Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1963, p. 1

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Macmillan Back New To Face Govt Scandal OTTAWA ICI The Cumin Council nanmmrcd todny It hu awarded pherrm lrnla lot number 11 rmnrth vquclI In he run ml by nnndlnn admin The mnu almd In pundrum nhnlm ml flllll rnlnr mrmhm at unhmily mm In mul nl nhnvl lnm help mm In uIm hnm 3m to 200 and nanHy munh plnjuu In In Ill mnnlhl durlllou MIMHINFK CW man hMHnl lo unplu nhuilu Int mm lrn purl mmhm gala la uba Humay harmn hl MM II IM unnwlalrnl mlhvxlm lllrk Vllllamn Inwnlo uuu when lbs 11 mm mutlml Mirqu Mann lmlu 1nllunlulnn wllnn ml 10 he muck Monumcnl at Junmin emu mllrn ml nl hum Imam Nwlurrlnnd llleulm An Mulrlun nurlur mtnlllt InM roml hm Indny Hm Germn workinn In Him vlnnnul to mull lurkru cnpulfln Julrnylnl IIrMI Mm Alrnnllumw nnd udmnclho culmll Dm Arlrnllnl Dr Otto Jollrk mm Inn Illurd luluII nym on lvlnl hm on rhlrir nllempHnl lo mm German radio export wolklnl or VATICAN CITY Mll The urdlnlll nl lhu nnmnn Calhoun Church 1mm rmth MomII rum so nullnnl Tllry can In nlve nmcll uprmlonn mrrnw um lho dcnlh Im Jnhn 11m diplnmnu nrmdilrd In Um Vulcan Mu Admlurd In In mm connrulllan lho Slrrrd Collue MEL Ewlmrlnnd llleulcn An Inhl hm Inqqy llgnlu Germn len 0mm wnr mlnlslm John PrnIuma wlm whom he uhurrd Christina chlcrl Inv nn lvnnov wan mnrrlcd mun He mm In London wllh win In low or lhrccycnr ltrm Nu wnn mnllrrl ln Mm cow Dccrmbcr Hm nhnnly lflfl Chrlnflu dllcnrdcd Wul lndllu lam John macroth Hm plnlnl at her and ma he nlme Mn Hus htndllnu Accuman dlplomnllc Ill LONDON lAPlCnpl Yev uny Eugene lvnnnv ml mymry man In the Pm lumo allIr Ha Dun hm dlscribrd In nunlun playboy dlplomnllc lroublcshooler and Soviet Ipy Olllclnlly ha served ll mlunl nnvnl nllndn It lhu So vlnl embassy 21 ShortTenn Grants Awarded Leaves Marchozs Sick Of Meihods wllsén wma llmc agoluau Mncmlllan documrnls on he Iccurlly aspen of tho Pralumo Landon nnwspapcrl said MncA millan was facing one nl iha hlgzesl crises in he has lwn dccndba British pollllcs was understood Macmillan asked the Lord Chucellor lo carry out his lnvnsligallnn Just htinrn Macmillan lull ior hll wccka vncnllon All the end of May Tim was before Prank mn rosignnlian Opposiliun Labor Party leader amid Wilson is expected lo copy oi Dillmrnen art but whnlhvr ll will he mn public depend on its content DED DOCUMENTS Diplomats Give Messages Sorrow Says Egypt Threat To Israel The gmwlng pollllcal alarm over armcr war minister John Prolumoa Illicit arm with redvhalrud party girl brought de mands or MacmlIlnnI scnlp from membm ol hls own Con servative party as well the opposlglnn LONDON CPPrlme llllnls tar Macmillan rclumed mm gelling vacnllun In Scotland to dny In Inc government Ican dal lnvolvlnn sex and sccurlly that could end hls own career By RAYMOND PALMER Thrccvycarold Paul Laklng mum strut loaks little puzzed at Ire deparlmcnt Will Your No 135 Huggy Bear Of Man Ivanov Is Mystery Figure Far Examiner Wllll Am Tnle phonn PA WM 111 Relaphnnl number to call or the Buxlnm or Edlloflul Dem ll PA 64531 Mws BRIEFS Our Telephones ID man nun In tlhplur nhuhu nunhm gala la uba Humay Munu lllrk Vllllaml nlwwj luNlflan RESCUED FROM BARRIE POOL ltlhflwll med Ho llkod llklnl Chrlsllno Kncler oul lo lhe hrlxh lpoll winan And dlnlnl lhc rud hnlrcd puny xlrl Mod hlm wundrrlul huxuy btnr of He wnl clowr