hop to cofius up wilh construcllm re Kisses Beer Talks Progress wmmn Trnvrn Allkrn Ml Tnmnlnlmrn Mrmlwr ma llrlllnh Inrllmnrnl Ilnrn 1950 hi Imn made Knllhl Cnmr mnmlrr It 0n Ihv nr NI Ennhr 11w nppvlnlllllnl Mn mm In Qurm lillmbrlhu lrmllllnllnl lvllllhlny llnnuu llxl Frilay fatten Kr blue coal KG NOW AT 0W Given Honor mm mm Ilun you II In yaw ms nu JV 1m mlnow Ind nu In maul SOON YOU ORDER THE MORI YOU MVI WILLIAM MTKIJN THE SARJEANT HI up In II in Why II lo wlun yon an ill yaw HI vhh Mu ml now Ind II In mqu MARY STREET BARIII ONTARIO PHONE PA M4 SUMMER PRICES LONDON Ont CF Thu Canadian Union at Optrailnl Engineers which held its an nual meetan hem over the weekend has inmcd seven memhur commiltcn In study Ihl possibility of alilliatinz directly with ihv Canadian Labor Con gress or lndlreclly through iha Nntlonal Union oi Public Em plgecs rThe Eommlflca to report ll finding In three months elcr Cnmanduras who gave up succcsflul Wash Ingtun practise to found Mede 1958 with he lale famed Dr Tom Dooley now head the organhaliom TORONTO CPLThu coMn dcr of Mcdlcowhlch anppllu doctors lo needy areas the worldIs In Toronto lhl week to consult wih Canadian dot on ahaul larmlnz Mndlco of Canada May Ioin Medico Talk LloulcnanlGavnrnor Loon ard OBrien New Brunswick has consumed In continua ln oflice or an lndcflnuu period LieutenantGovernor OBrlnnl flveycar lnrm ended Thuuday He has served both In the Huusc at Commons and the New Brunswick legislalure as Can servative mambcr 151mm Irnn AN Pre mier Assadullnh Alam de naunud an unnamed nrnlzn country Sunday or null he dcmhslrcwn rlol In lmn MONTREAL CF Stepan gas Snlurduy caused an explo sion lhnl mud oncalorcy tn an in Montreall east and In jurln Inur venom who llved next ddor They were 13km to hnsp He said mnncy Irnnrlrnhmad was lnnulng the flames rehab lion ugnins hls Mcmmcnl city puhllc work Inspector mld crew cxcnvalinx or sldcwnlk nppnrtnlly bout prl vnlctnlrnnce In pipe cauxlnl the In nepaza Keeps Post Blames Money MS VEGAS Nev ANThu Momlc Commlulon my alght of 11 mm upoud ln radinllnn In nn nccldcnl will pmbnbly mm Icmpornry up at lhtir thyroid glnndl The men mlnm nnd lctlml tlnns bruulhod radiantle l0 dlnn whrn an ucnprd lnln lunan Hwy were openlnl Gas Blast Thyroid Upset Ropalrl Go all iypu Ind Mllm Applllnm CHAS KELLY SERVICE CENIRE PA 87112 Mr and Brown Ipen lha weekend in Surnln guests their daughter and ann ulmlaw Mr und Mn Bob sin Mr and Mrs Funk Wood ware mm at the wedding or Bill Leonml llamas They was munled Suturdny avenlnmJune In the Presbyterlln Church 0111113 Th1 dnle Wu 1150 the 115 anniversary of the martian ol Mr Ind Mn Wood The re cepllon was held at Fern Cot mg lhlaggnln$ Mr and Mn George Sello hury attended In graduation ex ercise Royal Victor Hol pilal Thelr daughter Barbara we go of 1h Kradqal 0n madly the Grades VI Ind VII llplll joXned tha School Area ON on tour to Nlngarl Pulls On Thursday the Grade IV Ind will no on mn of Camp 39¢ Congratulation In Sunn Handy wh pllced nm In Gmu One the Simon County Schn Erxhlp Examinallans Good work usan Sony Io report Iha Willlam Coward Sn And George Thomp son He pullean In Royal Vlc BanIL The Unlted Church Women held the June meeting at lhe home or Mrs Batdwtck June The roll call In hlme ml etonary and where stationed was answered by 15 members and two vtstlors Bible study perth was directed by Spanngle The Study Book sob on Oktnawn was gtven by II Brown During business period was vd to rent Ien dollars In the Cum or chtldrenr Mrs Emma reported on the winking n1 chatrs orthe par sonage The ladies wll clean the church during the latter part olihugust Furlheruplans were made for he banque or the Rebekah mine Barrie re some discussion concerning meetinl pine ior he iilessengerl next year More ininrmllinn was required no the mailer wu poslponcd until their pnfiy July ll Honcsses Were Mrs Handy and Mrs Brown number 1mm hare alluded he moclin In Cookslown on Tuesdly vnnlnl to hear Paul Mcholl speak or his work in Toronto Bobble Mule km Mr and Mn Gauley Jr has rs lumed hnme rom Sievtnsm Memnrhl