Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1963, p. 3

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Tunnlyllmlr My wro tour mlllml In In lllrnlnl lmkpllll nr lvrnlmrnl ljxnmlnnllnn nl nnn My nlluunl Mm lullrllnl Mnuhlrnlo mnlnn leer nnrrlr IN Hm llnl hay In In Dr Iludlnrr puyrhlnmnl mum In In mu Ir up ymnram lullni llm Imyn Innuy ol uhnm nrrc llullml fllwunnfllly We InIrl moon lur 10 pm pcrly wllh 100 mm at land Hm wu min he ban how lo Ilcmnn loud Armrrl lwlperl with llvtlhwk nxul mnuhlncry Wr have Mrvlco llnlilm min In rDllfIt nbn nu buy who have 1th llnn wrmh houhl lhnnk God Iar lllrm Indy called mu onu day nml mld You hnve my Mm lhnm1 laid ym She nald Hc nhould be In jnll Ituh him mid Aru ynn hln mother 51 In Ccflnluly Oh nah wundcrrd nl lhn wny ya Ik Major McComuodnlu nld Tho flame of Concnrd ls the only lhlnu II kind wn hnvn lor xixMn scrvlm or rclmhll lanan lmyl boys who am linl offendm mml nl hm hm hmkcn wmrs rojvclwl hy pnrcnll nml ml oul on llmlr own Mnjur James Gillespln lnlm duccd lhc speaker who hll had many years cxperlmcu wilh men and buys Apnndinu month In Gummy with the mill men than to Vnnrnuvcr and Mn ycnr Imlulnnl chnpluln ln mush Ha now In charge of the Work At Corr out or remn llon ul lhc House at Connor was an hand to play he guitar and sin hm numbers Cam In rum hroknn humm this 1nd has been set up on his Ml lhrnnkh the mod work the Snlnvllon Army and has recalva Jcsuns Saviour One hundred and 41 than and son gathered In Burton Avenuo Unflcd Church In hm MnJor Archy McCorun dale superintendent of the House of Concord Concnrd address lho group on he rub Jctl flcmcmbrr naw lny Cre a9r no dnyr lhyyuulh 7mm mm mummy um July MOI hum an mum Tmmin IV IN Ilmll III mnh um mum In nun ulnlrl All lhlr hm HM num LADIES FEATURED III the Burton Avenue United Church play Th Grcmesl Slnry Speaker Explains Rehabilitation THE GREATEST Story Ever Told ls Ihe mm of the play to ha presented at Trl PA Thu Ipukrr lluwfd hm vmlnu lyvu Irnwnn lnkrn lwm llm my running lnlo Hm Imllwmlnll nun4 lumr 1mm dill llnlwl nmllr black jnclul thnln wusxw rlc The Don uuuul mm Fnrll Ind Jlm NlrhnIA wn wlIh ll mull rm on hand nun nohluw Mnny lnllvma hnd or more mm llwm Thrm armm llnm or Cununlnu Andrew lJuyIl uml Ml wrrn on hand uh lho Itlliel Imln UlHnnlv Thu boy nm Inn In part In he ncrvko nrxl lnvllcd In M4 rrpl Jung hrhl Iu Suvlour Many do All he phyllrnl Imd mychinlrlc lermrnl cannot mm film Iplnlunl nml which mun mm mm Jrlm mm The boyl nw rouruellml and ed an the Ward Thlvly boy hnu trsrivrdlcprbl Saviour 11m npmnun on the 1nd wnl lllttrslfll and the 1nd now llvlnn In normal In This boy have he lrmdnm he place We begin awry morning wllh dcvollom rtndinfl ho Word vrnybr nnd lllblo almly livcry Sunday mamlnn us hold gon Ml MHlfl tnll lho ml and wall llll awry boy Ll more The place was filthy and she had 14 other chlldrcn In the house This mu Ihu home ho boy came tram Well got an olhzr prohnllon 0mm und Wonk hack to see her wu np prnnchcd lhu houxo Ihu dour opened suddenly and 1qu mnn lhcr husband cnmo lyan lhrnuuh the air and Ill on Um mound nulslde No mid know what ynu want Ill slzn it In Anita her NORMAL LIFE She auld wont xlgn uny Ihlnu Thu boys mulhcr very alnul Indy me me the door and whnn tnId hcr what the lmubln was and wunlM her nppmvnl Io operate she pound Innh such dream of language an L1 snldum helm rum wo mflfl from lumar In his hand width was cmplng lo the hraln We had to npcrale lo we th 11 and helm doing 5n sent to he panmks In 12 hair can sent Tho Flnon In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING leI On 0rd PA 60163 or 64 ley Stewart and Ella Gnulh 29 Dunop SI Em Ever Told are standing Irommchl Ann plcklson Ship CITY CUE Burton Avenue Unlch Church Easter Sunday It was prcs enled Good Friday evening YGREATEST STORY EVER TOLD Nurninu urvlw In the llrldu nl mnlrrnnl and MM mun luhrrmlnnln nml mrnlnl Imnllh mull ho cnnllnuwl Inld Dr Stall Thu drmnml or we nnlnl flluculerm Izmnpl hm hm unm lmx rnpldly Burn rlnuu mull nnl he nlmndonrd III mm Dr Scull unld llml norm of lhu pmuram cnnnnl curlnllnl