Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1963, p. 5

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HERE ARE THE beards judged tops at North Colle Elsie Students in the trout row are Russ Morten Lorry Olson and Jon Parker Tea SPONSORED BY GLEE CLUB of Choir Sings At North Collegiate By SUSAN MACLANEN Barrie North BarrieNorths Glee Club ls sponsoring the University oi lto canto Chair on Saturday at pm in the Auditorium Ad mission will be 75c ior adults 50c tor students and 35c tor students with an activity card Tire choir conists at so voices 60 women and men and is conducted by Walter Barnes who Is third year Faculty oi Music student at the University oi Tomato For an evening oi excellent choral music be sure to come to North this Saturday We would like to congratulan Norths Drama Club on Its suc cess in the Georgian Bay Dra ma Festival which was held last weekend Our students took two out at 10 awards dean Fan re ccivtd the prize tor the best actress and Bob Kinzle the ward tor the best supporting tor Out oi in schools competing only three received awards MldiandPcnctang iilgh School won ire prizes St Theresas school to Midland three prises and Barrie North two Our play was one oi three considered tor the Best Play Award which ventually went to St Ihcrcsas MATURITY Fallowlng the presentation of Overlai the adiudlcator in discussing Jenn Farrs portray al at Ethel expresscdamaze ment at the maturity displayed in handling the role and corn married on her natural move ment throughout ditiicult part In commenting on Bob Kinzres periormance ot I1 the ad indicator said it was the best pertormancc he had seen Nor man Quinlans portrayal oi Pop he iound believable and sympathetic He made note at Ins Warrens brilliant reading at the radio mice Barrie Norths boys held their own board growing contest The winners pictured here are Russ Morton Larry Olson and Jon Parker Teachers in the picture are Mr Gliler and Mr Stewart On Feb 10 we had visitors irom Stayncr High School They were In Barrie on tour oi var ious oiiiccs in business and in dustry They were invited to lunch at our cateterla For the past two weeks stu dents representing Senior and Things Changed Stayner Triumphs By ROBERT HAWKINS Stayaer Collegiate It was week oi turning points and happily week at triumph Tire schools represent stlves met success on the play lng tleld and entire stage athletically basketball reigned once more On Tuesday the Mid get and Junior Doya Teams vie ltcd Camp llorden Were the Juniors made up tor the Mid gets stinging rm loss with respectable win at titti The Junior victory was mainly at tributable to the play at tab Simpson who scored points with the aid at llnb Hrlltlager Cascy hlncKlnnua and Hon Iilurch Top Midget scorers were Eric Ilctllnga Wayne Dalgarno and Hill Underwood Thursday saw all the boys basketball Icnrns In Action as the ants oi Icnetangs Can adian itinrtyrn Stayncr toolr three out at three with Midget victory at as Junior vic tnry oi as and Senior victory oi tide This was not Eton College Has Its Fans iInd Critics LONDON tAl atuddcd hoot jabs down onto the big ici lows leit car and his grinlltrlnl tom sinks two Inches Into the black syrupy mud Everyone cheers II is all good English schoolI boy iua For this is titan Cob trioritual esrluxirc Mum and most iamorll oi Englands pitilIIC schools Thmrsh cailrwi puhllt thm school are in art highly prb rate The boys are rlaying the wait game It llcrro rylnlnl oi wres tllas and illoiltnll In which three sides competetwo teams at arhnolbuys and mi Irrlrk wall This tautIns snrtcartng rltr play oi srirouilxry lnlsht Is to be witnessed only at littm an the started playing this trims the Drill at Wellington ours mist the battle at Waterloo was Inn The grand old duke meant that It was titan Iltirit my ducal liraI terriers with the rash and voter to whl Napoleon hrs lrarhrr ru rrlia thcrn are lnuira at Eton lmys ultras par ents send them there insure the1 can ailnrd It and Ittcauu firm Is what it Istire lvctt that can be ttntsht day to be forgotten quickly While the basketball teams were turning In such impressive results the other activities were not standing still Chleily the Drama Club put the ilnlshlng touches on its Man in the Howler lint on Wednesday and presented it at an assembly where it was warmly received On Friday the play was taken to the Georgian tiny Drama Fee tlval In Midland and there claimed three Award nomina tions This limited but none thcle ratiiylng success crow ths etiorts oi actors lano Fisher award nominee iloh Miller two nominations Vic Lawrence Dionne