Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1963, p. 4

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Norrie lExaminer Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager sArunoar noun ma arm gay23M mg MMMES The Higher You Go The Harder It Is To Come Down To Earth At this Eastertime of 1963 there is no great shooting star in the world but there is still no real peace The threat of nuclear annihilation hangs over all mankind there are racial conflicts even in North America and in Canada which has just finished bitter election seeds of discord have been sown among some of our citizens We thousand years ago Jesus Christ hoped to find peace which would permeate the hearts of ills people csus faced the Cross with faith that made the symbol of defeat token of triumph This is the faith that challeng ed civilization in disintegration to build up newer and finer world and to make that faith dominant Emerging form the new day which dawned with the Resurrection of Our Lord men through faith became aware of forces working towards the creation of bet ter world deeper instinct to spiritual needs and newer conception of their relationship to God and their fellow men This is the faith which continues to challenge mankind totia The faith that we can do away witt war and pov erty and disease must take possession of us before we can move into world iLight Of Easter Leads To iLasting Peace In The World set free from these ancient scourges ago Quite unlike our feverish fears an eminent divine said during the tra gic and critical war years of 20 years and restless anxieties and shortsighted plans is the calm expectation the con fident hope the courageous adventure inspired by such Christian faithff it is evident In rapidly changing world that racial hatrcds industrial strifes international wars religious eon trovcrsies cannot go on much further We cannot much longer survive condi tions brought about by fear and greed We must either rise above them or be submerged Man has not kept faith during two thousand years since the Cross of CaI var His eyes have strayed from the Ligtl of the Resurrection But the an swer and the remedy is quite apparent intelligence and fidelity to the example and teachings of Jesus Nothing stands in the we except the obstacles we have either pa in the way ourselves or per mitted to remain there At this Eastertlde let us rededicale ourselves to the cause of Christ let us turn again towards the light that will lead the world from the dangerous path it is travelling that lasting peace may come to the world DOWN MEMORY LANE 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN fiarrie Saturday Morning April Iiitlil Final arrangements made for tiirnlng on liyilro power in Ilarrlc lion Atialn fleck Chairman of Ontario ilEIC will turn switch at Grand Opera House to connect cleclritni plant with liydro ttystcnt April lIi Electrical dis lay In Town Hall all week llarries amend Jubilee Celebration June iiiJuly will eclipse anything ever before attempted In that line outside the hiti cities tile special committee itpnrlet Arrange tnenttt made with on aviator for flights both days from the fair grounds There wiii be aquatic nntl night water carn livnl Slmcoe County lid lioyr invit icd to meet in the county town in great numbers land com tctilions amt motor cycie races will be natured Three The Barrie Examiner Anthollrld wmt rim nutl rnt otltu rupmmmt on Ind pIyuisnt at rosin mun Furh um IIItuInvy Ilnll yl mt4 tumult tum IIIIAN ILIIIIM nunt tt Mtrllxttlnu IAIIJI Andi sun meme mm Hamill flrrlllllou flow In on my umu mttr iiiiwn Din to my II mm to Owlnu one my in mum tree hm mum mi Math INIIMQ ttnlnII IN Iltlll WWMIIII rm on to uni one VIII mom Univnil home no comm Itmi tiintmn int Awni ltrIot vmm Numb II III Clflldibn IIIIIY Norway ltit Illluu Aomviltion 1h Alln rim and the Audit mum or limits 1h Lnllflthl hell Inlliind ill on In nhliuilen or III rllfh In this lrfl ilfl to II Amid1 If ouion and It the inn InI notw$lhmu hundred ladies stormed out of Ontario Legislature galleries at Queens Park after hearin seven different votes for women bi is turned down Town Council expended mucit energy arguing over whether or not to build bath houses at the foot of Maple Ave and Toronto SI Objections ranged from cant af ford this yearto the reximity of new crs Owen Sound erald commented editorially Apart from everything else the trial of Henry love who on May 27 goes to the gallows for murder of his wife has been sufficient to shoon what cuinmiloua consc uences womans tongue may ieai Ex lesion of Canadan Nnvy was bot po Ilicnl aub Jcct of the time llrury wrote let ter to editor outlining his opinion as fav orth the Nationniials proposal to have who question pincrd before the people In referendum Emancipation Farm East 0m was pile of happy Imnli rc union of the iudhopcs harica lhor Iugton of Allanriaic iTlt brnitcrnan badly iulrt In accident at hlcalord iitlrsi knocksti down by horse tifiV on by drunken man on llradiord SI and received ugly hruim Vork xiaricd on towna new Intlttalr the Excelsior factory riffin St iih talk of fornic lug Motor League In llarrle why not good roads club for Ward Six where streets are In terrible shape with many ravolnol trend Jury reported to Iifr Justice Middleton that the hospital Ilcctis nu tiptovtlaie elevator and the county Jail wnxhroouts were unsatisfao inry New Ross riflrs issued to 35th Regiment at llarrie Arrnnury Yum tnitsioner Item of the Salvation Artny visited Dnrrio Citadel flIome Atmosphere Often At Fault ay Jouph Molnar up Have you ever run into nerve wracking experience Ifter which you couldnt eat sleep relax Ever been so nervous about anything