Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 9

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FiredUp Cubs Register 17 Two Wins Over Giants Umllnn I1ll at Hul man llnlwll All Imam WhoI tnh anu INI hmlmmh 111 Only umu Idledultd nulll MM Chlugn 11 Anulu dell L1n11m1 New Ymk linlllmoru mum at Wnnhlnllon pm In Km cm New mk llnlllmun lllhuu Kmmu lly MMer IIIlull In Hflrlll Inrlmul IHIIMI Iru Tod Ban ancluo erlc II ll Chirnnn Jarluon HI cuxclnnnll Mnloney 71 Ind Jny In Al YIllshurlh Krlmnll an and Glbhon HI Sl hulk hum Jll ll IMll Ilrlphllu shun am My Inmu nimmltdl Hrlulll Wrdnudly Mllnnnkru ll Ntw York firm Irnnclmo Chico Ilnclnnnll Illlnhnrm who lhIIndrlrhII 14 Annie Ioullon San Francisco 51 lxmi Chlcun Ln Anxclu Pillxhurnh Clncinnnll Mllwnukm IMlndtlphll Hamlan NEW ank The firedup Cub Iwepl doublchuder rum Sln Fm cum Gilnls and Wed nesduy Ind mulled lulu III with I41qu Cardlnnh or and pllce Just one um buck of tha lendlu Glnnu Chlcalo Cubl with nine mnn wnchinx null and lhlnn an nthlellc dlreclnr Ire giving the rul of the Nullonal Lcuuc nomelhinl In think lbauL By BOB GREEN Amclmd mm prm Writer Coach Mill Schmidt Boxlon Bmlns NHL celllr dweller last season apparenlly wlnlcd Harvey but was overruled by Brui scninldu 000 rensuns than were 50 lhe wnlver price MONTREAL CPLNaw York Rangers have let it be known they are willing to part wllh de fencgmayl Doug Harvey an al hogkey greatest spar KEI rp MIN left Harvey unpmlnctd ram lhc National Hockey Leagues Inlcr nnl drau Wednesday Ieavinx five NHL duh wmlng lo grab the waiver prlu ol 32w By THE CANADIAN PRESS NllknI hva Fldl 5L Ilml II New Nk lminnnll ll Phlln Mllwnuku ll Plluhuuh Lo Annelu Lhkuo San Fundcu ll llomlon Amuiu Former Monlrul Cmadllns defenceman Lou Fontinnln lem hockey real Mum in hgrerwerpr no taken HarVeY Unprotected But No NHL Takers BASEBALL scofi Mom 21 ll II 596 II It 510 21 ll 00 TI 29 17 11 10 015 mm 151 1111 mmmwmmm unannu 21 Hi 407 Ii go um 1m nln Rookle Hay Culp lhrew hreehlller ln leading Phllndel phll Philllu to 50 edge aver he Cardinals Smokey Bums drove In ha winning run In uth pm Pittsburgh Ilrnle up Cindnnlll Rad 54 and fllmu Tad1 lllLhmond ColulnhmN Indtlnlm ll Ihllnlm nth ler ul Lllllc Rock Syrmua ll Mlmll annnlu ll JIchunvlllv liuulll Wlamdly lndlnnlpolll on numlo Illchmand nlumbul llothellrr Hula Rock syncuu Mlanu Town Julmnvlllo Emlcml nlchmand nochul 2r Turanlo lndln poll chhonvull Columbu nuum Alllnln Allie Hock The Cubs weer San Frnn duo mlde ll 10 clurlu In lhzlr IM 11 mm and 11x nine with the lam lenden Mllwnukee Braves nullnslcd le York Men 119 10 In nlngs and In Annch Dadxm bell Houston Call behind Sagdv Koulax The draft whlch wound up lhu NHL UIIIEday annual cnnven llon was dull aflaIr during which only six players were plcked up by Detroit Boston and New York nghlwinger Andy llchcnlan and Huwle Young Demits bud hoy defencemnn were the only Harvey lungUm superstar with Momma Canadlens whn hn been wllh New York as player and coach or the last two seasons in 38 SIX PICKED and ma magnum cuntrm Harvey xuppused to hug willl Rangersor not liking the dry encemam Gum Frldny Mlnnunu In M1 Chlcun Kmm Clly New York Dtlmfl Cluelnnd Wuhinnnn Bolton ll Dlltlmm Richard centre and rookie Red Sullivan ahown key Luguea annual mullnz le York coach Geom chmml at