Use Of Our Leisure Time Barrie Northern Advance June 1913 Town council had hustling ses sion over Teamster Beattys un expected resignation Miss Slbbaid of town office respectfull asked council or increase In salary mm 317 to $20 Inonth Rumor around town that ad ltion to colle late voted by ratepayers or $50000 wll ntn about $15000 more 5ecrctary Fred lilarr said the mutter would not be reopened Hamilton Board of Trade members who came by ecial train for day said most favor iai lm ressed by Beautiful Barrie Ian Iher reception band concert and boat trip lt assed choirs of three Al landaie churches presented two even nga of excellent concert in Grand Opera llousei Conductor was Norman and Miss Edith Vhltobread was accom Ipllshed piano accompanist South Sim coe Baseball League game between Bar trle and Thornton ended in darkness 44 ISib Rowe pitched for Barrie hlcQuny tor Thornton Bantlng lltndleand Su therlund lched as stars for Thornton 1A1 llamln and Frank Smith best for Barrlo Newmnrket ratepayers votcd ln iavor of public ownership turned The campaign committee however is at not out of the financial woods Loom tnï¬ large is proximately $150000 which be requ ed to achieve the $475000 minimum objective Originally the envlsloned building program which would have cost in excess of $700000 But plans were trimmed to leave oan the must features of setu large gymnasium was eliminated an oth er mportant frills were deferred for the time hein Architects have drawn plans to permt the constmction of ad dition which would dovetail neatly with Dooley Greer and his campai lieutenants have done fine Job in in money for new Barrie YMYWCA bu ding As general chairman Mr Green has conducted thorough drive which has already assured donations of $318 910 sum sufficient to make definite sing on consiruciiun Fisher director of the Barrie rDlstrict Collegiate band raised an inter esting point in an address this week to the Kempenfelt Kiwanis Club He said automation has created time vacuum in the lives of young people which must be remedied by constructive work Mr Fisher could have included adults too in voicing his concern about use of leisure and the im rtance of developing individuallsm Au omation has been boon to society but it has created new problemsi The shorter working day and week and the greater use of machinery have freed men and women from the treadmill of qonslani work and lelt YMYWCA Campaign Must Reach $475000 ObjeCtive 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN CONTEMPT FOR OUR LAW Oshawa Times moss oi evidenco was placed before lilo Norris Commission invcsllgallng lroublc on the Great Lake to show lilo conicm of Seafarers inlcrnnlionnl Un ion oficlals or llru law SlU conduct Ind common during lilo commission hearings lllOWEd the ammo conlcmpi Mr Jusiico Norris was personally abused Ind lilo rocecdlngr derided oven wlrllo lilo hour ngu worn in progress mun um mun ulna mm IINNIY WALL PIN nun union II Illllflk num um All IVION AI mum nmmnu rumun Mu lllml Ilol All nmu null FY In II 001 on mm ml OIIINIO IM l1 Wide III vmm mo nu 10mm um um Ilqu II In Au ran1 dmll m1 Mam nunam mm unmmrn nu mention ludhl Pun ml II mm uln mm Nuw Iclur McGnvln cxccullvu Atom llry or he AFLCIO Mnrlllmo De art mtnl quoted In In dispatch from um Lnglon as snylng that ckcllng and boy uulnu of ahlps of Upper Lake Shlpplng lellcd wlll conllnuo no mnlter whnt lho couru decldc Asked wlmt de Pnrlmonl and he Scalnrm would do if 110 court nrdoml an and lo hnywll In Chlcnuo Manvln nnld It docsnt mntler what the court nnyn Upprr Dulust rm urludn mum mm In AM Pl Mun AM Man In bu 1m mum um Walls Publisher The Barrie Examiner mnnd um mu manna mun rm Dmu 07va Ind IM null WI matrix Examim