madm Fun in immuy mm In blkllhfl Mil lfllyllflwl In IMO II II III II 11 Alofltll III tut Nu lull IA woman an Inn mm mum Mmmm 1n rumn rum Audll nunu Cmlnlont mu mu rlmml oun ml uuvnnl will In mun lundm um Iu Illnly llnlldl uan INNIIII In PIIIIIMI lllll lulum mum Mnl Mullnlun MI Im null HAD lulu mum Mn munn mln ll mm umqu cm mm unwlyun ma my my unln I17 mm mm envy null In my pm mm not run Momth nu mum Uul mm III In um um VA 1m mm cumin ut dmll In Illul duuuu um Greater participation by businessmen In Canadian politics as an onset to the dam ger of scnous rifts between government and industry has been urged by Karl Scott president Ford Motor Company of Canada Umjlcq Mr Scott declared that because Can adas uncertain political climate there is the likelihood that witchhunts for public Issues hf political aspirants will acceler ate wll special focus on the business community He warned that because of current high emotlons excesses of olit ical or governmenl action in the fie of business management could follow thus impairing the dynamism of free enter prise Barrie Examiner Feb 15 1023 School Ins octor Joseph Garvin old trustees oard of Education they exceeded their powers In ordering mitlwlntcr exams as Iulhorlly or samo rested wllh Inspector and principals subject to reg ulnllons Some sharp crlllclsm mm mm Trustees yrop King and DIJ Ropurn it seems incredible as Mr Scott notes that at this late late the morality ot the prntit motive of industrial mann ement still remains debatable issue In this country And this despite the tact that across the land management diligently is refurbishing reorganizing and re orientlng facilities methods and person nel to meet new conditions BellTcic horlo Co dlsconllnucd gjvlpg time to sucrngcrs Towp nLk over post ofï¬ce wlll not more at llon Fred Grant wrote Irom Vlc turln BC nrllclu on flouting Pleasures on name Ilny Forty Years Afo llo re called he 1111105 the Minna excursion In iollulxlchlng moonlight lnnco pnrllu on the slcnmcr Enlorprlse aalllng rncex nrross lake Simmu lo flcnvcrlnn picnlcs up lnvcrs Creek Tnllemlnl mwlnr me us or nlhcm nml sons In Imnl rnll wny Mallon IIISICEI parllu nn Ithu shor or Mlamlnlu erInIUVchM SI Mnryl 42 Due In Illness SL Mnryn ml xl lm Flnhcrly nml Joo mdy 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN nx In church mm hockey Inl Ilcr kthmlm Harncnu heal Allnndnlo 125 Billy llunh lArlflhtnn Emma and Ru hnrlon 5lnrml for mac Blumz nrsjgl up Hughalt goqllcn ho Business And Government Need Forthright Recognition madam yam The Barrie Examiner Thaarriv Examinrr Walls Publisher Published by Canadian Newspapers mama IBVBayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE xbusherg Brian Slaight General Manager rmnAYLFEnnuAmp THE SKATERS WALTZ Another potential source at misunder standing between government and indus trial management is the creeping en dorsement in some segments at public opinion or government subsidy man uiacturing activities which private entee priie iindsjoo costly and unprofitable The burden oi the high cost of govern ment activities casts lengthening sha dow across the economic life of Canada The act that an unduly high proportion of the gross national product goes into both personal and corporation taxes can not help but discourage increased pro ductivity and efficiency it is noteworthy that In its determination to meet this problem the government has turned to uslnessmen first or an analysis and for rcï¬immendalions and now for corrective ac on Powell and Frank Foslcr were missing mm the Anglicans or same reason Local clllzcns wrestling wllh Income ax forms Provinclnl prisons or showed crime rate worst ever on ductor Robert Lchar of Allandnlu