Communl mplumdlnl ul am wha nflcn uktd Chm llna In mlloquill qunpr mnov the 37ycnmld Ivnnnv was cunlnln third rnnk whtn he arrived In Britain Helm ha ro lurncu In Moscow ho had hczn prumnlod captain ucmd rank lvnnov was bl upendcrl lln llkcd hllllng ll hlnh lPOll llu culllvulcd wldu tlrcla ol Brll uh lrlrndtsnmelhlnzllnw 51 Val dlplomnln nro allowed Io lines The clnmnr conned on lhn tandem Illalr Ilyanrold Chrls llne Keelcr carried on lwo yam ago wllh thlma and Samt naval nllache Cam chgcny Eugene lvnnov generally Xe Lord Hailsham Conservative part leader tn the House of Lnr was an the first to call on anmillnn after Ms re turn In London Same newspapers suggested Cnnservnttve party whlp Mur ln Rcdmaync he parlyl par llnmcntary manager might be blamed because the govern ment did not seem to know the full delutls of the Pratumu at Lfllt unlll It burst Into tho head cussarising from the fact Ihat he party lrl had rclaflom IMp with Russian dvpuly naval attache Al be same time the wag meqlpg Profurpu Wilson howevcr wanted fur ther aclian and so Mncmlllan ordered lhe invcsllgauan to aa llsly lhu position leader Lord anhnm rnnurunnivn Security lo who were glvcn Ihe dncumcnls from Mac mlllan wcra quoted as saying there was nulhlnz new in no lnlormnllon Wilson sent to lha mlrglslcr he was ruvlgcd Pnul WE pulled from Harrie pool Ircsuscllalor Icqqipmgnfi unu Eh mam Examiner Mler lhn men nhl II no uhlmllnn he lullmnny In Hnlllmlpmklnl wllnm luv In lumlnlu Inln anch Ihl lnquul Ill fluid or Tho Inqurl mumrrl on quiet vole uxcrpl or hllrl but huhJ ntuumonl ovlr whrlhcr wllnum ahould bl Tmllnnnl In Tnnch nr En ML Thmuwn no lurmcr Immun nla lulnnlmmllan the 1mm lllrlll rnml Mud ul Hm Ilnruu Iul tumHy Illlllll lrnllhl Ihml or In Hour chullnl wllh Uuu pancran lllnvdlnI hum Tlmr Mlnemm ullnenlorul 1m cuurlrmm In xrnupl nnd uurmumlm Ivy mllumzn wm ldenllllrd hum Sclmelm MI wllc mm nu mroux IIem Schneider rnnroll flnxnn Gnhrlrl Mullen Inner Tr null Mchnrd Illxln Humllo rum MM Ilachnml Glllu lnmrun Lnlmnlo my mum Vlllrnrnvr Alnln nmufl lufll um Iknll Imnnurrux MONTREAL CF FHlun pmunl held an mnlerlnl WH num In ha homblnl drnlh nl an Army nlghl walchmnn were buan Into henvlly guarded courtroom May In In inquul lnln me 1ch rmnmcd It was his ma lhnl lhn wllnum same ol lhtm lurid by pollen nr mo Ihnn wnrk wcro ldenllllrd 50de rural wen lulu alarm and olhm mlnor housn Mm Flnmen were dispatchrd by 0m house was dcslmynd and moth cxinnslvciy damned In ilm binmcd on lightning One mun was ndmlited to hospital mm gust of wind hurled him through the piule linss window oi suburban rivcrxldu lion Pollen Iald they wm Iwflmpld with emergency rnlll ranking ram rm Inme on mm to um tnvclnsnnd In an cum car under 15 wnlcr the Tecumseh load underpass WINDSOR OIIL CF Hur rlcanearcn winds and Almost lwn Inches min In less than an hour unused hvuvy flooding and scattered wind dumnxn lhmghoul Essex County Sun day and today Tho gravest threat mm mm same of Macmlllans awn Cun icrvnllvcs whn accused him 01 negllgcnce and naivele In uncnrlhlng the true story of tho Ponumn annir earller 1r Macmillan full to give sa tisfactory answers one parli menlnry lnIonnnnl predlclcd hero little doubt ha will be pressured even morn rcslln Mncmlllan refused to com ment on the Prolumo affair and gave no puhllc lndlcallon of canccrn But lhc scandal mk lng Brilnln could spell hl dawn 1311 as Conservnllve