wilhnul Imrm to ho mnumlnlly lmmunlmlion rlInch lmvn hlnh prlvrlly lm AIIIIL Nurninu mlw In the fluid In mm far lhu mum of Mnrdl unll dlrcdnr IL Scuu my mm Hm ruducod uunlnu nlnfl hm hm nll In March Mu It in murhmaru urrloul hy Jflfiu 1n Hm mnnnllma plum nru Imlnu mmlt lo am the hrsl INVer pnulhle wllh lho nurm who wlll Itmflhl cqum nn 1mm gnlheml around alter lhe mul ing to inspect the display Slmcnc County Health Unll l5 dulng HI ulmnxl In continue In hlxh mule ol mvlccu duplla he firm mducllon ul Hm nur ij pull WITH REDUCED STAFF In closlng the spouer said Tho Inmlly nllnr Is the hub of the heme The Inmlly lhnl pray logelher stay together Fathers pray with ynur sans dont leave It to mother Handle your boy lhe Christian way and they wont be roubl Next mccllng May with Professor Robert Jervis Un versily Toronto sum weaker The Malar said These boy are amid smutthing We have no evidence of the nu these weapons but they carry them for Jammy In closlng the spouer said Tho Inmlly nllnr Is the hub of the heme The Inmlly lhnl Tn on Blurry flank Fm Mldfluwn hum Ilml OI tqulpmrll lcr Front row are Rosamond Jenncu and Verena Long hursl Examiner Pholas an lmvld Thu rollnwtu In Annnll anlm hula Ind Tuneup xniufiiéuifia HEATING OH BRUCE PEACOCK PETROLEUMS damn llyl Only hr mm will or the Bairie senior citizens In scene from the production are imm lLn Mike Hour Unit Doing Utmost To Do Top Service PEACOCK PETROLEUMS Bruce Pucock Announce Firhl up mm or nurm lnklna ml zrndlmlv Ika lho Ontario Unlwnlllu wlil no In provhlod hy Ihn Ilvnllh Unll Hill your 51mm Cuunly hu Huhd TM hlll been wry unnnlln Inclnry In In pnxl aml will ho mud mom dlfllcull not poulhle nrrnnu um uprlna ha nnld IN TO ALT HI UKOHI nnlnz nrlnclpnln la dlmm Um dnln wllh lhnl mutually nnllnlnclnry dny can he mrclrd lndlrnlcd lhnl prinrlpal hm lendcncy lo the date no ly the pnranla nml ml ml lho null unnln num nvnllnMo 11m dl odor mid It was or lunnlu Ulnl Immunizmlun nnd lubcmflaxh tsllnk In primary nnd mandnry me will be command In April lmuhnol mulalrnuan lnkos plnru nnmmL lynflurlna Apr May Iuslmcnl in other fields wlll have lorrho made Bemard 5L Amant chalnnnn of um County Recrcnuon Com mlllce said the new ppolnlce James Reid North York Mr Reid wlll succch ills Loulse Collcy who has tendered her rcslgnnflun new rccreallon dlrcdor ha been appoinled or Slmcno CounA subject In County Councils apprnval when meals April Mr Davey aaid that normally there is nut more than $10 in In the building at any time The money that was taken was part of lho iunds raised or the lam after the bank had closed The bronkin was originally ciied said Mr Davey by Bob Endingian member oi ha who stopped in law minulu belorn six oclock in do lame woxk Bu ha Hem Ilia really lrks the chief is the the money wnl par of the funds raised far the YMCA Easter Tour to New York which will sum as plan ned Monday Pallce report that the thief got Into the building vln with daw on the south side The hie is snld to have kicked in the main ofllca deer than knack ed panel out oflhe Inner of lce The money was In cash drawer Name Director Recreation Police Chlel Ed Tschirhart said the hen report was made at 515 yesterday by secretary dlreczar ol the Rusl Davey Barrie Clly Ponce Departmen has candidate or the mean est lhlel Mlle II no person whn broke Into the YMYWCA building probably early Gaad Friday and made of with $14465 Meanest Thief Takes $14465 From YMCA Lloyd Foster William Brown Frank Variey 53 19 Bob Robinson and PA um if OPEN HUNDAY ll NOON pm Lakeview Super Mflkwr Ir chll uphdnrd lhnl dull carried on My he rmglslmd nurm In nthrr your will hnvu la he Inkrn um lny us While llrnllh Numn All ol the 1m munlmllnn rllnlcn mm mm ny cllmrl will mvn lo be Ila an1 mm be nflordnd lhh yum mid Dr Emu Tmm will have In In lama reduction In lhu llma ulvm lo lhu under nrndunlu of UM lwo Iocnl lrnln Ina Ichooll also he laid Mgh In tho province an lam ty which could prnvldo pm mm at mm hemIll dulnn nurm and Innltnrlam MEASURES SUGAR Drown sugar can be men xurcd uccurnlcly by packing lha xuxnr lnln Hm cup Irme that It holds the cup