Published byfanadlan NeWspapers Limited 10 Hayï¬eld Street Baffle Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE 1er Brian Slalght General Manager THURSDAY JUNE 196 Jun construction which this year Having carried out this form pi aireamiining oiiiciaiu are new con vlnced they cannot settle for less than an expenditure of $475000 without serious 1y im airing their programs for the tum are is much to be done then beiora line campaign can be considered The hopes of the campaign committee rest with the special names which in clude man of Barries larger tirms There is so belief that some contri butors will reassess and enlarge their donations As to the general uhlic em loyed men and women an small bus ness firms the res onsa has been sugfnisin Committees ich canvnssed in yidua report their eiiorteare over coniplétb subclass lndIvidu the top them with leisure they cannot always use to their own advanlae in early Canada here was no such rublem Men often worked lirom dawn dusk and leisure was something they thought about but seldom had Fortun ater those days are behind us Eventual ly greater effort will have to be made to hel man benefit more from his free time am of this time could be used in work as form oi evocation The col legiate band is means of using free timewith satisfaction to all concerned Perhaps we should have more sport in which more pen is could participate We could have stu clubs and many other thin which enrich the lives of our new semleisure classes spot in town but needs more seating accommodation for older people to en Joy band concerts Retail promotion egan for lots at iiiineis Point ideal summer resort roperty Grand Trunk Rallwa se pace in civic pride with its beaut ful lawns and flower beds at the depots in Allandale and Barrie Some people in Barrie may still cherish visionary memories of beautiful water front park it the railway had not plant ed its tracks so close to the whole shore line But there is stronger reason for belief that the bay shore now would have been disgrace to the community Let us be thankful for what has been ac complished and resolve to cooperate in mi lugs tending tobeautifyour beau down bid of York Radial Railway Com pany to su ply town with power Quqegs Par is becpming beayiy ilrul bay The woth League of Burion Avenue Mei odisi Church is planning picnic by heat nexi Wednes day to Lovera Creek at Tollendni Su erinlcndeni Lynch of Allan da division GTR received new private car The Quebec yesterd to replace oidN 2005 is up purchas edYMCA ï¬enrianrlrfoi fligpolo oxiVnVcw building Lakes Shlflzlng has contract wllh the Canadian nrllimo Union the Canadian Labor Congress Ifllllale therefore the boycott Tho Norris Commission report In stlll being prcpnrcd No doubt will have many rccommcndntlom to make and the government knowtn lho duspernlo sltunlinn on lho lnkcr wll gm care Iul slmly llul In tho mcnnllme the Canadian government cnnnok lolurm lho conlnmp for Canadian law shown by the Seafarers nRITISH RAILWAY TREND Owen Sound SunTimes In the United Kingdom ha chairman of lhnxlqlooyneldvl flllsh IMUWIyI Aul out clearly the alum that must be taken if the railways aria lo bollllcxl cm of lhcr chronlc Inn position and placed on paying basin The cum mvolvcs xlrullc curmb men at pnascngur nurvlcca Ind llclllllcs lhn uhuldnwn of uneconomic llnu uu Improvement the rclalned mrvlm In all tho schema would hivolvn lhn In of an Mllmnlcd 10000 railwayl job by 1070 Vhlln Il may Im bll unkind lo ma sz mm cannot lwlp but wonder who lhcr nlmllnr pruning and house clcnn Inn might not molvu Um llnnncial plighi or Canmlal nlllwwnod rall Iyuem loo Slnco lhuy ware mllamllmd In 1047 he Hrlllah railways hm Ion morn thnn bHHan Durln lhu nmo purlod