ro HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP FEMALE STENO WANTED SENIOR rosmou Must be accurate typlstMlnimum ol so words per minute 5day tweak Applicant to Start March 15 Please apply to CREDlT BUREAU OF BARRIE LTD 23 CLAPPERTON ST corner at Collier BARRIE ONTARIO lEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Administrator ot the Es late oi NEIL EDGAR MCKEN ZIE late at the City at Barrie in the County at Sirncoe Phan macisi who died on or about the Thirtieth day at September 1961 will distribute the assets of the deceased to persons en titled thereto alter Febnrary 25th 1563 having regard only to ciairnsthcn properly tiled with the undersigned COWAN AND COWAN 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors in the Administrator 12 TENDERS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS AD DRIBSED TO The OillceMan ager 223 Jarvis St Toronto Ont and endorsed TENDER FOR WALING REPAIRS SMALL BOAT WHARI COLL INGWOOD ONT will be received until 300 pm iHST Thursday March 7th 1961 Plans spcditicailons and lorrn ol lender can be seen or can be obtained Irmn the oiilce oi the District Engineer Depart mcni or Public Works 225 ir vls Strcet Toronto Ontario To be considered each tender must be made on the printed lorms supplied by the Depart ment and in accordance with the conditions set iorth therein The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted hIcCLURE oilice Manager I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday March 1230 pm Sharp For THOMAS IIAWTON At lot SJ Concession Notta wasagn Township miles north west at Stayncr or miles north oi the Duntroon Road SALE OF Cows Stock Calves pigs larm machinery hay straw grain and some house hold oliects Terms cash no reserve as the tnrrn is sold JERRY COUGIILIN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE Saturday March pm sharp FOR VICTOR CLARK At Lot 30 Concession ti Notti wasaga Township miles west and miles north oi Siayner oil Highway 91 on the Duntroon Iioad Sale oi ionn machinery hay household iurnitura Including many antiques Terms cash No reserve the lawn Lt sold JERRY COUGIILIN Auctionccr AUCTION SALE Saturday March 10 pm sharp FOR EVERAI IAIION Al Lot Concrmlon lnnlsiil Towrudrlp right or ilirdrway 21 it mile south oi Thornton 5an at larrn stock Implements straw wood household rticctr Including several antiques Terms cash No reserve on the lnrm is rolrl JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OI ALL MACHINE SIIOI EQUIPMENT Wednesday ril at 12 noon atnrp FOR THE ESTATE OF Tllli LATE LUIINII ARNOLD ni Qutrn Strut nnlttttown Vlllntte lrizlti next to to Royal unlit MLII hi all shop mirlpurrrri lnrltlillntt rtawn pipe ntllrrl Inri Iltrtnrirrl grinding maria lnrr plumber nuwliu lamp rtrprvilornrc welder and runny other articlrn too numcrr out to list Trims Caslt No trrArvI the estate lliitht In Arltlnl Jlillln TitllilllLlN Illusionsrt 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday March 20 pm sharp FOR OLIVER CARSON At Lot Concession it Vespra Township miles NW oi Min esing Village or mile south ol Highway 26 SALE at farm stock imple ments hay grain eiovcrsecd poultry and household ellccta Terms Cash No reserve as the term is said JERRY COUGRLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 23 1230 pm sharp FOR JOHN GUEEEIS At Lot 19 Concession it Ves pra Township Vs mile north of Highway 90 at as Station Sale outs head at cattle high class iarm machinery hay and grain Tarnu cash No reserve as the arm is sold JERRY COUGRLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Tuesday March 20 1230 sharp FOR RICHARD STEPHENS At Int Concession Calling wood Township 10 milcs SW ol Collingwood SALE pl 50 head at cattle iarrrr machinery hay grain and some household ellects Tcrms cash Farm sold ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND coawru 111 Auctioneers Phone Elmvale 69W AUCTION SALE Saturday March 30 1230 sharp FOR IIENRY IIETIINGA At lot