Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1963, p. 15

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ny mus spamle The United Church Womens at the home Mrs Hmdy with members from Crown HI and Edgar UCW as Russia Roll call was 51qu verse parlalningloEasler Thu service was conducted by Mm ank Wood whn spoke an The crass Ms Susan Handy accom panlcd by Miss Judy Mlzutanl Anna Were Ynu Them mil Amwum 5211 mo crv Ncwl mu Amwmn 5mm Iuva MML lam Mel Imenu 1030 Sprdrum um link my 5mm Imhn 11mm Llfl luxlln aluml Junior llockty on lmm so mumm Guru The hmnud Tuna maan lknnll Hulnl My my sin Alon wm uum Andy Grimm Show Inunnu APRIL un Wruuxnl IHAnnn Wllon Trlln swmy Bun dlmy Pnrlbnnll sum Mum No Epcfll Amwan 5mm CTV New Amwum 5mm 915 man 10 um Inn lun Ina MoNnAn APRIL 15 1am Tm mum 1015 Good Momhu mu Sludln may 1055 New um Rampu nuom man 1055 um repan mmpllcd an the meet ing of the Slmcoe Presbyteflal by Mrs Cough was rend by Ina secretary Mrs Jory The Thank uflcnng $31 is In be given to Bob Hall student Emmanuel College Tornnlo Mm Gough Inlroduced the special speaker Mn Bell Barrie who spoke on St Lukes story of the Cross the close at the meeting refreshment were served by the hostesses mn Cs heard message from Norman Slnnalt at their regent mpefing Congratulnhans In Mlss Susan Handy who won Ihc schalnrship or Oro Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy Sr were men dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Lorne llnndy Mr and Mrs Stan WaLsan and Inn Stave and Ronnie motored to Camp Pclnwawa Sunday In ouufifippua 832 838113 K1anth Bun Bunny Team Tim nn Lucy mm mu Cudld Cm Tn TI Thw an rumu Iol mind by wn plulo phono mm No cunnoa roiz fins ssnvucu Julie CDC TV Ntw wuum Newx Spam Mum Now Voyull TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVIYOURSILF CAR AND TRUCKS DALSTON Cow III nfllvvlrl Tl III ma CFTO CHANNEL my 5mm Thnhe Jaunul Ilockty CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL Furlonnlnn PA 82433 1000 mm rnklun Journal 10 CTV Nun ma Phuorm 111 FYI luv MI Pmmu MuNDAY APRIL no Kiddo no nnmmo no MnmJnl annu 00 um Iruenll Ina our Home 1100 Noomuy Rlpmt Inn dedn 100 Mm Allen In Cunllm nmm demum or Tom Hm Ilual lmllnl Van rmluwn Innuwa xmda lduny mu 5pm wanna in ma Paml Thulu SIOKY DI an To Tell 11 mm mv mu Mum Ylllll Hum Irflnn 3235253382 no so Inna no um Ins 1110 visit Sgt and Mrs Bmca Dam Mr and Mn Bob Sinclair Samla wen guesls of Mn Browns parents Mr and Mrs Clarence Brawn The final enclun party the season was well allendcd Pr zes were won by Mrs Maxwell Mlsa Della Emms Duncan Moore and Robert Handy Mr and Mrs Parson span the weeknnd wilh Mr and Mn As While Mr and Mrs Hany Priest The WI will meet April 18 the home of Mrs Coward Roll Call Is to be 1113 paymnnl of dues and My First Recitation Walton at the home of Mr and Mrs Hany ernhl Sunday wera Richard Noble Tomnlo Sinclalr MacDonald Bradford Mr and Mrs Lewis Noble and lamily Newmarkel Miss Lynn Handy visllnd hcr Mend Miss Wanda Junenu men Hill during the weekend In and lake 531 will be held at the home of Mrs Emms from pm May sponsarnd by the Dalslon WI Mrs Delbert Emms has re turned homa arm holiday in Florida Dunlap IA i051 Vu llm By MRS