Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 6

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555 BARBIE EXAMINER mmnn JUNE ma By GARRY MYERS PM Suppow there were no Mhu mature In the world but co ple Suppole there warn 1m llh no birds no animals Wouldnt lhll be menu wry111 Sup on we cauld never sea mu ml min nm or rylng up tree Suppola we could never bird building nest or ceding nu bibles or could never hear llllnz Suppose we never saw Iwnllow ml through the Mr or my robin learning to fly SII an we never law baby LII or duckling or kitten LIIth duckling kiln eating its um meal Summon wa never anw he athennz honey ram flower or heard it buzzing through the lit Suppose we nevernw and or wntched It eatlng bug or in the garden Suppnsu we never watched ants hurry hero and them an the ground or garter ennka slowly new In on the lawn now ABOUT TIllSE7 little rab blt gently In your hands or uny puppy or kitty Did you ever feel In earthwormcrawl helween your lacs or fingers ar luzzy caterpillar crecplnl up your nrmI Dlrl you ever see mule elowly crawllng onlhe ground or closing up llll house with hlx feel and head and tell all lnslde on you harm tho rabbit puPDY or kitty on purpose Would you crush the worm or cuterpillar lust for M1 Would ou turn that tuxHe on in back not Io lee It struggle Would on place It where It Inlth he urn Would you hold gold fish In your hand out of water no ll couldnt bruthe Some young children have not lumed to be gcnlle to Inlmals So their plrenu Ind other per anl mull thaw these 11er chll dren how to very genlle wuh hue creature Parents Should Tgach Childxén To Handle House Pets Gently No you wnuld not make any crulura Iufler on purpose Dunlop all VwrltuldawnonlhoulfimlaMllallwlhl nlnumvmlnfl lullnpwlylhllMolhllllhlullwwflio llwIIlhmmht quilflylnlmumullimbrcl upzmyu hula nhcdulmtl Mn swam uquIblmmnrmvdwl mun mt no KIWI um mm In Inn Dull pun mu €an lmrl Holman am wllhflm Mn pm muupumlhwm ilvmmvmllv nmlaooovmhlNmonhluumlwmlum mmlupl 1wMIwlmcwnmnnryjmdmmmwulmm mmva ondMoHAlMxnlalaulhmelml 14 CU FT REFRIGERATOR WITH 100 LB FREEZER MONA mm REFRIMRMDR When You Purchase New HAIR DRYER HARISWARE ELECTRIC Evtnwllh Em like rabbits puppies and lllnns Iha child of two or three may no he genus mouth He may pull the crdaluraa em or lm by in hnlr or fur Even some children our six or cider hava not legrnedo handlq pct tenderly Sometimes kill or puppy handled roughly wli scraich or bite This in the only my he can prulecl himwli when he it hurt Then lame young children will hi pet You may hav mu child llk that You may also have seen In older child how mun Bk birds plzaon or squirrel 1n the park my not com up to such child to eat food ran his hand If you have pet In you are klnd In You are very caljelul not hurt It You my know lame boy and glrls who large to red on Somebody mus remlnd them or take we ll or them Bul you In grown up You like good can of your pet How old must child hi to benhle lo aka complete care of his pen The Ladiu Auxiliary in the Barrie Builders Association met the Continental Inn ior the regular dinner mming Presi dent Mn Ernest Alexander was chairman of he eveningr pm lfflm demonstration of parlable eleclrlc appliance was shown by Mrs Hurst oi the Ontario Hydro Mrs Hum revealed haw it possible In cook lull course meal by usan various new appliances The speaker wns thanked by Mrs William Elsnn Prizes were won by Mrs Charles Alexander Mu Ernest