lary dcscgregnllun is occurring In more and more titles com munitics and businesses In many cases It Is reluctant brought about by Negm dem nnslmllons er lhrcals MM onslraflons 0r civic and busl nm lenders have dccldcd Kn comply with us Supreme Court decisions rnlhor Ihnn lace tnslly court banks And here has been prussure mm the Kennedy ndminislrmlan Bu nevertheless voluntary dgscgrpgnuqn ll lnking plnce Lenders In these dcscgrngm llnn slnps have been hlrnclnl commluccs which tum worked prevent vlalcncc nnd bring About tntegrattnn with liulu lrlctlun as possible Since May 21 nbou 90 com munlllc haw voluntarily lnkcn descgregnllon sun and husL ncssmnn In to to 50 other have IdViSLd the Kennedy Bdmlnly lrnllon lhny nro prnpnrcd to do Io shortly Kenlurky mm he ï¬rst Ilalcs where mnlor racial v10 lente lured nflnr he 195 Su preme Court dcscgrcnaunn dc cslnn has bun leader in rn clal progress Louisvilln ha Ilalel lnrgcst city has passed an ordimmu hnnninu dlscrimln Ilun ln publlc nccnmmodnllonl This Informal group In swim qu include Dr Stephen Ward who was arrested in London Saturday and two of we girls who hav been In valved the case that has Ihaken the Conservative gav HAMILTON CW11w Soulh un Onlnrln lecnfl Assoclnllon came am Saturday In am chrrnlly conlrnllrd lotteries Ind mom mullxlic liquor law In Onlnrin 11w man than 100 dclcnnm Um nnedny nnnunl ninetan Iguana rmlnllon Mklnl at It trul lrnlllnlion lo ncrmll ml trnlly tnnllnllrd loucrirs And dtmlblnn Hm pmvlncul llqunr unmullxllc xlclcnnlu nled In tall Mr Iludy at how Hm lnndculmrlu mum be cor rmul Molullon nlllnz or llihlrnlng ho huner of rdur anon lnxu nuw luring humc hy prupeny nwnnrl mu also puml Mr Wnlr II Wmlurrrlllrrc or mu llre rlinlcn be rrmnlni vll Iolovlnlnn II In klonlcl Annual Cum dim Modlgnl Aupclnllnu mm lw walrh an IM mun ml hiluu Winn Tumntn new m1 llmnal obunlnu lymw lumx dlumulnl lumen um widmaflnd lmlmm pa mm hm and In ad mm um um um mum lulu Inn Onlnrln ltndrr lnhn Vlnlrr mryrr lahl tulnmlhln hll loanwho lmplrmrnlrd mink mum wncn In Ihu mm in Men llnmllhm null wan III nnl Hm LINml pmlyn Man minimum Mm TORONTO CWEd Wruloy My rnudly lhnl In yuu nl Mm n1 mum lnnlmrnl In on Mar lpklelnn wa hnvml lml nutlml er hm hm llulnym or pmlnlo rllumllnn rm Mr Wlnlrrmryrr Inld Desegregation Happené Freely Over 100 Liberal Delegates llpprove Controlled Lotteries By MICHAEL BARRON ATLANTA cg APlVolum Havent Lost Patient Yet Dnclnu Iflllni hi MI Inl York llmgl ylrllrbc DR WARD AND THE GIRLS Guvcrnur Bert Combs has adopted code prohibiting dis crimination ln slnle govern ment The governor has also am flied contractors doing business wllh the slate that they must prgclige lair Employment North Carolina alsohns snen racial barrier all throughout me slate Doors In virtually all estab llshmcnls serving the mth at Winter Salem Durham nu cigh land Siamsville have been aptnpd to all mm paccsch ling program Chnrloue hn Major chnln lhcalrps In Nor olk and Furlsmoulh Vn quietly dosegrcgalcd lasl manlh nflcr mcellngs wilh bIrncinl groups Many lunch counters nnd rcstaurnnls In he slate did llkcwlsc Volunlmy desegregation cl eating and rccrcnlinnnl acill He is gaining mnmcmum In Virnlnia much or In lhc Inst month or lwn Generally It has been accnmplishcd with llllle lnnlnro and no dislurhnnccx ernment cl Britain Christine Kecler right is Ihe girl whose relationship with War Minister