Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 5

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47 vvvvvvv Naml mm balm ovum Am CANADA TRUST 1Munuu nu UN DENISE JulIII In Vlmrlsr oulllnlng lhnlm l4 Amrlnlu nurlculluml npre Imlnllvn WI llummu conduci ul dunnnflmllon min lwo nulmnh lur rumpanIun Ha polnlrd am the hnmvlnnl lcn Iurr In luck lur In udnlnfl IN uflle luh MHIKH wlm Ilmkr pxrpnml lupin were Lyndl VimIn Ikmanu puru nmnln nml Imurl In Ilubh nllflm wnrhlt Hy Trd STAYNHI Sprclnh de momlrallnn nn hm judalnz hlnhllghw ncrnl nmllnu ho Naflnwnmu Amt Dairy Ami lice nll iluh hrld nl Hm lnrm or lllll Vnnclw rcflnhln lnIonnnnt snId Wednesday tho Conservntlvn zavernmcnl had In Inc made lwopmnzcd pmposnl pm whlch wal In many Vinyl IImI Inr In the luggcxtlon mnmnllnz Imm WnshInxlan oI pullan more Iiuhlur plnnu on US bum In Cnnnda 0m purl III the CanndIan pro nl wnl Ihnl nuclcnr war zndn bu filled In um Damn quIIu II tho lwo nnllIIrcrnIl quIIo bases In Cnnndn at North Bay OnI Ind Mn cnln Que sun ranklc members the former mlniflry lhal lho US mm department said In 1L celebrated pm release Jun 89 lhnl Canada had made no pauln sumclcnuy practlca to contribute Io North American delcnce lvu regrd such proposal III in essence that put orwaxd by Ihe Cann dian government to the Unilcd State In year during dimm llans an acquisition of nuclear Irma Im Canadian mu err Ixaxcd In Nonh American do Calf Club Meeting At Stayner Discusses Judging Beef Cattle 01TAWA CPDIt was like dropping acid in An ulcer to member he lonner Con servative government to hear Defence Mlnlsler Hellyer any last week he Americans am thinking of asking Canada to nllow hem In llallou additional Heller giants In funds In the engineers repnr to council dated June he ald last Friday was almost com ylele loss worklng day The mnlraclor muldnt muve the steel box alter local lng he watermain Ind gas vkuuuv Ian ultlu confined to plague Cmmwell Cansuucuon Cc employee on the village sewer prqject um nun om Nuclear Fracas Still Rankling On Sunday Julie 530 Russ Caldwell wlll pmenl hl Codrlngum Boyx Chorus In hits from Oliver as pan the Russ Caldwell Sinzen Elmvale Sewer Project Slowed By New Delays ELM Smllannstmc BROADWAY COMES TO BARBIE TV THUR FIT III lhn dlmm Lwrlod Aller wnnb mrmhcrl ur mum him on nunder ur hm nllmrnln Tam Jenkin nunmwr nulnlunt nxrlculluul reprmnullve talk ed on he nlnu 4H club work Ila laid lho member hhul mu ll nmnhrrn mould lry la Ilrulnp lhrmsrlvu Fur live nm In ucrlul ol June HI tluh medlnal hm Inn dixcnnlinuml while mrm hm wrllu mum at ullwl rum with out rot Moat rlnxnnnn land until Now that Mr llcllycr has sald Infurmnl Inlimnlluns hava bun tccelvcd um um US want In lend more pluncl In Canada Ihn Conservative ar gua that wasnl mud be Cnnadlnn proposal um wm urh ncrcptnblo last Dmmber lhn zavcmmenl whlch made It TM Iuggusllon evidently wn unamplnbla la the Amcrlctuu ul lh lime or wilhln month of II bolnl made Ihe Emu da pnrlml wns dnurlblnz not Mllclcnny pradlcnl In con mbuln slitdiver In North American delcnce Thu Iewnd part of plan envluzcd Cnnada llvc Voodoo 1e llzlller Iqundmna lar wlllch there are both nuclear and con ventional unnuman nhilllnz In Amarlcnn bum lor nuclear lnlnlng whlle an equal at even nealer number of Amerlcan aquadmm moved uplo Crun dlnn haul The lMarmanl said this mix lng part could have been lined lo the missile within five min me warning of lppmadh In enemy airman Thl would be well within 1he period