Walfeylden and Mrs Gordan Slimu The llnal meeting or the sen son wlll be held on June 13 Speaker Reveals Cooking Secreis 34995 PA 82431 Standards varlezmd mum with palm created the back mund selllng or the weddlng of MI Marilyn Ruth Waxnice la Albert Ramsay Grillin 1n Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev Williams Mllclnted the atlcrnuon ceremony Juan The Weddlnz Sour and Can xzcratlan were lung by NIH JoAnne McLean ol Toronlo Ic companled by the organ Ml Jonn Blackburn 01 Thamhlll The brlde In the danthler of Mr and Mrs Russell Lloyd anlm BETTIE The bridegroom ls the son cl Mr and MIL Albert Grlllln Cal dpnln Road Toronto BRIDAL GOWN The brlde wu glven in mar flux by her lnlher Far lhll Ipeclal day the brlde chase lawn of Aheer nylan aver tnllela loallaped Iabrlnl neckline ol Chantilly lace dulled wllh Iced pearl and sequln enhanced the filled bodice cl lhe town The floor length Iklrl wu adorned with appllquu ol Chunlllly lace mm the walslllne the chapel raln of the lawn flown purl and sequin held he double llluxlon lulle vell The brlde carrlcd cascade ol rad row and Ilephnnolls ATTENDAMS The hrlde was allcndcd by KL Donald Wardlc or Harris at malrnn honor Miss Sharon Hay Ml Shelia bath llama Ind Mlu Lln Yokum alwllnnd wm bridelmnws The Attendant wm Ilmllnr owns 01 Ihrtmp ptnk urznnu aver tuttttl Th drum wm lnhloned with titted hndlcu and In Iktrtx Fabric mu Idomed th wntxtltnu nnd back at the hid uvw all run nce It We at clan ml nml III in palm ndy 11 her huh an Iollon ll nbnul min mi her plml of bru In dldnl nnl In any guy Ila didnt havan In Bur Ann LInderI My Ion who II min hlI homa with ma He II Illncllvo well bum bu nn emlltnl proluIlannl mlnu mnku about 115000 Mr mi km hII he Hm dlmI umtd didnt lhmw om old Ihm Ind HI hod wur lhrm llll lhey Na wlll not out it bo um II can uney Ila hII Invllad few 11 Mu tnr dinner but 09 VlurhIalh¢rr uredt pro lmlonnl hllp bul of tonne he ll bouun It would Ink Mm whirl lull thulllu In wnnll to In mnmy In Your mmllun my nr hlm luln mlhlnl Hm dounl mm lul haul unml lool mmwnc In VIII Ilm Indnn unl All my mm In lhln hotum Um lollon um Man wmlv lo Ann Linden Ihry would IIII For NImu Molhnr Dny Ind my blrlhdny he lvn hrtk bmum Arronan lo hlm You aint hen money dont know how he ID dol lartruly Ill lllhfl wu nuver Illu um And hIvrn known No In luv Mend beau he dmnt unl to to my pl lhnl mall menu am hml Ilck lhnl ha mhslnu nul on murh lhnl II wuflhwhllo And lnlmulnl III mm mm lulu rlp although know he lm 1000 In llm hunk Whll an d01lllfl MMIIIJI MUM taxman JuneBride Wears Traditional GoWn ANN LANDERS Is His Bank Book His Favorite Book ME AND MRS ALBERT EAMSAY GBJFFN skirts lnelr headdressel were mach me with wells The reception was held at Haystalr Lodge The brldal mother reserved wearln gown of Mn lace accented 1h while Icceuorlen Her comm wnl plrgk Iaqu whilq mum 6n ielurn mm ha weddlnz trlp he newlywed will reside It Wllnn Avgmge rorgymi The Imomsman was Russ Law of Toronto Blll Grmln Tor onto Gerald Warnlca and John anicn both Barrie were usherl RECEPTION Auislinm the bfldexroornn mother we mired In gown of beige lac enhanced wllh mauve ha and comu mnuvo Ind white mum For Vlravelllirgiha hrlde ware pink ahenlh dress with Inch And while necessaries Guest Illended mini Nofih Bay Wnlland Toronla Grlmlby and Chlcun Illlnoll TORONm CF Twenty uven women Ind on man rep resenting the Volca Women wll leave June or l0 Eu ropean cannula