Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1963, p. 9

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Fullmer Plotting Against Champion MIml Jmk HIMll 1M NIVHI Trnn nunrulnlnl nil mm 53 Fnll Laud dnlo Fla Wanm Inufilmlly Im mun Man nul mml Tnm karr 11mm mm incl Mllhlu In be mmrd ll urlah In momm Hm Ilihl ll Tl AKSOIMIH llll Inl MumJIM Wu Mulro lumdml Nil Mnuurl Tn mnnu Alukm ll Ili LAS VEGAS Nev CllTnlo he lnpe or vnuml llth Sulnrdny nlshl Mer Vnrld Huxln Aunclnllnn mhl dlewrlghl rhnmplnn Dick TIE Ind Geno Fullmcr Fullmer Fllmed In San Frnnclsco on In Oclabu nlzhl In your the mom mow the lycamld Fullmer of Wnsl Jordan Ulnh losing crown lo macrln nick me In 15 brulllnn roundx We Iludied hm pldurcl or wuks Fullmcr mm lhuuday anr ha and War wound up their heavy drill or lha scheduled lbmundcr lo ho lglevlud hy ABC sunning 10 pm EST Allhouzh Fullmrrl Ilrnlcly wmnl Llurlom ohsrnvn who wnchcd him In sparring lu LAS VEGAS Nev MP Underdoz Gene Fullmer In plut llnl link51y lnr regaining the wrld mlddlewclght boxing mle Silurdny nlxhl on muvie he unt Aland Arthur Chipman on the udmimslralive side loolhall or more lhan yenra pndlcted that In 10 yenra Can adaa pro team would be made up of Canadian playcra caachcd by Canadians American Im pom had given the game great impelus but they were ong 1r wayaul ha aald locum Ind Canadas outstand In plnyu with lhe Eskimos in 1051 returned lo the Unilud Sula Nannie Kwonz and Ind Johnny Bright were the scourge the Western Conllnnce in Edmuntcnl gymfl turmallqn Dobbenllle last its founder Saskatchewan Rounhridcra nn haunted that Glcnn Dohbl 31 Inndin Prus Sports Enlior The year Wu 1950 British Columbia Lions wera voted into lhe Vcsicrn lnler omvincinl Football Union Ed die Lenaron Washington Red nklnn No quarterback jumped to Canada In Join Cal gary Stampede Al Sherman former player with New York Giants was named coach of Winnipeg Blue Bombers succeeding tough Georg Trollon Pop Ivy took over coach oi Edmonton Es kiman mm Darrell Royal Air Air Slukus coached the Lion FIGHT RESULTS MIKE ADAMS LEAD on Hampton vice and Wayne Sa ba skip keep close with an Lklp Wayne Mnhhon of The Year 1954 Great In The World Of Sports FIGHT TAPE By JACK SQLLIVAN Axe Wghl rum flrmh hrd hrll Wind Nrtk 11m IIH mm Inxrnnn Anklr Ill nnnnnl nunmlrvl Tun IJ WI 10 ml WI Dirk Flullnlmn at San Mm lm any WM uuvm mum NI nml mm mud An Wall Innma Munnr If le Mmnl um nu umn 4m nu lurllvhun chum 11 mm mm mm nun nu mnnw mum mrull an mmmml mm luy Dulnn erulrr Mun Aml Tum IAINUM 5m IFIII mu led or 10mm ml with an Knmhnn wlnnrr ha lnn nnm Open mu Ilnp Mllrhrnn Hnlruhlnnl la Mi Irmnflannl ulxunvlrr 1m Icnxl In lhu opcnlnx mmul Thurtiny He urn mil In 30 ml Ilml 1hr lrlnliu ml llw hmk nlur lnr JO muhlnt In llvlfll urnnl lluI ullm lfnnullln IIIIKI lnrryllnnl mu mm Nu rimam 11w humu yull Innk xlny mu an rlchl rmlr CANWAR Vmexnrln IAN Grum Knmlum Turmuln Illll lurnmmz mrr mum rrr Md Mller It mm mum at me Mncnn pt gull lnurnnnlrm Mlh lumlmko In lmla Tim addul think um wlll ha lounhcr llnhl Ith Sun Frnncluo Iullmer II loin lo come nll out Already xnld hell reler ha doesnt wln lhln nne That kmd llxhlnr hhgxpcrjnlly dnngrrnus 11m champiun Is 110 Km wmln suctuslully drltnd IM Impound min which II mnl nhrd Muyuhcm hul Mann chum whrrc lnul lrndrr II Xlxlnl mlddlcwmhl thnm plnn The Mycnrnld Tiger has lln movlu bul docsnl marry hlm He added amcmtnl with lrnincr Jimmy Auguxl whn da clnrcd Dirk will In the lame ha dld In San anclsca wall and 1m Fullmrr ls numde to hnve new Ilrnluy Whnlcvtr It Is well mu Fullmor hn been around loo Inna lo do murh chnqglng alrlhln mm