Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 11

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lg Ai0UND sxmcoEcouNfi 1minan JUNK no Mich Mom Club Khan Illllllwu JUNE smlm lllll Hn Pap Puly 530 llm nmln anon low Ulllallchlhlu llon Cnc rv Nun XL mm swm Nu lun Hm vau my mum rum JUNE 00 Tm Illllnl and Mflrnlnl Studio Pmy llou Papln my Nonmhv man 100 anl Glad ll Nlnl Elnl n1 Amund rrlmnly GXIM Mull hunt In mm Sunll lull Fun In Ill nu of LI Tombllmll Tmllm 322333 The c116 sang sinclal music wit Mn Clarldxe playinz the Mr War cunducled the serv cl Sunday evenan In Fraser Prcxhylerlan Church marklnx hechurclgs 129th anqiynrsary Th cammlllec In chm thanked all those who helped wig Ihe evenl Rev Vclr EA ED Ind Mrs Welr 01 Knox Presby terim Church SlraHmd were guest at Mr and Mn hull andlamilyln undny The amnunl raised was ahoul 75 The nuclinneer was Gregory Legy pr for euchre went ladies Mrs Freeman and Mrs Splcker mens Bab Kant and Betty Venls playing mans cards cakes Mrs Jae Rnnnnn LH Fenhely and Mrs Ronnan euchre and aucllon sale was held In the Legion Hall la raise lund to assist In the Red Crnss nwlmmlng classes In he held has durlnl guly aqd August Mr an MrsGlen Muxday have sold their ham to Mrs Maurice Mime Mldland Thla commumly was xhockcd by lhe sudden death of Bob Playlordl Our sympathy goes In the family In their lass Plans were made In assist with the open nlr services In be held at Orr Lake Park on Sun d5 evenlngs In July The prayer and Bible study group held the last meeting for the lummer at St Andrew Prerbyterlnn Church with pot luck mpper This group from denomlnutlons has met each Thursday evening throughout the winter months Thls group In mm from when Mr Stone arted It with 10 tn the so who nrtended the supper and meetlnl Thursdayr The guest speaker was Rev McCarrnll Couks 1er Rev Mr Thnrpe Dal alnn led In prayer Mr and Mrrr John Sncddan or Orluln sang two dueu other guests were from Barrie and Thnmlnn Mrs Herbert Gunnes tram winning and her daughter Mu Barry Thompson and children 1mm Falcanhrldn worn recanl visitors leI Mr and Mm Verlu Nelson All can Drmmd In mm THERI IS NO CHARGE FOR mu RVICI DRIVlVOURSELF CAR AND YRUCKI TOTTENHAM TELEVISION PROGRAMS By MRS WICE HILLSDALE CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 In Jul Pm now Man an Nun xou Mam ml ILW Plcnl hnon Haul HDA JUNI loo Kmfln hamlm In Momlnl Mn lllnl Moo rumon Inoom out mm Noondlr Po Klddo llunu Ind All In Cnnflld rn Cm If KIN 4mm AI You MRI Maul Huh duny E2 numm mm Mn mm spam ml 1m unudrl EEESSE3E3= 2E umlnn um rvulwnr noon rm mm mm rn MM Amun rmI ILno Innnn mo rapu rlu Mun nunn Aroun um me Me want at mu MaulIn Anaum mm mmun Ion rummy Annm no Emplrl IND flannel 011 CBC Nul um spam lun Mam Mulch Wllh DJ IATLIIDAY um ma Tnl hum 1m row Mull am 100 Wrulllnl mm lambu Guru Wuk un mlmnnl smu non Mr Tom my Pralnm no nun Bunny no 10 in 11011 111 lun Knuxrllresbytman Church All nlversary snrvlccs will be held Jun 16 Time and service Ind MEI Agnes Ellsmcre at North Baywlslled Mr and Mn Kgydrlck last week my Ir ny MRS ERNEST GASTON Mr and Mn Arthur Snider um mull vlsllon Tillsnn 13 Mr nd rs C1 W11 tcsldo attended the wedding heir nlccc Miss Gail Whileslde dauzMer Mr and Mn Gems Whllesldc 01 Damn on Saturday Bruc