Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1963, p. 5

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NNIIXII lilznll nl llflllfl lwrlm My llml lhll clrcllnu In humil nnl Iwcnum lllIMll mulmlly mnemme nmlul lnv Cun ndn vlmlnl III lrwulvlml lllmx Nmnnl lllxu Mr Tlmlllllnulll pul lry hell Am wnulll hm vnlnd In Soda Clulll lmnuve ullur pmllvn haw lrlul la gum mln lnr in km and have IllCfidfiI my wrll An rlnlkm mlr wuunm llml ll xuvrm li nlll be the mm unnlrll Ivy ml ul pmqu and lhmlmc lmI wlple will luu mnlldrncs In lr uunlmr llvn ln diuum haw Ilw prnple lurid ll la huld Ill llnllm The lmsl chnalc badminan plnycrs mm 10 secondary uluools In no Georgian My Dislricl cumpdnd Inr lhe lis rlcl lladmlnlon Chnmpinnship In Drillla Insl Snlurdny Darrin Conlral was rcprcsnnlcd by lrcno Ilnwn Pam Bird Mary lnu Bishop nnd Cum Edmunds In the prclimlnnry evcnh Mary hm nud Carol pluycd our xuund wllhoul Ioslng mum The Ctnlml luublcs cum Mary Lou Bishop nnd Carol mundl won the In hemmu Girl Double Chumplon lhu chmlun lay Ulslrlcl We alter cnnflrnlulmlon an null Mary Au lnr lhln lcnlllc lcnl 0n Ivlllay numhtr on our Sacirly member wcnl on lrlp lu Wnlulm lo lour lllu Imhtrxlly They kl llmrlo Ivy hus nigh lhlrly nm nml slnrlml hmnu nlxml he lhlny pm llquln rcvanl lhnl llm mldcnln wcrc quite Impnuvd ullh he unlvrmly mu tnjnycd wry nlrnsnnl llny HIM IMN lnpnrnllmu far he Grmlun hm Iluncc mu now In lull Ink Hlu dnlo or Mny lcnlh Hay Thumpmn will ho lho cum qwr lhla Mtnl Now do ml wlll he avnllnhlu nae Emler hp Slum llm Fawn mlrcllnn lmk rim un Monday ukrd IN Ilmlrnln lnxl wurlrml In Ivo mum at lhclr mllllrnl vlcwn 1hr VinM we lhm hdnm llw rlrrllnn nulcnmo wu hmwn hm ml pnuihlr In pumm mu Nmnrr The members the Sampli misl nlemalinnal Clubs recent Iy established the Samplimlsl Foundation Cilizenshlp Award In encourage youth to develop Ihe highest concept patrimism and more clleclive cheraliun in home community national and inlernalionnl mam An award of $2500 will be giv en lo graduating senior 1mm any accredited High Schoul or 115 equivalent in any of the na ions in the Soroplimisk Feder allon or Americas This was done at Barrie North Colloglalc and ll allowing lhm girls were winners Karen Ferguson $23 uslic Cuxall 15 Jane Huycr $10 ThIse cash prize were dnnalcd by Ihe local club First of allI lho local Snropll mist club secures the coopera lion of school principals and lur permission has been gmnlcd the Cillzcnship Award applic lions are distributed Each 12 plicant must wrlle an essay nut more than 250 wards an Inn allowing subject My respon sibllily as Cxlizcn in lllc InmA fly in he Communin and in the world INNERS Knmnx essay will he sent In Cillzcnship Award Commillce uh MISS KAY YASUNAKA pmsenl prize to Nuflh Col gusofi Leslie Coxull and Jane right of he Sarapumis Club legime sludenls Knmn Fer Iluyer Students Win Prizes From Soroptimist Club Central Students Talk Of Election Ry IlllSlIMARY ASQUITIX CEN HAL COLLEGIATE svmwmm JOLLEGIATL JAPERS Nnnh Collcgme illc Lnxau no These Th 150 explamm that nal ural gas has no udour bul some led by chemical nddcd la produce an odour lar safely purposes so he sent In lhnl lcnks may be dclcclod Commillce They nlsn showed various use lho Natural gas arrives at our homes lhrough pipe which came lravel to Ontario and Quubcc all he way lrom Alberta and the lcclurcrs also mcnliuucd that we will never run cu ol nalural gas bccnusu ol the large quanlily hat is always avail able wailing be used in our munlry Pam lncsan grade lhlrlccn my lhul Illis election is Impur lnnl became it clmr oxyrcr slnn from Cnmldlnns nI lhu lypo of nawmmcnl lhcy wnnl Ium Turn la page sum please We ccrlalnly hope Karens of for will make lhc final Judglng and MI she another winner Ihc hlghesl level Tim exams are over nnw and everyone is recovering from tho shock at their msullsi On Mar the SCF was privileged lo have Dr Silvertharne Professor at Medicine at he University Turonm and doctor at the Sick Childrens Hospital as guest speaker Tin members oi Norths iiiY were also invited to hear his eminent physician EXAMS OVER On Friday March 29 the Con sumcrs Gas Company present ed special program called Gusarama They gave com plclc history at natural gas and the development oi lhc pipeline over the pasi 30 years