slam figure In wonl rush Into Tiler as he did In heir llral haul Althoulzh Geno not In the firm bluwl Tiger bent him with npccdy counterpunchu lo the body Ind head Knudsen Leads First Round From lhnl 00 ball nhserver In the East hr wed what lhcir Vnslern cnun lemma had been saying about lhls xixrfoolcr who cant wnlk He led ha Vesurn Conler encu in touchdowns will 10 Ha had scored the hlg anea in lhelr fish In lhe Western Hlle and the Grgy Cup lll biggest touchdown mm In the llnal minutes ul the Cup classic ll TumIto Mont real Alouuuex the cam that couldnt loss and In Srlol la vorite lake the Cup wch leading 2520 Then Chuck Hun slnger lumblcd lhe alert Par ker plckcd uy the loose ball and hotfooled ll 85 yard dawn the xlrlcllnu score Thu yo ankle Parker gangling shuchIootcd im port tom Mlssissippi was sigan to lake Vessels spot in Ihc Edmonton hackflclm He soon made Eskimo ans and and the rest of Ihe country loggclnlgoul Vessels 0klahorna quarter who Eels1767 cream boot In Regina Ionkhall didnt figure 1n the Roughrlder plans MADE THEM FORGET Edmonton city council ap pravcd expenditure $350000 to Increase seating capacity hi citys aolhall park to more han 20000 compared with ap prgximaloly I5000 Prince Edward II he lrlcs hard la lake out an AI bcrla rock In play in Guelph last nlght PEl in Win Im fluidly am Nllkmll AimAllan imlnnnll Ill new Yolk Mum lo Symun Houlnn In San Funrllro Ill LAS VEGAS Nev AF Facts and figure he world middleweigm ml light belween champion Dick Tmer nI Nigeria and Gcne Fullmcr West Jur dun Utah um Salurdny Feb 21 Iqu Lu Venus Convenlian Centre capaclly 5100 mm re 15 rounds Televhlon Ameritnn nmad cnsllng Company with La Vrgn ma 100 mllo rndlul blnckvd oul llndln None Thur IO pm EST Anllclplird nlttndlnm MOO Anllclplled Glle Katelyn 21000 Trlevlllon Reunue 00000 Flmlm purm Plath fighler $30000 from lelevlslnn momy and per am at gala rgcclpl 9min the polnll wlnncr round four or Its to he lam Ive math or an even mund ommh three and Iudm lo be mmcd ll rlnl IHQ Mum No remnlrh tlmm In mnlrncl remunlud Iy Hm Nevada noun Commix lrnmuten Sllvrr Slnla nox lnl Club promnlenl Me In null Jack Wm And Chipmnns prediction VcIII Cunndlnn pm Ioolbull cams sull are scrambling for players In In Amcrican mar ko along with lhe National and American League clubs And the Canadian conch went out in Sluku in 1935 an ailer nlne years with Edmonlon and It 31 yem 01 use Parker has been traded to Tornnlo Argonaull Ium lhnl hasnt nppcamd in Grey Cup final nlnce 1952 It was MA crane player trade with solnu cash thrown In Carl Voyles coach of Ham on Tiger Cal when Parker was wrecklnx lhe East In he mid50 at Cup llme called him Ihe best quarterback In Canada lar back as 1955 Voylcs who had spent praclleally all of adult lilc in toolbnll wenl alep lurlhcrl Parker he sald was an ol three uml player he had seen The olhers were Ace Parker an all Amerlean at Duke Unlvcrsily before Ihe Sec ond World Vnr Ind Charlie Trlppl ol Georgla lhen wllh Chlcauo now Louis Curd nalsr Parker the boy Argunauu now can count on to lend hem out of me wildnmcss and Incl denlally in their park on or all lhe field without my dally hum Inluyl In hl shoes hard heal the Alberta inur some 31 UK Alberta are mu undelcaltd yes day CF Vlrephoto THE ASSOCIATED Ill BASKETBALL FIGHT FACTS BEST BUYS RUMS Steel Illmd of flu lhlni drlw ullh In mcr Glnlon lo mullly lor he Inn Ilninu Drllnmrho who Iri umphrd our Gnrd Rally 133 1110 lwo rlnkl Ilop rd In on ma 11ml hnn wi sum thud ll Merl will now no la Camp nnrdon nut Frlxlny Ind nwl lho wlnmr ho hum Dan llphl In bell out Hutu Irr In Iha ucond dmw