Mr Mumy Another lulllr lnhmluml mix the Cnlnnlm look mm duurnlwl Inhk unlml Ivy In open IIIMe ml rand MlAm Anlln HmHh llovuly Whlle Moan Urelz pry101k Jun Irr MtKlnMy and Fulln Hm Md nprmnltd muttonl Mn Gnlu rm fluldri who lnlrfly Du lhu mp0 nl lhmrrr Ml wlnninhl Ilm um thoml in Umr mum Imflmml KM Mm ml ml nhlte um um In ml4m mm lune noun Wp mumu fur JPIVIII Imnumnn pmlvlnl Iml unlmnml he Plumm and Guklrl Wm ank February lenn IllMI Month uld Mn lmnzmnn and Imme III Ilelnflrr luvlnn uuon hum Ilahl wlm Hod mm mw my ymmu The nlunm Emup How ilrln and II In yum min quI at Iha Frbnlary mum bl llm menl Mlp Ilonnry 5mm HmmnmlrI 115mm Umnh llmvmmu PunMM pm liloevmlng Axmnmr liver mum dlmcu lollnwnl Im llhulrnllon nnllnnnl lnlk cunlnm ha Glrl Scout Mlltrlll whasc unlform 01mm mm In paw rrndlllon lhu Mullnu hul dnnro was well cnlml and MI warmed by he palm mrlrnylnp Mcxlco wlth It uniform my Iklrl whiu Home and navy hard Ind Indin was most lnlcrcsllnu wllh unllnrm ramming of while Salwnr nnd Khnmu and blue Dupulln An nutnude nfllm ll white skirt and dcrp hluo Inr This group prcscnkd nn In dhm nullunul mm cnmplcle wllh acnon and In mm The Swrdlsh xmup pcrlarmcd Ihu dnnce Gas to Guslnl And unless one wnlchud closuly ll was dllllcul to discern which girl purlrnyul guide Swed en slncc he unllnrm ls very almllnr Io lhnl cl Cnnndn upl ml the III In men um can is worn In place hem Tlm Kmup presenting Swllzcr land sang Our Chalet which lhc International guide home In that cnunlry whlle one Hulda dlspluycd the uniform conslsllnu ul nnvy blue skirt royal blue blouse and navy lunt In lha Ilylu worn by Bay Scouls The guides and Icndcra had Ipcni much lime nri thought on In inlunaiionoi skiL Choosing xix member counlrics oi the World Association lhey old wmelhlng oi each country guiding hisiory dispiuycd iu nallonai ring And nulhmllc uni iorm well as performing dance or song having its origin there Pioneer Girls Present Program At Emmanuel Baptist WMS Following dinner gucslipeaker Mn Mnrie Martin spake on word Look Wlde Cnplaln rrlgn and guide Slxlh Harrie Company were hostesses at Mother Ind Daughter Bnnquet on Feb 15 Thu event was held to honour our girls at thall gmup and la ohmVa lheblnhdata or the founder Lord Baden Powell and his will and present World CM Guide Lady Baden Pm WE 111 Rev John Rlddel gave Rh young people thouth pro voking lalk on melhodx of sell Hug quarrels The giris group was composed oi member at Second Barrie Company and Seventh and Eighth Barrie Packs icd by District Commissioner hundt 69 cogu BQNQUEJ Glrl Gulde Bay Scout Week was ushered In by church parade al The Church St Giles youth gmnps which hold their meeting In St Giles Parish Hall By MARIE MARTIN CHURCH PARADE News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada TAKING moment on from her dullcs as lea pomer Mm Ralph Snelgmve cenln duh with Mrs Calvert Ion president Ike Barrie Wm Mn NInnnh upmm he wvmlulkm of live mm hi WM In foltmllll and lllelr inldm or he lnlerrsllnl pru run my mMnl ulw nlw InM born the MR II In lunltd In lem IM Im llml mm mm may bemnw mlr IIathI The WMS pmlelu llnandnl ntmvml wrll may mm mm or Ilomw Ulvh In all lhm dlvhlom lhe llllVIlnl Wonk Ind Ewth Oren Olll my mmu mlulonnry wlm wu wmnnlnl lo annm In her Imk In muwrr la 01 pray of limmr llvl Mn Pimp mm All Hulda um nmlllnllon lollownl by dud Human an fled ll Inlw my by Donald