Ihnpe The new regulation Into emu immediately Mr Spanner said We are very much interested in helping the counties solve their assua mcnl problems by sharing ihe burden ha inevitable emu our county councillor an be coming more and more aware oi the urgent need or more iubia mefimcnl procedur As an added help tho Minister may approve up to 50 per tent of the cast for mice equipmenl required by any county anest ment commhsloner The County Council of Ont my my now make apphcallnn or grant of $2500lawards the aalary an assmment com missioncr according to new rcgulafion Issued by Spoon er mlnblcraf rnnnlqpnl mm ThL chequedwan made out In the amount of $10 Mlchael John ONuIll Is our ed tha attempt tha Bank Commerce on Dunlap meet 85 Thyrsday Midland man charged with trying to pass famed cheque at Burr bank Ihe Offer $2500 County Grant AI HOLLAND MARSH The Iniernnlional Brotherhood of Teamster has maved into lha vegetable imnlng field and ap plied or certification or 400 em ployee ni three Holland Marsh area producers Holland Marsh Company United Farms and Federal Farms They are em patiyed inane packing oi veget es EHEBA SIIRINE CLUB busioad of member She ba Shrine Club Simm County were guests of Leaaide Shrine Cluh last weeir at the Mosque on Lakeshore Blvd Speaker was Lord Athai Layton professional wrestler who will visit the Sheba Shrine Clubs next meet ing in Barrie April 24 LIBRARY SERVICE eakcr at Barrio Kiwanis Clu weekly dinner meeting Monday at Community Hons will be tho president ltev ioiln ll Riddel who is also on the Barrie Public Library bond of directors At tho close of Can dadinn Library Week Mrt Rid deia address will touch on ser vices and pmgress of tho local library and the proposed build in addition CURLERS T0 ORILLIA Six rinks oi Barrie curler will pay return social visit and match at Oriilla Curling Club next Tuesday night ihi will close out the season ior both clubs Orillla curlers vlsited Barrie in midFebruary when tho total score of the games end tnatlr Midland Man Faces Charge LOCAL GENERAL THE BARRIE EXAMINER QATURDAC APRIL 1m Kentueku PM 6M onr your Enioy CollIiSfldérQ RECIPE ngz nu nl cJr Maduran Irrvlce mark mnrn lrmlrnllnx upulcm lhnn expanding In mnlnlnln balnnm urvlm lo all we mm and In all llfldl nl nun hm Aurllomclrr ISUHK ltnnnccd under Federal Hnnllh Grnnu hnl como la hull In In It In upcclcd Hm mm the Vlllun lbsllnu can be mmplclnd boron ulmoll claw In Junc Thu nttlvlllu hnru begun lo tut Into the llmo nvnllnhla or homo vlsltlna tqpyfubllc mun Nurses Problems and pawlbililics the 20th century worn ngnln described by JIm Flewclllng 11 In made 12 Barrie Ccnlrnl Dlslflcl Callqglulo Inslflule Meanwhllo yau mm rcmcm bar IhnK retarded children like other children need your love and your understandinl she todtha audience The most raglc apart rt lardallon mark on people average lnlclligence nlflictcd through head annrlu or serious illness Though mumch cons anuy mks answer In tho rld dle olfifitnl retnrdntlon Ila CHE rcmqlry cluslvn 17 grade 13 student at Banting Memorial High Schoul spoke nn Mental Retardation There is wealth things menlully retarded chil dren can learn even though their inicilecluai level usually llmlled to an 512 ycur menial ago regardless oi their physical axe shu said By coincidence both at the winning spenken Thursday night were nmncrsup In the regional finals held In Slayner recently Bath gave the name prepared speech they used in Stayner RETARDATION The winner topped field right conlestaan some from tar awnya Owen Sound and Strntfnrd Thus we speaker now in an to the District Onmio and Quebec finals to be held May ha St Lawrence Academy Buckingham Que Two Simcoa County students Joan Ballard Alliswn and Jim Flewelling Barrie wan Una pub 11c spanking finals In ha Llom Club subdistrlct A9 competition Thursday night II was held Human Schnol Barrie The arm tncgnr that fill ln PUBLIC SPEAKING win ners In the Llou Club sub district As finals were Jlm Hewelling Barrie MI and Jenn Bollard Alllston seen here holding their kophles win sub Jlm and PM knfiic lumrd nut la hrnr llw mnkm 1110 NHL