We Do Ilnnlcho lurmd lmck Fm Tovmcs of Orlln by score 01 II Gordon Ilcllly Cooknnwn went on In bull Mur Ihnll Campbell And drew by Into the lhlrd mum In the other lwo ovum Garry Gnnlon nl Orllllu HIer buck John ULhard of Churcth 15 and Mn Sleclu Jr hipped Frnnk Enbury Mnx smle Jr ol Elmvnlo de eluted Vic Dcplnnlche at Al Halon 11 hm nlxhl to win Iho Cookalnwn Coll Pluydowns the Cooklawn Curlinz Club prellmlnnry wnl nmssary In mnko nn cvrn round clam Ind Marshall Campbell lur rle deluded Wmlum Smart Camp nnrdrn lo In lha first draw ho dnyl Icllvlly Thla no Kag assured Wynn wouldnt want In go lhmugh lhls training grind ll didnt think could make Heller look walkout on salary discusslom wilh gennrnl manager George Selkhk um Scnnlnrs He said hell chock nut his motel unlcu theres change by luday Farrell who brouth his ring and me suns ald hel uolng ynn hunt to ind elusive career victory No 500 lhls year Al he has no mnlrncl with he While Sox allcr 1961 sca non in whlch he postnd 715 record but brought hlx lifelima mark to 7mm bu1mm the use of bed cheplgs Mtge quid ll tell them the rules then it up lo them Ill also tell them they had holler not be cauth by me be popping up here nnd there in various spots Id better not lind any of my playcn IIOPES FOR 300 Tabbnlls new chlel In the ln dians teepce put his but down Hm the man warning he didnt want any player com plainingabout 3ng cnusrd by nlgh game or crosscoun tr 11qu And Houston pflcher Dick anIl slmlled lnlo he Colls slle accompanied by his wife three chlldren two dog and cat Unusual Nu It happens every spran player begin sitting into the spring mining grounds Thursday wn no ex cept Steele Rink Wins Cookstown Finals NEW YORK AhManager Elrrlle Tehhclu at Cleveland In dlnns says hl Itinerary for the baseball ensnn Include hopplng Into few nlxhlcluhs Early Wynn slrnlled lnlo lhc Chlcnlo Vhlle Sox camp Kan Helm walked out 01 Vashlngton Sonalon cnmp This In lhe qucsllan asked mos often at ha Cann dlan schoolboy curling cham pionship And the rink warning the answer most classy foursome 1mm Alherta It was hollcd down In two rinks lhursdnyunhenlen Que bec and MbHIIInd they mm tonight Albcrla was expeclcd In be strong but the Quebec boys are tryan dlspcl feeling lhnl luck ha carried them this tar Sure were lucky Ham mond laid Thursday nlxht But we aim play for lucky shots you make those Its the has Some folks hnd nnld the Man rcal lllxh School rink was my deflated only because hadnt met mother rlnk conse quence But lha Montrealera GUELPH CmIs Quebec or ha illenkyor John Nam mend super skln This In lhe qucsllan asked mos Qtlpn at ha Cann Unusual Happens Every Springtime Two Top Rinks Meet Will Answer Question Hamilton laid Thursday Now up our hnll club In go ahead and win Hm thing and in he thing In such mannvr lhnl nur Iml player will he on um um lnym of olhvr cum had hum rlnlmml um 11 hnd ham decldrd la hnve Lelh bridge cprcscnll gunndn Im iuré Ihu wmnlnl coach will have my In the mnlcr hcvngsc It should be dnnu lhnl LETllllRlDGE Mn CDlllll llob Hamilton of Mill blldge Nallnnals says he is lumpy lhnl Ihu problem 01 se leclmg Canadas basketball rcp rcscnlnllve In the PanAmnr lean Gnmes ls scllled ll Letsun ol Callmr lncs presidcnl nl the Cnnmlinn Amulcur Buskclball Assncln Ilnn sald lho lunm will he nlclml at tournament here March we Cnnadnafl rcprcscmallve will he lh nucleus 01 the winning team lillcd nut uilh the has Pitchers signing Thursday clurlcd Hank Ixschcr of MH wnukuu Drum and Ken Mc Kcnlie New York Mots Mc Kcnzlo ls from Corn Bay OnL bigKama hunnnx In the moun lains Hamilton Happy Problems Settled hnvn