gov ormnonbownod openllnl It do Hell In 11 but two you Im run up 1mm Malling ulmoll 400 million Hmm Icnmn to be my unmmlombln ther at Ilmlllrily belwun than two parlormmm will be carried out OTTAWA II III world In nar market lpeculalorn dreamor communism cald wnl baluezroundv Whitever Ihn llllWll bplrnlllnu prlctn for reï¬ned IHEII an headnche to housewives and null pro cmon in Canada Tom world production sugar last yur was 51000900 short lom Th1 wnl 1500300 Iona less than In prlvlous year Thls cut was caused partl by Invere wealher candl lons Europe width damaged the auxwheel crop and by the upheaval In ml where work er let the lumbar plann llcnl to nerve In he mflllln Thai mmplmlvely 1li drop in mppllu seem toovln uiznlllcnnl to account or the Jump in the prlco ol raw aulnr mm ihree cents pound lust yur to the recon ï¬gure ol 131 cent on he world free mlrkIl But About 38 per cull 01 world tugur producllon covered by lungum canlrucu between govemmenla Thul only Ioma 0000000 on IUKM traded on he mar exchnnle of London and Now Mr and no culAback II vuy Irrall lwurn We In Canada eomumcd 4711 pounds mm head In year my IUKth 1m than lho US average of 970 pound Tu ml the world population at $000000000 on lhll Icule the world would need lo producu Wu llmu us much min now WI new about omHleh our lunar need In tho arm sugarbeet Pcmlnl he pm en ml wlll lend In came morn ulIIumclenl Ilka llrluln whlch 1mm IwnAllnhl of III med In but lleldl CUDIN ILUMP be flu world llrlul produur lunar mm wllh In annual huml at about 7500000 lonl Thl hll nuw Ilumned in around 3500000 any luvlng ulllll 1001 pro ducuon 01 050000 mu wunr lo Iud my world Fluted an turn on erdo Cubl Hul ull hu lhppcd In In huy ll bulk ll Mum crop about us unll per pound flun ILI Aha lunl call on 10 mn Ildmhlc produdlnn at www heel hum mmmunlll Inlclmc llrml OTTAWA REPORT enamohl lupvly ol nmnr today alvu lluull ulml nmld be powcrlul ccorwmlc weapon ll could wrll hl hut llunlu II dcllbmlcly lmldlni Illlllf all wnvld mam Im lur llnl lho horln nml lurclnl up lho Ipccull lorl urln The um Ilrll milk by DIM lluuln wlll xmlunlly Iced lll lulu Ilovkvllo ol munr lutk nnlu ll mnlkcl Iclllnq 7mm 7m prulll nrumul ï¬lm wund SI mommaVI llh lha Iwrolrnu In our mm Ilnu lltllllHIY hunt umlhlc wramn Ill lhv rnlvl wnr Ihnl run hmmwlll till lllm Ilnv mm mu In It an Ilm mv umnl 19 ll Im II lnln II 1115 Loni umldu Irluuu In Ihl tlnrm lllv mrmzth burden and help In nur Inuhxn InfWimp run meuu UM Milan mlnr whlch II II buy ng or grpu pundl BIBLE THOUGHT PATRICK NICHOLSON Sugar May Become Cold War Weapon npproximnlely as upward Id lumen and only two down ward ndjuumenu In lhe price ILIIBY during lhe pm lurbw enl manull TM lIu contrib ulad In the widespread duth the tencent cup collar Ind aven to the clnulnl down 01 It least one Ind groaning plan lananndl The Ham Colman hn heard prnleau Iboul boom in ma price even Enough some our monuu Inpply of sum 1mm bought lowtruprlcu What an lhe housewife do What an you and 110 My doctor has one good Iuflesllon Cut down on Iwulenlnl In the mllcg pmdjha pm Ilhjn on the breadan pnlnlmly lose somo thou Inpcrlluoul poundll LONDON In mu An Ic live and wellAplanned campaign mumt the danger or heavy rlenrena Imoklnu dealhs lrom lung clnccr In Enzllnd Ind Wnlel yen lhDWBd eon Ildernblo lncmn Thu report or 1m 2m luucd by the Ho alurmflenerll Ihowl um 23 mp1 ï¬led from lhnl dlmu during Ihn yur In Enzllnd Ind Wnlu nm In In lnmun nl well nbovl 1000 ovu lhe num ber recorded or U1 prevlnul year Commtnllnz on lhl lncmm Ihown In lhe report doclorl tlulm um they In nu lurnrlb ed lhl Du lnlormullon whlth hm been mid publlc on lho rim Imokinl hnl not been Immedmely mpvmlbla or any drup In Ihl number dulhl