Alter noting that good many bodies are found Just few feet from safety Canadian Red Cross article suggests that the eopie who enter the water unexpectedly do not cal for help The reasons for the deathly silence apoear to be anic ignorance of the situation and downright em arrassment it is with this third point that wish deal At first being too embarrassed to call for help seems feeble reason in fact stupid However Jiist think about it Just think of how many persons you know who clam right up after an embarrassing experience fellow at fancy dinner party might be em barrnssed to silence uï¬on discovering his shirt collar vhas stain on it or put the handkerchief which ihe used to give his shoes one last brushing in his breast pocket itka ouwnoons You can think of much boner incidents Them no doubt have been tlmes when youve wanted to crawl into the nearest hole or just bury your head in the semi 1m EMU EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE null From what can gather from reading articles re garding Water Safety Week which is on right now majority of the drowning are caused by disimnusty the victimsi Bésldes if your life Isnt worth laugh then it isnt worth llvlng iAll the suggestions from any waterwise course are topnotch designed with safety in mlnd the same time get sick feeling as we Canadlans go through WEEK almost every week of the year It seems that every seven days we are reminded of something dllferenl Drownln figures and high wuy traffic fatality figures would ndlcale that maybe we do practise common sense safety just for week at time on any given subject All too often the weeks are observed at peak adverse conditions Examfie Barrie is enjoying its first week of summer an possibly swimming wea ther it is also water safety vcek Couldnt iho Eeopie be reminded it they must be to practise sntcty elora they don their trunks Because the Red Cross states fact that embarrass ment can cause death suggest We become accus tomed to being laughed at More 50 feel we should learn to laugh at ourselves Weekend motorists battling the heave lraiilc hear their radios warning them to be careiu on the high wjys Once on the hot pavement with thundering metal and rubber in front and behind and on either rifle om shouldnt be piagued by constant warnings to Drive Careiuiiy Traiiic is Heavyl QUIT JOCKEY CLUB MONTREAL CF Frank Seiko hn mlmcd vlceprer Idenl of Haul loyal chkey dub wu Announced have em suggestion Ii youre too embarrassed i6 call for help in rough sliuatlon dont go near the water or highway at least not until you va donated to the next Blood Donor Clinic Enjoy Laugh And Stay Alive Every drop of Calvert Old Ryo qunmy comrol chock boloro lonvlnz our dlullllory Your mm In the 07th chock Try light Imoom Cnlvm Old nyo mun pan no rigid CalVert 01d Rye is the 97 check By STEVE JONESCU Tour taste Vednesdly Cnnlmlnr Herbert OConnell hu bten elnclnd la replncu Selke mnnnxlnu dim lor of Montreal Cnnndlenl ho Nnuonll Hockey Mnxue Creemnre flcher Westbrook Lwlrlod sxhmer lo uln hl lhulout Thorntonl Don John stun mowed only our hlu In losing hurlbruker Ho wu toned or Indnit doubla by Scott In tho llllh and looked Ilka ho going to come out of when Gownn grounded out and Westbrook went down swlnxlnz But Hlll lined mm to right Ileld and Scott mold home Single games are schedukd tanlght In he senior and later modiqu leagues whllo two mu Iruon lupln tho lgdlgs Irci Annlher brilliant pllchln duel was stand 1n lha South can menll Leanna lm nlm nl Creemure when Crumnro cat cher Jnhn Hlll tilled want Ilnula In Iha mm huh drlve In Scoll Ind llvn hll fluh 10 victory aver Thom on Hlll proved to be tho blunt