John Prulumo lrig gored lhe scandal Paula Hamilton Marshall below has been queslloncd in the case AP Vlrephnlu BLAST wmrcxs PLANT HAMBURG Germany AP Im cxnloslon wreckrd Nike roasting plant Saturday Injur ux 70 pcrsnns lollru mld two workmrn were burlcd under Iha wmkngc and are presumed dead Grndv has become nothing more Hum tram yenr In prrp nrnllon for nnivcrsilyl wll hm was an nbrupl unp bcluun lho lowm grmlca nl hlxh nchoul nrnl Irndu I3 and nudcnl rcmnlned In hlgh Khan on Inlc III II Liberal gumnmnnt wnuld com mu he mrrlculum fur puhlrc And high school 12 yum nnd would nlm muko It muth lnr awry hlnh nclml lmlunlolo so In unlvgsily Mlku Marlnrlly Ilnn lnwycr was clean mhlcnl ha nssncimlnn nnII John SulIIA um ol Tullmrincl Dummy Invlur of anlnnd nml Mnry Jenn flmmpson Dundzu were nnmrd vbrwmldrnu Juwph Krlly MIL llohln 5h hull lnxnmun luwyrn mu numnl manner and wcrtlnry mpcc my Call nonuliclnl mm Got cash doublollasl lay Spring oxponsu Innover bills for my good reason Illa olks floneficlal mm In My VIII Call mm BEN EEIQIAL NTNH ENE Illll ll numum mï¬umwamm Ell mqaey Loam up lo $3000 mm mm Vnuv loan an movlmuud the ONE place to call for the minute you wantit KEN KELLY OTTAWA CF Thu Com mons today heads lnlowhnt uhhplng up as ha mos eventful week of the new Parliament thus an ghl will be Thursday nights budget presentation by Finanm Minister Gordon re vealing what income lax changes if any the new Liberal nyemmellt Plans the wéek pmgramrare hlhmosk athlprestjng Fnst or er huslhess today expected to be the naming 01 24 MP to the new Common defence committee12 Liberals elght Conservatives two SaclnI Crediter and two New Demo crnts Secretary Fickersgill the government house leader said Friday he hopedto hAva party nominations In time to present the entire 11 ol delcnce committee members at the opgnhzg of lodgyf sitting Ha hoped hé cofnmfllce could organize hull and start wqgk right will be the resump tion debate an the govern ment resolution to establish department 01 Induslry Charles Drury now minister of de fence production has been tabbed by Prime Minlslcr Pear fofl to take up lhis new port II hal ls cleared away the Commons will lum lo anolher resolutan calllng or an amend ment In the Department of MH cullureAct nllnwlng for sac ond agriculture mlanler Rene Tremblny mlnlster without portfolio ls scheduled to puke this job looking alter East em Caqada farm pmblngns Commons Heads Into Mast Eventful Week nxeséay nn mailer Min pm grass is made onytodaya ileml nvemmcnt plans Some or the other my on 233 nnflbidï¬b ï¬l Sou your local aulhovlzud Chevrolol Truck Denier RUADIRY VALUE BIIY FOR POWER YOU CAN DEPEND ON DURABlLlTY YOU CAN RELYON ECONOMY YOU CAN BANK ON DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMITED the government Intends to launch legislation or thevulal llshment of municipal devel upmenl and loan board armed With $409900 Mr Pickersng snld lhe qu emmem places heavy emphasis on Lha lmmedlate need for erI board This measure we are anxious to get lhroulh as quickly as possible because of It empioymeutcreallng impli cationsflhe mm the House just helm it adjourned Friday SPEED 15 UNCERTMN Just how rapidly these items will be clean with at their pres ent stage in the Common un certain There are temptations or the opposlllon in debate them ViENTIANE Laos AFL peaceiui coexistence agreement signed by tile