party leader Hi chance of survlval depends largely on tho shnwlnx he mnkcs helm Parllamcnl nexl Mondny when asked In ex plain hls role In lhe background to the lnlrigue garded as Russlnn Intelllz unce agan Hurricane Winds Heavy Rains Destroy House Cause Flooding Inquest Reopens In Bombing Death Smurday aflcr hed slipped Into water over his head See story on page three lu Inn Illu lhrl or he pm mm nm 1qu mil 1li ml min when Hwy lel mu out hm nuspup wnq nmnlnl rmnpellllcn la Illscavrr III mm high VIIMIIIIHL when Mll Inlmml local cNmn Anmnl he rnlrlu can on whizh mu donl unnlw lnmh nnx coal or mm nm lallhlul In my MI and mm Mk II nuallwr Imnnn am Imrd wmhlnl quid Iml nlmllml never la Ibo mnvkl or um and lo ml only IV nluhl and II ullh the dawn nllml chunk or Eumlny unumy lull Hqundl police wrru Ilnml In gum nl lhu mnln tnlrnnu court hound as Comer Mnml Trnhnn me new In rp 1mm he lnqurll Mil Mm Ilnrlrd Ihnylly all ONellll denlh April 20 um Ihtn Ill Inurned lnr lurlher inmllll lion mlnulu whllo MI nmclnl Inlet prclcr ennui E1 red Vlnctnl ONclll $5 hnl been blamed nn Front du leernnnn Que hnenlu yellIlylcd noun Aulcldu cammnndnx lhal hnl clnlmed ll II mklnn Qurlxecl Imlfpenficncy hxfllnlcnce WI Am Bulky 30 of Wind wr was 1th lo hospllul wllh wrlsl tuls nucr nus wind lopnlcd him through the windnw or downlown lurnl lure flare Hnlel chu nospltnl alliclnls said Monday ho win In lair condition 77 PI JETS The Do on Wealhcr Ollice In Toronto mld winds durinz the man storm Kuslnd In 77 mllu an hour Preclpllnllon Including hullwnx measured at All avn men and equip men were pressed lnlo 5chch and man than 300 ml to me Windsor dcpnrlmcnl ram real dcnls nskinfl or pumpcra lo emply flooded basement had to be Ignored dln ram ml to tall allot lhcy lclLlho agnllqn on he first Ire The lwa Negro sludenls he has worp In turn luck at the uulvcrslly doors returned lo Alabama after weekend In Naw York to await the show dawn TUSCALOOSA Ala AP Gavernar George Wallace clung defiantly to scangallon stand at tho risk at Jail Icrm as the whllc nuprcmlsl headed or an lmmlnnnl lnlegrallan cm II the Unlverslly ol Ala Mama theme of Prime Mlnlstnr Pearsons iirst major foreign policy address abroad when he received an honorary doctnr of law degree under blazing Sunday sun on Ihemain campus mall 01 Noire Dame University Rev Theodore Hcsburgh resldcm Notre Dame said It was Canadian American policy statement lhat will set the tuna between he new Lib era governmental Canada and the UnilcdSlaw or many ycgra tn comp By JAMES NELSON SOUTH BEND Ind CW Canadian Amerlcan diner cncc In world aflalr shuuld bu put to work for tho benefit at he warld and nut made subject morbid worry or pols nncd relation Governor Will Stand In Way As Two Negroes Try To Enroll Take Broad Viewf PM Tells US Pcnrsinuid geographh his BIG TH plAN TESTB NPARlEY HERES ONE Birrln Onhrlo Cumin Mohdly Juno 101963 ml Multan unuuuy um than day nutr Inmny 01 our mam mu 11m lam no blnsl hurlul the run porch onlo the Alde wnlk The buckled Iron pan llm mmu Mood hul um roar was mluml In mhhlc Thrto whinin mm adju unl npnmnrnl warn ovucualcd wllhoul Injury TORONTO CF wo slurry Irnmn hnmn Wfll mm In lwa by cxplqglan Supday lug The 5ch ex ochln president of the board nnd chd nxninsl dcscxrcgullon despite ndcral court ordcr Already an Ihe lightly barricaded campus with union to prevent my pus nible vlolcnca are mare