Concession 15 Sunni dale Township miles north at Sunnldale Corners SALE ol registered and grade Guernsey Cattle and liolstein Cows high class Iarm machlrn cry hay grain straw and some household eiiecta Terms cash Farm sold ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 30 pm sharp for LONDAS DARRIGO At Lot Concession Tec umsth Township right on lilghway mile NE oi Schombcrg Sale at 60 head at stacker and leader Ilcrelord cattle larm machinery iced buildcra sup plies and household eitects Terms cash unless otherwise arranged No reserve as the term Is sold JERRY COUGIILIN Audionccr AUCTION SALE ior FRED McIARIANlI Saturday April pm sharp lot Concession ll Sunnldalc Township miles NorthEast ol Sunnldale Corners AUCTION SALE oI tnrm Iloflt Implements hay riraw grain and household stints including some antiques Trmn cash No reserve as lhe iarm is sold JERRY COUGIIIJN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 10 1230 noon sharp FOR GORDON IIFNRY At lot Concuslon it lnnlniil Township at the Village Side Farm ninrnion right on High way 21 SALE oi lnrm riotk hnpie mcnlr hay grain poultry and hauntlurid turnlture Inthulng nnilquu Tmnr Cnnl No men as the inn is mid IIIIIRV TOIlOllIJN AudIonrcr So Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DOl Canadian By MRS Jr PROSSEII Mr and Mn Robert Dermott entertained the euchra club Sat urday evening Winning the prizes were ladies high Mrs Gordon MacDonald mens high Ted Hiliobk and consolation Han ry Squibb Sorry to report that William Constable lsseriously Ill and is patient in the Toronto General Hospital His many lrlends hopa tor speedy recovery Mr and Mrs lame Graham and daughter Lorna at Toronto were Saturday visitors with Gregg Davis speedy recovery is wisha ed all sullerlng lrom measles shhrgies and llu At the morning service in the United Church last Sunday Miss Jean Spence sang as solo hly Task Next Sunday evening Feb 24 the YoungPeoples Unit ed will hold their annual Church Service in Churchill United Chur ch VJohn Ledlie Gillord will be the special speaker The Messengers met in the Sunday School room at the Unit cd Church Saturday alternoon with 17 attending The devotional period was taken by Mrs llcive Mrs Burns gave chap ter lrorn the study book For the orbit period the children mada attractive wall plaques tram bot tle tops and also made Valenti tie tops and also made Valen tines Mrs Sinclair oi Toronto visited her lathor llcive last week St Pcters met at the home oi Dale Squibb Alter the meeting everyone enloycd an hours tobogganlng then pot luck lunch was served St Peters met at Mrs Murray Loughceds St Peters church will Join the United Chur ch tor the World Day ol Prayer to be held in Churchill United Church in the alternoon at March Mrs Adams oi Fort William and iiliss Laura Bultcr oi Toronto were Saturday visitors at II Sloans Congratulations to Mr and MrsLcn Boudreau Glenna Ste wartt oi Niagara Falls on the birth at son Monday morning and also to Mr and Mrs Ed Plchnra lcn Rlstont oI Burlingtonon the birth or daughter Mrs Don Sturgeon and little son at Barrie are spending low days with Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon The Junior Farmers dance heldin the Community Hall re cently was well attended Mrs Liga Mrs Fines and children at Toronto were Sat urday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ilarry Whitesides Mr and Mrs Russel Stewart spent couple days in Niagara Falls visiting their grandson and his proud parents The Home and School Ass oclatlon hcld Its executive meet ing at Mrs Murray Loughceda Monday nitcrnoon The tlrstnld course conducted by the St John Ambulance corps will begin March it at it in the Filth Line school There will be eight lessons and the entire cost is $400 per person Those interest ed in taking this course should contact Mrs liturrny Lougheed lor lurther particulars The As sociation is sponsong lashron show the evening ol April in Church Community llali Mr and