Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 14

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Member of the Graduating clm was at Royal vim ml Hospital Barrie are lronl row mm Ml Helen AL Hnson Barrie Nancy Galne OTTAWA CWThe House Common passed mollon by vote of 140 to 64 Wednesday but no one was sure what the ne flogle yrlng Ask For Document On Nuclear Duty Inn was sponsored by Stanley Knowles NDPWlnnl peg North Centre and asked the government In produce any umenl that would prove ml former Progressive Cmser vallvo government commuted Canada lo acquire nuclear wea WE rm Exiernal Alf alru Minister Mulln Iald such documents do exist but It might endanger na anal xccurily to make them pupyc In lyeh entlr Alter heated exchange with Opposition Leader chicnhakcr that revived the holiest issue oi the April election campaign Mr Martin said he will consider flu poulbilily at producing 11 luaunary 01 mer mm the alumina gloqumcnls Mr chleubnkcr npenltd his vlaw that his guvemmenl never made mmmflmenl 10 aka nu cIm wnrhcnds He objected hgngjyl to the reggrvnljons lr firth In have ane cl thusa ox 95h production he said with my mum Fun Afloat begins here uhedIo the motion byrni Ila rum harktlnul mm In rim up roll1 bod l9 Ilqytl mm an Floral mumd 1n mama colmrl Refer to EATONS 6Page ValuePacked Circul or DeIivered To Your Door Presenting Additional Savings In Every Department ILIP COVIRI EATON luv rur mrnm Aluminum lull Talu up aummu My my In hp mow loud upmly Ilo llu Drum Iboul l0 About lulu lpend llummr Minl lu INLY Monlhly Inrlmflu nonbl nmlnl dune Bululolh Rog H100 BATIYN aummu My Inch 951 whila ilnillni mlv mum Mun cur um 00 NDP Lender Douglas snld outside tha Commons that it the government does not my summary of excerpts lrom document mntntnlng Inudcnr commitment It will prnve that no commltmcnl ever was mndn visible impatience Either pro duce lha cnmmilmml or he quit about them The Conservatives Insislcd on recorded vote on Mr Knowles mallon but lhey were Mom In opposing It The motion as qualified by Mr Martin was supported by member of the Liberal Saclal Credit and New Demomllc parties Douglas Harknm PC Calaary North who rcslgned in February mm the Diurn bakcr govemmenl over the nu clear Issuc was In hls flat but did not oke Cnlllngwood Mas While Elm vaie Jean Amman Sudbury Patricia Kyle Tomnln Bar bara Salisbury Barrie Fly Carter Barrie Jean Let The NDP along with the Com scrvallves contended in 1h 1m clccllon campaign lhlt Canad zs not commuted to Icqulra nu clear wupotu The Liberal copnlcrcd hat nfmoral pom ca made and Social Credit said the 1am warn not available and Com mons commm should pmhe lhe nilunglon Flborglu CURTAIN 21 only rlnznnun Mouldnd mnln he mouldtd deu kull Ind ulIlmxth lplly HUI Aluminum hdeI And lnnuom comm Ilurdy wnod null wllh slym lanm 4plnllc lotUm mlllrhl under nulh Tnku up In mowr loud upully 4N Ibu mm Iboul 11s Ion ulwr rod ALUMINUM Fulmel plywood Innmu board Ind mmnr IM douhlu rlveltM cnullrurllnn nnlnlnmd bow Ind DRAFERY DEPT COMB FLOOR ROTTON INDS Pull mum ptlnl lm hllrhm at comm ur ulnu It Ml WM VIM mm and red ml FLOOR LAMPS Gum or lampl tun llnc Ir mum at summc homo InnlkulLv ducod Excopflonll Slvlngl 0n TORONTO CPt43muel Kehcln zfiyearmld Toronto hrldge instructor wlll coach Illa North Ameflcnn learn In the 196 wnrld hrldxe champlom shlps June 15 13 at Valle DAosla resort In tho ltallan Alp He was hired Wednesday In telephone call 1mm Jahn Ger ef lhn toaml nonplaylnx cap nm WASHINGTON CF Cau udas volceol prom appear to have almck responsive chqrd In Congress brldxe Wnuhaushnnc