lhnn 800 mllccmcn DEIIES DIRECTIVE rm nmmnllnl ll dhllltl park nlhsr mm the wolf bud or mm ulull The students Vivian Malena aMubiXe and JamcsA flood 01 Gadsden are to register Tuesday for the aummqr ses lSon nu the governor has pledged to be there and mud 1n lhclr way Wallace expcclcd to confer tonight wilh member or Ihe unlvcmly board lruslccs who vowed to admit the Now an the main campus here and third Negro flu unhcrsily cenlrn in Huntsville We shall defend our dghls and we shall dare to do so the Heaer guvemor said Sunday am going Io stand or you at the Imivnrslty he told tha zoplu Alabama In radio devlslon broadcast We should be able to lake dmerenccs In slrlde as good friends know how to lake ha broad view In make the general Interest prevall and therefme lo accommodate he mlnor dil ferenccs with reason and re strain Blast Splits House In Two tnry economle and defence mmhincd to make us Inlet csls In World allairs very largely our lnlnrcsls But be cam lhe United States 15 such powerful country and Canada mcnmparaUvely small was natural for the two countries Io run Into great many diner cnces Those are the facts of lire the prime minister said is evidence of the nature of our neighborhood that we do not have to worry morbidly abnul them or allquhcm to poison on latlnush DISTRICT PACKS GATHER FOR MIDHURST CUBOREE Thu Sllm 1on Wu worm vnmnxcd Mllmnlu dlflcrcd on how ldeyubovn lhn wnlcr llna on lhu Ilnrbonrd Ildc Na uno WM Injuer in col llslnn bclwern lhe Prlns Alex ander and lhn mowlan Silver 1311 uno lnrxul vcsscll In llw irenl Laku rude whosu 7mm ltnxlh lhe maximum hnl can In Into Lawrmro Scnwny locks 11m Lawton Prinz Alexander enrllcr feared lo be Iinkhll wnx haldlnu many hrcukwnlcr In 21 1ch of water Tho pump worn apparently kccpin up whh wnlnr llmdlnx Inlo hcr hold nl lhounh hn mnllnucd lo list or cargo or general good was hcnvfly dnmngcd mmoii It rim culmm Rummy Nurly no ruin pmklmled pran my mum mm CAPE VINCENT CF heavily damaged Dutch ircighler was tied up in harbor hero early today hcr pumps working mlxhiiiy to prevent her sinking following tallision Sunday night with Canadian xrnln carrier no times her weight Viclar Ru Haya de In Turin lhe rantrunner last year whose luad lrigucred he Intervention hymflitary leaders lulled Ihll in lulllll but nunCom munlxl party lhe American Popular Revolutionary Alll ance whlch charged mud ln lvm nmlh central unlm The states Ancash and Calamarca are both centre of AFRA slrenglh LIMA Peru AP Mills Fernando Belaunde led In early mum Emmy mm Perus pm idenual election but vote fraud Innlwo slate may delay the re an chvlans clmse Sunday mm among the same candldalc who ran In the 1m elccllon annulled by the military Two Ships Collide Much Damage Leftist Leads In Peru Vote FERNANDO BELAUNDE Cnvnnaxh in 1m wrnt lnr thnr In Iuppnrl ol Kcnnndyl magnum lumlnx clel Ilkhll the max crlllcnl prnhlrm on lrnnlinl he nnllon lndny mmn rlllul lhnn Cub or flu Back nu up Warner It the linunl mnynn cnnlcrcncu worn Mayor Richard Daley CM can Mayor Jbrnmc Cnvnnnnh Delta Ind Mnynr Joseph mm at Pillsbury HONOLULU AP Presl dcnl Knnncdyl cull or live pclnt yrozrnm la reduce rnclnl lenslon In US clues was 11km up today by mch ho mnsl gawurlul mayor who plcdzcd Mlle In lhmunh New York Mayor Rnbm Wnunnr IBM lho prnsldcnll mmuxc II rnn chnl Innfl and In wlll mm to my lhnl nur conltrtnca adopt molullnn Iuppnrllnx IL