Mrs Frapklnckhart convened the lourth Home and School euchre party Monday night in the FlithLlne school than tables were in play Winn ing the prizes were Mrs Ken Gouid Miss Joan Burns and Mrs Albert Burns Ross Stine son llaymond Neely and Seym our liutchinson Winners oi the grand prire were Mr and Mrs Ken Gould There will be an other cuchre party on Feb 15 Same time and same place STEELES CORNERS Sincere sympathy is extended to the iamilics oi Sherdon Mor iarity and Matt ilodgson in the loss ol their loved ones Several local residents went to Toronto by bus last Tuesday evening to hear evangelist Lei ghton Ford speak to capacity audience at Knox Presbyterian Church The Ilollows community hall board will hold series at six cuchrcs In the Rail starting Feb 27 at mo pm surprise birthday party was held in honor ol Mrs Jack son at her home Monday alter noon by irlends and neighbors The social time included can Fish bitingfriends calling test won by Mrs Don Johnson Danie and presentation at Sunday visitors at Ernest Dales were Mr and MrsW Hunter and Robin Toronto Mr and Mrs Archie Adams Carol Ann and Terrllee Weston Mrs Jackson was Sun day visitor nluronto with Mr and Mrs George Johntson She was accompanied by Mr and Mrs William Johnston Barrie canterrrlasr By MRS EnNEsr ensmu Don Charlton who has lust re turned lrom trip to Europe visited Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider last week Mr and Mrs liawcs and Mrs Mary Eilsmera at North Bay visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Eilsmera at the weekend Miss Jean Caslon ot Barrie visited Mrs Susie Coward Sirni day The sympathy ol the village is extended to the brothers ol the late Thomas Walton who was buried at St Johns Cemetery Monday St Johns church and Sunday School are sorry to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Grady and sons who are leaving tor an Air Force Base in Quebec we wish them happiness in their new home Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince and Gayle oi Pctcrborough and Norman Baldwin oi Tomato spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Baldwin Mr and Mrs Lab ande and lamiiy oi Anten lililis visited Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr Sunday Mr and Mrs Geo Kinton and family spent the weekend in Toronto Weekend visitors with Mrs Sinton were Mr and Mrs Hutch chisnn and girls at Priccvllle Miss Ann Law oi Deep River and Allan Siulon oi Chalk River The lourth meeting at the Cralghurst 4H club was held at the home oi Mrs Gambia ro ccntiy The demonstrations were on gathering lull skirt making darts and putting on the lacing The discussion was on seams and darts The next meeting will be held at the home at Mrs atoms ayrvnts urcrt enouormav Player In romantic mood arrived at the Community Hall Thursday night to take over 15 tables tor the annual Valentine Party Prlrcs went to these can testants Maurice Miller Lou Houarth Clarence Smith Carol Miller Reta Coulsun Hamid Butler Birthday Prizes Edith Truarr and Kins Kober Travelling Prize Bud Dungey Mr and Mrs Arnall Muir and Mr and Mrs Gilbert McMaster attended the Ewart Jennett 25th Wedding Anniversary Social eve plug in Stroud Hall Friday night Ladies ot the Anglican WA quilted another quilt at the home oi Mrs Hector nrrnbull hresday and enjoyed pleasant day to gcthar Stephen itrrnbuil had tonsil operation in Royal Victoria llos ptai this week The Gilberthchastera attend ed tamlly dinner Friday at Midhurst in honor at Mra Donald Coutta 80th Birthday The Alien Millers and Mrs Bell called on Mrs Coulis during the afternoon to say Happy Birthday Mr and Mrs Jock Ilirons and Jodnne Scarborough spent 31nd with Mr and Mrs Jack Ry MRS WM GALLOP Johnstona bu returned to his horns in Carley alter spending thepast month with Mr and Mrs Exeli OIhEI visitors with the Exells were Mr and Mrs Bruce Wilson and Crndy Ottawa who stayed tor low days and Mr and Mrs Howard McKever olBarric on Sunday Mr and Mrs nu