Dom Griffiths Glllnrd Back row from Winnllrod Udell Collhgwood KIN Thomp son Inglewood Pnlrlcll Mll Bridge Team Gels Toronto Teacher cnngresslanal wmmlllee Wedncaday elimlnaled from gavemmenl bill lecllon whlah would have Impaled lighter curbs an 15 ourlsl spending in Canada Indelseylhce approved by Renrucntnlivu ways and mum cammlltec he hlll ex tends or another two yam me nxlsllng ccllinl ul $100 nu ma amuunt of tourist goods that can be brought back tn tho 115 dugrec al one time Th previnus cclllng $500 wan out $100 In 1961 pm 01 US drive to reduce he flow US dollar and laid abroad l2Foot CARTOPPERS $100 Ceiling Is Extended 49 1mm Mr lampl tun llnc lnr mum Ir ulmmu homo InnlkulLv It ducod hug 1m Im EATON Ilmmn SAULT STE MARIE OM CF Publisher at hooks newspa era and magazines which cnnlcnl urge render to Indulge In promarital xcxual relatlons were condemned hem Wegncsdny at an Anglican ny The diocese Algomna sy nod unanlmously acccplcd motion by Archdeacon Jnmu Hlnchlmu of For Wimam width said In part the Increase in lhu number at news paper Ind magazlne nfllcle db Xer Scarborough Beth Deon nrd Colllnanod Dlnne Al Ian flnblm Crack Esme Armstrong Toronto Judnh Heknn Midland Karen Wil firtiéles DeridingMoral Values Condemned By Anglican Synod WRONm NFLDr l2 Lennox ol Vancouver new ernor ol the Presbyterian Church In Canada says nnlon Protestant churches Into monolithic arganlznuon may make it an easy prey of dicta wmhip Ha old pass ccnlernncu soon alter hla election Wednes day at the openlnl session 01 um churcha general assembly that he does not believe ln lhu need lar church unlnn one 01 those who does no eel one hlg monolithic or anniznllon in necessary In the church From Church Union Fears Dictatorship OUTDOOR SHOP MAIN FLOOR III EATON lnlnm mu lunml mm llnu mllmll In Raq 59500 EATON Summor hlo Elch MIRRORS ridlng Christian mural values concerninl rtkmaritai sexual reinliuns is synod takes strong issue with tho contzntl undermining the Chrhtlnn cum cept morality and rtrong bu lie premarital chastity During he discussion on the motion number or clergy and lally xungcslcd the eslablish men of leliance commllteu control magazine Importation Inln Canadamast Ihey said were prlnled In the Unlted Imammud public book burn DI coxMldlInd Heather Mae Arlhun Cobalt Paulina Church Midlnnd Allen GerE stone Gravenhum Exam Iner Phnlo he mnllun was Intended to censure cute magazines but gncéeanl Manllm wu cm Dean Neck SL Lnkal Cathedral here Iald Macleunl textured nlitpagc m1ch cx oundlnx lho vlrluel promur lal relatinns Im glad to lhll lhg welth puhllc opinion In caused lhe publisher In relieve he wrlm ol hut ankle he xnld Dean Nock wal referring an urllcl wriuen by Plcna Bcnun or Mnclunl May ll cdillun Mr Barton wax dlr mlmd May ll after alarm puhllc protest arm and he mnuzlne said the arllcln wn conlrlpullnx nclar In MI dll mini Allround mlddlo rlnn mo ar lhll nllm xnnomy mm In ll nrlxlnul prlu and III ml connumpllon 00 III Flhcralu Iound mumlnl hood And vlbrlllon Inpprn llnl mhhor mnnr mmmll Full Imr nhlfl mlny vlh er oulnllndlnl mumu SPECIAL SAVE 3000 on lht popular VHHNG 25km OUTBOARD wm alum um Phone PA 85983 568 lummmln airwry mulnlul 0M HM mly IMHAHI nnhlon rnvm ctr nlmluxu Drlpory lennnh MONTREAL CF Sentor Donut RIymond Ba minder sportsmm Ind longtime pm denl Montreal Canndlen 019 National Hockey Lenxue died Wednesdny In Hotel 0121 Hospitgl spokesman or he lamlly raid he Inland Ulu hospltal Sun hi alter mild recurrence am ailmenlr Born In Slanlxlaa de Koal ka Que he was appointed Liberal senator Dec 20 1926 mu duth