lrom lunl unctr ll polnlnd out um 1h dimu Mu lama llmu lu davrlvp and III II II null probable mu lhn Allunllon my hrcnmo um um Morn he propulndl umpnlsn brlnxl about uducllon MID Mlluml Iron Ind ed ucnllon dlrtdarl who been changed In umpnumh on lhc Innlm heavy tlunrrllu Imuk In my IIIVI puny llmn1 to Inn prN clnlvlo lmpmn on lho mndl cl alum Adulll or chlldrnn nu rnmpalln In an hu Men my mow In alluring momenlum 5mm ductan an Mnmlnl nu mlnlllry henllh nr mt lvlnl mart adlvo Indrqu ll 11m howtm pulllnl very Illth MW lilm which hu lull been tlllllld lnr Illn lrlbullan by huuh mlnlmy Enlllled Hmokln Ind You II unleaded lor nhowlnl Io rhlld nu ma ynunl mph Tim II Ilm lenml mm hm mu mm mu nllnl palm mm min mm uvnllnhlt In local hullh nulhnrl Mn Nonlon punmu My lulIlAM In ll nllulxlvy lvrnlllI mu oxwlml um uhllvulun pollu nubmlllul In mm Mllan MM Ivy he Pnlml ouncll lnr llullll Mucnllnn REPORT FROM UK MIMI Medlul 0HNIMA LIMIT hrrmlnl numlwu dnrlm In ampllnl hem Ilmllo mum um Auncinllnnl Ngvy mu exp nnnllnn xIIm Mary of nm ynunpi mun Hunlun llnrry Knoll In Mn mvon NI In lavllamnnl varllor In ho Mk Klmll wan llismlunl mm Navy because at an error by tho RCMP mly urlnr llm llrilllh Medlul Anfldlllnnl By MCINTYRE 00D Lung Cancer Deaths Up Considerably T00 June In The gruatut mllitm farce ever mumbled ln hlstory launched the luv Ilon Europe In the Narc mandy lnndlnzl 19 yam ago todayIn l9 Allled armlel mashed lhell way onto the beach pantrnopera Ae cured mp lurther Inland The Mllea foothold was as sured by th morning tbs lacond dly lhe lnvulon glvlng them the necessary purclme to beztn llzhtlnz thmuxh Nadoccupled En mpe to lha eventual dew trucllon of the German Ir ml smoking cum lunI 0M Shma have upan clln4 kl Io huh Imukm wishlnu to map luv hnbil They cmplmiu howcvtr that In order In luc cccd people must have ran le power Ind real determin ation in nap the habit or com ware diamond an be duo lo lung cancar The death ma mm lhll arm of cancer lncrenled and per mil Hon popunlion mm I11 dur ln lhe pmlmn year 01 51715 male dulhl from cancer Iul yuf 2mm orl7 anndlana zrnnrnlly nupporl the WMl In rllnm In keep chum chock uu nuhvcnlve clomenla throughout the ML nut my havn gnml xenon to wow drr when lhof learn about youthbu mg IIAcpgrgm mp1 Ilm Mow mlSlr John Mac danId CnnadIn alumna andA lllher 01 Camden llan died msFleldMmm Lord Dyna GavemorGeneraJ ol Sandi mm 1921 in ma By Cnldlnn Pnu TODAY IN HISTORY RCMP MUST ACT 0N FACTS ONLY BY DON OHEABN TORONTO Government d1 rectlan at 4h milk lnduntry wquld gem to be xgttlng c1919 In mung uy an Inquiry Into ch Industry hit the gov emmem renllf clnl have much hnpe or reach settlement the many lrouhlel mm which Itlruflen 1115 mam problem all In the mllk industry the ln lernl conflict gym Jersey breeder Hm Holstein breeden the fluid milk men are against the proceued milk men ha produce In Izulnu hi illlrlbutnu QUEENS PARK Thus are In max7 napalm Interest that Mom 11 pm to gel Ihc Industry to malghten me out have lulled ronwAnn comp Only zoveï¬menl dIréclIon If cemg canm It on tidy forward pourse Such direction has been morl hgnhlntei uglyH35 put 1129 which the Qum nï¬nh come relucunl Despite what lame penpla think the government nlwny 315mm to lake on morg con Aside from the lad tin can Iml melnl mnre mpnnalblllly and more trouble then are always veopla attended by com but Dr Mulnm My dluzh 31 ha had loot crampl In bed or two yearn Sometlmel she has In get up and Wk there anything Ihl can dn about MALMES By JOSEPH GA MOWER MD TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH This lortnl cramplnl very often In due eilhur to defect In the arch or Iaulty nhou or mmblnallon both Heels may be high xhoel loo ahnnmd narrow AI