alnmbllnu block or Johnuton plcked up Crumorol Int um um Ilnllo In the third Ind another1n the mm Scotll double and twohm blow by wmbrook were tho only cum Crumb ham to reach Johnston Bob Broley Ind Joe Timmonl picked up two single nth 1n Thurnlonn nixhit muck Chu The urnlbr cnnlen will see Slewnrla 113ch 30 Minulnl or gangs wlgh Payrlajlnn Quccna Park Consumera Ga and Harris Jayme meek 645 In Inlcrmcdme Icllnn and IN will be lollnwed by lndles league Kama bulwecn Orlllia and Venues Tho olher ladles mm Newmarkcl where Burl Ind Newmarku cluh Four Games Scheduled For Tonight Creembre Pcfgsts V21 Shiltout Victory SAFE CALL PETROLEUM LIMITED PA 85226 GUALLTY FUEl CLEAN DEPENDABLE PEACOCK BRUCE lerMorrll lummed doubla ml the only other hll of Wulbmk wu llnllI by John Bowmln Khnrnton cum aim in tiring Hummus in thI month when Marti doubled with two out Danni Rnhinlan allowed with wnlk and Wutbrook named dawn ta at Saintly on strike to and the inning and um NEW YORK ANhm Amn leur Athletic Union uld Wad newly ll belllved ngml Dou ulu MchrthmI mm um menl mm It posluon In the truck mt Ind Asked him or rullnl mutant mom crumm Unn nude lhu Illlemem and re am In talemm mt la magnum Wedneldw Tho hlennm Ilmad by Don Ild Hull MU Ixecullvc no nllry uld he organlullon bellaved MacArthurl brlslllnz mlemenl II mudy would remove once and or all lhruu Inlml our lleldlnx lha umnun poulqu United Sula team or lnlunntlnnal oomph Honk Mchflhllfl statement came Iller lhe mm lump the kettle between the MU Ind the college sponmed US Track And Field Federation threatened to ruin th Amerlcnn am or ha track meet with Rush In July or clncal Ihe meet Your ruling nl March clearly lute lhat an open luck and Held meet requlre only MU uncllun We believe ynur mes mlement clearly no Iflrms that poslllon The MU telegram In Mac Arthur laid MU Backed By Statement TEIIYLENE Tll0PICAL Right now Coward Clothes Shop are featur ing the modern way to keep cool in lightweight good looking tropical suits These are lightasabreeze th button styling that wear well with minimum of care with extra pants for extra wear monoy saving Buy at Also cool crisp 2point suits $3995 $4995 $5995 $2995 OWAF DEW 2pant mommy SUITS ï¬r COWARD OFFERS TORONTOS WIDEST CHOICE IN Motor in II IllMIN 31in TOWARD 65 Tmlooo 35 thu ml to our 9th whlla In plan he wak od two ulnle and triple drove in our run and mud plh Smith mflered control trouble at llmus but wu mush In the clutch TRAFFIC JAM The winning pllchm In In nlghll Senior Sonball guns flnublehaader at Queens Park also umed In palannulch at ID plain whlch would mam any much had they come from cleanup bill In Ibo um lamelImvnla Len Belcnurt Imuhed ham run ulna And mud wo mu bald pltcldnl llve hitter as his mum downnd suwlrkr Gama with tougrun nlan Inning The mom lune law Edm RCAF post their second mum wln um losing Him In row and It wu pitcher Al Smlm who paved the way or their vlc mrz qverjgqelgvo youth mulu left mmc km in the lam Illndlnzs Bunla Pluu op the clrcull with three win and Inn for le palms Ind he remalnlni our Iqunds III are Iled with our poinu Slewanx and Truehwe each have 22 records whlla Elm vala and Edzar hlVl two wins Ing Ilugq losge ijec Lea Belcom Ind Jim Ann slronl nl Stewml were hank ed up In nllly pilchlnl duel or noven lnnlnu Elch xuva up our hlls ave lhe Hm le Inning and had only one Ugh pzt lo yngcrgmbla Elmvalo had two men an and one out in the fourth but Illad In acorn while In the ï¬lth lha Ilrs lwu Sluwull halter ren cbed base lately but dldnl move us Belcnurt gut he next we hallm Piitchérschewinsfi In Senior IVContesits 31ch nun taper Edllnr BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Inn