00 no Inc In In 70a IV no um tun mu IIIA mm Tm Up honum mnmuy nmm ma Jammy Hm Jlm Colmm loam Mm mm mm mm uum mnnoay um 1mm Inulnv mum Lu Tul Imm um um mom llununl flawllnl Klnlmhlr Can Tum Um no Jo um many 00 The um In mu nnxvuv aqvu 35395838 mu Pm nu mm rrlay hlmd Tnmhunm Tvflllflfl Nun VumL Spam nr Knnm ounlry Maman Tru Tnmmy Amhmn Recall mum in Myal Vic lnrxa Hospital Barrie have boon Mm Hood Douglas oude and Mel Rodgms whn underwent surgery on Fri day £EEl mum1 Klnmm can um nun7 Tum hm Imy In my mum nndlfl tum ml ll Gun wm The In Open Hausa Holly ad will an Feb between Tami pm lZverynne is urged to see their childrens wmk and dis cuss pmgress wilh um cachcrll The Home and Sdmnl Ammu iun will serve Visilarl with Mr and Mrs Dawning on Sunday were Mr And Mrsv Goodwin Sin mu Sask who mm mule home 21m spznding cnuplc month in New Brunswick fly MRS DOWNlNG Holly Home and School As mxalion muL Monday evening Vimpresiuem Mrs haug heed called me meeting to order There was short husmcss ses slnn than Mrs Juhnsan laak charge cl the founders day prm gram is Ilulchinsnn dem nnstralnd haw she teaches less on to Grade on phnnics emph aslzlnz he mnmnanl vial half hour concluded the evenlng Holly school children are spnn snnng Euchre in the schnal Saturday cvemnn lnr their Jun inr Red Cmss Everyone is we came Prue will be awarded Mr and Mrs Gordon Halben spent mursday with Mr and Mrs Glenn Chunllnrv Tornnlu Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cnbarn visited Penelanguixhone Iricnds an Sunday Mn Grenville Halben Mn Lloyd Cnbnrn and Mrs Ihmld West attended me annual Sim cne United Church Womens Presbyterial in wood Wednesday The Young Peoples Union held its bowling party In Newmankm Saturday ninhL Mr and Mrs Valsnn Rowe Barrie visited Mrs Russell Rowe on Tuesday EQUND SIMCOE coï¬NTY Mr and Mrs Waller Andrews visnod Mr and Mrs Gordon Madfll nichmand Hill on Sun day ML and Mrs Vallar Andrew Itlcnded tho luneral nl Mrs Calvln Mitchell King an Wed nuday Mrs Garden Halbew and amily attended lhedlver wedding anniversary or Mn and Mn Ewart Jenna Strand Friday evening Mr and Mrs MacDonald and Jimmie of anomu were Sunday guests of Mr Rusan Rnwe By MES ROBERT LEESON Congratulatinns la Doug Nich you um IIII MI Inlvvl pl plum Cny III III va Yuu um TNIRI IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE run Wynnr spam Mm DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS NEWTON ROBINSON CFTO CHANNEL HOLLY CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 lAIlIlnAI 1m woo lam mu um nm In no no no Inn 700 my In Inm lflln mu mu moinun 7mm rm lmenu lrll Mum mm Im Around Th mu Hm Adnnluxl Ill Hum Th wmm rnln man1 nun Arldlmv Imomm Mun Nu um Anululnl 5mm ITV Nun Annum Mm umnu rmnluuv Moo Ino no In In 100 Ann no In am In 1m lm Thun nnm Jqunl Amum Walla Junlnr mu nnm Illnu Inmm mp mm Tuxpan llln nun nmuu mm My le nun Alan wnn Hen mm mun 5mm mm nun unarrv Nun II In Wellhlr Spam 1113 Nov Unlulhlul awn Junk II Inn Loo an 100 an no Ton rmm wm warm Duty um nonm Cnunuy cumm Mun llmvmmru Don 1m no mm nuun Elxlumrlumm Willi is palinn in he Ruyal Vickurin Hnspilnl Barrie Her many friends wish hrr speedy recovery Mr and Mn Omar Bissau Loo an 100 no an AM no 1m 1m Duty um nonm Cnunuy cumm Mun llmvmmru non mm not mm mum lxlum Iumm nun