ml lnjuycd on lnlllngr undcr lryln neqr The crilicni need in presentday Can ada for forthright recognition on tho highest plane by both government and business of each oihcrs nlms responsi bilities and reciprocal capabilities as part ners cannot be ovcrumphasilcd Grnvenhursl Soloisis St Andrewl Church anniversary were Miss Mnry hic Cnllurn Miss Sadio iiromnur Miss Mar uuorilo Gray and Harry Shannon Skip Oliver Cameron won hu iiunlcr hioy morial Trophy at iirnmglon lions ici wilh his rink of Fred ioi George uh bard Ind Charlie iiculhy Skip iiunlcr Kennedy won tho Brmiinrd iionxpici with his team oi iinm ion iory Alex linb hick nnri Selvin inrodiih James Simpsnn X2 ialhcr oi County Clerk Thomas Simpson died hi homu in hihilnmi iiov Dr mos oi iomnip iuld Barrio Kiwaniam on Will 051mm 11mm Thom sums to b6 flaw tlda run nlnu In favor or Mron or lwo my mtomn ayxlum llml won provl vw on with an honul choice between ha pollural phllmophlvs that could onca be clmly chnld commHum and lllr mlmn wllh smnll mi lmlll The vntm are becoming more luï¬hlllh rated and wan morn than plainl Ml Immlnm from the polltlclm Fm hlnklng by Juarly am now could Ind EIJIIV lo more mull ronl future or lhoso wlxhlng lo Iclllo New Onlnrlo Trlnll Drunan fluh scored urea luccuu wll play My Irish Rosa which featured Mrs Hnmillon Miss Helen Pnllng MIA Fro 11 led Miss Mnrgnre Jule MIL Snndvrson Miss lldllh Crcxwicko Mlu Mnry lnyxm Mrs ll IA um Mn Harold imam Min Irena hrlln Ind Mlss Mth con Kennedy OTHER EDITORS VIEWS TWOPARTY SYSTEM DIST By PATRICK NICEOISON OTTAWA Alan and ap pellflnz overwhelmed the unlveml tlty smell gaso llne lumee walked down narrow aim in the hem at London on recent vlsll Enl land The mom grew stronger and so dld my cum ulsqu de llre lo eel unlll Ina 1y cum tomunpendoorollslpru huge alas wlnduw wa lllled wllh cheeses hlï¬ cheese and llule ones cream cheese end ripe ones brlnht yellow wheels Indme fellow In hell lihl red skin ally labelled French cheese boxes made of mud wood and carton ml vlguallywrgpped pulls Iulss OTTAWA REPORT counted nenrly one hundred dmmnl vaflelics cheese and named that they came from at lean liken dlflerenl coun tries 01 course France ch wllh mere differznl sam How can on noveln mun lry which produces man than 200 dmeren cheeses Presi dent de Gnnlle upcg agk How can one help the dairy lnrmnr or country which only makes hyo varieties cheese mlth wally ask about Cun though at English chem shop and II vivid les son when read In remarks Hannnm In hls presl dcnllal address to the Canadian Fetiprnlion9t Agriculturg For mllk pmducers Mr Hannam warned Ihu task plnclnl he dalry Industry an sound Ind slable bash ls xllll Ihend oi us The lBcenl per pound subsldy on butler pnld by he lnxpoy er Canada to help the arm ers was good move Mr llunoum sold For lhls or success In selllng our wlml lurplll abroad and or In acre ole paymenu Canadas arm ors should he and no doubt are Iruly gmlolul lo the Conserva llvo government But when Mr Hannom wen on to ruler lo the per caplla decllne ln Cuna dlans consumpllon ol oll mllk products and lha nerd lo dlrocl mm LEADER mung But the masl pertinent portion or his speech Indny was not In his proposal but In his crilh Cism Or will It no ll reply lhcnby liking lh position llml Imu havn not chimed NDI TAX T011051 leeral Lender wlnlcrmeyer mod number of proposals his budget speech malor tax reaflocallon 61mm ypn of Inquiry Mostoilrhvmvxrybu woulé have to agree with Esscnllully lhls was lhn new nation ml the government hnd not been able Io change mm the Ilmcsnnd he demands 01 ha llmcs Tho Izovcrnmcnla answer In lh Aghould be lnlcmung Will fly to any mm has ndlusud and 01m Ecumqu Mlnlalcr nv drum In