the top an pllcher Belcmm led ofl bi crackan Arnjulrml lrsl pllc er home run This should hm hpun the decldln man but In lhu bounm hall the Inning Glam Falconer led at with double and WIN one out pinchhltler 50rd 00w rifled trouer to second bucmu Dnuz Stone The ball went thrnuzh Stones 1m and F11 enner came Around lo scorer It wn In error to Slow lug3A XNNINGS nIIn nan the tum Inln extra lnnlnu Each Ienm wen dnwn In order In Ihe dumb but Elm vnle wrappcd Il up In In nlnth wlzh ourrun Iounhlt mm In thnh they chased nurtu Armrlronz Lendo llnllu by the Bel court brotherl Lou IndLao stoned Armstronl on hlsrvny out of the am No mm to pitch mound lflllllln nlnz up I1l countBukch Boyd was tolled In He wound up walking Stone Humor Barren allowed Ind hl smlflca fly cored Lou Belcourt CH Eey nnld cracked drlvc rlxht and two more runs crowd um plate Boyd 3M Slhhlld on fly to the ouulald Ind Iner walklnl Clm Volllck Elvie ankcnm singled lo loud Ihe buu Dennis Turner who had three xlnï¬lu In hm previous rips draw walk am home Reynolds and Bo llnnlb tired lho slde en Lou Bel court popped out to Lhan stuwanl me good try In um bottom hall 01 lhe Innlnz Pete MCCIMkaYI nyto Ian was rubbed by Slhbnld on Inex ccllenl eflofl Lorne Armslrnnl and BI Berlnm draw Ire passes and BI Bentm was nra on an arm to lead lho bms Belcourl worked hl way llwu gmplush ll VentrrV 55 TWO 45 Wool out lhrenlunlnx alluauun by nlriklnl out Boyd andvllm erlm nu mm LEAD The second game saw Edgar jump on Truelovoa Gary Think for hm quick run on lhclr vlc ufmn Bnb Cums opened the rim Inning Ind was sale on an ur rr Terry Easlhnlm Inllnwed with an Inï¬eld slum and AI bmuh gave himself worklng room when he drove ln bolh rum with rlple la la can Ire He scored an Chuck Blun chgrdg nutmeg fly Smith walked hrce 1n the bottom hall of the lnnlnx lircd wild pitch and to Add to his catcher Chuck Blanchard hid passed ball charged Ilulm him and second base man Gard Roy hnd an war But despm all his ltuelave manzed only one run may let Ihe buses londed Truelava hnd annlher runner cut gown at the plate lnlhe uconds¢ored single run In the thlrd and again had hun mt nabbed trying Io ranch harm on wild pitch In the ï¬lth Truelnverlirst twu hatter worn sale on an ermr and an Inter ference call but aznln they lulled to take Advantage of the opportunlty and Smith at the next three batters COSTLY ERROR Mennwhlle Gary Thirsk was workan 00 Ind Illclenlly on Illa Tmelove mound Alter re cuvtflni mm the ï¬rst lnnlng he remed 15 of tha nexlla but lm he need He was in Iran bIe In the man when Eulhakn walked and Smith rifled lth up lha middle whlch got by cenlre fielder ChmHa Haxllnn nnd both runners noted wu chimed as single and III er ror Chuck Blanchard blasted home run Inr the Ihlrd Ednr 55 Tmhm 45 Wool CLOTHES SHOPS fun In In ulna und the vhuu now had Mud Truelove no two back In IheIr half at he lnnlnli but In the savenIh SmIIh smuho ed lworun double on Dykstn who came on In re lIeve ThIrsk In the Inning and SmIIh had IlIIIe lrnuhIe wIlh Iruelnv In he ballom hall the Irnmc DENIES AGREEMENT PHILADELFHM lAFlPcll erzlnlt presldentol the Na tlonal Football Leann Plan Assoclnuan denled Wednesday that he or any other player agreed lo clause In the callus pension plan that would deprlva layn his penslon he 14 Kaly played nut hl conlrucl and went to another league The penslun plan dls utebmke out when Bruce has ey San Fran clscn guard clalmed Tuesday that llu league we using the penslnn plnn al lever In con tract nexutlatlonmy REPAIRS 10 ALL MAKES 0F CARS ROTO TILLERS LAWN Mbwzms OUTBOARD MUEORS 11 ESSA RD PA 2211 II HI Molar Wt Fl KITCHENS Weldlnl Towing