leave the ntnndlng the Senna as uhmls Progressive Consgrvouvea two lndc ndcnla andone Independv on Ibernl Thm at three Va canclen At this tlmu 01 his death ha Ienltor wu chnlnnm ol the board Cnnndlln Arm Com puny holding company lhe Cunadlens Canadian Imperial Bunk at Comment and nun General du Canaan Financier Sportsmdn Hockey lPresidentlDies STDCKHOLM mum noted Stockholm editor warned galhorlnl 300 newspnper and new arency executive Wednesday that press freedom has Icarcoly Improved slot the two world wnn were taught 10 make lhe world Iale ordemocv racy Allan Hernellus chairman ol the board of the International Pm lnstllule anld most at lhe world Iaday has Access only to new selected and Ilunlcd by znvemmcnls Stockholm Press Gathering Warned About Slanted News IPI Director Rohan Riven Inld prolesls concerning press freedom were sent last year In our government Wes Ger many Brazil Ghana and South Korea The in expressed in very real cnnccrn In in Bonn sov zrnmcni durln police raid on this magazine Der Spiczei and made representations to Emil over discriminatory irealmeni against an American carmpon dent Riven laid The Inslllute also protested Igalnsl dcnth nnlenccs passed upon lhm Kurcan nownpnper execquca The med losinu nl lhe Ashnml Pioneer In Ghana was perhaps lha Iaddm Ilnsle EATON51963VIKINGS onumu mmmluvl lun you bullnn an mm In we leMImmunmoflu IMIM Hon nqumuully Ihl IIIIN IIIINI Ihl MIMI mm mu um um mu rluv mm um um lyln howud Ilan m1 Ihm up um II humn um um rullal nu mun lm 1n rum uvpm um In umHm hr Mum hm nnndcl mu 799 mm mm 29995 Mow wan Compin Iho alum CIIle Dolvu Am SOmind pll Illa BIG VALUE AT LOW PRICE Ha was also dlrcclar ucnna Hotel Umlud Interna onul Paper Company Domln ion Glau lelzad Montreal Ra Vrlgeratlnx and storage Um Zted Napier Junctlan hallway and Canndl Cement Company nine will he haldSalurdAy avenl in the year among IPI member newspnpm halald It lollovfied series gov ernmcm aclluns whlch culm1 nalcd In pullan many scam of newspaper workers with amu lzsld out of employment he an The IPI hnard will hold It next assembly Istanbul Tur key next May or June Rivet nunauncud TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mill STURGEONS LTD Scarborough SENATOR RAYMOND INTERIOR EXTEmon PBQIEQIREELAJN NOWI NEWI Oll Prlml um hul solNW nu mummy Mum In My Ill 1n mun mmu mm yum hullnnl mm am mmInn lnulvd Am mm FATHN rllrl mm Mml Mu urn mi nllnl Imm mm mhumul llhmvlnl mum Milly aw mun munll dlmmIM um um on My clmlnlu Ivinpm at Mary Quetn of ha World no man Catholic Bgl ca In the 1m he helped found he Canndlm Arena Com my laler uklnn over as prudent He ltd the hockey team lhranm flood year and bad and look aver as chllrman ol the board in 1957 when controllan Interest In the company was old to an other uennlnr Hartland de Molsan He was finrrled Jun 1971 to Grazlella Tlmmmn dauhlar ol Timmlna mnlng ume ihe Aenalor death gvnked album from number hockey personnlnlea sun BAGACIOUB Clarenc ell NHL pmldtnl cum hlm III ex tremely maclous mm ap plied his sound bullies princi ples la hockey 01mm Ilar Neway Lalondc He was nlcu and gentle man one of the real hulldm of hockey It was pleasure la play for him and be associated with anything he was wilh Frank Selke Sr managing dl mm the Canadians loved Senator Raymund next to my own father Ha had won derful sense of humor He 11de la wln hockey game but could ose more graciously than any plharlpgrson Ha gal ernllcbnng out of healing Tor onto cspoclally our boy nuihcqthem up load blt dm In to lnnlnl 44 60p an 179

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