plnlslflall Olen Mum bm Holqun mm Wllon MI Mum MInLnonfiqlpgg my Konnedy mnvad wlllly mm omI area 01 crucial national concern to another Ha wax just back ram Honolulu where no made mnlor plea to Ihe 115 mayors lo loln In campaign or raclal rtadJuslmenl The understanding on the Mosmw meeting Ihal It will no be lummltmslun nor forclgn minister conference but rather meeting rcprcsnnll five at Khrushchev Kennedy and Macmillan flu rcptemu live to be men who command lbs highest cnnlldunm Our hope mu lcmnercd with the cumin history Kennedy mid of the conference In hmk 1h nuclear deadlock but with your hope 10 ha hopes 01511 nganind WASHINGTON AP Fm ideni Kennedy announced tuday that he Soviet Premier Khrushchev and British Prime Minister Macmillan will lend special negollalm in mm level cnnlrrcnca in Moscow in mldJnly or new ellort in can elude through In the long and Imslrnh Inz Instban ExchangesKcnncdy also declared an Immediate ban on any US nuclear task In the atmnsphm so long num uzunmen do not test 1th put the xpecIIIc uesIlon oI new round 01 um ear explnslon In the atmosphere up to Khrush chev We will not be he iii5 to resume the president maid in an address prepared 101 com mencement exercises at Amer ican University Such dec laration is no substitute ior formal binding treaty but hope it will help us achicvn one Mayors Support JFK Racial Plan JFK Announces US Ban 0n Tests In Atmosphere NorMoymThanh Par CopyH Pun Rain and Ihunderslarm lunight Cloudy coal Tilesday Low night 45 High tomorrow For lull summary turn to page lwo Local Weather While Home nldcs lcrmcd Iho unlvenlly Address no at mull nlxnIIlrunI vmnuunce mrnll durlnl Kcnmdyl 1V ymr mum nn pmldcnl Thm mu Ipcculnllun he pmidcnl mu plunnlnn new hlrl nr Jolnl EnnHan nclnn lo mm nu clear wenpnnl tutu The pmldcml Iddrul capped liveduy livenude wcslcrn Inur lhnl currlcd hlm mm mllllary lnspccllam tn po Illlcnl uppcnrnnm Ind lwa Illh on civil rights HI New In Wuhlnnlan Sunday 11th mile nujnr Imlxn pnllcy moth today at Ameri can Unlvmily Kennedy made Mmlnula lpmh to ha 650 mayors Sun dny cmphnshing that Nuarou am ccrlnln la wln munl rluhu and cullan on tho clly lenderl to make In process peaceful nvnlullon LONDON outcryDr Sir phen Ward lha London minty ostenpalh who central Ila ure In Britains dam vvlll Icandal WI nrdcrtd held in cunody unlll rillJunu 17 when branpmdlnmntlmy on charge at living on lmmonl Earnings ml Dm Inrtd 11 mt om Md ol Mlnlulu yr munl than Kcnncdy madame announce ment the conference and tha declaration of his own llmlled nous pollcy as two lhl tum malur points speech at the umvcrslty In the lhlrd part he said Finally my fellow Amerl cans lel reexamlne our al lIlude toward peace and ree dam here homa Thu quality and spirit of our own node mus Justify and lupport our on abroad 45 Infill HOPES in fills obviourrcfcrence lo burning US clle righh Inuel ydccnred executive branch nt ail ievei govemmentiacai unis and nuiionaiIn provide and protect imdnm for all ciiilen by all means within their author ity It is the rnsponslhliiiy of lhe legislative branch at all levels whcrcver that anthariiy not naw adequate in main it ndequile Ward Faces Charge Immoral Eamingsi whose pallenl Include members or hlxh society and movie stars is charged with llvlnx wholly or In part on th carnlngx ol prostitution can Jun 1m and June

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