lo enlist the support women or the pm med Unltcd Natlnns Year nternallonal Jooperation to ho cclzbrntcd In ms The group compound 75 CA nndlnnc lwo Amtrlcanl nnd one Dnhnmlln will be by Mn den nxcker ol hnonlo culoundcr and chllrmnn nl tho womenl lnlcmallnnul llllwn hm about lo laid aw thing about MI xlrl whldn was no lmu er but rlcndl hmlhu wnl In lhn crowd only didnt din lhc connccflan llll lnltr Ila wrnl buck and hllhbed Vtry lhlnu Eha puud lhq Warm llon on lo Um llrl Yulardny heal ulrl um um novar wunltd In no my luxn Dur um Youmllx Youve hd Hunter And It rnuldnl hIV hppemd la blutr louu Im Ilci MM Nahuatl uni lo mum lhlnu Whll an daYIMTE MYSELF Your thlnm or wulrlnt lhlnn In mlxhy nllm hul urh ol the guy And Udmll gnu at nm vmrd mny Ilfl nck lo her And perhle Ihcll lorllvn you Dur Ann Lande am It In lo var Immflnnl pm In hw we with an thully nlu buy wnlnl About mmrlhlnt nnll ll ynu muM Ho ll lm nun would thI mm nl mind TM my who nlml ma lunl wry nuphhllrnlnl Illll Im amid wont buy will In Imrmnlnvlnhla wlllmul Im lmcnuw lhq unm ll an nnlllclnl llawrr Ihlrh could mr In cm dunl In 1le mm WnuM lhll In mill at whimMIR IN QUEIIION Don Wu In mumx Inu ullllclal low In ml your dale doen1 Inlnl mm In new ml or huvvnl la dont Ilan It well ynur nod Um 0m menu ul mn urlly II lho anHy lu umlool Mun Mth m1 lmvmllnl and lenl II In Ink lhh QIKIUM WHI ll mllilr thin mm mm new COIIMGI VoW Delegates To Tour Europe tram In hym Péople Lgse Indivflduanty Living Behifid Iron Curtain Elmvala thyterlun Church was hm to the mlnllten Ind repreunlauve elder0 EmIa Presbyteryfnnd the ladle of Barrie thyurlll which brought delgzales from all Slm lariaCounty and Munkoku DIM The lesslnn ned at no Mn $n Wychflp Pam Hall or whlch thank and appredaflnn so to the luv Leckle and the mgmbgfa of Wyclllfe Chullchz Vflllge at Elmvala by letter mm the Reeve wancad by the moderntor ol Presbytery Rev Dr Jack Hunuvllla Rev Ros Adams cl Barrie ex tended trunk to the ladies or the dinner and hospitality shown ha Buests xnmns whncom Mn McClung prenlden of lame Presbyterm mud fleasure in welcoming Ind to her home church Words 91 welcnme from thalnézl lux 1er war 1ny axlended by President M11 McGuire The morning meeting dosed with prayer by Mn Stone Hillsdnle Tun aflumoon xeulon devo tion were led by Mn Bruce Edgar and Mrar Edna Edgar of Angus The altering dedication prayer was liven by Mn Gauley Sr Angus Mr Cumming Barrie Ind Mrs Brown of Mealard gave Interesting upon del enlu to Synodicnl 1n Galt last month Mrr Mathm of Stay uer detegata to Young Wumenl Cnnlerenca at Klngxton um very lnformnuv report on lha Insplrntlon she received there The speaker introduced by Mrs Black was Rev boper of the Minion Board who brought pn enllzhian inrmemga on condition oi the churches behind iha iron Curiain which wu Iuppiemenl ¢dby gldures Mr Cooper had um hand Inlormallan line he hld VIII ed that area in an Interest oi ixqggralon ng the ghyrq Immigration nid REV Cooper ha been akin place over since um buim of lime vzn back in the iima Abraham peopll mimic they wan to like their indi uans with them Ind an impor um one oi then in lheir arm olvvqgthip While would be happy accept them mm our churchu this would not ha xivlnl them the Irzedom they expect In Cun nda Hun Mr Cooper ms nu aver La obmve condlflunl and commlllce for MI hlckcr husband loe mlulonl leader will mornle thu FWD IIIM NIWIIILIIIIH IIHIIIWIIAMII Ill flllflfll WW fizlfififififmfli