Lyons and Hon Iuccial the production manager Ardicl Grieve and the Director Mr Lenhy Still irantlcatly active wcrs tho llnnd the Ski Club the Curling Club and the stall at the school yearbook Yet It seems that activity has already begun to diminish as the tlguro oi examinations creeps Incxan nhiy onward now only two weeks distant Tomorrow 1045 sm Mens HOSE Sires IN tor 09s ior46e drers are Mr Gilier and Mr Stewart Junior Divisions have been com peting In Oratorioat contests In the senior division grades it and 12 the winners Ware Ron Cable Gordon Ferris and the girls were ins Warren Sue san hintLoren Junior Division grades and 11 winners in the boys Chris Ilutchings Gary McWaters Girls Bren da Smith The Commercial Club has been sponsoring typing contest or various grades The results as iollaws Grade Marcia Cow and Jean Stranagban Grade 10 Nancy Cow and Mary White The senior typing oontcbt will take place on Thursday Feb 21 for grades 11 and is The boys in the school Bob Chappel and Bob Larkln were winners oi the DCRA riile Hundred Rail Award They both will receive DHCA badges The GAA is holding Bossa Nova dance tonight at 530 Same price as usual50c with out that card and 35c with it THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRCDAY FEBRUARY till Elhlvcilé Student Had Great Tour lly nucnacr means bandage runners Elmvale run On Feb 14 the EDHS students had their annual trip At 915 61 students and our teachers were leaving the school Despite bus breakdown we resulted the Ontario Museum in Toronto at noon Our leaders dividcdus Into two groups and we parted to the Geology and Ancient History departments The great attraction in theAnA clent History Department was the Egyptian mummy 2700 years old and yet In an excel lent state at preservation eve down to the toenails The Cldncsa Section rc ard ed as the best outside lna also received its visitors Those who went round the Geology Section were iortunate in hav ing hilss Cumming oi Elmvala as their guide and she explain ed the causes oi the various physical ieatures amend bero hiinesing and Elmvals lists were at the bottom oi Lake Al gonquln Craighurst is probatr ly on drumiin Frenchs Hill is possibly moraine Atter an enioyable loumey we returned to dinner At 145 some students went to session at Parliament while others went to Casa Lorna Alter trip through Cass lama we returned to pick up the students at the Parlia ment Buildings At 415 we were given free time until 735 That evening we had the pleasure ei attending Jack Benny pariah name at the OKecie Ccntre Jack Ileany as host draw many laughs with his sarcastic and wry humour Jane Morgan as his beautiiul costar thrilled the audience with melody o1 songs neA are group the Clara Weed Sing ers rungs collection oi spirit ual songs which seemed to be particularly enioyed by all The llali Brothers Juggling team went through their act very smoothly The last act oi the night was Hillbilly group with young girl who tried to outplay Mr Benny in lolin duct As that day was Joe Bennys birthday large heart shaped cake was brought out on the stage to the enjoyment oi all We returned heme at 130 am The trip was enjoyed by all and we wish to thank the Student Council who made it possible Thanks to the cooperation oi the School Board any parents who were awaiting the return oi the sons and daughters were able to all In the warmth oi the school until the bus came In Bantings Elaine Mountiord Can Really Bake Cherry Pie The Cherry Pie Contest is open to boys and girls ages 15 to 19 This is an annual event and is sponsored by the Red Cherry Institute The Banting hiemoriai High School Contest was held on De ccmber 19 Out of the nine competitors Elaine hiountiord was awarded the prise by judges Mr Owens IItr Aiken hlr Pearson and Miss Spencer Being the winner oi the school competition at Banting Elaine went to the Regional Contest held at Barrie on Feb Three slaves were set up in Eatons shop window where the contest ants baked their pies Again Elaine was chosen as the best pIo maker The prizes were wrist watch plaque and an electrical appliance The National Contest is being held at Prudhommes Garden Centre Vineiaad on Feb so The Regional Contest winners irorn Nova Scotlu to Winnipeg It you dont already know how to dance the Bossa Nova come and see It anybody else does will be there to compete tor the grand prize Stovcs and equip ment will be set up In the Star Jesus Confesses He Is The Christ ScriptureMark 21011 HPEER JONES This lesson comprises ths great watershed In all Chris tian teachingtho conicsslan at Jesus as the Christ or Gods