Ibo NDPI mnln budxtl crl Icllm lrm vuu more detailed expllna Ian ol the punyl poll Inn on Ax lngmllvu mnelh Dryden lhu rnrlyl llnnnclll crlllc gave imned lppmvl lo um Incnnllm corpornllon In But he dcnd uninll any genml reduc tlon in lhl lax boon ha eron orgy Ha qutd lhll mm ha Invlnu mm IUlh rcduruon would nut cl lnla lhl money dream would ml In dhlvh bupd mm Ihlhrr lull In the cm at big comerHam ll wnuld lrnd la lu Inlo yummy mrpqrnlon not ullnl lhclr plunl nurly clplclly nnw ll would not be on ul uqu or Innlllcn hm ll mall likely wnuld lo Iowudl lhl pnrchul ol OUIII QUEENS PARK Advocates Variety In Cheese Making Says Cabinet Fails To Face Challenges By DON OHEARN If you want drink that is wonderful magnificent glorious splendid amazing Serve coldon the rocks or with your favourite mixer Thnl London cheese shop Paxton and Whlllleld 1n Jennyn Slreel olfmd or male Cuna dlan Black Dlnmund and Calm Cherry um cheesn no em Not even that maznlll cent cheddar made In Oxford County whlch Woodsmcka MP Vllly Ncsbiu plus an unUr lngly and so attentively here milk mm one prqdnci market to another unruly ha must havu thought the mat vold In our nntlonnl diet caused by lhe shone Canadian cheesemum BIG MARKET WAITS Our import and export aiatis tics Iell this stary We buy rnll lion pound oi cheese from European munlrie every your Canadian sophisti cated in cheese varieties dc mand them it understand able that the load clubs and restaurant here have chem wagon well stocked with French hrle Ind camemhm English Stilton Danish blue and other immigrant cheeses It Is under standahlc that Canadian cheese Ianclera will pay $1 per pound and more or their lmporicd invorites it is less understand able why Canada import milllun pounds of United States cheese in your at around 70 cents per pound wholesale be cause generally speakan that country pmduce the same llm itcd varictiesas we dn Maybe Mr ilannum ha never computed the milling crowds ll dccnaln European dolicalessen ln Ollawnl paying high prices for imporlrd cheese with unircqucnled counters in ll ummlerlus elliulg Cum diun madwver cheese packed In toothpaste luhes The lesson here is obvious ll Cnnndlnn chucsb makers would harm selves produce Cnnodinn ver Alons of lhe popular European varieties Cnnndlnns would eat more chem would import less costly lo reign cheeses and would make hlfler hole In the milk ourplu produced hy Con ndoa dnlry iarmers And that would meet the warnan lssued by Mr llannum to tho dairy in duslryl Canadian companies And as Krenl many at our lnrze car panth Ioday am US con trolled lhlx would add In tho 115 damlnnuon at our Snduslw PROFIT DISTRIBUTION To npluce the usual lnccnlive proposals Ihnl Bro made Mn Bryden luucslcd now up pmncbnew at least lo Ihu Miler Ihnl here should be drnsllc mlucllnn In the In on proï¬ts whlcll are distributed and an quully dmllc increase In prolil that are going lulu mum Th gelling hula hlzh cur nomlu Jul at Hm glance ll least here does mm to be gmd can In Invor of the NDI crlllco nppmnch nu wrlur mm Thirwrfler would like to dulnllcd nhullnl lo 59 what the wenkncuses may be TEHIIAN lrnn Haulers mgkerla grclxn cunrgllu In lrnn hnvu Hm Kovcrnmenl lo lem In Irnnlnn brand or Inca nrml Ind pralccullon To prolch ho local Induslry and mu he munlryl lard uchnnle the Kmernmml hu qued Amnku lunlnn Ill trce hmnlnx Um lmpnrl Inlo panelIon Ind Imuklnu nl lur clgn dxmllu 1n Io country Slncn he and January pup umlon Inle nr unoklnu or clzmllu has been an me The omnmcnl 1mm wnmlnl thnl nnynnu enuuhl wilh lnrclxu clcnrcuu Mmhcr denim In ham or unoban lhcm would ha umltd amrl rmrculml nn charm hem mlcum ol contraband Smoke Iranian Go To Jail Will Receive Town FreedOm