anax visit ed Mr and Mrs Fred Gibson Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank liigginsun and Franklin attended the Con servative Convention in Toronto last week Weekend visitors with ltlr and Mrs Ross Browntcy were Mr and Mrs Wiltred Browniey and lamiiy Parry Sound Rickey Trcbblc Barrie Mr and Mrs Nell Dumpster Barrie visited Mr and Mrs John Mason Sunday Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs lr Ellis were Mr and It TIIE RARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY in Mrs Jack Hirons and lamiiy Scarborough and Mr an Mrs Vera Welland and lamlly Angus Mr and Mrs Exell spent Saturday cvenlng with Mr and Mrs JohnnyMuir Mr and Mrs Nell Dempster tiarde spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller Mr bod Mrs William Gallop and lamiiy visited Mr and Mn Don Weir Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Sandy Dempster and Mrs Dempstar also visited Mr and Mrs John Mason THORNTON By MR8 NEVILLE JAItllESON On Sunday Feb iii clnl dedication service was he dur ing the regular morning serv lce when the rector Rev liarper dedicated the new pray er desk which was presented to St Judes by the lamlly ot the late DugaldStewart member at the church tor many years Mrs Stewart was unable to be present owing to illness other members at tho trrrtliy attending were Franklin Stewart ol Portage La Prairie him Mr and Mrs Ron Stew art Barrie Mr and Mrs Ei mer Dungey and son Stewart Stewart Toronto and Fit Sgt Gordon Dutton Mrs Dalton and Brenda ol Mont Apica Quebec On Feb is St Judes held Valentina supper in the base ment at the church it was very well attended and the WA would like to thank everyone who help ed to make it success No school had very en toyabie skating party at the Arena last Thursday hlr and Mrs George Oreto Janet and Debbie ol Cooksvilie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jamieson For Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO It Owen SI PA H176 avast1n By panama We welcome Mr and Mrs William Ireland and family ol Manslleid here Both Mr and Mrs Ireland and their on are employed at Camp Bar en Mr andMrs Al Hellier are moving into the apartment house owned by llamld Vrooman Mr and Mrs Heliior had the mislortune ot losing all their lurnitura and belongings in re cent lire at the Bennett Apart ments Mr and Mrs Orland Robins Niagara Falls were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Robbins Congratulations go out to Miss Virginia Guy and Ray Baglnake who are getting married AA mis cellaneous shower is being held tor them in Lisle Communiw Hall on Feb 23 Mr and Mrs Pat ODonnell and lamiiy Toronto spent Sunday with ltlr and Mrs Geo Peacock it isundersiood James Pea cock has rented his home here In Everett to Mr and Mrs Cyril De Faw We welcome them to our village Mr and Mrs Ba Hamilton Staynct were Sun ay visitors with Mrs Tellie McGiil Very sorry to report Mrs Jim Gilliland had the mlslortuna to tail and break her ankle on the ice Shu was in the Alliston liospital we all wish her speedy recovery She has now returned to her home TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PASMIA aoov WORK or MECHANICAL SERVICE flaw simcos morons us RAYS BODY SHOP Tlilln St PA nus t7 AUCTIONSALE Now and Used Furniture Grand Clearance ClARKS TRADEIN STORE 3335 aniiald Street SATURDAY FEB 23 PM No nerveTerms may he man New ant and lurnltlul IRAQI tovevtn In appliances Nu tltlpnl that Remnants Ntw onlolmm iJnoieom Sandran rtc Sign on to is Nlr Nadymade Dunes and mctlnn Illlrtds Nov spring tilled and cotton mattresses Her drums hrtt IIIVIISNU rpm rams timi umd iirtri mint and Nantesone only ml and wmrl time again its Red Cap time to take the bottles off the ice and share that allround Red Cap Ale taste Time to enjoy the satisfying deepdown taste of Ontarios favourite ate So set em upsnappa cappa Red Cap today Jr arlingRed Cap Trancrin Furniture for every mom in your home or stage Itu now at mean prim Jlli 00110 Mdlm