mann slum To an Know out Ihnl mumu Sumnn sha mlJ cu Rev Willis and Alfred spent Tuesday in Samia 11h relatives Decpest sympathy is extended Rev and Mrs Willis on he suddcn passingoi Mrs Wlilis brother George Clnylan Toronto Mr and Mrs William Lank tree and family Scarbom nt lemlfld the Barrie Carnival and visited ML and Saucy Saturday evening Congratulatinns la Mn and Mrs ank Dunn and FILLL and Mrs ling who cele braled Lhnir I7lh Wedding Anni versm They spent Saturday Tomnm and mm lhll ORnflu Centre seeing the Jank Benny Show Alfred Willis attended the wed ding of 11nd Maxwell and Miss Barbara Turner at Drill 52b urday Canzrnlulminm In Mr and Mrs William Gibbs Queen St who celebrated their 70th anni versary Feb 17 Mr and Mrs Llnyd Gillhnm and family Tnmnm visited heir mother Mrs Gillhnm an the wrekand Mr and Mrs Rascal Monr man Paternalu were weekend guest Dr and Mn VesL Mr and Mrs Duck worth and Erma attended lhe Kiwanis Festival in Toronto Saturday MRS DUCEWORTH niug who recently passed their mu in the SL John Ambul ance um aid mum which they look Seouu this whur Holly United Church Women are invited in join with Thurman Unilud Church Woman at Trin iiy United Church March pm in the World Day Prayer proynm LAC and Mrs Harvey Bros and son Greg Centre In Feb 15 or Trenton whm my Inn by plane to Germany nus Tqm Carr and Barri Duw Thur attending the Simml Prubmrial annual maeuug at Cnllingwond mm Holly United Church Women were Mr Srigmy Mrs nryde Mk Dyer Mrs Dow and Mrs Graham Miss Nancy Ed ward at Berkeley Studio Tumu ln and Revr Ray Vehstzr wan speakem TORONTO iil um hymn mm mm an NHL on June mUnnmma BARRIE him hl ANGUS In nnlnxmp II far huh lcr npcn wnh nolmmp man cluh The nnlmmp opening huwx 15 points balanced amnmulnn and slrcnuh in all nulls which unclly what we hurt An ripening club bin could he mm an much wider rnnxe nl lunh cards nml illl type dulnbulhm and hence much Its prtclsc Furlhennnre lhl duh 1er In drew rnsmmo mm parl ner diamond hurt or undo il wnuld bcmml mpuy uhlc mulu nn nccuruxe bid Jump In lwn nnlnxmp wnuld commull nn nvrrhm One has This simnly al luws he general rule ï¬rst bidding in higher ranking of two louthin sum equal length Dl Nurse mm lho standpoint nl qualily lhe din mund are butler lhzm lhe hearts but this due no jusnly varying lmm he usual 7me dure Naming Ihc diamonds rim and hm the hem would an nanner lhe impression that he hurt wcm only our cards in lcnzm and lhis wuld easily lead to lho man can run There seems to be mystery mund the village to who own Ihe shamv Buy Jersey cw who was up pmduceL This item was pubhshed in he Barrio paper last Thursday Alter check ing win several members of the Jerscy Club the mystery is still unsolved You are the dealer hum side vulnerable What would you bid with mach at he Inllnwmg hands We are pleased to revert Mur ray Anderson is managing av omhly alter hack npumiun in St Michaels Hospjml Tgmnm Try Elm beu is patient in mm Victnr hJIospiml Bung gm mm 94qu 4x um OK QAQB Jams we MBJ 4105 am QAKQG out +1 Qm we QAJ as By MILE WORTLEY lh February meeting the Home and School Amciaï¬nn will he held Feb 26 in lha admol Guest speaker will he Donald Jackson the Childmns Aid Society 0mm in Barrie Congrauï¬nï¬msrm Way mm and JaAnne Clayton at Em lg who were married