that you threw up Or even had dizzy Ipeilt 0r gone home with tick beadIchsW 0r bad gassy Itomnchl if not you have Iron nerves But If you ever had Iny of these troubles or other similar ones youll understand the fol lowing letteoespeeiIliy if you read it all the way through including the as It the end Dear Dr Molaerr What in functional diseasel have niece 24 years old who has been sick for severIl years off and on She has blackout spells Ills down and runs temperature most of the time She has been in the hospital for tests and to several doctors They cant find anything wrong with her except one doctor who law the has functional dis use Win one be done for it and Is it curable Ste fI single girl who lives at home TW PSt The atmosphere It bomo Is very bad Could that have anything to do with itt Everybody presume is fImiliar with the term organic disease This means that some thing In wrong with an organ of the body Examples are the heart If valve has become leaned stones in the gall bladder an ulcer in the duo dens tract Each II organic If the organs physically are In good shape but dont operate properly thats functional disorder The heart or gall bind der er duodenum Ire excellent except they work too flat or too slow or hIVI cramps or athcrwira not up Then tune Ilii It about the young woman described In todays letterr Shes been examined by number of doctors Ind been in the hospital for tests Nobody can find anything wrong So one doctor bright fellow ld say he pegged itli used the term functional The young wo mInI Ill right except that her healthy bocbr make her faint upsets her temperature Ind so So the cane min case like this lies in that little short pest ecript on the letter the at morphere It item very bad Could that have Inything to do with it Dont you think the answer might be that tho Iimolphern is very bad Why iI woman of 20 still at home and un happyiAnd having functional disorders in body that is heIlthyl Emotional pressures of Am sort havent the slightest doubt that somewhere along the line doctors the suggested that the alrnosphcre at home Is at fault or the emotional prob lems Ibeuldbe resolved or treated At each Inch sugges tionagain by guess or intuition tha thought was rejected and another doctor or another hos pital was summoned to find out why this girl In sick Functional la tactful word hfy version is Either let the girl llvo her life Is she wishes or else call for psychiatrist who very well may advise like wise Somethings very wrong in the Itrnosphere REPORT FROM ILK Moves To Relieve Traffic Conger By McINTYRE IIOOD LONDON The government is trying to do its part in re lieving the congestion of office workers crowding into Iondon every day from the suburban areas It has adapted plan of moving out of ivondon to other parts of the country departments which can function satisfactor ily in other cities and towns it proposes to continue this policy it has ordered complete re view of the civil service heed quarters IiIii In London to as certain that further work could be carried on just II expedit Iously II in the capital group of Whitehalla top clv li servants however Is not at all well pleased at the manner in which the government has carried out Its policy to disperse III workers throughout the prov Inecs or with the net result oi these transfers OTHERS MOVED IN llehind this dissatisfaction is that some of these branches of the civil service have seen the London offices vacated by their departments Immediately taken over by big business firms or even by other ministries of the government The net result has been to effect no reduction In the number of workers coming Into London daily and that of course was the ultimate obitci Ite of the moving out exercise Official notice of this failure of moving civil servants out of London to relieve the congestion has been taken hy their union Lcalin Williams general accret ef the society iion nry of the Society of Civil Ser vnnts bluntly had this to say Any dispersal from London should be part of plan which reveatI further influx of oli co workers to replace those transferred Writing in the official ioumal hlr Williams warntihnt lop civilJerVIntr would only agree to the upset of moving away from London it the mill problems created were treated with consideration and understanding lie suggest cd that dispersal moves must be phased so that compulsory trnns fcrI can be avoided Suitable office Iccommodatlon Ind con genial working conditions should be ensured And Inllslnclory housinngith help towards house purchase and educational It rangemcnlI should be made available before the motel take place MUST BE CONSULTED Mr Williams ends his Irllcic with thin injunction And most important staff should be fully consulted Ind given uninhibited opportunity to influence the decision at dispers II which may dramatically at lch the future happiness of their families Arbitrary decla lens which affect whole inmlllcs cannot be tolerated More weight mutt be given to the social inc lan than has been the case hitherto Cooperation of the Political Figures errawa REPORT Work Many weeks Blown Oif Course ST JOHNS Nfid CPI when the wind moans Ireund the towering Confederation Building people are liker to be bowled over before they reach the safety of the front doors The lbatorey home of the Newfoundland government built In 1959 mm high on hill overlooking St Jobs There Ire no trees around and each pIasing breeze feels like gale OchIionIlly the wind is to Itrong that people are blown off course law including ea blnet minister have been slightly injured when slammed Igainst the side of the wldaconcrets ltepl leading to the main lobby And theres the case of woman