also showing where natural gas is lound Ill porous sqndswne The DOVERMEN COMING WEDNESDAY APRIL 17 386 BLAKE 5T BARRIE Admluion $100 For Couplo EMBASSY HAZEL McKIRDY Featuring AT THE fur natural gas such as Infra red gas nvcns gas mirlgcrntnr and slaves Our thanks to the Consumers Gas Company for this very educallnnnl demon almllon CONGRATULATIONS Dianne Huxlublu Is he can grnlulnlcd fur winnlng the Tru lecs and Ralepnynrs Associa tion Irophy or impromptu spee ches She will proceed to further noggpeliuan In lpmnln Plan are underway or lh raining 01 our girls Cadet Corps or the Annunl Cadet Inspection in Mayr More new next week All studenls are reminded lhal they can make Ihelr payments now 101 uur year book Pollar is This book gels bcuer every year and by paying now you me making sun here will be copy or you This will be llw lnsl column lill nllnr Easier Muk for news he Forestry Club hour $150 In 13 Number EVERY MONDAY BINGO SHARE THE WEALTH Abovn NuSnvlu Clunlrl 14 HIGH ST SPECIALS JACKPOT RCAF ASSOC Admlman 50c 300 pm LONDON CmVelarans of the First World War machine gun corp will paradn Lon dona Hyde Park corner May 11 or the rededlcallan the unjlfa mgmorlnL Field Marshal Vlsconnt Hard IIIE Presldent the 01d Com rades Assnclallun says he have all old manhinegunnm wlll be able to attend lhn cere mony The corps was founded In 1915 and dlsbnnded in 1921 Marc than 159000 men served as machlnogunners and 72000 becnme casuallles Last November 90 Canadian members Um unit gltended reunion dinner In Toronto The Canndlam Mined wilh Brillsh machine gunners at Grantham In Llnmlnshire The memorial moved two years ago when the area was redeveloped ls small statue Davld holding lho swnrdm Gnllalh The lnscriphnn reads Saul haxh slain his Ihuusands but David his lens thou IBEdI Daniel Dixoil who ed veterans nuwsleuer any the memorial was first cracked In 19253fler all former members mid iupcdbcd An days pay when was 15 after conceallng my ago says Dixon who now is 65 Much incgunners had life expect ancy at three weeks and was sergeani major by the lime PETERBOROUGH England CmPaul Greening year old mlning company engineer who was educated in Vancou vcr plan to begin an adven lurnus mum lhe world trip shortly with English cam panlon Greening nnd Michael Velr sler 22 lnld plan or the 30000milc journey using an army personnel carrier while lillending dicsal engine school EYE The nlneycarald truck has special springs and cam plcloly milled lnlcrlor lnr lhn trip which Greening and Webster plan llrsl to drlvu lhrough Europe In lhe Mlddlu East and than navigale Asln to on Kong vla India They Inland to work lheir fussage taking Job at var ou places In nnm many and also nblalning marketing lnlnr mallun or several Brillsh lirmsl They plan lo sall across he Pacilic lrnm Culculln nnd drlvc lhmugh South Amcrlcn lo lhn United Slnlns Firs War Gunners Attend Ceremony Round The World In An Army Truck Ivnw mmfimwmmmmwmmrmn nmmm mm mu mm um Feature Shawn 110 5J0 520 735 145 CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY FROM PM FIX GIRL EVER GOT lNTOTORN BEIWEEN HER TWO HANDSOME SUITORS AND HERSIXKIDS an SUNDAY DEBE DEBBIE talisman DISTRICT CHORAL SOCIETY By MRS TERRY The Elrnvaie and District Choral Society ol 49 member chartered bus and attended the Orlilla Kiwanis Music Fest ival in Opera House There were three classes The iadlee chor us and the mens chnrua each attained 170 points and won the shield or each class In the class for lull charua open the Elmvale Choral Society came third in class at live entries They competed against choruses lmm Midland Barrie and Oril lin The Choral Society then had supper at The Sun Dial rea taurant The Elmvaie Society were invited to perlorm at the Kiwanis Festival Concert Sat urday night but because oi other commitments the groups could not accept The adjudicator com plimented the choirs on their gowns and enthusiasm Eimvale are now ureparlng for their spring testlvai at music to be given at the Eimvale District lllgh School May REBEKAII SOCIAL BLIFFRUBERISOI DAVID JAISSEI Eueafifiecmummm Mammyon The Rehekah member spon sored euchre Friday night in lhe IOOF llall film were 12 tables in progress Winners ior high scores were Mrs Archer Mrs Venn Beardsa Mrs Playcr and Kinem city Miss Richardsan won