um 11 of Mr and Mrs Earl Breednn was bap Hzcd al the Sunday morning ser vice in lhc United Church by Rev Jackson The blhyl grandpmnls and III great grandmolhers Mn Fred Brawn and Mrs qllruy mu Tom Vfifleslde 1th Is now on lb 55 Imperlal Callingwnod Amlssed around town The ladle of the Unlted Church Women catered to lur kcy banquet or the hawllnz club 5qu night Mr and Mrs Robert Ken at tended the marriage lhelr cousin Bab Pullom In Toronto onSalqrday Congratulation to Doug Whils flde who passed his examini Hans and has recaivzd MI lhlrd ting enzlneerx papers Mn to Inc few days lbs week with her um Crclghwn ol Penalanz Mn and Mrs William Chard Wzslnn wera In tnwn Sun day or the Fraser Prexbyler in Church Innlvemry ML and Mm Wilmer Palmer nnd Mr and Mn Barnett returned Tuesday tram trlp forth west musl Mr Ind Mrs Wheeler Toronto spent Sunday with melr brother In 15 Karma er organ Salem were Mn Merely Ealton Cammunily Choir and Gordon Million thlenhnm MIA Chrlslina Sample Ton onto mm am pm weekend SEEINE Waliir Pillllps who ha bean away the pan monlh mum lrlcnds hp intumedi lo gawp I14 Wulhlr leI Luv In To luvr Mlknun Gummah Lory Iihmv Jul Pm now hull Gum ol Wuk mlmnnl smu Mr Tom my Fromm nun Bunny Tum 11m Th Luci an url mmmu Clad Cm To an Tm Tm Ill Gun Wu Tn In Nov com1 ullcu cm Nut 59m Nam 01 IMAM TORONTO ma Midr nunlry lloednnn In Spam CRAIGHURST BOND HEAD phnu Iny nppllex equllly lo Iha delta They must pmch an lhn bull um declnrtrl hllld I0 con Ililulcd that In nubjecl la delul This dllllmlll dc clmrl unmn card hemm lly unludu hum lhll would undu lha conlucl impru nIhIe Here In rm ulmnla ha lhlnklnl unecud Whenever dcclarcr play cnnlrm where the law In In dnubl he Is but Idexed lo pm cred on lha bull um the Id wne curd are In divided thnl he can make the cnnlncl To play nlhnrwlxe wnuld amount to tnncedlnx delta wllhoul umqung lug uegl Om who Id Jim at 411 mm Openlnx leadqueen dll mundx DAILY CROSSWORD mail In VI now Vnmllnol mum to Lyman rm 01 mm am Thu Dunn unopth ll lugnu nicknlm IAWINI abode m4 lhlllhy HubUm 11 Null ll 151mm door 61M H0Afllum 31qu 8qu mumnun nupm Immar Ul VIM mm lloulhim Imam LEM 37 mman Colin 111W pa DIP Ibhr rm John nsm vetzrln arlan who lived In Elmvale or number years dicd May 26 In Penelanx General Hospit al as result of hem all menl Thu funeral wu held on hlesday with hummen In On 381 JOHN JOHNSTON Mdduux Wm North At the Elmvaie Dlslricl Hiin School studenl council assembly presidenl Sheila Scott and sec retary Mary Spring presented am in hehaii oi the sludenu to the departing teachers ielv Inn in June Mn Olivar Mr Culhnm Mr Hawker Mr Robson and Mr Yarwond Mr Yarwood on bchlli oi the el chm thanked the sludcnu and also expressed low parting words Miss Holmes and Mr Robson presznled Ilhlciic bars in honor students HQN TEACHERS Raeburn Lawson oxmar Elmvale boy nadunled ml wzzk lram Buynl Milllary Collext Klngstan an alllcer cadet Ind recelver hl bachelor of nm de me am tnklnz ouryear course In Am and Comment Wllh Illa gradnnllon he gIso re celved regular commlulon sub Lleulcnan In Illa Royl Canadlnn vay Raehurn look lyflz Iarwmt la hecomlnz navy cl Snulh dealer Neither side vulnerahlc Now on 9K AQGI ma 0de Mr and Mrs Ralph Lilondo and family and Mr Ind Mn Frmr Carr Ind Sunn