be tween lint warning at an nlr Illnck and Ihe anlval of he plane within Bomm mun Flnl Mn Mar But the nussilmlinng mocha nlsm was to be rendered Inap mble by remavnl an essen aal pm which would remain In US custody By this lime here was to much pressdre an the box that took three dump trucks one louder and tow lmck move It Ihe program reer comin ued By Ihe Ilme 0hr box was moved here was lime left In only on pipe KID GAlAHAD main It George and Amelia Sh on Hmrsday The box was not In position ready la be moved 311 Friday spring showt Journey Into MelodySpectnl guests on th TV show will bet he Barrie Collegiate Bandl Wuodwlnd Octet Pictured above are Work cahllnued aIrnrTEAmclla CmMAizocfi comm um 0M lltultlcfllfll mmuw loam Wlll IIIYIII Thu rnynl will Inn mmle up 00 cent and wlll lm worth 10 Ihllllnul lulmul 20 In tht prurnl currency Ilnll unld lho omnmenl dr ddrd hr nnmo mynl hid Itle ms rmphnshmu Anu mllu llnk wllh llrllnln and II ullunlllrd won will plant In mund CANflEllnA UlnflnflAuh lrnllna tunic unit who firm nvtr In dcc known lha rnynl Inlml Trmurer Harald on nn nouncnd Wrdnudny Miss nurbm Vanath lurncd 1mm Toronto where he Ll laklnx Ibmlncs course to mend Ihn wcrkcnd wllh hcr par ents Mr and Mrs Georg Vrn lhlu Nelson 5L Allislan Ind help celebrm hcr Inmerl birthday Mm Womble cnltr lnlncd mml Mde naighbou Ind relnllm on Saturday mn lnx with Iurprln hlrlhdly rly or Mr thnhlu ALLISTON Speclnl Mr Ind Mu John Lcwll and Mr Ind Mn Mun Swan Allislon VI 1ch during he weekend at tha Slnyner home of Mr and Mn llnrnld Cnrxclddrn Those Alran pm were Jln Ice chwn nannle Webb Myrna Smith Mlcluel Fink beiner Sunn Hopkins Norm Coehnnc Dllm Bell Elllne Johnwm ohmllne Finkhelner David Ron Pllficla Hnnc THORNTON Specill The realm by the piano pupil al Mrs Jun Bilrk misled by vocnl group under the iuder xhip ul Mn Wm wu heid In Trinin United Church Ind well mended Australian Money On Royal System The contrac1nr has Merl in the past week In proceed with cleanup work the repart con cluded Even at Huh time lhe trendms slam the lanewny and easements are quite mfl Onca ggutn we Isk pcnplo lo bear with us St with good progréss madeln apllu one day Ins lhmugh bag weather lenglh ul plpe ln stalled lasl week was 152 eel Alsa one manhole was Install Thornton Piano Pupils Stage Recital In Trinity Church Jim Mulchinodr Jon While Tim Bilkey and imy Excii oi the boyl chums Marc Kramer and Carolyn Pile he iow ciarineiisis and Kristin Emberson nbnlsl the oclel ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES Ind Ind Wm old that he had mm mm rcmovlnu ho cant lrllon lllmpl mm ch ucs Krlhl lesllflld Ho nlsn lo ma he had bank ncmnl Elup or mhlna clucquu nr unme unn llkg gm INTIIEDOOHOUBE Krlbl qunted Buullurd my lnx lhm would be no dilllcully cashing lho cheque bccnuu noullum nu Invnslixnllnx om Lcr In use delta cheques ulumulely would be Ivan lhu thtque whcn il lurnnd up Ihmnzh lhu bnnklnl mum and could dispose II OTTAWA Cplll man wllh lo criminal mnviciiom lcsliiicd Wednudny that uRCMP Sgt Jnscph Bouiinrd charged wilh forging Ind ulierinx min government pny cheque ad vised him one how to cash min chequei William Ross Krlbl 38 hroughl here irom Kingston penilcnimry where ha mrvinl lwoyour lcrm ior iaise pre lmcu loin llnuiiurdl irinl hut be moi he lhon ilCMl niiicnr in an Oilnwn lavnm in January um WWW nlunlu Fisher Bonnle Fisher Judy Ron Nlncy Bell Sunn Ixper Bonnie Rllney Damn Hurrls Shryn Eon nosemry Johnwn Dlmne Cooper Judy