ramp ml Dvmmn Hurray mwwnnlul mum blur II rum vocll lrlu man 04 51h Inn IrMun llmh Knizhl and fly Mclmhl unl Mom wllh Jenn lupmnnl Ivy llmoer Glrln om llm wrld 11m mlulnnnr In unrk In and min Mulm Holland Mnnnny and lerrln rxmlvelm Recruit rncelvcd Into the xulde homth Included Mrl Mnmml Horn Pally Dempv Ilcr Cnlhy Dnvll Mll ml Daniel Lexlla lelor om Ntrhohan landI Hennlnl Dar ren Duvla Lindn mi hull Vnrwyh and Susan Putzan Mnl nw xldu urvrd rrlmh mmu ollawlnn lho mum llonl nhlch Allo lncludrd no Onlzdtllll bum umzd hy 51th Re Malherl Ind when loo lhu re optncd wmpnny nl RCA Edgar wareluau or the Uni enmlmcm ceremony Inca he dlslrlcl bccnml It lvongnln Dxiï¬ici Cummlsskmcr Mn Bury hennl the pmmlsc nnd pmcnlcd underfoot In lo 10 guldu and one In on Ftb Gum for lhs special oc cnslon Included lho Rev Fnlher Blackwell Dlvlslnn Commisslmb er Grncey Dlslrlcl Commissian tr Crnlzhcnd Camp Adviser Mu Gray Brawn Owl Baker of Nlnlh Dnrrla Pack Mn Leo McCunn reprcscnlalive mm lha Calhoun Womenn League lho nward winnm and their mo than Ind publlc rdnllons rclnry Mn Marla Munum llCAF EDGAR or World Friendship hind wn lnkcn us birthday xlll lo Lady ï¬nder PowelL Ind he meeting closed with pgaygr Each girl was given guide ring as Iii mm the Barrie North East local association and Captain Corrigai was presnnind wllh an Inscribed tray imrn the Sixth Barrie Mnlhm group in recognition 01 her outstanding leadership during he put revrn years Mrs McMahon made he presenlauah on behnli ni lhe malhen Cnmpnre allowed wllh lhc radlllonal Thinking Dny cnndla IIzhllng ceremony In xude1 rcmembmd the ulster lhroughgu he ynrld Division Camp Advisor Mrs Grsy made Ill Hit present aliens having been District Commissioner the time the 1nd were being tamed The his of In evening was the presenlallon of gold card to Brenda McMflth Mary Anne Shane Ind Ellzahulh Gray An all mund cord had also been earned Ind was awarded lo Downy Billby Pakistan was the hill country selected and the atria in this group chose the Pakistani hand dance as their contrihutiun to the entertainment and education the guestsi The uniform in Pakistan consists of while cotton shirt vmrn over baggy while trouser with green duA pitta Ties it worn are also green 12135341on landllnr night In gnldu In Can ada mi hridgé party was held at the home of Miss Mary Arne Moore of Bayfleld SlrceL injepsiuklcral Assodnlion Ind mens lecral Assodnlion and my McCullz Tingle Ilnl MMII Wu vaml In all Ivy Fl II Fm hrr uwlnl clay Wm mm mm nun nl IhlIv Inrr Mn Inlln 11m in mu lmhlmml II lilinl lvmlinl LHu Mlh unllupod mum rlhuw Imglh lhtwrs MK shrmh mu vl Iln luyullnnl uhllu HHII flow mm the nmr up til 01 lull lllllm Th MMI up vial human uf ml mm nml while mailing Mu II DmIM n1 Ileunr pmvldrd llm vmlxlmu nnmc TM Ivrltln llu dmuzhlrr and Mn 1mrlrl llclon any IXniu Album Tim Inhlnmoml pmrnh Mr mul Mu Inlrhk IWry mnum nlnlhl MIMI OWN flw Human Cnlhnllu 1an AF Mullnn lidunr WM ndnnml Mlll zlnmlvmlu v4th and YrUuw vmluu lnr Um NHL 1an MI mrlm Isnhllfl mm In mo Dulcy lmfll nl CAP alunr lnllw Ihvl yr umrlmrrl ll lhr nlmnnnn ummmy Prim wmners Included Mrs Dan Scxmn Mrs Maurlm Mur dock Mrs Lance Miran Mrs Douglas Tnlt Mrs Harry Wilson Mrs Dob Mkcn Mrs Ross Un derhill and Mrs Harold Pancr sonr DaleyHeron Vows In RCAF Chapel Olhcr Barrie women ho have bean hostesses 01 Bridge Parties for the Earth wLA are Mrs WiIlinm Merrick