Qiï¬ouND SIMCOECQUNTY By M35 PM Miss Pamela Penny ll vIalt hzr ulster Mn Rnuell Slunden In Harris this week Russell laklnl course In lorontn wlih the Bell Telephone Coypanx fvluynu Plan are made or the Girl Guldel of St Pauls to attend the 1mm Dimk Glrl Guide Camp Aug 16 The Hub Innlsfll Cub Pack wlll like part in 01 Dlltrm lubarea at Springwater Park Mlglumï¬l Jun ll ihc First innisiii Cub Puck received Certliicm oi Merii ram the Conservalinn club 101 building bird homes Special mentian went to Lawrence Oak ioy and Don Lennux Mr Haul mau mad the presentation on heinlf the Barri Horticul girii Society llld Conservation Mrs Gary Bcnmish was guest ol hnnor recently at nork mower Hostess was Mu Elvln Kell Mm Beamluh ceivzd lovely and useful um ar tho new bulgyt WIMEI Robert Méisey has bcen busy lately May 21 she was luest al the ï¬rst Alcona Pack and Compnny molher and daugh ler hInquet In the role dip ulc guidar On May 29 Mn New York AmThings cnlumnlst might never know It he didnt open his mail French psychlnlrlu lee lulomauon lhml lo Imily harmnny He says worker unable argue wih machines no home and Inks out lhclr menlmcm on their wlvu THE LIGHT TOUClj ac long have though emnflnnnl upsets can lead to ulceu now iomu den Hsln helluva they 11m hum lunlh duay Sn ynu dnnt wnut to wur Ills teem dont worry Now JUNE 10 too Imlm mu Pm But on Ms continent Ihe craze wnuld nlher arlue wllh machlno Ihln with hls wlle any day man nlwayu ha chancu any machine Don Mum Dina Thom Olm Moor NIWI Sp John fluhlvolfl Cam NC TV lel XI wmnnr Spark NlItl luv mm TULIIMY JUN II 1m Ten mum ILII Good Mman Ina Inuala my noo runy Pnly Invert 5599 8333389 Wllon Tum cu It hr Muou 3838983858 old mu tn To cure hudacht physlclnnx II III cienl Ilepl advised lhelr pa tlcnls to inhale the make at bugning leather slur nch only areck ol llzhl In lh mmal 12m but astronomer eulmnla lnme 5an Ira billion mlIn wide mm mm IN nmhy Mm uD un um um wu no man you ll IIIAV JUNI ll mm xudaa mu um III um um rm non mum um our mm In Manny hm Kiddo Ind All mum In You nun mun Induuy KIM rmluvml Im um 3333 823 It luv mun Ipom Try Waxed Paper Under Ice Cubes ST PAULS 9n sum Inn Nu Nan nqu on Tu rhm rm Ynnv flouam DH rv Nu Mum nul rum lIIlnn TELEVISIONPROGRAMS my unto in mind by Mn yln IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI DRIVIVOUMELF CAR AND TRUCK And 30 Ill Ila Helm Homo CFTO CHANNEL By HAL BOYLE CKVR CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 Mutiny Wu gnu olhonor thumolhcr and dlughtex bung quel Alludales and prov lnciyl lam 591d caplnln poke on Iona Kurdilil MRS CAMERON The Presbyterlnn Vomena bllnlonary Soclely me It me home at Mm Bllck June wllh Mm Sampson pruld lnINIhe study on Talwan was Ivan by Mn Camrhell report an theMny Rely Elmvme wnl Ivan byerL Campbell lllrl Robert Basso gave the davollonnl lnlk The Sunday School plcnlc wlll It On Mcmarlal Park on Sat June 15 marlin wllh dlnner at 12 noon nwu Mr and Mn Campbell Attended the Induction exuda Orillln Soldiers Memorial Hospital on Junel when lheh daughier Hue graduated as ndlolozlsl Mr Melton allmded ms nurul graduation dinner Dr Hllm June Mrs Campbell has re turned hnma rum vlalllng her liner Mm Jessie Gllchrlsg hl Toronto Canzrnkulauom Mr Ind Mm Cecil Cameron whose 25 Our qnnlnhle notabiel Be