Tremor Nelnka Kluunermln Shirley Wlllllmann Thompson June Cooper TONIGHT FRI SAT nu mm mm Anerlhe milll xifli wet prurnled to flu Blink and Mn Wma Romy gulpchug Argn Allmln SHHNTY BAY ALLISTON Special 1112 Alllston Mens Bowling Dengue enlemlned wives and girl friend It he Inuull endoi lheqeuou bowling hnnquel In Mrs Websterxwm blue gown with ma comm Guest danced lo the Belle Mn Drcheatn from Moon stone For lunch lhe Iable were decanted with flowen stone For lunch he Iable were decanted with flowen whle the head hhle wu cen red with unlque horseshoe shlped weddingenke with the Told How To Cash Stolen Cheque Nmse who tend mule Fm uch yenr hlVE Mn Webster thank for Ihe organ music pllyed In the exhibits hullrflug1 Th1 busy couple no owners of Column lodge Alconn Bud Jack also well known or work with TV Ind an organ company Both IN well known or musical ability and He never loo busy to help out with plum Ind nxophqne Th um mnllnulnl Jack Webster Ind Murlel lKelIy were mnrfled ll SL Hudel Angllunchurch Thom Ion on Wednesday June 1938 by Roy Mr Blnke At tangnu were mild ot honor Helen Kelly Mn Moons Slllfl of the bride Ind Oawnl McKenua of St Cllhlrines ho whom were present sumy lo enjoy the celeb Hod The Webster hlva two dlu shim Ind one um Ann Mp emun Gilmore Bun19 Mary Ind Dnvid ll home Ind one gnndson Brian sonol Mr Ind Mn Vernon Gilmore smoun Special sndr dlynlh¢lamlly Ind friend galhelvd nrstmud Cnmmunlly Hull to help Lind hm Vnck Webster calehnte Lhelr 25th wedding anniversary Thejre uptlon wu plmned by their funny Alliston Béwlers Receive Trophies mo HITS Wllh liuy Ilmmlnl Mann um couple At Strand Married 25 Years ppmm III II II GIIIIIIII nmuu 1M Kennyx Gardens In Bunla The group met It the Animal Buwl lug Alley where they banded bus which look Him In Bir tie to upper Ind In avenlng of dlncinz twist Ind Dmbo comestx Mlcrwlrdl In party John erlln wu chlmp In the limbo roman clurlng lha md II In pmxlmncly 23 whlla Lre flnhcrgu and MI pallner wen laps In lho lwlu mulesl In Sum Johnson own lb Alllllon Bowl was regu llr flay In U11 league he bowlng cllnblhhmcm wu preunlcd by Ml Ion Jlm John son who lhmked the group or lhclr pnlmnlge Ind mop man during the yen Jlm Ilsa Icccpted Imphy on be hull of III bmlhcr Mm wu ab Itnl The new lxccullvc for lhc mien In coma comm n1 prenldcm Len Hull ncrnllry ervcy Lloyd Ind lmlurer lhrvcy lhpson 1nihe absence of Ielgua pres ident Mike Lohsinger mailm phiu wen prexnnieri by the munnr Ken McCliium iallowu hued on the more let the yen high Ivenge Don Mackenxi 1210 high single without hmdiup Harvey ilIni son 58 high single wilh ihlfldklp Gard Jordan 215 high triple wilhoul hlndiup George Noble 788 high pie with binding Ken MCCII lum 904 high team The 01 iuns Len lilii Mike Lohsing er Don hilckenue lager Tur coii Will Dnbisnn Moni Du iin Gearge eriin Ind Sun Johnson based on the nine glme pinyaiil high more at lhe nine gums Funk Gmner 1808 high Ilngie Reg Smith 159 high tum Evereii Bob Johnson iilrvey iilnwn Humy Lloyd John Martin Bob Nolhnagci uni Fred Bliley clnl guests wen the MI when Roy Kelly Ml ple and Mn McKenzla St Cnlhnlnes Mr Ind Mrs John Kelly Ind two dlughlers finIla Mn Moore Thorn an amny belulflul gm Ind end of good wishes were re ceived Imong burn five plec silver lcl servlce from 11 hmlly Ind silver table centrepieca Ind flowers from Huh Lh Line friends Ind nzlzhbors Inscription Happy Anniverx lry DadMom Follawing we luncheOn Tom APallenden Blrrle read Whimsical history 