Am Tea hush are Mrs Fwd Miller Toronto sister at haslcsi Mrs Ross Undcrhlll Mrs Juseph Vlhclan Mrs Ed win Myers and Mrs Grayan Kohl all Bank Presiding at Ille 1w luble Mrs Ralph Snelgmve wore two piew Chanclsull in striking shade of Iuschin wilh mulching pillbox hat adorned with silver lune bridge party allowed by an allernoon tea was held at the spacious home ol Miss Mary Ilgnm Moore Bayllcld 5L yes Ierday afternoon Miss Moore was assisted by mhoslcss lllrs Coulon Battle Approximately 100 women in cludlng members of the Burris Womens Libcrnl Association bridge guests and lea gums attended the social function Tolccchi her guesti Miss Moore chose an aliernoan rock fashioned or black silk print wilh ed and pink carnnuans Miss Moore Hosts Tea Bridge Party Photo by Eric oICamera Cram NIIWLYWHIH CUT THE CAKE Auldlnx lwldezrwml nmUvrr am powder Mm uml plwnlh guun Illh mm In pmbox MI mun mu Inl umnllonn um hvm llv dd mu 5H rpsml in ullinl uwl llw va9 wlll mm ll Wmley H1991 flame 11n rmvunn WI Imld pl llw Gultlrn Dragon lul lxlunr llmlvlnu Hm MM mmlm wru mum 0va 4n bmwn lulnn pm mange Ion wlm mm wlufle Imuquu curmza whlla nnll m1 car lnnHum nmmldnl lwr mum Int my Mum nun Dmn mm WIN MK IHON mm mm mu ullml In helm Imn um manual Mlh blown and Mn Army nrlm mu tom 04 vika mm Ind Mule camallons nw Irrldu wu numlrd In Tlulixllnu mm FII Inunm AllaNu clia Slrccl Mrs Ed Waulhlcr Blake Slrccl Mrs Neil LauriE Allin Street Mrs Don Mar shall Highland Avenue Anne Lavery Ecclcs Schcl TSpikei cc are waging the biggest Dear Ann Landon You were right when you loId Irma ï¬cudcr lhal floors were made to walk an and she should not ask guests Io remove their shoes nvtn though the spike hauls were ruining her vinyl en lrnnclcwny 11115 15 what the floor cover innfllqguslnjy ms to my anlllurlly dues not always breed cnnlampl Sometimes It breeds mhcr lhings Ive said It before and Ill say it againnu mnn ever Ilslencd to the sirenx ml unless he was ready to hear SHOE FASHIONS pear Mn Wonthing whlch as everybody knows made up name The secre tary has an Inside lrnck but so does thy nurse or the dental as slsluntnny female whose ac Ilvilics bring her lnln close conv Incl wjjh mic Dont 19 me my lmaglnmlan has run wild Miss Landau be cause Just happened to me Mrs warnmm is easy Ha cant seem In get his work done dur Ing oiiica hoursso he must work evenings The night work doesnt all very well at home and his wife begin to complain This oi course make her lung So after 20 Year and lhreo kids Mr Worthington decide his wife doesnt understand him They have nothing in common Shg is homo ar reminding Mr Vorlhinxton oi his luncheon ap pointment fllen she reminds Mr Vorihingiun of his barber shop appointinan Next she inclfuiiysuggests that he buy Mn Worthington something special iur her birthday He had iorgalien so of course hes grateful The next thing an know she gm along with to Ielecl the wife am After 5th in they stop few ma n13 Sudgienly Mr Worthington be coges Hnl Its sickening the way score aria move in mans We any take him over Dtar Am lelenl Im en raged withhat secretary who was ready lqulp because her bright anrncuvewell eduA caled boss closed his business conversation on the telephone with Dye by Hes Already Listening If He Hears The Call ANN LANDERS 1mpmnn wan gloom Mum ï¬wmny and Wkï¬ulln um unhm ulmln an lun1u AVAILAELEBNLY fHRoueH PHlplps PRANGHISED