iore maxrifle man will lie Awake nil night thinking nbuui lomelhinl ynu mid liter mnrrinze hell in using heiore you iinish ny inl ilHcien Rowland 30 IBM ID 1m HM mm Pll Chlllelul Thu Mnnuvhy Counlry luncunn cueTV Now Wlllhu swam Nau erlhll wzunnnn IUNI lloo ll Jo Tm Plum Good Mnmlnl swam Pmy Pop Pmy Nuond Ivan Movl Chm mmnlnn ï¬n mu Amund rmndly Gllnl um Yaunl Shaw mm nunn um rem rmy nun Do you lose your temper and your ï¬ngernailsbecause yuur Ice cube lrayr suck to the lreezer Well you can nvnld this war by plnc In sheet of waxed paper under each lrny Slunle nypetllu shark like am wlll eat almost nnylhlnz Faund In he llamachs ol sharks have been such assorted lldbilx al lln um bricks Mr coal lack ol coal an alarm clock and lullgrown dog Wurlh nmemberlnl Is lcr mull unlcc may mm dcslrnble uulll ynu cansldnr what ynu gel Amnld Glamwl in was Herbert who ohsarvem highbrow hl klnd persoq looks TV Nun Hum Tnl lllm lhllnu any mumm1 um mm mm mm III Man Immu 1m rum ma our mm um Noonau llpoll mu man no In lluvtnlh our in run In Kmo ya on MuIr mun and mink 017 mm in ï¬t Inn I0 GUTHRIE BARRIE mm nn nmlllonu my lluckllhun ununa fqovlmm Amlu Bin flumumm llnlorllloinl CDC TV NI thlhlr Ivor NIH MM calan DL bum IORONTO my AM munm Im wm Tn Wodn 41 mm mm It ml hm mu hm mm Ilnuv weddlna nnnlverlnry wuur June On Friday evening they were taken by 4mm when Mr and Mrn Rm Cameron Mr and Mrlr Irllhef Ind Imlly BarrlezMr and Mn Henry and John Thornton Mr and Mr Henry 01TH onln Mr and Mrs DCnmeron and Gemu and Mr mLMrl McQuayj and girl called on them Miss Heather Farazher presented her andperenu wllh china mdelver lea put and cream and mint 5e from IJIoIe present Mrs Hulkemahu her my hat Irnm Hoiland as guest Holly Home and School met recently In Holly Scth lor its annual meeting M15 Alma preslded In the absence nl hl presidenl Mrs annlng An nugl repells Elven 14qu Wu dechied to mshand Homa Ind SchoolAmciadon and become group at Plrentl and Teacherl This will begin tuqcllonlpz In the all Commlttm reported that the Grade graduation will be Jun 15 ln Holly School The plcnlu wlll be on June 25 held at noun wlth race in the afllernooql unpainted are warts Mlsm Am and Hutchinson lunch Mrs Lib lle prlm Mra Graham Mrs Emmi canducxd an lntcresllnl on the heme Spending money for chlldren The flats at ofllcern or the new executive was pre nglcd hymn Cnngpbe nuqu Thnse olnccr will be lrustalfcd the ï¬rst megung In Hug all MI elecl at June 29 has been guest honor recently at we llll prise miscellnn showers Mia Elaine Bemley was hnsless on May at her home Twen lyone IllLs attended well Mrs Rodlers mother cl lhl bride in he On June 25 India gathered re ham Mrs Collum Games were alter which Domlhy assisted by her Iisler Elena her mother and MI PM Pu Opening leadlack ppadcs Thar In limit In how far courage shuuld be carried Iha bridge labia Hm can cl valor cnrflcd la exceulve lengths The hand occurred 1n the multh belw Mn Italy and lha United Slllu 1958 Whln Inc American air hald hi Narlh Saulhcnr lhe blddlnx Went xhawn vure ovcmlllcd lho dln mnnd bld wllh lluco Ipndca Il wan prcempllvn Nd pure and Ilmplo lnlmded lo cmburau lhe npponenu in lhelr bidding Nurth passed and so did Bell donut EMIL Soth Ihould pmbnMy hnvl lhruwn In tho upon ll lhll polnl but ha didnt know when