Couple Tnnfllnl IIImy all DH NIH loMl Phylumv III up UnhlnhHl Mllyw Minn In Inm JIMHIM OfllvIMII 1va amide homlhe Chard in Can Idllmlghthglp thus people neplctureimowed many bgnnmm churches thn mu bird work Chgltlnm IGV ml your Ixo cloud nunround ed with barbed wlre wlnduwn broken and wonth oxhidden by Lhufiuulnn government On 11 lldes misled Mr Coop arthra wan Inch acumen lo lier nbout Canal and the mullet then countries un der the Russian heel should ever 0pm them would be one huge exodus to Canada SAD RACE HI plclum at people In flu Ukrnlne mowed sad hard working peopla wllh Iw hope lreedom in the future There walno din of laughter or lay hut look olrmpldon ll they SYur Wmuty on her meucnilyscaled compressor Oneyear warranty on 01 en tiro recur protecu mm damn In material or work manahip lYur Food swllln Wor nnly Protect min rho Inn Iood coverage up to $20000 It no Addlllonal chime Approul Approved by Qanndlan Standard Anodi lhue new uchlleclurnhlyle RCA WHIRLPOOL reezerl rive you the 1mm food xlor age capacity er floor area and new canvenlmca feature youve alwnyl wanted All 0ver pflmn reeling uurlam capture 100d flavour It perk Ind malnlaln tho nalurll flpvnw goodneu by conmnl justrllhl lemperuluru R¢KWHii¥li5b0L FREEZER III DUNLOP ST MODEL 10 onarck Refrgcregjpggn 70 II MMIAMI mmmm WWII liloIO NM Iml lI plauty oleparity lo slot 01 Hum hull load Iml la lup lmon lmdl My mum hum OI NIH HOD MOI Illlfll zlwllypo up ll lllll HnI Illa My My mjny your mnnoruvlnl mun nod mdlll In In llnl IIIl MW run GIMOIOW MM NAIIDIYIIIIm NM Ill All INJHIMMIWIWHNIIH Amonls msmvmn nus 5mm IAYMILD ITRllT BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION wnlchaL Ind vdumd 1k ovary tum Mr Cooper remnrked on the ml dlmrance II he around over 1hr border Into MunII which ll got underlunlgn rule Here the purple hurled and talked on the street and HI was more mine In trylnl to mink of ward to delcrlbs the dlflerencn he lhaulht Frcedom the xenon Mnny olhapeople are hard ed Into cnmpuo work or the lllle In thelecamps ll every known We and crime and when peopierbecome too old ar 11 In work or the mate hey are turned out Muller and die unlua taken In by rivals lam lIas who an ill lord It Food L1 lanulul and chain buy no var My onple cannot decide wing they are 10111 to FREE ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER Whln You Purchm Ncw Hf om 0000 MY OI In low MN luIly lulu to VII an Connu hm VIII Ir MIMI anyml mule lmxu Wood And mm in mlku mm wunurmnmn uvmnu Am WIT Tlllll um um KKZII ucmmnqmuvv ant or flu day Somwzhlfaln An oflln ll decided what kind nl men 15 to be cam on certain dny and the butcher Ihnpl wlll only he allowed fly that mgnt 9n Qua dug People under Rueelnn or Co munlsl ml lone all lndlvldun lam They become property the flute nuHhe stale become lhelr God However Mn Coo er exprenK Iurprlle and null Ic llon llml there were Chrlellanl there who were no alrald In nd ml which Ihowed um God know no Iron curlaln and the He has Hll people everywhere and H15 plane lar then people remn to he Ieen Mu Meme Nottawn thanked Mr Coopen Mrs Rex Adams BAH1e of the Courtes les committee thanked all who my milks 1n lhlarrnceunn Rev Cooper pronounced the benediction am which tho wms mm ahanoon tea TIMES CHANGE Londons Royal Shakespun Theatre may mm three Idencn Minn plm by Amerlcln lu thor Ray Budhury next lull an 1M Jun 29th PA £4059 Jr

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