Hasplla lwhcre he un derwent surgery on Tucsdny marnlnz Mn and Mn Edgar Denney Derwyn Ind Dwight Miss Irene Denney and Mn Mny Dumey motored lo Tornnm on Ncsday evenlnu lo land he wake he llllerl Ihterlmlnw Mrs Charles under the armor Myrtle MIIOII Mrs Fender men he early part her hm and was wellknown lo many Visitor wllh Mn Mnrnml Beyer on Sunday we Mr Ind Mu Edgar Knmhnw Band and Mr Ind Mrs Andrew Beyer Toronla and Rumll Beyer Cllnlgn Mr and Mn Lou Mnrlcll went Tuesday In Toronto with he lormerl aunt and uncle Mr nnd Mn Dan llolman Mr Bill Crozler Ipen the weekend win the lat llrl pnrtnll Mr Ind Mn Bill Handtrmn AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY By MM mmqm vmum wm By MRS MAY DENNEY Give yourself brgalgzjfiake five for fifty ale DALSTON BBXTER Wm Today try Canadas fastest growing nloLabnlta 50 A10 More people like ll every day Mr and Mrs end wen Mr and Mn Howifii Small and Mr andVMrs Keith Miller Mentord Hurolql Hendursnn qr lhéwuk Mr and Mrs Bob Cameron and IamIly Barth Mrs May Danney Mr and Mn Gaulay Jn Bruce Heather and Bob and Mr and Mm Elwood Gnuley spent Sunday In St Calh arInea wIIh the Inueru daugh ter and son In law Mr and Mn Don Cameron Mrs Cum eron entertained mm hhthduy dlnner In honor nI her Inlherl bIIjhdny bendn Denney entertained numbel hln school chums markinghl 11th blrlhdny An evenan square dancing was held at the Communlty Hill undu this sponsorship the Hall Band with Mel Cook an canvan er Over mummy gagged to the muslc Woodbrldu square dance orchestra Master of ceremonies was Fred Case Ncwmnrketr Callers were Bill Judd Barrie Tom White and Wally Osburn ol Toronto Thu door prlzo was won by Stick ey Newmarkct On June I1 Har old Robertson wfll convene an other night of western square dancing The Strand post mislrcsi Mia Mae Ferguson altgndlnz canvenllon lhls wpck rs Hand agmqassmhu at the 2m Mr Ind Mrl Hand Were hosts at birthday party on Sunday or James Hand Alllslon Mr and who cclchruta his 94th birthday Ihat day In slog and ncljvc and 13ng The 196 Adventure In Hur onla an now available at many lourlxl boolhs and reception cen Ires They Ire source in By MES CAMPUELL mrrltx Cnlller St Thane IA HIM Drilllu Calhoun 3rul Enll rhnna mm Cnlllnlwnodx lluwninnn 51ml lhom 1m The dependable source of Cash NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Cnnndinnu everywhere use Niagara ionnaup to $300000 or more for man worthwhile things Why dont you STEOUD READY CASH for vacatlons um and Inlurmallon on Elml cue County and lrae We hops mnny locally wlll copy for lhemxelm and some to pm on to other aulslda lhll mm more Ilka 70 year old He keeps Ibmst ol the locnl happenlng and wnrld news Guam the Hands In convey lhelr good wishes wen wns Ros Hand Jlmmy and Jergy and daughter Mlu Mabel Hand Al llslon Mr and Mrs Leonard Hnnd andlll Melcally Thorn bury and Mrs Melcnlle Besl wlahe an lot happy year to Mr Hand and my mm more blrlhdays ind lllm enlay nu Illa holdnulrww Mrand Mrs Elmer GIme and Emily Agent Sunday wiUI Mrs Gjbh Conlralulnuuna to Colin Suth erland who obtained second chm honors In the lam course at Par Arthur Unlvmlly Fur tha summer Colin II brakeman on main out Mimlca Mr and Mn Kenneth Carson of Klugslan culled on Mn Car sonl mqlher Mu Earl cha an thaweekend Kens many lrlends will he hnp to hear he has been appolme Inspector of publlc Ichwls In the Cankxvllla district They will ha moving the In the nut future Mr and Mrs Duncan Camp bell and Emily cut Sunday wllh Marshal OrIllla and called on the new Imily 1n the nflernoon June was graduatiun Sunday In many nearby churchesl ltev Hall wake to his congre Keller and elpeclally the grad uate an the Importance of the Monica and the graduation at each one through the Christian llle iillss Janet Ayers and Jnlm Cowan Ian duct wllh hirer Walker playing the organ Announcement were made haul Donalion Sunday and decil callon oi Memorial Chapel at lelh 1macemetzry Junu 13 GlenMohu camp service In June General Anembly Toronto lakeg place June and Summer visitors are welcame lg the 930 am Iervlce unvm agave June ll will see ya nnalher hlslorlul me marked Fnlr Valley when Illa Elmo Steele Plaque wlll be unvellcd II 730 pm lnleresled In early hlslory slmcaa CounlylThen why not plan lo Illend Saturday night at Knock the local learn me Alllston and won 30 Thu Thunduy night game 13 OrIIIIa ended Oflllln 15 Knock 10 Many ln the community will remember Janice Lynn Rowan daughter oi Mrund MnD Rawn who wau principal in Slraud schooi over to mm Her woddlng took plm Jun Oriilin Presbyterian Church She married Bill Leonard Re mus Mlsu Joyce Mlller of Toronto vlslled on Ihe weekend wuh Mr MdMlL Hector Smith Mr and Mn Don Lambert and dauzhlm of Scarborough visited an Sunday with Mr and My Georggflflqy Whirfand Mrs Vern Abrams ol Toronto upon the weekend By DAUREEN ANDERSON Heres how three more BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS sunw wun phonund mm 1m in walk WM you mk In Emu on pmm uIII COOKSTOWN Na hlfldll Jul cum bullbn Illk Ind MI Ndhlh mll Ind mum uh mam chuck phunu many an lln pnnnl com 5m yaw mlml pmbllml my bu nmmvnlum whhm wl IN lqumelN upm mmmumnnpyvum lMulvhmMymlululbdlyl SPEAKEHPHONEx ll with he Inllerl paranlq Mn nnd Mu Me Brgyman Mn and Mn Norman Baker Dawn Fell and Dwayne An aman en 0w weekend In Fer Ill wl Mr and Mn Alan Grecn Mr and Mn Walla Korchuk Ullen Ind Theron are spend nu law day wflh Mr and Mn Earl Carr Mr Ind Mrs Ron Gray of Toronto went the weekend with the lutlera parenu Mr and Mrs F1dey Mrn Molly de Mmllnrt ol Waubnunhena vlalled on Tue day with her daughter Mn Fe Beech Min Mariorie Low oi Tor onto Ipenl the weekend with her parents Mr and Mn Bill bows Mr Jo Day Frank Brolay and Joe McMMler ara rallenls in Stevenson Memorial aspllnl Aililloni Mr and Mn Gary Amon have purchased the home oi Mra William Walker and will in lak mx up residenca in the early or oi July Walker wlii Ea having aala oi household ei tell on Jun 22 EXPLORER BANQUET 0n iiin the Expiorerl heid their cloning banquet im tha neuron in the United Church basement with about 70 aticnd ing ihomoihorl oi the air were present along with mvurnl other guests Group and oi the United Church Women cat rcd or the banquet with de licious uiadpiaig Guest Ipeiker or the evening was Mrs Doug Wlllls Better who spoke on ma Lllo ol MR1 EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE ll Tmubn lammy yaw Illl Na mow run on yaw pm Ewanm no 9min through In mumhlmm mum Much Nil man phanl WI duk DD lclmn mm more In youv nudn hullnn In oumda Imu Inmcom mmnn In holaw ulll lddi an other phonu com mlouemmnummgmnu In Ihefllhl CMI DHan ll mall IQIIIKUI commuan In oflmd In In Icuvnmlndod bullnumunl CALL DIRECTOR Paul on appllcd to chlldml Mm Les Currlc led In nlln Inn with Mrs McDownll at Um plano Janka Mankman mm solo Mn Jack Edncy upoke to lhe mother on the trails oono by the girls during ha am The avenan closed wllh graduation ceremony men llrll ha CGIT Monday evenlnz June many friends and neighbors of ML and Mrs Wlllla Corrlgan gathered In the Coakstnwn Town Hall la social evenfng prlor to their movlnz to Barrle on In nlml Street Danclnu was en Joyed lo lha mualc ol Beallyl Orchestra During the evenlnz Mn 64 Leo read Ill address Mr and Mrs Corrlnan and Mn Mar llnlY Mn Cooper Ind Mn Flldcy presented mirror TV may and net making 119015 to Mr and Mn CanInn Mr and Mn Corrlxan tx pruned their thanks and hoped lhal their many lrlends lrom this area would vlsll them in their new home IN FAMILY DIE PONTIAC 111 AF Seven member of vacationing nu llDll lamlly were klllcd and Iwa OlllEll were injured Salurday when their Ilallon wagon uraxhcd Into truck parked nlonzslde lehwny 66 near Poul Nae CharleaJ Kuwmpllk and 01 III chlldren were lnlnlly lnlurcd lh mother and mother chlld were in hospllnl Invmlary cuntalum Alum rumpu Nudlmlmtuuaw wrmn HuldachippingMutualam wmhmm runpm pickup 17 Communmlm oufiwmm Tllmflah knunh mun mu qu mm cl cm ham you am In nywhuvl In MI cwnlry III II hummm nu muumu no wml lull uplom mu le mam moan rpm nnrlul mum Mum lo mmml nmnh mm mm or 1th wlnM mam WRITE BY PHONEI 22

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