Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1963, p. 1

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anlluu llwm wnl Mnnwo mnflyu lhvlIH nml mnl mlthn lrlvmln um hln ol Ihl wellIIINI Tnmra Wnllnfl HIM nnd rm Inlumml fllnnm whnl hml lunmwnmlwn Dr lerr hllHn in Mm low hnlr uhrn muh nlnvlul In mm 11m 95 hml pawl lutll um um mlrr livnl RM pul him mum lllnnl and Inwd Um lmnllllmwlsletlwl nlm Hwy HIMIMAM Kay WM mlmlrrrd Ihrnl mull Illan 0an ovrllumnl mm manly Ill MM lmcrr Flulrr l7 lull In Fritlny night In llm 32 ml rnmn uukrr huunlm Tlnur 51ml sum Hd Ifllll 71 MN SF Flu IAIJ Iltlfl wnrrh lnr Grumln My Iml Iwn Kry Vul Inlmmrn MINI hm Hm U5 flnll Emmi lnuml Ihr Illmhlnlnt lad nlnlm ml llxlmmrn MRI Ill nl ml time In ulm WASHINGTON AP Thu Unllcd Shuer In cxpcdcd hell Rimln nhnrlly that he pro posed NATO mullllulcrnl nu cINIr larcr all which he mm nnw nrc nogollnung Ix dc Ilunrd purrly lha minute or Vralrm liumpu ml nllrrl rm Mushe lhrwl lo lh Sm Htl Unlun Slulo Srcwlury UNI Illlhk nnlilled Sovlrl Amhnnmlnr An lnly Dohrynln Friday but Then is no hnpe for thy 129 men who rode the nuclear suh mnrine mile and half dawn inln lhn ucmn lmugh All that can be salvaged now are the how and whys no US Navys wnrsl suhmarine diaas lurnn uxplnnnlion Hm could lave ha lives nlher submar lnm While the search 1005 on he navy has nnnnunccd ll Intends In go ahead with mnsruclnn of mare allle submarine Mk3 the mrcshcr Sprain LchDmunding gear In the hands at occanogrnphcrs will map lhc bnllam nl lhe lanllc in he emu to ind the hullor what is lot or iIin or dcr ha can he scanned by nndcrwnlcr lclcvisinn and me hnfliscaphc Tricm ml rill ml lulddl not uund In flap mud by wcboluluL By ELTON FAY WASHINGTON AP Dark leather and gala winds swept lanhcr nut ln sea luday clear lnn Ihn sklbs mcr damn ships probing fur the dcnp grave ol lhc submarine Thresher Says Lad Admits Slaying Men Planned Nuclear Force No Threat To Russia Clear Skies Help Hun For Submarines Grave To the children Euler is the lime or bunnies flowers and nannies Pretty Brenda Cole daugMcr at Mr and 99th Year Na 87 For Examiner Wank Ads Tele phone PA mu Tho telephone number lo call for Ike Business or Editorial Dept in PA 531 Our Telephones 1an or lhn 129 the nuclear sub and half dawn llnuflh All that EASTER BUNNY AND EASTER HONEY plrlmr n1 Inrninl Invnnll nvrr Avvmllnu anikm llm vmnumlnl Imy nml ulml llrlnlnr Fivlll Tnm hogan llluplnl up lmm lnlnxmmlm you Lhrml lhnul yuunfl mlor Ila WM Iloscnlml hy hll mnlhvr In lrlflin hrllunl Imy nhn mull In haw xlluunn Mm um mm Iumu haw Mm Inup My Wrnl nuvnl Ilnlllvr Llrui Trrrrll Tnnnrr Inrd Ir pull wlwru Ml lurml Dr PM wnl lprnd Iv lldny mum Inmul In hunk the nan In Mm thmluy Tmlllrr lnld link would Ive lwllrr hvr NIH In hm Mml mu he an Inaum he lwnu ulynl llw maul gun mm rrn hlmxhpnllrml Key Vrnl main mam hm Inhl Ihlnk Am Imam It umd nulhnrl lln Do nnl puhllcm my dwfln rurlul when ynu In my lullwr hocnuu ha ha hall hrmt rrply to H1 weekl Moscow pmln nunlnnl mu nuclcnr lnrco wlll he disnnlrhcd In cw days nllcr consulmllnn wllh other alllrd governments lus Aln charmd In US wilh move In unlznxh mm In nuclmr Inckcl nrmnmml lrnnurmllnz all nnllnnnl and xwzmphlc boundurlu flunk nlm olrl Ihhrynln In lhrir mimlnulc mrtan nl Io llnln drpnllmenl lhn lo navy xpnkcsmnn declined lnday to say whclhcr codex would he changcd lllCIIuSl 01 ha Threshcrl sinklnfi in 11400 1ch of water more than 200 miles casl of liusinn The navy has said lhnl Ive rnusn he dtplh 01 water This sludy he lnid rcpnricrs