meommunist Pnihet Lao neutralist and rightist Laotian actions on the Pinine de June last June 12 is onihe brink of complete disintegratinn The Mnation Geneva accords of July 1961 guaranlcclng Laos random and neutraiily areas neulrnllsl Premier Prince Sou vnnna Phoumn put it recently lhrcalening Io bemme scraps paper because at Pallm Lao actions There an armed struggle for power an the plain bulwcun the two lormur chill war alxles lhe neutralist and Palm Lao There are the actions Premier Souvanna and III law is halLbrolher Deputy Prem ier Prince Sauvanna Phoumau Papers Signed 0n Plain 0i Iars 0n Brink Oi Disintegration Yaw Chuvrolol Oldlmobllo Cldllln Envoy n+1 Chanel Truck DI ienzih particularly in Illa light at Prime Minister Pursnna election campaign promise that in so days of decision nLiheral government would do more than any government since Cnnleder aiion The leaves ll days Item tr day until Mr Pemona 60 days explm The uppusiflon may eel ll has enough to say about the economic Ilems run past Mr Pefmpa 69 days 0n the other hind there are 12 hat the government hope to let major part oi the de bate onlhese rezolutlnns thyugh by next Frjdpy Bin asprlma flnlstén past and present like to remark Its gm oppnlllqn hat determlncs thé length debme Kicking up neutralis lines are regular oi Gen Phouml Nosavan the rightist depuiy prcmicr who as deience minis ier ought bolh in the civil war that ceasefire ended in the will 1962 When the Geneva accords were signed there was sin relic In some capitals if Lao had been wkhdrawn from the cold war arena But soasaned diplnmnls here consldered the slgnlng was only Ihe llrst step on road slrewn with larmldnhle obslacles for this landlocked of bfllllzvauml Critic 01 th 1962 agree mentAsian and Westernhad fumes lhal the meammu mm wnulc eventually strive to control the whole munlry Eu law expected them to strike so LONDON Ont CPiLlncoln White press secretary oi the United Slate mic dcparimunl promised Saiuifday the United Stale will keep striving or mAIfliiiaiemlfnudear its ban Despite disngree an on in spection and psychopnihlc tea oi concealed espionage Mr Whlie said he ihink mi ban solution can arraan based an Inspection by iactual seiqnliiig examination Cushing Would End Maniaï¬eBarriers Mr White whose appoint ment as consulgeneral In An lralla was announced lnursdny ï¬eld the Press Inslilule of Can NEW YORK AmRichard Cardinal Cushinz Roman cm oiic archbishop of Boston ad vocate removinz many of the churchs restriction un mar Haze heiwcen Calhniics and 1101 Calhnlics Ho specifically suggests eliminating the reli gious promises required of tho OLICEEHOEIC gaming PipmisesUS Will Try For Test Ban On In whose I7WWmcmbnr archdlocese is Ihe second largest in lhe United Slates says lha pmmlse an Irritant lo many and same 15 clear mm what happen subscquenily make the prom isns In bad faith FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA Mm BARHIE Upholslerlnx In our Bull nm Nut Just Slde Ilné 65 BRADFORD ST BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Bcnutl1ul Samples Frce Esllmatcs ndas annull dinner than an poulbla ta mange treaty ban solution cannot be based on where the question trustinr trust but that he bellevn It In dislrust need nut urine ï¬rst in style ï¬rst in wï¬w WSW DUNLOP ST BARRIE cowcncrAs$999 sold Will PHONE PA 66527 GINKML MOIOII VAlUl 5110 More PHONE PA 691