th 00 relaxes alter hlrd dly In he wrung thou tho Cllmpl mull But pulling her with on It tool Ihe matches Ihe tense muscle Ind gels rid of thn crgfnp Massnllnl Iha mulclu before gain lo bed may help prevent crgmpx Bu Ilnce lha trouble In canllnued or two yam think Ihe might it pennmenl oar rectlan rather lhnn rely on cmpornry nlld Thus crimp In no lun She Ihauld ellhcr III or lhnpedhl or podiatrist lbona smclnllsl or 00 Ipeclnllsfl In Ind on whether Iha need dil lmnl Ihou Ipeclll mil my part or nlher lrulmcnt Dear Docer lmubled with cramps muIUy In my loci durlnz lhe night Could lhll bu muscle Illmenl or ï¬le du InjentyTMM See remark Ibova Although ynu dld not mrnllon your ale wonder whether you may not be Ml older thin ma woman of Some magic may grow older thin that they dont Mad mllkor olherymh cc calcium So you your cramp mlxhl be he mu much dlcl dcilclenry You In mark lhnk lhe crumru are manly In our Incl lndlcnllnu lhal Iomclmu Ulcy Ire clw where whlch ludl weight In lhe chlclcnry poulhlllly Conflict Evident In Milk Industry but Dr Mnlnm Win Foot Cramps Bother Woman In Her Bed Iocurlly Ind lnlclllxnnce branrll He had been wronglully branded Commun lnl lml no told of Ihe bio on ldu repul Allan ll luth undercover wmk mo mar ll Appear In Innhen ROM no heavy responsibllllr In sch wllh nbwlulo Inlrnm on the has of mo facts ll wu clear ll had moved in lho Knoll cane wilhuul Ulllr ul valid ovld onru Knnn thlWll ll Lake Cuwlchan DC with mulher Irqh whlch mean palentlal In um can with the many divided Interests lhmm peopla to be hurt which mgangun lrgat deal at ugnble And 1th the Knvemmenl par ticularly Ihles away from lendlnz annexx or hey can be the man lrauhlesame dmlc dam them all And In Ihil me ol course many Iarmerl would be muted HURT ING ECONOMY Despite thin 11 mm here ll lllll cholce Thu milk Indultry In guch man now Hm Icluany hmlnz whole economy of the prev ce And here II no Inparenl al temnllve but or avera ment to step In The milk Inquiry ihereiorl can probably in reiarded ground breaker step to smooth lhe way or ihe dislasie iul adion the government even tually will have to lake ii lhe auihariliu here Just liepped out on their own and directed mllk producers and distributors lo do certain things the would meet lurihle pm as But If they are allowing rec ommendntlans ol In lndepend an lnqulry the uln wlll bu much less lopgug longllsj Aro people bong with them Do lheyriVer Mia staminamas These Are llnzuairlonailan all back lha tongue Thu lonsll tissue In genzrll arms nor ring 1n the nose and throatordinary ton le he Iidu lhe Idennidl which In part nrthe tongue lonslll It tho bagel We an him with Alhem Occnsjonally him with them Occasionally tonxuu tonsil hava In be re moved because 01 znlnrzemenl or lnlecuon bur Dr Moiner have been taking nohahy pills for over Jen yearn have Ilwayn had my period regular 78day Inc lervnls but for two momhs luv hnd thm month Could the pill cnuu hmC Qull llkely TM is called brcnklhmulh bleeding whlch known lo occur with Hill med lcnUan Report la your due Iar but dont become Alarmed By Ihe way did you treat that name fur the pllm Du Dr Mulner The Iver Ixe pulse HI laid to be be lwcen 72 And an Whal could muse Ilow pulse bclwnon Ind 60 And does it have any cl led on general hcallhTMns Yes than ha averagehut avenue mean lhal same In hlzhzr Ind ulher lower but without my harm to hcnllh Jun bean How doesnt ncm nrlly man It ll minus or In jurioul la heallh ll II alien Icon In folks wllh undumcllvu lhyrnldl but may um pcrledly normal NHL coum mm Inch thin he puLu being zxcusivcly Ilow below 50 but 151 In GET NUCLEAR POWER Ilaflnn conlumcru uve celvcd their llul power pradurcd 1mm 1mm generated by nu clur fluion nlhe miller