TAIN Scotland CF Cal Frank Mackenzlo Rosa 72 In mar lleulunanlgovernor nl Bril lsh Columbln wlll receive the lrecdom ul lhl norlhcasl hlgh land awn ln Aprlll Col Ross who was bum In Glasguw nucnded the Taln Iloynl Academy more than 50 year ago and Inter joined the mi of bank here He mlurncd from Canada rc ccnlly lo be present at the Academys 1501b anniversary cmmony and now staying whh lends Mrs Ross chun cellor lhe University at Eris Columbia hnpes lo Joln him er By THE CANADIAN PRESS collection 65 rare clny Llnlueltes dullng mm lhe Nth century BC have been mind In Boeolla Greece Feh22flfl force oi British and Canadians under Ltj Coi George Macdonneii crossed the St Lawrenca on tho Ice and captured Ogdensburg 150 years ago today in um during the War oi 1312 Mucdonneli seized il cannon that were dcionding mellow and largu amount oi military slums and burned inur warships The raid was reinlinilnn or an attack from Ogdenshum on Brockvllle enrlinr in the month in which 52 persons were captured nanSpnmceded Honda to the United Slulcs TODAY IN TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH ansumers Ea HISTORY RARE FND The Ross Caldwell Singers journey 91th R055 CALDWEll DIRECTOR Sunday February 24 01530 pm SKVRTV CHANNEL 61h Anniversary Show By JOSEPH MDLNER nu Dear Dr Molner Please plain bolulism Will my curtain processes used In hume canA nlng waver lHMn Pll mos germs is nne whlch does not require nlr nr okygen for gmwlh quite lhe reverse Hence it happens he Irnppcd In an enclosed food container can continue lumuluply Bulullsm is an acute and dan gcmus kind of food poisoning caused by one pnrllcular germ called claslldlum bolullmlm Propu cnnnlng wlll destiny the germ nnd not since the early 1920 has cammerclnlly canned nod been Involved in case of hntuflsm It occaslunally sllllv occur lram homo canned food no ollcn perhaps but It ls such savage type of palsnnlng that one we lg loo many in lo 24 incur nilcr eating and coninminnicd wiiii cioslridium boluiinum Then he sky seems in cave in on he suiiererilrsi leeiing oi extreme tiredness niicr which the serious symp toms appear poor eye reflexes double vision diarrhea yumll ing difficulty in gwaliowing Usually mare than one pcr sun has ealcn the contaminated food so the illness several the some llme gives qulck Eng powerful clue The hesl treatment Is prnb my specmc serum to com bat lha poison plusnlhcr Incl donlal medlcnuon almnd at the payllculnr symploms Asrlénld us a7 dangerous disease and the mnmllty rate Botulism Is ï¬nite Feed Poisoning nonucm av 10mm wmn umno mwm ammo Now mum IIIROUONOUI 0mm Presents can be Is hlgh as 65 per cent whlch lsufrlxmenlpgly high Frevenllon can be sure how ever Cooklng food form mln ule at 17 degrees will kfll Iha toxin and germ Dear Dr Molnar How hum can paregnrlc be lo pen sall who aka about two ounce SlawK Pnregorlc 15 an nIdbut mu uscful preparation derived mm 01135131 nix lwonu day Thls might ha lustlfled 1n cer tain bowel disorders but par xorlc Is still nuncolic and can cause drug addiction Dear Dr Molnar ls choles terol caused by the at In the cod does hava sqmelhlnu lo do with burning up enemy by anAapllvle gcrwnYYiw nmn fa are the richest source alcholeslernl but the bndy mnnulaclures chnlnterol from other foods tau ll um sank And cholesterol le un Vderstand ls necessity In lha body It becomes problem nnly when lm whatever rea son It Is dnpositcd excessively In the walls of the arlerlu Regular exercise has been shnwn Inr lcsls reduce lha amount cholesterol circum Inzln the blood The nod work at me Are mantles belorehlnd And they lhnl are olherwlu cmnol b0 hldl Tlxnothyl25 pgrsnna work own best or his worst advertisement BIBLE THOUGHT