who step ed into rent bowler and loan herself being pushed in the wrong direction She discovered the only way to beat the elements was to rit down Eventually help arrived from Inside the building New Iii this Is being cor rooted rope railing runs down the long steps Ind it will soon be replaced by permanent railing LETTERS TO EDITOR Dedr Sir The volunteer men and we men of St John Ambulance the reason to be grateful to your paper for the generous Imount of space which you gave to bring the image of St John before the public during the month of February Without such co operation from the news media St John Ambulance would be financially handicapped In Its service to the people of Ontario and many thousands would be unaware of the beneficial often lite saving courses provided by St John In Home Nursing First Aid Child Care and Artificill Respiration Please accept our most sir cere thanks Your very truly Merry Campaign Chairman BIBLE THOUGHT Eluch IrI they that do Till commandments thIt they may have the right to the tree of life Ind me enter In through the nine in to the cltyltev 2214 The enjoyment of the City of God Is contingent on manl wil lingness to keep Gods commnndv meniI FIGIIT CANCER with checkup and cheque imloafil CANADIAN CANCER SOCIITV Barrio Ind District Unit It Dunlap 5t Eni PA 68031 civil Icrvnntl will depend on tirer upon Imaginative handling of In explosive Iliunlien which but In the past aroused dttp mistrust Ind hostility MolarMW i1 Juanw WISHES T0 ANNOUNCE the opening of our newly modernized Iludto Ind Cnmrrl Store litany SpeclniI for the OPENING rInd Opening Ind lucky prlr SPECIAL SAT APRIL i3 IO APRIL 20 Dynlchrome BMM Mole Film 50 It procow lng included only 12 620 120 I27 Block In White Roll Film for We PRIZES Kbdnh Illownlo tImrrI Iolilllt Illul III bill Ivrlln II II lIrIrIii In Living Ilour ti person tlIIut Till lildl lrnr Just fill in the Indy him he luv Ind lrol It In the otan lo It our lack dun luv to be made April Nth IIIl Till MLmruunu Phalanan liq 3mm 29 Dunlap ll Phono PA NAME ADDRESS illthE am By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWACanadas average prayer of federal income tax falls In the group earning be tween one and 299 year There Ire sane taxpayers In this group and of these many fall into thenormal Itatus as family man with wife and two children To this typical Canadian tax payer late March date was red letter day which passed unnoticed But its great signifi cance was that on that day he ceased to work for government and began to work tbrou un til years end for himse and his family it had taken him from Jan until that late March date to earn what he will pay in taxes to the federal government to his provincial government and to his municipal govzrnment during i963 The Dominion Bureau of Statistics carries out periodical surveys to ascertain lust how we spend our money From such survey we can deduce that this average payer of In rcome tax will spend more than onequarter of his earnings on feeding himself and his wife and two children he will spend more than onequarter also on housing them MOST COSTLY ITEMS The actual percentage spend ing is 215 on food and 21 on housing this latter Including 138 on the bare home 45 on furnishing and equipping it and E7 on lighting Ind heating The next highest cost is 95 per cent of his total Income on transportation of which 73 goes on his automobile prob ably acquired from used car lot and 20 Is taken up by other transportation Then this Mr Average Can uck spends 43 per cent of his earnings on alcoholic drinks and tobacco slightly exceeding the WOW srnvm Is INCLUDED wmr root TQPay Oil Taxes 46 per cent he spends on med ical care for his whole family Recreation costs trivial as per cent reading only on per cent and education 03 per cent Translating these expendi tures Into terms of dollars for this average incometax payer with an income of allghdy over $4250 and assessing the hidden taxes Included in his payments we find that these concealed levies exceed the direct taer which he pays On $1170 worth of foodho pay about sat in taxes on case worth of clothing he pays an estimated 561 in taxes on not for cigarettes and tobacco he pays in hidden taxea while on wortlt of hard liquor he pays no less than $34 In various taxes to obtain commodity worth only Sit ills $55 spent onbeer contains proportionately lower $24 In hidden taxes iNCOME TAX LOW His personal Income tax to tt000 contains an estimated $55 In taxes but It costshlm $17 in licences each year plus $71 In taxes hidden In the stay for petrol His personal Income tax to lots only $181 which is less than monomer of his total tax payments but this Ind his property tax If he owns his own home are his only two direct bites by the taxpayer Add up these maior items lus the taxes Included on esser expenditures and we find that this Mr Average income tax Payer was finally able to clear off his liabilities to gov ernment for this year by datI in midMarch after working through between it and 11 weeks for the tax cellecterI TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Milt SIINIIIIII HEATING till CONTRACT The Saricant Co is pleased to offer you this Inclusive service package with your Sunooo lfcaiing Oil Contract CHECK THESE FEATU RES FREE EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE FURNACE CLEAN OUT FREE HEATING EQUIPMENT lNSPECilON AND ADJUSTMENT Replacement parts at modern in prices If required Automatic delivery is part of our modern hutlng program qurlng you of empiric Ind cosll clrcfrce comfort It the lowest The SNRJEIINT CD LIMITED PA 8246I You EStill CanT Beat Natural GAS

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