the apron Refreshments concluded he evening GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 011 Goad Friday morning lire congregation SL Johns and St Andrewswlll loin he Anx llcans inrservite nl ll am nevi llighnm oi SL Johns will he the speaker SPRING CLEAN UP Several ladies are very busy house cleaning but let us nu forget to clean up the back yard and Inns that may he cluttered up With lhe co opuallon ol everyone the Elmvale residan wnuld be proud of their property LIONS CLUE 35mg Eimvaie District Lions Club and friend ceiehralcd lilo clubs Nth anniversary cl charter night It Gilchrists Orr Lake with banquet and dancei Harry Rnw icy the Lions President was chairman or the evening Forester The Bell Teir phone Cu was um guest spenk er His talk was on the advanc es made with transistors and other improvements and inven Ilans interesl to those who use the toiephnne other guests were district governor Edwin Walker of Midland and Mel Gut tic oi Coillnzwood deputy dis trict gave Mr uni Mrs hpplng nth TODAY us 705 TODAY ONLY DORIS DAY JUMBO NEWS OF ELMVALE In Color returned on Friday alter hall day influxIda and also Mrs James Beardsall returned the Hrs 01 the week Sorry to report 11mm Mary Lesler Calgary who was vls Mn her sister Mm Farney had lhe misfortune In all dnwnstalrs and Is valiant In Penetanz General Hospital Glad Io report that Mrs Earl Conn Mrs Vllllam Beardsall and Mrs Cecll Graham return ed from lhelr stay In Penulang General Hospllnl Mix JMnn Chrlsiie of Univ lily oi Tannin is holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Graham Chrlslie Mr and Mrs Morley Lyon of Crnssland have moved to Elm vale and are Ilvlnx on Stone slreel Mn and Mrs Eldnn Timmy and girls at Vasey were Sunday squeak Mr and Mrs John nnney Kitchener Manning London spent few day wh his par cfla Mr and Mrs Man n5 flu Wesley Jordan spent Sunday with Hand In Toronto SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY SHANTY BAY DRIVEIN SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW STARTS MONDAY TH ILVINO MDNITIN HEW RODANI SKYHORROR 200 MILUDN VEARS OLD TONIGHT ONLY LAST TIMES TONIGHT ROMMILI TRIAIURI and mn mm or sLAcK HAWK no In Color and chuman VPLUColor Cough mlflLL BAKERLEE MODEHENRY MM GAROiYNJONBSIABL MAIDEN GREGG PEGK GEORUE PEPPARD ROBEET FRESHDEBBIE EEYNULDS JAIEB STEWART BLI WALLAGHJUHN WAYNB REHAB WIDIARK WHEREAS SAT SUN AND HOLIDAYS WININGS AT PM ORCH LOG MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 200 250 SAT SUN AND HOLIDAYS 250 300 MAiINIis AM PM on too WEDNESDAY 150 200 EG Ll NTO TH EATRE museummm Well worth trip to TORONTO HOW THE WEST WAS WOW RESERVED SENS NOWON SME BOXOFFICE AMT0 9PM mmmms DAILY DURING FASTER WEEK Mm AVL hmmmu IMMIIS IN ulll MD PLAY THU MAIL ORDERS NOWI luvm ROXY THEATRE Burrlo JERRY LEWIS In AUDREY HEFBURN In DELICATE DELINQUENT BREAKFAST TIFFANYS BIG HITS HURONIA mi Wanmon mu ms smvnzamnr In color Ind THE BOWEIW BAIIALION PLUS COIDR CARTOON Cholu Sm Lomlonl on Sllo at PAW SUNDAY SERVICE THE HARRIS EXAMINER SATURDAY VAPRIL 1m There wu asplendid nilend ante us Palm Sunday was oi lerved in St Johns Uniied Church hero with the slcrornznt oi Holy Communion Six young people weru welcomed into lull communion lnrralne Barnes Robert Allred Furnay Mary Lynn Grillir Beverice Anne McLean Howard Allan irunx and Mary Jane Waplos John Lewis nl Leaside who sings over radio station CHUM Toronto irorn he Fred Victor Mission was the soloist His sol eclions were iirayer Perlec and All In An April Evenlng SATURDAY APR 27 MEfiflnflm And The Fury Mountain Boy Spotlal Gun Sm MERLE 16 Tom TRAVIS Tickel MAIL ORDERS NOW TO $350 $250 $150 Muse Hull Vlchfll Sh Toronto AT 1205 am Thais Bandy lllllbllnn Music Men In Penoul ester FLATI and Earl SCRUGGS mumflmmmrrmgr TECH NICOLOR and BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE Dunlap Wm manmmnmniiv Eaunrou runnl mummv ml MI HMDIIOIUH umunuu Innum wJSnuwu umJdeumuwm lv In nu Jum umT ILAIMW Rev fllfiham conducted the nuke 11 En Rd Huber Ennnullul Illlfllfll 1k min rim us on use All mm mm mm SOFT WATER WW By Appommen duly PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE GUN GLORY Ind LES GIRLS mi 63371 550 ll pm BIGV THRILL HITS capturod onrth lsnufll Mllndlll 3x

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