gmun Priory VLnlkfl Impnirfiplu nhawod how lnliw 0mm Cnn Hens nm final qulppcd When TV xnad LI very very good thn bad ll ml It DIARY th Vllnyn auhJM win 118w Many You Kficp Imam fiuuinibcmon um 1v only momlcr you mnku one Knmle Coalu dcclnm TV hybblnj ugol our cullml Television he Ono cycd Monster not verbal black eye whcn three 01 lho conical Innm picked lhh lopIc tar lhelr Among lhu bow Tlm Rllchlu Inlkcd about automnllan and Polo anlcr The Story cl 0w Sam Air Service British wurllmo unll an Nuclear Dlsannnmcnl Marilyn Rnbcmnn Canada the Switzerlandol be Ambr icru nnd Rulh Dny Canada the Nullun nl frontiers Kalily Comes spoke on Thu Purpase Our Educallonnl Frag Philly Schrulbmnn AumgnmMuuMImpmum Mun munmum Competitors mm more dist anl wmmunilics were Marilyn Rnbcflson and Pele Lazlcr Owen Sound and Ruth Day and Tim Budgie Slralloni 01 or contestants were Kalhy Comes Omnacville and Phillip Schreibmnn OrilIln both of whnm took top honors In the raglan Ina In Stayner the Inl lcr winning the on cnmpelilur Wnrd among the ll caMesln are 0mm comasums Désfdév the 51 minute long prepared speech each conlest anl returned to the platform lo 3ch minute lmprmlm talk Qualities 01 Good Leader was he Ioplc chmen by Jenn Belford Jim Flewplm Thc dcélslan be made flu decision that makes man at boy he condudcd Today the world Is poised an the brink at two pmsihilitie nuclear annihilntlun or the threshold at Utopian achieve menu he said in the sight of God all men were created with equal rights though not with equal abilities Adequata preparation in both moral and educational fields 11 needed or the individual In snc coed in getting along with oth era and learn live in world wide peace fluenca he 20th century to the greatest degree is you lha individual he emphasiled This Ihe only way to pull society out in present state oldecay Second from Ielt Ll Ell Moody Mount Forest pubflc speaking chairman for sub dlslncl A9 and far right Edwin Walker dlslrlc gav ernnr Midland who presented In 5mm pmlfi by km Butum llml III yva In mull yuanml by IM Chun hr nl Commem wwwwummm WANTED mm plum afarsdmmwn nu mad calcium Cuba mulllwme nunopener ll navel Charcoal In quunmy Power M001 chkwnl Drunk Gluelnl Bobbin an Dr min mnthlnu 14un Dawn Wm pollih Cumuub wax FOUND Shopping Sarvice You Improvo your nbillllel evcry llmc you put forth the ellort he explained Just by camlng hem lanlzht and thin your best you hnvo improved your speaking mils and 01 confidence beyond their prevl out level District Governor Edwin Walker Midland presented the two winner with their trnphle and $20 cheque Consolation prizes 1n cheque lorm were pre sented to the other contestnnu by deputy dlstrlct governor Ken Henderson In th lnlk alter lhl presenta tlnn Mr Walker hnd lama nd vice or the other six contest ants He old hem not to Ice badly About mlsinx nut on top honors Don erzuson played the na tional anthem Music was pro vided while the judges were mm maklng their dubious Bar rle Bubcrshuppcr quartet Thl First Nighlcra ran through their repertoire and finished lhelr pmzram ills the Judge relumcd Judges were Anglu McKay Everett Hicks Tom Tallemfl Bob Hancock and Menu Bamesr Waller Con was Hm er Huh McConney teller luck Scugg Impromptu blacks Ed Norman supervisor Bard Lions Club president Vern Stew art gave welcnma an lhl clgba behalf WIEGINS FUBS Prngrnm chairman was Bill Moody Mann Forest public Ipeaking chairman or subdls Ich A9 Host or Illa contest wag lhe Dame on Club wu blamed for the small um aul Parenu Liam Club mem bers and judges tamed he hulk the audience while mmt of the chairs remained em Here was an additional thu lungs or the speakers since Audience reaction counted at 20 per cent or lheir marks and small audience lend to be lim Idnnd undeinanslralive Anovx ALL mt Lul lullon To nunI Dum onzsnuNo OIIJAIIING Col ItoMal unnun annulled Campn Air QULm Inll lraphle and cheque to the two winners Elth genlesfi anu competed in the contest held Thursdaynlghl at am crest School lEnmlnu Phulo 3ng You Buy run WEN IIICKI rln imnu Dunlap

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