Son and Anoiatul One All that we have been studying in this quarter is but buildup to this great decision and all that inl Iows the result The time is nuturnn at AD the setting the villages around Cocsareu Philippl tar In the north at Inlcstlnctho iarthest point north in tact that Jesus ever travelled The area was built up by Philip the Tetrarch Its poulation was chiefly Gentile an heavily lick irnlud It to here that Christ asks llis momentous questionowho did people think He wast the tact that the people cempnrrd Iiim with the greatest iigures In llihlicni history shows that lie was highly rstocmcd it Is Important to note that Jesus does not torrch or en largo three reported an swm to mill know whether all Ills Jarcvtous Icaclrlng and work on character have been suiilclcntiy good to show the disciples who No really Is No does not want to have to tell them directly Peters answer must have been great joy to The Greek word christos mcans anointed the Hebrew word or the same is masho iah trom which we derive aur Messiah in the Old Tcstn meat priests kings and proph ets were anointed through God and thus dedicated to iils serv Ice The Iichrews at the Old Testament continually looked Ior one supremo Being to be The anointed one otGod as pronhccicd In Isalnh am and who would be priest prophet and king Christ probably wanted Ills disciples not to tell others about this overwhelming tact because lie wanted more time to In struct them and because the world was not yet ready to so ccivo this knowledge Only alter establishing Ills McaalailsiIIp and KORIIIIO docs Christ begin to rcdict In any detail Impcn ing death The wont rnusl In verse 11 is Gods nat mans the cause at SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL 15 MINUTII Tomorrow 330 pm Girls DRESSES and JUMPERS Sim Reg 199 200 lite Ballroom and TV camera men and photographers will be resent All the equipment and agredlents will be supplied tor the pie baking which will be dons in the morning The ludgs decision will be given at 12 The winner will receive an electric range 3500 in Home Economic Scholarships and numerous other prizes Last years winner spent two weeks at the British Food Fair in Eng land demonstrating how to make cheny pies DIRECTOR APPOINTED VANCOUVER iCPlDavld Abbott Irishvbom teacher at private school here has been appointed program director tor the Royal Canadian Legions 1W1 junior Olympic training plan Abbott noted pole vaulter and highhurdles man in the United Kingdom also will conduct the Legiens tour dny clinic or track and iicld coaches and olilcials In Victoria rting April to finish suiiering and death Is not mans hostility but Gods love to man and mans hostility is only Gods instrument When Mark reports that Christ spoke openly he means that He spoke plainly glad without metaphor or para Peters rcbuklng at Christ when He detailed Ills dcath Is simply the very natural horror and reiusal to accept such sul iering on the part at loved One Christ must In turn rebuke Peter ior bringing bcioro lilm once more the temptation which haunts Iiim sll Ills litethe temptation to have hicssishship without suiiering agony aloneA meat death in Gethsemane temptation came again power iully It comes indeed to all at us on small scaloIsnt salva tion without atonement porri blot Christ not only dcnlcs this but goes turthcr and tells Peter and tits iotlowcrs that they too must take up their crosscs it they are to Iollow Illm This docs not mean that they must have sorrows any sorrows bul that they must suiirr any end It and be tor the sake oi Christ GOLDEN TEXT Ii any man would come ailrr Ms let lrlrn deny him srii and take up his cross on tellers Me Mark II CHILDREN Be ANYTIME srtrzsa consaccs may not Central Seniors Top Cage Loop Hy nosenranv ssourrrr Central Collegiate Last Wednesday our teams Midland The girlsgamcs were played at Central The Seniors won their game by 5317 more and the junior girls won with as 21 count Congratu lotions girls The boys travelled to Midland Only the Seniors could manage win as the Juvenile boys Inst 47 11 with Don Crawe being the top scorer and the Juniors lost by scare at 06 25 However the Senior boys as usual won their game by 23 score On Friday the boys teams played against Orillia Park strcet Collegiate All our teams Iapanese Students Learn Dairying SUIIIIIIERLAND TLC CPI Thro young Japanese college graduates have just lcit Canada with some pointers tor the term ers track homo Yukiyoshl Awaya and Ken lilda spent It months in British Columbia making an intensive study at the dairy industry here They wereiinanced by the Ja