MAURICE REID nna MANB snap DARRIE GOVT SURPLUS NEW 161th nm nu WOODS TENTS lol OFF ON ALL TENTSI nlunzmm wow crury runHula lnr TORONTO no llaman llnxhu Pmlumr Our mm Noondly mm Klddo Hum Iml Aun lrnpll In nuan rn mm vunuu vw Im an Ilhluny 1mm wu Nun wmrm spon an Imp Hull Nun Ilulon llouv Dr Kllun nuvm nrlnklun Journal CTV Nun Phuorm Pulley Pmy Noondly Report Mam nu Wm eu sm mu Around lrlzndli 01m Lanna You Tm Thu1y semen mu Pom Pmy Ruxll 1mm Tm lelnl World BARRIE New wmhu Spam munth Don hour Jubllu nanny Tho Show rmy Moon Show mum um TV New r1 Spam Nu LEFBOY show UMIMYIM Yum lA HO lunmsnns H05 COWANI II couun 1in hwm Enllrllnn no Imllh qvt 1mm uvlun num Noum luhm nnmmo anN Munlsrln summon mumu wmon llnlllllnl hlrl nunl Mm mum 0mm Yllaphnlvl any um with part score or 60 Opening leadeight clubs The bidding by lha opponents samctlmcs draws neat blue prlnl which declnrcr can luc cesslully allow to arrive at hl desllnnlion This hund was played In rubber bridge game South opcncd wilh bean and West playlnn preemptive Jump aver calls bid two spades North came in with three clubs doubtful call cxcusahlc only be cnusn his sidc had part score at 60 WHSON and CHALONER chqu wnmn lllrhud Chllnmr nnmu nmnm 1me In Ens doubled which was cer Iuinly rcasunahlc and when South nm In three hurts dou bled ngnln Wcsl led Hm eight of clubs Thu snunlion was unprm pllluu lrom Soulhs vwwpoinl since lhc club finesse was marked to lose he look and the nude lincssc llkcwisu WM HINTON BA COCKIIURN llmmm um Mum II Con El mm lh mm WILSON MOORBY HAIUIISIER SOLICITOK 11 mm PA was llllss Darlene Turpln 01 RR Alllslon was ruled wllh mlsccllnncour brldnl shower on Thursday evenan at the horns of Mrs Mable Bartlett Alllslnn The shower was given jolnlly by Mrs Barllcll and Beverly Smth ol Llslc Bad weather prevented some from allnndlng but lhulr gills were sent n7 lho rhpwer Nina Womanl Institute mem bets attended the rug sum mary day at the Odd Fellnwn Tunple Barrie They displayed rugs made rln their Th lendmand Brawnlu Ara sponsoring poYulnr household product and wou like as many as possible to come out in Ihe Church basement on Thursday evening April re SOCIAL NOTES Mr and Mrs Percy Cnnnlnz of Woodbrldge and Mr and Mn Harold Carscadden of Slnylier were Sunday visllm the home spent Sunday with Mr Ind Mu Fleming 313g lnmlly Mr uni Mrs End Frld Cooksvllle were weekend guests Mr and Mn Gram Congratulnllnm lo Sulan 611 more who came In second In class 35 or piano III Kl wanls Festival In Oflllll GLADSTONE CURRIE QC LIVINGSTON minus narrlslcr Solicitor nnd Nullry Publlc PA mm 35 Owen Corner Collier and Owen STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME Mnnlnfnns snucmm NnTullu IUIIHC man mm South dealer NorthSouth vulnerabla nonm one 42 on mug wzsr am no Mm Tha bidding South Wen Ialll llnwl 00 Fulnm 00 nmmu llnnrn nlll 0mm Hallmar numb DnL num novs SEAGMMT nowa CONDER SUGG cowm coWAN FUNERAL HOME 11 ul lUrKIlnI ulVIcl AT MODIIA r0 ALLISTON PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Pan PA M197 lEGAl Dunlap Im CONTRACT BRIDGE 9xun on mu soum 0AM vuaus oxqa +2 Nurth Pu EAST By JAY BECKER lull Dbln Dhll him muon MA murmrl lmmxx an DOCIOILI 0F ORTHOPAle Fm Or find Harm