East dealcn NorthSonlh vulnerable NORTH 10 WET BAIT DAILY CROSSWORD 110081 xL mum prom LI Avlv 18 Volunlo IT RAW IO Imam mnllonlun null mm Ina hairn ll Commit A0303 ll P0190 Elmll Wham nilme chunk flllhbhlnd DOWH pup of 111 om book Hon WAMM cl up II adv ll Pulled dath M1 of numblln that sennum Bumum nun Mm nlldlllnlf mum nuumlu to jam ms HOLLY Mm Ibbf South 10 INT Pun Pu CONTRACT BRIDGE of mu 7W commmu 28 HIM mu IL null Pin ll Pub Inked all how 10 In In I5 01an mill UNI 10 Klnl °l Arum KW mm mm ll Gunman It Nam Hum 354 By JAV BECKER imam Barrie unwrpped In mini lovely zim Dorothy thanked averyope Blldlyloclli hour fob lawed Dummy will Inu Jack Stone of Phtlpllnn IA 81 aryl Claret Holly ï¬nned ChurdIWamen wig med Jun 14 lhev hum my Srlglay Boll all van ram the Bibi can mnlnn flower Devotion are Irvcharge of Mn Clrml szram II In thlrge of steward Ihlp and recmnlnz convener Mm Filher Mrl err wlll be speaker Lunch null nnll are Mrl Dyer and Mn Dawnlpx The puplll In Grade ind attended ulelr muslc advl Stables Th ME Mr and Mn L4 Dykstrn cll Joyed weekcnd in Ntw Yotk lponsarcd by the Inn wharn Mr Dyksun works and mud ed to the lap ulesman By MRS MDNTEIIH Mr Ind Mn Brown Ear rle Ind Brown and Mn Mmteilh villted Mr and Mn Llama 91 Coldyaler Mr and Mrs John Anderson And Mr Ind Mu Jae Anderv Ion Tomnlu spent 1h weekand wllh Charllaï¬owdery Weekend visitor at the home Mr and Mrs DAnglo were Mm Colhum Heston and Mrs Mnrrl Tgronlg Mn and Mrs Cami Ear rle wet visllnn with Mr and Mrs Cnlllqa Mrs Andreas Mrs Prat lick Mrs Davleslllsa Mantel and Mr lluntellh attend the Fmvlnclal Grand Was arm HadMrs Palmer and Inn Goran attended lwlllgh meetmg Central Breeders As mlnuag it flplh Mix Ruth Channen Sealborn and brnthcr Paul Oakville spent the weekend with their parents ML and Mn Chygnen Barrie and ML and Mrs Herb Palmer and sun Gordon spent lhu weekend In Gravenhum ha was we on In Mr hm When Ihls came round to Belladnnna he doubled and when 50th then run to our diamonds he doubled agaln 50th had jumped mm the try lngpan lqlo lhe Ir Ne polnu defending agnlnsl ran Icure contract that very Ikely would have pane down Irick He would have bran much ballet oil In uannppmaihly down onebu he had no way knowing lhil MIDHUBST STN came preempuve bldl are expecled to create xlluI llom Ilka hi mm ma to time And that why lhoy are used men They In mull emet when they exam Ihe oppon nnu lnn blddlng more lhln lhcy can make South had more Khan minimum openlnz bid true but hardly enough In undcnahc lhrnu nulmmp single handed Mï¬lha olhcr ding went East Sath Pu Pn The Amerlcan Ens Wm palr an lo three spndu Soulh remnlnlnz Illent Ihrouxhoul Strictly Ipeuklng Um jump In spades wu lorcinz bul Em In lhb mo dccldcd lhe conlrm high Icnnugh and papcfl Wm 10 In ruble lcnd hurt and mndo mm Ipadu lnr Icora of I40 pain 111 llnllan lcum unlned mo polnll on lho dcnl Tallinn neceplln ruck lablc the bid Wes 34er mr hmlm Nil Ink Malb Nnrlh nxyzmm Emzi Ezazm 54 gm xn 5552 EN 00Fnm mon 05 am we am mm PW DIDNT MN um NA cuawr meg It mmnm nnm MONDAY IT WIlLlDOK mud ON WE WIFE sumd Bur 11 MW 02pr mar WAY THAN IF YOUQ MOIHEB FINDS Tun couo cums THINGS an Voun ACCOUNI couwvr THEY lo 98 Er a5 ES 56 zo Aukum 6333 ï¬ll II 90mm Mamm mi sumd Bur 11 MW curve mar WAY THAN IF YOUQ MOIHEB FINDS rr 11