91 file Illa the bridc and George Mul holland highlighted the exper lenceto the gmm STARS MUST BE OUT OF WHACK Miss Marx denied liIe charge and predicted Judge Rodney Weiss would acquit her sorry lo diseppalnl her Judge Weiss said On hundred dallau and costs ST LOUIS MAEMiss Helen Marx appearml In mun on dimg ur tulle ll Detective Lorraine Gedm testified may that Mlss Mprx accepted $12 to fare cas her allure TRACTOR kiwi Highway Nevlh Imh PA um Pollards new P62 has the most wanted plus features Oath n4 palm hall In ml whim low 1m dquI HIIOMDI gull lam Well Minced lly mum by and mu Nmnmltll duh Imh NIUMM full umlmr Mn Ildlh in 0000 um mm ulhcr Iypn at in on mnlnlmmu ulnllm luv Mill um Mn pul Iryl bull mu buying um Ihmflwul 111M lull Ind lulu windme wltll 50 It In hi nullDry In ndm nilI II III Indpi DI lbn in ynn YOUR Dollars and lay PARTRIDGE SAVE prkvnfo luneml wu hzld In flrnnllnrd Inlcrmml WI In Funinan Gunnery urnnllord Sympnlhy ll ulcndcd lo Mrl Whitaker and daughter Jay Mn nan Hodge mm and um an rum Cnlxur mcrharfinl Icrvlcavfll iéld nm Monday In El Thumus Church Mr Whitaker spent leverI years here nnd gnlned many hlmdL He was member of St Thomns Church and lhl me III denlh ml the rm lurx warden SHANTY BAY Special Th vlllnge was laddch Friday lemoun to learn the death In Royal Victoria Haspltll ol Ewm Glndslune Whilnker Mn Frank Lockmrl Inst1 lcd the new officers for 198364 They Ire President Mn Don Bully fluepresidents Mn Kampera Allck Sumter miny Mrs John Donnell trenuxer Mn Ken three member Inge Mn Mumy laughed Mn lunger Ind Mrs Akm ALLISTON Special M11 Margaret Tnylor ham ecunnm Isl 101 South Simcoe and Du erln counliu has resigned Al May 32 ugrlcullurnl repre senHlva Keith Mcfluer In nounm In her three year here Mn Taylor has become well known or her work In 4H homemak lng clubs Mr And Mn Taylor mov ing to lemrkll Business inciuded pllil for the picnic in be haid on the schooivgrounds on Juno with supper At pm Film or line booth or the Filth Line Reun ion Associltion Minion whidl is being heid an Suturdey Juiy on the school grounds were discussed Mn Don Bulty re ported hit all those trying the St John first lld course held urlier were luccessiui in their sum CHURCHILL Speclll The Home Ind School Amclnlon held Ila executive Illd regullr meellng the school on Mon dly evanlnz wllhhin Lund In charge of In mecllnz Summer asslsmn agricullunl representative Tom 12an ex plalned the varlous land forms the aclars which determine the type of loll um step 1n the pro dnmlon of soil the composition of soll and the steps to iucml In anb projects Guest at the meeting wu Dale Miller larmrly the mum ngricunural repmemnllve Pexerbnrough County He aka Ipoko on aspect Hi club work Pmldpafing will lflmlnuu lalks onuslgned subject were these memben John Mc Donald discussing 01 types Larry Tremor sol nulrlenu David Wanless maintenance of soil fertility and methods imprnvlng lerlllity BEETON Spec Sail min agement was Mde by mem ber of the BeeIon 4HCom Gull and Potato clubs at Saint meeflnl held In the Com munityCenlre Area 4H Worker Resigns May 31 4e Discusses Soil Typesv And Fertility Churchill find Picnic June 27 OBITUARY mu mum Mm mam mu mm IMnu hflw W53 Papabakériol Tami0 Amml flu mlny lilll receiv ed was an upholsllred thalr and 25 red mm from Mr Sul nnn malher brother Ind IIF SHANTY BAY Special Mr Ind Mn Wlllfl Sultan emer mm lboul 100 friend And neighbor June to cexebnu weir 25m wedding Annivemry They were married