Ter unlo visited Mr and Mrs Carr Bl Buy Polnl over the weekend Edwin Mlnly nl Snvskltoon and Gum Mlnly of Allenwood vim ed Rh mans on nuriiber from the vfllga attended unnNcmry services In Moglulaneon Sunday Mrjfiand Mrs Guam Snider attended Menu weddm In Minesan on Saturday Mr and Mn Ronnie Richlrd Ion Ind dlughlar Tnmnto meals Sunday with Mrs Hod Jon mlnhlfi In chnrxve will In In uqunced lulu WEST MM TERRY 23 Plu EILMVALE 23 vazouu Km +AHO CONTRACT BRIDGE nhhr nlllfl mu mmlciliy It Mulcluu 10 yam mu mom tor Imlfl EAST OAQHH vuu DII By JAV BECKER It Db South nun Mummy1111 woman Vannir Ind mumn urnow awn Mum Imm all Minm Now whnt hippem Eu Idopll mud line drllnn ll lrlck lwn Suppaaa he lurnn wide ham or diamond Dealm win lha rm lum dnw twu round lrumps and lhen xlvu up trick la lha hint and lhul uublhhlnz lnunh Ipldo In dummy on which fit cm dlx card club Eu Inlrr ll MI In cluhl but duluer mm In conlml momwl nhld iy ape1n MM Al It happens hll II Ihl klllln delenu The Jack arm lhe queen Ind Soulh mus cvenlunlly in down nna man In Wm In with the klu Ipadu ha Mum club and But more lh AID In delta lha conlnct rich East does not ncknnwledge deleal II III point by choosing nculnl mum Inch 11 mend or lpld This can hurde producr the letting trick or hll nlde Imlnd ha Im Izu um West may have lhn jack at clubs well lplde at hurt Irlck and net on lhnl assumption Me returns the Iour clubs From El viewpolnl the chnncu of heating the contract Ire sum He has two deltnulva lrlck Ind cm hardly count um West In like two more The mm he can expch lmm West unmlderin Souths xlmnx bld max lrlck 1n clum made or beam defender wm lead lhe queen dlnmondl which En will with the nae Mr Ind Mn nay Nlcoisnn Atherlay vhllzd Mr Ind Mn leyred Johnslon Mr and Mm Clarke Home Ind llmlly lelled Mr Ind Mn 10 Mcbun and Mr and Mn Willllm Clark Mrs William Robertson in v1 lllnl her sanlnIaw Ind daulh er Mr and Mn Bllks leh Richvalz yum uu nm watt Mr and Mrs Mel Raw Mr and Mrs Plul Rowaz Mr and Mrs Mnlcnm flown Mr and Mrs Duncan McCalamln Sny Mr Mr and Mn Roy Rawat and Mrs flown UII amtnether th bride Among those who were nub at Ilné wedding at Mlsl Jlnlcn Lynn Rnwat Ind Blll Leonard Remus in the Presbylerlln Church ijllh Igne Wm Mr and M11 11 Bluldry Banla were new Mn Tegry Ulgtlrsl of flu week Mrfmd Mn Clmnrd Many Scalhoraugh vhilod Mr and Mfg Sehlndlm Mr and Mn Bendull ind baby SL Catharine spent tho wzekand with lhelnrmers pn ls Mr and Mrs Vasey Baird Mrs Glldy Dam of Tornnlo spent the weekend wllh Mr Ind Mr Edgar Hurdqu And other lrlends Mn Jenn Thompson and Inn Rick attended her daughter Karens Indullian exerciuel May so Convocation Hlii Toronto Karen iIuJetuIned in her duties Tammo Geneti Hospilul whlre she will mmpleu her dieiii lfginin1 7V Elli On Sunday morninl Arnold Cream mlnhler ol Wyavale Waverley churn conducted an service In St Jahn Church His man It was Th1an um keep us mm God Rev Mr Highnm officiated II Sacrament at Holy Communlun on the Wyavnlu Waverley dlprge new fling1310 be hull nn Pele Since by Stanley Ril 1haexcnvauon under Cemetery In urijer yam hl had Ilv In Or Tawqxhl RUGBY null 914 um mummA HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE KIND DOT wonnvvn

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