the National an In Mnnkreal CF erzphom COHFOIAWON ll DINMH IT COSTS ONLY 47¢ FOR WEEKS Tnkn Only Mlnum Alk For MlnILOIn Ermmmf lnlrrllllnlnl um Boulhm Dlvlnlan anflen Dlvlllon NEED 5000 Tlll PAY DAY CATCHING omns BREATH 501 Mi MIMI mu mm Na homer by Frank flohln Inn on wllh man Inboard HM Ina rd lurk In onlenllnn mmkl hurl lhm run ham In lhn nrnl nmo ml lwu run pmdutlnl double In the mnnd am In pinch runncr Illl Sllfll with he wlnnlnl run Ind In dnuMcd hnme IHII Mmmkl In Ihl mu lnnlnx of III nllhlu ananhu null to 1m July 00000 hon humicr or the Phil flawed only nulls hy Ken nay lhrvunh Inninu Illiml ha Cnrdln Bayer Ihtn collzmd hll mmd Inllo Ind morn Mlmnn Ilflllld hdnu he 11 ynmld mkla flmck out Ju Hln Jnvier In end lhl name The dropped Card In sh ol Iecond am pm of the pl Plulu Burlm blah ll wllh pinch hll Ilnzll In lhn elnmh Innlnl Ihl Mm Iml Ind doubltd what proud lo be the winner In lhl nllhtup ullml lhl Rldl rqpvqnm mo The Cuba lashed lire hum runs In the IIrsl game but had to but llnle lurk In lalvne lhe nlghlupl Mu Brock mm Ecred In Irnm third wIlh he lla mklnz run when Iha Glnnlx Chuck IIIIIer dropped pup Hy In shorl 1th IIIId In Iha nov Brnle nnnkl hlt lwo homer In lhn llrxl gamr mm Billy Wll llnmx Ken Nubbs and 11er one each For Ihe Ghmu Hur vey Kuenn nnd WHIII May hnd um name home 1nd WIIII Mchvny and Orlando Cepch connected nlghlup Tuesday whcn Red Wings 30 dnrcnceman Run Ingram and rookie Hallie nnger Cmflrr of St Louis Younl perpetually In 01an We may be just lucky ball club al lhe momenl hull couchfloh Kennedy nlfi or could hminu aulld Ilride Only llme will lull LUCK FACTOR The Hebrnlnn who hasnt missed game with New Yurk In ulghl seasnns got caught in lhc dran Rangers Ion hlm unprotected and he was snalchcd up by Baslnn then ton won he Lady Bynz Mamw rlal Trophy In 1959 as the must gentlemanly and accompllshed play Fonawing the draft Detroit announced it had lradod Yaung lq 911cm Blaqk Hawk In com name players exchanged 1n final day plgceedans finance LIMIT Nzw York lrnbhzd an Fun teyne let unprotected by lrolt 29ryurolrt tett wtnxer who cored le loath Ind ltsts In xenon Dttkla Moore whn Innounctd hll rettrzment tut mm was kept an htontmll proltctld llsl Mom Ipplrcntly dbtlded to qult the urn hmuxe he telt Clnndtrru Ivm mdy tn trnda hlm ohvloulty Canndlenl eel they run talk hlm Into coming bltk tor moth xenon 15 ancernnn with nnilon Edward TedHnmp Ion 21yearnld NewYork mu Ire win and only our anal In yur nd An Stnuon Chl cnxoawned cenlre who lulled wllh Bullllo In mum amlw In 20 In Ind 70 llflSII Boston nlsn picked up De lmlla Wayne Riven 21yurnld rankle who played has won wllh llersha the mm ha 320000 drnlt prlce Delmlt shelled out 0000 or new tnl Including our player so qulrcd Tuesday In minor league dralt The three who want In Delmll Wedncsday wgrnlrvln Spentcg rgw EXCHANGED lruuble beam 01 Ice tanlmml that In hlm unnecessary pumi In and his habit dlnppem lug lrom Ihe tum wlll probably end up with Buflala ma Amer Ican Hockey League the CM calo arm Ium Drnlilng mulledIn the lew esl numhnr of player exchnnxed Ingeyeral my BHTSTUNES YIRI mvm IOI BAYFIELD 51 PA 66549 SATURDAY JUNE III US TODAY Admlnlon $100 Fru Puklng PARI MUTUEI WAGERING Rum mumed lr TIRES BEST TWILIGHT BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS BUY THE BUY Innounctd Iprlnz was prqltcged Cnvlnmn Ph Grolt SL1 Boy SKI Whlte SKI Aaron Mll RunsFlood Sl Laull 41 Run lulled ll Robinson indnnu and Alan Sm Franchcn to muGml 71 DonhIeICopedl Sm Fun clsco MumBrock Ind Willilml Chicago Skinner Clnclnnlll and Flood mm nunH Allon 16 Istolen lamBrock and Huh bouhm Vlfllllel hind loll ll mnIenHlnlan Wuhlnuon llnlzn lmuAmrleia Bull 95 alrnmuih Berber more 11 ODdl Sin finn THE AMOCMTED PRES AmyInn MIMI Bu 17017 um WunerrLA 330 Klllnm Dal mm 603 Cluuy KC 11211 35 M0 01 cm 95 nnnrAllllon Mlnnnau Run mm lnMlllon 1W FilmPuma Lu Ansel Stock Baldwin lIIiryldnh In An ML LEHDERS Nllhnu 170 1H 28 112 ll Pet 351 Pol 50 Ml Bulli Hulardl mule last Friday he lone hll the Tribe mun lied on Bulllo len hinder Sleva Dlllun and MI Ilnxla Wednudly night rubbed alum chk Rlckelll noMller nuflalo won the um mm In lularnalluml Lulu double huder Indlnupalh 311111 wlnnlnl the Mamep 91 behind Mike Joya Atllnu rlllled or vlc wry over Symuu and pre mved menlama lend In tha Southern Division Comm blfl blanked Richmond chklanvllle lrimmzd Toronto Don Bulordl knack for Ipoll ln Bullala no hmen ha mud um Indianapallx Indian double humllllllnn In the pan llx dyl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BARRI EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 30129 mACH Buford Spgiljng NO Hitters In IL RR BARRIE wzaxmia 0200 an aim nounns CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE PIy you plny Prlvm mzmbership chkdly laumlmenll Speclnl mu Snack bar Pro Shop Club mm or rent Gnll lesson Jung Juy Au PLAY GOLF at ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB BIO BAY POINT ROAD 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST MENS 91h mm mm by lylh uccmnr can Ira on my yaur rau wtlh mm mm and Faith Mun mm and union nr mm mm mm by ranylh uwrunr Yucun Iran on dllvm yaur lIlII wflh Ivor mm and Ruth Mtnl chum II and mum napv PA 64347 Reuben Gonlez hurled MI elxhlh vlclnry lor Jacksonville mlnal lour deleall alded by homer by Wall Bond and Tony Wuhlnglun Toronto lnslng ll lelh slralzm at human lram Ted Kazamkl Ind llm Caker Jukxonvllle plnned the dam on Run Hemnn now 05 and Arkansal whipped Euch aler 41 Euclieit whosedouble dun III lwn rum In the eilhth or lanlau vlclary over Syncuse to RBI DRIVES IN THREE Buflnla aulfleldlr Joe Chrhla pher drove In thm runs In ths um um and slumd hll nth homer In the nlzhlclp to grab lho runabattadJn Ind ram lAnla Ihaiulon Jerry Bumk Chrmnpher lhe home run gadgnugpedhh mil Vlnlal la 83 will ml urlltumly hurl Mnl MONTREAL CF Al Lender president he Wm urn Hockey League lByl Ihe franchlsc of Spokane Comm has been transferred In Dem or the 1mm unwn Earlier Tornnlo Mania LGl of lhe Nullonnl ankuy Leuue announced purchase 01 the Spo kann cluh1ublecl la the Inn chlse being lranllerred Ia Den ver The purchase was an ha ha Denver bullnmmcn Tarnnln spokesman said nl flu NHL Imnull meellnl 4h Maplo Lula will give he new Denver team mach and phyo but ownership and mnna munl of lhe club wll ha In hands lhv Dcnvevljrgup Elihl playm wllh Spnkq In Iulon now are Map Leary properly Denver Géts WHI Franchisis CANE Cur Anna Ind Dunlap SII CAR WASH ln You In Lm ThIII MINUTES CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION

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