Friday night is beside and in ndditiun In the general invch galion being conducicd by naval court of Inquiry The loss of the Thresher could lure the navy lo change some in secret message code ys 1cm thlhcr cndns nre changed lo pmvnnl hem 1mm lallin into lhc hands at nur nallons dc pcnds such lhlmzs us me place where ship sinks water depth and he pnssihilily no toss to lho wreck But said Navy Secrclary Fred Knrlh lhe Bureau of Ships Is making new study the entire structural design rs Earl Cole of Duck arlh sheet has two of he Impurlanl items She expects the goodies to come later An Alvlml Mrnnnn Wm In nMIhrr alum mmdrllll dwam hrll hnd lvvnlnrd ml or Lake Armllwml nlnnv IHII henmlml uilL What IIINUIL Mill nu nllvrl Iluw dul lum mil lIl Imuva wmlrllul uushl In tuhlpaund haul lhuk mul Dnhrynln mcl Inr Hm Alnlml pmwm ul rumimr 1m lhrlr uplnmlmy lnlkA nn ammo lllml lonxlun ruling Ilrr lln urronwnl flwy lwn nwl nnrn provlnmly nu yrnr Um llerlln vmhltm mull win nn nnunm lollnwllll Frlvlnyl rlnu um llwy will mm min In Um nvnr lulum 11w dlmlulnu ml llrllln ul lnll unld dld nnl open up any mw llmlml nr mark nuy pm mu Inward lunuula Inr Bllltmrlll nl umn rum mnmunhl NMI Viol Nnm Tluy Mm unupuwl la be pulled nul un der Hm ylculmllly nglmnrnl Iml mw been rrpuxlnl Ill In lhu munlly 11m US wtmln Hmuln In use nullmnly aptclllcnlly gr ulcmrr rrrdam ul mnmmnl or Im lnrrnnuonnl cunllnl mmmiulnn In nnllllmlrlhrd lmllory In tho Illllo 54leer Anlnn hlnflllnm ll nlw Mmll vlnpldu wllhdrnwn hum Imus II acriuusly mnccmcd uvcr lhn men lighllnz In Laos and tho uiluru ul ll Cnmmunlsl IMO llmrc lo carry am fully the lInslWrsl nkrrcmunl In new lrnllw Laos WANTS WITIIIIIKMVM In San Divan lhc navy Announced hat the Trieste lho research submarine Mhicll is Inch aver the Thresher wrctk nne found will leave by ship Sunday or New London Conn llc alsn said port or snholaxcf The Thresher was In yards nnd drydock for mars Khan 12 munth rum flue me of her cummi inning mm ml iiDWEiE Russia has same uiirnmodcrn occanoprnphic scarch ships designed for stud io£ oi hullnms in deep Wiiitl wilh extensive equipment aboard iimcs one ui hose ship seen working with Ihe Soviet iishinz incl in lhu Grand Banks area which is in ihe vi cinliy of ihe Thresher sinking ViceAdmiral Bernard Aus lin lhu court inquiry head lald rcporlcrs Friday the cnurt will into everyhing lhnl Mn inln Hm overhaul of lhu ship there is no chance 01 salvage Brenda wasnt sure nhuhcr he bunny was gain In help her celchralo Ihe hnlidny or vice versa Examiner Photo HERES ONE lhcra Is rm re may mm mum berm Hm drlnflwl pnwwmk Imlm Ivy Ilnlyl mm mrll rnl lmumm alums The rvluxrll In llll nul nuyanl mu ml mm hare Munllnh Imvu mm Nu plmulpllom Ir unlnnnfmm um Iheu mmqu hldul workd Iml urrh Halvl 51000 1hr lnu Alum lllmur ulvihr Hwy Inlan pallrnu nwny ram llwlr Am nml Ioluml In vnr vllln lmxpllnl nm tllnlrl Any an1 In Millan nyrylr nu mnpmuu lune mm mnwluz lnr munth 11m hnn hrm mmmnm mum dmlnu mum null Imquilal In hulrlnm lly HIM MILLER HUME 1M Hunlrlhlfll IV Mlhm Ilnlyl mrdhll llrnlrm Illm 11w dnrtnn dlllllmlfl II lrrlIIHl rum lnulllrlrnl lullco Mld lhn lmy Ml bmlhnr Cllflnrtl 12 And Gary min Wm pinyin In Hm In when mm the buy an lulu In car and mrxml Ihr Ilnrltr 1110 Mr luuml lnrwnnl crush lnulllahrrl Main lhn xnnlxo wnl COLLINGWOOD Onl CPI ITlulllyrnrlvld ohm Hnlmu wn kllled ThumIHy nlnm whllo phylum In Ilml car In In Ihll nay cummunlly Inn 41 ii mmc rnd Ins yum 46 person mot ncrldcnlnl drulh 20 lhnm on highway The munl Bashr dczllh ml 70 In H757 Includ Canadian Press survey Irnm pm Thumlny lo mld niuhl Friday showrd nix mum llculhx In llrilish Calumhla our In Omarin lhrce In Quebec luld mm In New Brunswick Six prnvlnm Newlound lnnd Prince Edward Island New Scum Manitoba Saskat chcwnn mud Alhcrtn rcpnrlrl no ncddenlnl dcaflxs chcnlccn per nur provinces died in accidcnls across Canada the lhreeday Easlcr wrckend an under way Fnurlncn persons ditd In mmc nccldcnls That Efiincy dcscrihed lhe lagnchlnpa routine satellite would hcknufnl ng Cosmos 14 Thu first he as series was lnunchcd In March In year Since then Soviet ackn lisls have averaged one Cosmos launching month satellite carrlnd scicnli 1c equipment In conlinue space research program an4 nounced by lhe Russians in Aligch 12 Collingwood Lad Killed In Car Lot LONDON ReulersThe 50 via Union today launched the HUI in series of unmanned artlflcinl salellilcs 135 news agency 990 cd Diagnose Illness Insufficient Pay The countrys hushhush plans or keeping going in event nl nuclear alluck were handed out as pamphlet Frlday to 10000 persons marching the 50 mllcs lrnrn Illdcrmnstun near Oxford to London The annual march from nuclear research centre lo the capital is intended lo dramnllle demands that Britain slrip ilsclr or nuclear arm scrins scnsalinnnl espion nac cases have led in charges ol sluppy security against Prime Minister Macmillans Conserva liru novernthent Press and Parliament were minded tn Holiday Mishaps Number 17 Dead LONDON AP Scotland Yard today began search to find out who leaked Britains nuclear survival secret to ban thmmb marchers Aulhnrilies admiucd IL was nnulher major incuriiy breakdown yTIIE CANADIAN PRESS Soviet Launches 14th Satellite Who Leaked Nuclear Secret To BanTheBomb Marches Barrll Onfarlo Clnldl SIIurday April 13 1963 Majority Support Assured Liberals Vllyl IIAIIGN IIIECTI Unlll llwy lrl nllalntllnn pay 14 lnlcrlflnn Inclan will drf alcncy ml nml nnyrnlu III In HutIr awn way thlll In RHPMI dlrodli Imlud nI wnfl nl or Um nurnclen lo par 11w pullrnu wlll have lo Imry mill allle Mr mainth mm Ipnclu Mlny nlhrr mm In vnlmi In the mnlmlmu ulln Junyd murMy wllh nvrmv mrnl hmulllh hquu umklnl mndlllnm luv demmdl or In oqulpmmL Hu anlnnul Fnlrrnnnu NHL In Allnclullonl ordnrul complrlfl lmni wllh um um run mural nlunmu urnrirl nlnrllnx nut Tuelay llul mull lhnn hall 11 Inflow4i HumJumle llu gum by IHIIIMI lu nlnxl lllrlr romerl hrrlk lul erlnrulny An RCAF htllronlcr Icll Chill lmm NIL Frldny mum in lake Mrl Allhur Mnmrll hum hrr hams our nuclnuche In Munc Inn The elderly wamnn wnl mmnnl Iuflulnl mm II we ln¢rnn dlnnnlrr Tlm mad hum Mnnclnn Io Illlcloulhn WM Ill Muchd and Ira unaw 11m wculhcr emu here sald tlllu wcnlhcr wn bxprclcd to move In mm he west cnzllnx heclk wch of norm Hun slurlcd Mondny Tho latest blan dellvurd Thursday mu clnmcd mnny mud wllh mow enrly lodny However clvll dmnce nu mnqu In hnrdMl muthmsl rm New Hrunxwlck mm most of UN hundreds of molorlsll mnmnnnl on hlghwnyl nrnr Mnnrlnn lmd hem heed by Innij rm Prlmo Minlslcr Dicfcnbaker Ihu lcn himself or his suctca sar Iillle mom for he manoeu crnhflily prima minlsler like In have when organlzlnz government HALIFAX CF Scllling weather was tnrccnsl lodny us widu scclions ol the Mnrlec dug nu uner lhe seasons wonl bliuard slgnmenlx or retiring palm clans ur when the prime minis ter lb dny wanls In reward though some Ike nppolnl mcnls inch the Chln Justicu of Canada are usually nonpo liHcal In mum When nie tnmmr Libzrnl gnv crnmcnt oi Prlma Minister St Laurcnl was delealed In 1957 ll