human them 11 except ha Albcrlu luursome precision rink rum Bonn Donn Com posile ngh School at Edmun In three mundl ol acllnn Thursday in the mundrohln competition Quebec defeated Ontario 1M Manitoba 148 and toyed with mighty Saskatche inninz Alberta protected 115 record wllh three vIcnrlos 124 against British Columhln 124 uvcr Navn Scolla and agnlns Prince Edward 113an Qucbuc was to face winlu anfoundland In lhls mer noons lflih draw and Alberta was scheduled to play Northern Ontario The man who made up tho draw did the premolars la vnr In tonights llnal gain of he llmund loumamcnl will he domlnuged by the Quebechl berm cligh flllToMAIIC DEIIVERIES BEATS ONTARIO Qucbnc was anfoundland In noons lmh draw SIMCIJE PETROLEUM PA 82563 EARLY VYNN Farm Home lndnnry II er seven round games Manitoba edzed Nonhem On laxIo 65 Nova Seoul downed Newfoundland 115 and San katchewan look win over Prince Edward Islnnd In the eighth round was Prihcu Edward Island 10 New foundland New Brunswick Gumlo and Norlhem Ontario 10 Saskatchewan In an upset The ninthround matches saw Nova Scam down Erlllsh Co lumbla 1M Northern Ontario beat Newlnundland and Manitoba dam New Brum wick flaycd on comparnllvuly new cc 1n Guclph Mcmorlnl Gar den and temperatures anlghl are cxpudcd to play pm Inl Ixngnen no hard and last sald one rlvnl coach Alberta will win It Quebecs from end cant mnku takeout shot But If tho Ice warm and suitable to draw curlers watch out for Mint Hamman seemed reluctant lo commm on his chances Ilia rink has already ecllpsed any thing done by lormpr mgng link we 13 to beat those wexlern teams he said MgannANs wa No matter what happtm In their nflornnon games the two teams wll have In settle It to nlghl it one ollhqm loses lha rlnk can me plnyofl by beallnl olher one Ignlgm nw bl thin soefiflohe the Ice chhmplonshipsflare being 555490 mm STRAINER urnn IlaVII MINErma la la Ibo Ink Inch PRAGUE Reuters Trail Smaka Eaters Canadas rcp ruenmiven In lhe world hockey championshlp swampnd Czechosluvnklas learn Thursday ST MARYS Ont CPI5L Thomas Eamn have raluscd to meet SI Man Lincoln In oprnlng game or their bustol sevcn Ontario Hockey Assoclav lion Western Junior ins sc rle here lunlght an lhe ground they have already played our game this week andneed rest Lincoln who cal the layafl wlll hurt them were unable In obtain mling lrom the OHA TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 1963 The official Czech news agency CTR snld ha Cana dlnns played with gum and enthuslasm In lth lhlrd match their current Czech tour The Smoke Eater had healcmlhe cam 31 in their first start and last 34 to the 101 Czech team In their secnnd The Smoke Eaters led 24 liter he first period and 82 after the second In game In which CTK said they made use of an heir assets especially in Barons Disagree With Opponents Smokies Wallop Czech Club 93 planing offensivus my showed clean muck walk in the dclcncc nuduncomplicalod attacks on the goal the agency snid Forward Wall Pcscosh lcd Trail with lnur gnals Cemra Howie Hornby scurcd lwlcn and Garry PcnnLr lInxnId Jones and Ad Tamhnlliul scnmd sin chs CIQCII scorers an ldmll no Darla Hrhuly and SM pa The game was mmrcd by one Incldnm CTR descrith as an nnsporlsmnnlike scene Trnil deicnccmun Harry Smith nnd Czech pinycr CrisloIoli were sum the ice with prnaillcs alter1 skirmish and he re erce hmasscsscd Crisiainil lOmlnule misconduct or abus ing Ihe niIicinl lrom ihe penalty hunch Smith was thrown out oi game with match mISA conduct Have you heard about me service 198 SAY DANGERFIELD MOTORS

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