panese government as were similar missions to Denmark Switzerland and West Germany The two Japanese gave their attention to cheese making at tho SlruswapOkanagan dairy ln dustry cooperative at Salmon Arm ilC and studied fluid milk processing and icecrcam production at plant In Vernon Their last stop was the re search station at this kunagun community ncar the US ber der where they dipped into lor nge research Dr hilltimnre trend oi the Summerlnnd sintlana dniry ing section said he was able hclp them most on methods lur harvesting iorage Keeps Up School With tin Intercom FORT WILLIAM Ont CPI Hnlph Fassmnn Grade it stu dent whn broke his thigh In 10 places in ttrlroggnning acct dcnt Is keeping up with his studies through telephone lrookup between hlshuepital room and school When it was inund that Ralph would he in trnctlnn three to tour months Jorc Whatlcy lira schools clcctrIcal instruc tor rlsgcd up an intercom syn trm In tirrer classmate The telephone cmrrpany completed the hookup lo Iinlll Walt DiSnev Son of mint iaiazsr CONTINUOUI MIDI SATURDAY FROM NOON all At It MI itave won prises but thcy eer Teacia Deal In The Crib VANCOUVER cm it is lever too early to start treat neat oi partially deal children says Dr David Kendall protes ror oi special education at the lniversity at British Columbia The time to begin education tainly tasted goodl managed wins The Juvcnlics won to John Garskl and Kerry Emms both had eight points The Junior boys won wrth score at to 12 Jasper Vink was the top scorer with 12 points The Sea ors completed an undcieatcd season oi league play by deicating Park Street Collegiate 58 The Redskins irnlshcd In iirst place and will play home and home series wrth Midlagd iortbe right to represent eir dstrlct at the GDSSA championship in March Congratulations This Wednesday our Juvenile and Junior teams travelled to Camp Borden while the girls played host to their opponents Scorcs will be published next week Last Thursday the Barrie Cai lcglate Band gave concert in preparation tor Kiwanis on Sat urday The concert was held in the gym and tickets were sold iora dime apiece large audrcnco at students and teach an thoroughly enjoyed the mu sic The band played Toccata Legend The Big City Suite and also selections from West Side Story ior thcircncorc On Saturday Feb 16 the Band gamed iirst second and third in their three classes at Kiwanis in Toccata the test piece or Class Secondary School Bands the band placed third in the class tor Canadian Numbers our bands Big City Suite ub tnlncd the highest mark oi the day to place lirst In the Chall cnge Class they placed second playing Legend on Friday Ovcrtoncs held Sadie Iinwkins Dance beginning at are Tire admission was thir Iyttvc ccnts plus an activity card vegetable cersage was also necessary tor admittance The best mrsagc was won by blade llodgson and Paul Endi CO of these children is in the crib he told symposium on hearing Impairment II we could reach all chil dren with hearing dcilcicncics as soon alter birth as possible we could bring about revolu tion In the treatment at these children brief on the subject has been prepared by BC spccch and hearing experts tor the tie partment oi education it says children oiten are re icrred for treatment too late bo causc parents are rcluclant to admit there is anything wrong with their children Doctors are sometimes reluc tant to refer them bccauseoi the diiiiculty in determining hearing problem in prcschoai child During the last to years there has been tremendous pr0 gross in two areastho surgical treatment oi bearing impair mcnIa and the development oi small high powered hearing aids said Dr Kendall litany on who have passed through the Vancouver Health Centre ior Children now are attending regular schools Ilinstroi them are keeping up with normal childrcn through the use at hearing aids rav arrannuan waur ADS rnoae an arm SUNUBU aura iilllTHE Lilliti llltIi cisanvbumlngsunocntteatmgOil protects your equipment longer In specially blended mm tar camiorllhlt economical homh Iealmg Call ls Sunoco today Ar HEATING OIL SEARJEANT Co LTD PA 82461 ODD FELLOWS 00 JACKPOT $23000 BOTTOM LINES IN il NUMBERS CONSOLATION $2500 Proceeds To Humanitarian Services MONDAY FEB l8 par IilIiiIiIlIiiI manna Tullmid antimilieu 7le ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER 5T NOW RIIOWING Dally 650 anti TIIIH Lt IMIHMIINT ital Mal Adults 730 ittllrirnls Ho lllIdrrIl no He Adults 90c liIudcntl ISo hildttn lie 11 mmsmmwmmm wmmw campus alummm unmmmmm summasses surnamerm ulmhywtm

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