OflAWA CPlNlne vacan cies in senior parliamenlnry Judicial diplomatic and civ service appointments remain ailcr the election tn he tilled by Um government whichever pnlty is in power have seen lhls pamphlet but do not knowwh¢re it came from said Very Rev John Collins canan ol SL Pams Calhedral and head of he CND It has nothing In do with thq CND me pamphlets were handed out by members of he mmum Committee 100 which played prominent role in the anti American demonstration ho lime of the Cuba crisis lust Oc tober It had no part tn organ lzing the march The Commune for Nuclear Disarmament whlch dld spam air the march qulnkly dis clnlmcd any knowledge ol the pamphlets CND INNOCENT crcale an uproar over the latest leaks Maritimes Digs Out Of Blizzard 12 Appointments Left To Be Made Besides being dislribuled to Vuyr muss NELSON Thr xlnrm llrsl shown mrnnlh Mnndny hm ll dh mle cmmnunlmllom In much of mnlnlnnrl Nova Smlln um lrlnce Ellwnnl IIInnIL mde lhreu drum mud hmuuhl down paw nu lllll JDIIN XXIII lwml lly Orrvlnw VIIlIlI Mn Cmtflll In UM rn nullkl In Vnuun Elly AI The alarm In ll Iccund was Ill he Mnrillmcs II Mm dropped up lo 20 inch mum Tlmrsdny nn llm New nrum wlck cuunllrs Kml Allch nnd ulmorlnnd nml an Nova SmIlna umherlnnd Cnunly Plans nnowmnhllcx nnrl lnxcks carrylnx clvil datum pcrsnnntl and fled Jon work er outh drHlI la reach Ilrnndnd mnlarisu plaws had broken down lryinz lo gel lhmunh Two acflnclu exist In the roflcr of dcpartmcnlal deputy minislbrs he senior cvH serv lro post in the dopnrlmunln which may be filled on Ihu basis scninrlly In the dcpnrlmcnls or lhrough palillcnl channels of the Supreme Court Can ndn The $27500nycar nppnlnl mcnl nlmcsl Invariany made on the basis seniority liked to go In he senior puisnu judge Mr Jusllce Robert Taschcr mu 15 vncancics In he Senate alum Ior the new Conservauvc gavcmmcnt to ill There was crillcism wilhln lhc Liberal party lhat he old guvcrnmem had lclt so many vacancies to the Conservatives Theie nova Ere lhrce Senate vagncics one In Onlano Thu hlghcsIranklng post cnnuw is that Chlof Jusllcu defence mlnlslry snokcsman said was serious breach he Official Secret Act lniormalion given in lire pam phlnl included the location of undergrnund headquarters for civil services In Um event oi nuclear attack along with IE names comrdinalor of mill iury police fire and health and transport services The sixvpagc document alsu mnlalncd photographs nnc ol Ihe regional cvil defence head quarlers marchers 4000 copies of lha pamphlet were mailed la news papers publlc figures and even Brllains Intelligence chlel Government officials unneeded the Information In was largely accurate and warned mm the pamphlels author will be pro ccutcd It caught vmsnm nm lhe mu krpl his mold nny rhmm xlnl tnlrl mm he will mnnvlc flour HM um lupa mm Ihmunh lhu cuslnmr my gellnru of xrnullccunn Fnr Ihe Inst Ihrcc dnyx Ila mmnd Inunncd pmllcl pnlcd In Ilon Vcck Common In and rcIrnsmI MK Ichytllcnl In Inklnx pm In he Gran Frl In mva In St Iclcr Iln nII cu he did not allow II III unI nI lcmmlnz hls shoes In walk up In crucillx or rm rnlI he hnx xlnne In um Archbishop Anxcln Dell Acqua nn mlslnnl Valium scrrclury flute mid he Ian appeared mlcd nu he wvnl nbom his work Iodny Jnhn XXIII ring the NI pupal mourning lme 1h customary vmnmllon cru unx In SI Peters anxllca on Good Friday 0n he an of the service vale the Liberal had 173 seals livc short of malnrily in the 253 501 Hnuse The Progressive Cansarvallvcs had 98 Social Credit 20 nnd he New Demo cratic