TELEVISION DEALERS SALON RETURNS MONTREAL CPIMIL Ah rahum Harman wile the Sr rucli ambassador lo the United Slams said on vlsi hm lhal Mrs Jacqueline Kennedys ln Intnee Is bringing about urn of lhe salon to Washing ton socialy Diplomats now rc qucnlly cnlmnin artists from their own countries at dinner parties Dear Reba It would be nice if somehow you could get Glenns blessings becnuse if you cant say dont go wauld be attending as rep resentatlve my pa rents evangcflslic organization and they wouid pay my expenses Glenn and my parents do nut get nlong He says this trip or er an effort on their part to cause muble helwccn us Please Ann lell nie what to d03flEBA He rcscnls your parents part In his and he may have valid point Either persuade him or stay home and save your mar Huge Dur Ann Help hnve chance to attend the Bupllsl Ynulh Conlercnce next July In Palestine went to the Toronto Conterenco in 1053 and It was the mast lnsplring experlence in my llfe Em my husband says he will divorce go llzpuund ghl wearing all we heels exerts stalk pressure of 4000 pounds per square Inch every me she takes step Mpound man wearlng the conventional shoe 28 pounds per square Inch So please urge women to de mand ungr heels AnnMI Den AP Im turn my ricnd Llike the stiletto heels and also like vinyl floors In ddentafly have both and Icy teem ah1y compatible VALID POINT The wnman who consider lng new floor should he told up there Is no way to protect that Hear against spike heels Even and hardwood floors can be damaged natunly leave noticeable inden iaiinn in hadsurface floors May also cut the pile and puno lure the backings of carpal What can be done Nothing We can only hope ior iickie fashion lo dictate change FLOOR SERVICE ll Illh PA 59561 Alwrled Colour Ind Ilflenu GIVE US CALI TODAY Rel YM plcluu um II in human well ml yqu lcmlnlnn uL And II It lm mm mum Mnny picluu Iubu hum out pum Imely wekwmt hy Nah vou tum uuud whm hounhold cumnl lluclunm Numm Mw Monllmn cluull on such Impllonnl uniwon llul lh nlclml um II now Illlllnlold Var Mlyvm Mow lhlllm mailman hum lound my In nun uuu vollan mchln pknm lubo My tun mnlopad llny Ilnlvonle InIn uIImI ManIron lc onlw lm anllll vuIanu lm pkmu My ml kmullu Ilnnl Fllntlcnle Vlnyl Asboslnl flu Idu Io Monmon com mm lam hmln Amllml PROGRESSIVE FLOOR TILE sandn1 Gum 1m 5m NOW AVAILABLE ON THESE 1963 PHILIPS TELEVISION SETS 2year picture tubeguarantee 13W SPECIAL Philips conquers high valtagn burnout with Monitmn Television to bring you Canadas first STUDY TV TECHNIQUE VANCOUVER CF Thirty of western Canadas Mum anchors saw the first dcmon slrnlion here of educational closed circuit television They are making TV leaching one of their major studies The CPIA of Angus will hold Young Canada chocolnlc sale Proceeds will be lumed over to the newly formed Alh lellc Fundlo purchase sports equipment or Our Lady of Glï¬ace School The next CWL moeflng will be held on March pm the school All ladle or lha Parish are urged to amend and la takean acllvn pm In the community onarch Rcï¬jg miion company ANGUS The Catholic Wm mens Leanne of Our Lady of Grace Church Angus held auchre party and bake sale at the school last evening Games commenced at oclock Prim were given for hlgh and law scares and door prim were awarded Tho men oi the Finish have built skating rink behind the church and thildren living in Angus are privileged