In no quimm Ill um WIIfiON MTKOIATHIC LINIC Eur any momma ma tlmmm pup mm ynn an nun quid Hun Iifllch HAHN THERAPY IKMZIIML GVNNAITICI mmu nu auaum lundnn mum at Mum um mum mu MIhlll mm mm Nucl tcphcnxon ROA ITDHIIIII Dunlap II In Ilnh lhnm PA ll Turhu HIM mum nwm luyn um umlnulonl In 19an Comm Mum Tnnmln Ml rrd Mm Mamrn mm In mm EL 111 Imam THE DAVIES OF CANADA um um lulum1 uula rmhu hum Hon 1mm menu mm 11mm unnluubuu nrm ml Chlrl ud Aununllnh Tune In llmlnwlu unum 11 non Callltr 5L rnnn So at trick three Snulh played the king of diamnnds taken by lho ace Vcsl returned club Soth ruflcd the In cashed 94 ul dlamonds and nee spades nnd lhnn played the ace nnd nnolhey hpgrl trump lrlcks but was then Ion with only the KJG 01 clubs When he now played the klng Soulh dlscardcd spade and when Em wu lhenforccd to continue with club In the queen South 01 Id elhls olhqr shady SoSnuifi mad the cnnlracl losing in all two hurts dil mnnd and cluh On Monday Anullm Flmflll and pmenled by Mr Beck mom PA um NmmmCA l1 Undlrhfllflk lluldtnl Purlnln ol Mr and Mn Mordanliln wood Alllslan Weekend guest at the Harwood home were her dmxhtnr and IonMaw Mr and Mrs Hana Berger Downsvlew Sunday visitors of Mr and Mn Alan Swan were Mr and Donald Swan and Brands Allmg 411m guxljlnry Thu Indies oi the Legion Auxil iary inst Wedntsdav hcid the last Euchre and Bridge party oi min oi not drained to help rain iunds la imish room in tho new hospiiai Ai Ihauzh they did not reach lhclr objective member were planned with Ihe overall ruuill The bridle prize wen wan by Mn Huahson and Mrs Mccuue Thu euchre prim were won by Mrs Townsend and Mn Hawk spunsored very successhl Bake Sale In the Alllslan Llhr ary Hull wllh proceed also for the hospital fund One or the Mghllghu of the bike male was the lucky draw fur two very nice baskets of groceries which were won by Mrs Laith Nicola and Mrs Etta Heydun Another lundralslng project the Legion Auxiliary ha uh ticket on null Ind anh lon The draw is In be hdd the nlght the Legion held In last bingo he Ionian seemed unpromlsinz In don there was also the likeli hood um he trumps would brink bndy But undauntcd dcclam went up with the ace cluh and returnarl heart When Em lnycd low South Ilnessed lhu ask and then discovefld when West pmduccd lha ten th at um were no as bad as they mmed The Indications were Hut East had shined with our hearts one spade since Vesll lump nvnrcall was probably based on sinrd suit five clubs judging by he doublu three clubs and hence three diamonds favorable development presenled South with legit mnte chance to make the con tract By this time even though only We trick had been playedhe could he ran sonably certain of Easts distri bullon OrrlrrSalurday ha Auxilgry cnmma Accounl lum Wllmn Ill Emu JESSIE BRYSON anLl PIANO DIANA NAPIER IT llAllllll MEDICATTMSSME HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT 11955 acrnAnmsou Amps 1055 MUSIC Lssécfi ACCOUNTANTS OPTOMETRY osfioMm unknown rmm IA um HAVE SEMI HEAD or souo FRANEE same TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL amgw éwww £0 WHEN START THREATENING MASSM RETALIATIOEIYJ JUST DONT KNOW may TO 51091

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