Purly 17 inlerA rsl of he Canadian people In mainuinlng stable gnvcm man OHAWA CPIA heavy pro Liheral volo among lho armed services swung lwo constituen ms lo the Liberal today aust lng two Progressive Conserva lives and left Lester Paar sons Liberal party only three ml short an outright maA jarin In the new Parliament Iiie iinnka dad wagglinni iiaoTcmiscamingue gain mm the Prnxresslve Conservatives and Hastings Souih another gain from he PCS Gcncnl Vanier saying Ihcir de cislon was made nnl becausl we liberalsubul because Penon member for Beauce PierreMr dre Boutin Dorchcstcr Ray mond Langlols Mcannlic Gil burl Bandeau Shefford Lucien Plourde Quebec West and Ruhr er Eeaule Quchpc East OTIAWA CF Majority support In the next Parliament was assured the Liberal puny when slx Quebec members we Social Crcdil party an nounced Friday that may in land lo support he Liberals Liberal Leader Pearson sald he was pleased that these six members of Parliament in land lng lhclr support to lhe cause strong slnble malorlty gov ernment have put lhelr province anal lhellr country lirst Tney 75311 signed ind unt nrized alalemenlJo Governor Fatigued Pope Gives Usual Veneraiion 01A Crucifix VATICAN CITY flawPan Saurccsrifidlcélcd lh Liber Six Quebec Social Credits Put Country First Pearson 3T0 G0 Na Morn Than For Copy16 Plan Sunny today and Sunday Low lunlxh as and high Sunday 60 For the cnmplele sum mary pleasu turn to page two Local Weather mun ohm Msnr Ilmkfl wmuz mm mm aflmumi momka IM WNW lawn the Hand mass nllcndnl by more lhm down cunlin was nu In true And mmplch nmu lmnmn church forhhll cnmrrrnllnll hrrml and wine nn lhll Ilny All KM Nu IHK ul lhc mwmcu of Chrhln pnulon And drum Th huge conlnsxional all wag slrlpmll nlmnsl lmm 1111 Sisllnc fhnlr rhnnlcd withoul organ Nn bell Sflumltd Purpll dmplnu thudcd Llama lb annlin nnzyol Mike will mlssmg Imm M1 hnnd and Imljflrlcdlnn hula The alycarold ltndrr lhl anlm Camch Church Mfll la the lourisllhrongcd husillca nll Chrlslianfly nhscnvtd Ila mos snrmwful dny the year ncallimz he Die Amarilud is Day niucrnus who Chllsl Had on he crux nl Cul nry or mnnklndl sins lhrcc time us the crucifix So Inr as nuclear arm in concerned we rcservn our solves the right In Vain accord ng In our conscicnc uu He said at least two of lhl slx Mr Pcrmn and ML Ea Iin have been conhmwd Sa cial Credilcrs far about 15 years and will conflnne lo be Pcrswually will support Liberal government which moves award Canadlln econo mic development However Deputy Social Cre dit Leader Real Cnouuuenld he slx were no daleunn He errand ll polillcal nrakezy to give the Liberals chance In Canada urk gently needs responsible Ind slable government Anolher lm medlale clcgllon out ol the question llowevcr lhe worklnz out olsucll policy will be clearcut and above board all llmes In Qixebcc City Dr Marconi said he repudlales the action or lhc six It was not lakm by hi party angler caucus and dunt haw any parllamen tary party can act without caucus Hymns MOVE In Three Hills Alla Social Credit Leader llnhcrl Thompson said will nnl tolerate any deals cl any kind He sald has asked Dr Guy Marcoux the party whip lo make an lavas1 lllzallon Should any arrangemenl with the Liberal pany be en 6er lnln bynny Social CrchL member of Parliament such will berepudifsgedv hold no discussions with flu slx Social Credit member and no details beyond lhnsc out llncdIn the slawmenl were knpwn here Eu uhErc side Ouawa was reaction out ha apprnarhed 53$

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