to use the rink In lheuening and on weekend Angus CWL Host Euchre Party The Girl Guides oi he Kempcnieli Division will not be sellinl Girl Guide evok ics in this area until May ll says publicity canvener Mrs Marie Martini Alihnugh orders may be taken car ly an three wceks before this Then the glrls will be In the uniform Brownie Gulde or Ranger Cuslamm wlll not he asked la pay or he purchase until de livery of lhe guuds The cookies rare priced at 40 cent km be pald on regeipl of merchandise COOKIE BUYERS TO TAKE NOTE PHILIPS llfl DUNLOP ST PA 82059 En you Fhlllnl mmhluu dnlev lam Mdle hhn MI tummy MI lnnlvlly lulu mum and wmlnlnm lo 21me you wllh pomth Icllaw llunulh Men All hlm lo haw you mu Monllmn IV III In 2ym mum M70 umnlo um mnlul upcmm powrllnu lmmlmmm naalnsl Ilglllnlna WDIHHI Mm new mullHuh INHpI onnlnuu dunloved lmy ml nlmul lhl In cl hndltlu tumult Monllvun mun will hlnl nd null Immldlalaly In mom lhl ï¬cluu Iuhl MunllvcnYVmaammnlumenI plulmuonguplclmolum Ill ndlupldumandyumdtpundnbllllyUyhunlngvnllnlo um Monlwn nllmlnlln ILIHII Bruuullhc IMMHHI plclum mum whm vollqu diam An Informal evenlng will be held In honor of Mr and Mrs Ellnnl Ellis or lockwood Sask at the Allislon Communlly Cc Ire on Frlday evening at 830 nclock The occasion will mark the couples 50th wedding anni versaryu WEDDING GUESTS Among the guests attending the Daley Heron wedding at the Roman Calholic Chapel RCA Slalinn Edgar Feb 16 were Mrs Jessie Heron Miss Kalle Heron Ottawa Irs Katherine Schuutcn Mr and Mrs Orva Snyder Torrance willlam Bawden 11 al Toronln ENGAGEMENT The engagement has been an noumd of Marilyn Cecile dau ghter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Firth ol Callingwood Io LAC William Squires son of Mr and Mrs Robcrl Squires ol Thom Inn The marrlaga wlll lake GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY THE BAN ZXARHNER FRIDAY FEBRUARY It 196 Nolel Inlanded Io cover no general Ioclnl me ol the clly and dklrlcl Wedding un nlvmnlu birthday brldze pnrtlu comlng olngc pur llel vlsllorl and traveller In lleml ul lnleml Io women tender at um page Your help ln Inpplylng new will be null appre clnled Plan phone The Ilarrle Examiner ll PA 66537 Ind ask or Elleen Dlxnn or Audrey Coulan at the Wom enl Depulmenl Wo Sorvico All TV Steven and All Make of Appliances For The Best Deal in Town 0n AIL Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coquon PA PEOPLE AND PLACES TV and STEREO PHILIPS place on March 16 at pm In the Unich Baptlsl Church gallingwoovJ Mrs George Mchcar of Pan Credit visiting with her dau ghter Miss Catherine Mcha Colllcr St or several day fluentold drnltsman lrom Leipzig numul Guenlhcr summud it up Vomcn here destroy the last traces of chlv 9er In any man Tlmy should follow the example DI he Pa risian girl and cultivate mun charm EAST BERLIN Reutmi Put bl more cmlninlly ulv do your overalls the advice an Ens German pInup mann zlne has given lo girls hero who complaln Ihny cant ï¬nd any gentlemen The popular llluskrnled mnnlhly Das Mngazin wllh pln ups which even Western con noisseurs cansider daring cenlly conducled survey to find out whclhcr there were any genuomcn cu in East Gur mnny ihcy concluded any man would still behnve like gentle man the girls gave him an lnncnlivn by like ladius Overalls Cover Dames Frame McKINNON FURS Lid Dunlap SL eompargx LADIES You Away FINE FURS ncllcr For