al Strand the home al the bridel par ents Mr Ind Mrs Luke Shn tell My 28 um by Ruv ewm ormer iown ship messar came in council regarding litter which included couple oi old can let on his properly which adjoins the my dump now being timed He reminded council um lASl lull molio had been passed that Ibis work was Io be aliena ed to He also claimed that wire fence which had separaied his property from line lnwmhip Far the summer the rand department wIll endeavor tn hnld the present suflncelo Um mh mm with coalo all and chips when nccusnry The whole top surface will have to be replaced when enlistme Ilon begins LAth or LITTER Bl Bay Paint marina new Innis development whlch wlll include hon slip and cut taxes pan or which it In hop ed will be ready or use an as lo 52 most his season buslncu The slip or beau will hava access to the lake not Kempenlen Bay Ind will ernccqmmodnllon or boaLs The donation of lee an the with side ni this roadopposiiu lilexoii comm will enable dii chin idbe done Iliowinl ihe widening oi the road In the standard width and will also re move iowiyin5 eanditimn which has kept an undrained urea ad jacent to he road which the owners oi the new marina are unifiguxp gel gid of Due to development in the 511 Bay Palm dimlet apeclnl the new marina construction at the 14th common which was lntended or Inst year will likely be curled out this Ian as mm til mmmcr ualflc over sum mm mm INNISPII NOTES Mark Anniversary At Shanty Bay FEATURE IIIOWN II 11 pan Reconstruct Road Bite Summer Use NEW J09 HAS COME TO TN SCENAND THE WORLD ID NAPFIER FLAG TO LIVE IN mo mini THURSDAY and FRIDAY TODAY DONTMISSTHISSHOW HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE R415 vx Wm Ammsmfififiiil uuu no Cu Clem Shirley EORD JONES WmingWWERRHL 491336000 ROIWY WVARDJmmw Ply Tom Ind Jerry Cullmn Guest hcludlng the bride maht Mrs Morley Schundlcn nee Mlnnle Sultan Ind ha best man Alex Shakell Slmud Also pram ware Mend mm Huwkeslnnz Allislon Mid hunt Barrie Crown Hill Mln uan Kitchener Tomnln Ind nauuu threelend wedding cakg gentred the table n0 floater truckload polcs which was purchased mm Wm turrmu wns taken Innisnl Park he loud consist Ing bath hydro and double lance push an average cast of $3 each The cast Iran panallan was qucslluned by cnuncll members when Counclh lur Sawyer chairman ol the parks committee presented the account However ML Sawyer said he had no choice and had In get the land moved and nu ogherlmckern could he obtain guns REFUSED We hive very Mile any lnleresl in Ihe swimming pool at fillispm was Vlhe remark Standard sign alhlghway In ersectlona are all hat the De partmean of Highways wnl alluw and lcllcr from them advised these wuuld be Installed and ill nppegrlng hr fnuncxllm Terran Turn to page thirteen please He lugacsled that he Hub of helmh Ilne dump no he closed they were It would encnumge persnns bringing ma terials alter hours to leave Ihem somewhere else ArmMIan Uni Councillor Tar rem lock alter the Juh did not IINLMHD auppllm uye shovel suggest Brad4 ford dlvlslon cuurl costs are part of Innlsllls responsibility and an account was sent for 15 fer cent at the back amount or as years Council agreed lhey wqyld Incegpk their flare Ia had been humed so the WI now down And naked lhal thisbe replaced He tell that placing film wnuld be likely la prompt more dumplng on his Progeny SHOW STARTS AT Ind Mrs Sultan have chilldrm DonnaDcm1iI DUSK

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