in Barrie iéh George Sutton was nne oi the laumme whn wan Ihe OKetra Trophy at Ihe Barrie Curling Club Friday night Cmgralulalion gn ta Fred Veenama one last yuan Izmir eight puvils whn Inad ing grade nine at Barrie th Collegiate On Feb 13 lb member Ike Ladicf Guild of SL Thoma Chumh and hair husbands enjny ed buflcbstyle turkey supper the rectory the home of Rev and Mn William Flynn The evening was spent with mums and playing Cour Wist lee number at pmple mm the village attended the Barrie Winhar Carnival over the week end DAILY CROSSWOBD and family Cum SL an mov lng lo Exanllnrd lhi month Mr and Mn ILLV Laï¬mer visited Rays grandmnmar Mrs Sandford Dzmpstu at Innisi wnod nut Home on Sunday Cangmlulauon In Mr and Walter Maï¬aan who cele bulai their wedding anni versary Satgrday nxéfam Mm Arthur Robert sun Scarbom waited Mr and Mrs Vnuar McMackmL 19061 MUN 1511in ll 1mm 11 gunat Spriné must be amund the 133mi T571 Emu 8m but cum SHANEY BAY CONTRACT BRIDGE nunl mm Only 9mm haloï¬n nuntun nEm Hull win Dun Kl In By JAY BECKER ummr lawnm Rhywyot Mnmnnn de 31110 0m rum Any hum mn tnminu l4 hlxhunnl point must he opened even thoule lhc Aunt named nut strictly nukinzt biddablel Since we cant was and also luck the hlnhcnm quiremenu lor nolrumn but we umn vnth on ol null Tho tuturu ot the spades and Mart tno poor to warrant naming either thtm 50 bld lulu evrn though lhcn are only hm at them Tm ls nut nah llcularly dcnlrnbll but ll ll ll ltnst at ctlll lomom Sllfllnl dtlhlle mum milW NW InnOI Ann Mme One spade Dunne heir poor quahly lhe spades are bid ahrad In hourlsu Mnfllh lakes prectdcnce over sxrznxlh The lugic behind this becomes appannt If purlnnr is assumed Iu have an Equal number spade and huans Suppusa lur exumvlc warmer has me spades and flute nouns In that use spades is the bcucr trump suit since we would have ciuht rump Instead mun Any VtCer lull in hidduhle bne diamnnd Desnilc tho nmnnuncld noLrumu lealums Ihn pmper bid is diamond An npcnmg bid nl one nolrump would show 16 la 13 will lwn nulmmp opvmng wnuld show 12 In points wm 19 pmnu we do not it cilhur category and are opened wilh one suit Th biz bid comes later rand Mrs Franklin Hick Iing and sun visited relatives at New Lowell on Sunday while rabid of one nntrump wouhl cansmule an underbid Such rcbid nmblems can he avoidud by upemng with no tmmu Mrs Reid spent cw days in Tommu last week cv Tharp will be taking the service Minesing on Feb IL Mr Bunncr ni Minnsing will be at the United Church here huymz whmh was held ak the Royal York Hold in Tnmmo Feb sponsored by lb Onl muer card and gamu party will be held in Guthrie School at pm Fab in support of the Juniar and peewee Hockey teams SKATING PARTY The Presbylcriun and United Church Sunday School joined In havn um annual skating party at he Gulhne Arum Feb 15 large crowd gathered to enjoy the skaung rncu and lucky spots After we skating rtfmhmnnu were served in the By MRS HANDY number mm hen attended the Niagara Flyer Barrie Falcon huckey game at the Barrie Arena juiis Karel Ennis spun the weekend withher aunt ML Jun Ahummhie Barri Mn Wesley Caldwell pa Inn in Royal Victoria Hospital Bnmc corner several lambs luv been seen at Ccdarlmn awn eqyy Holden Mrs Neivmn base73 guest he qulgrwnce cnnsumer WONDER VALLEY MM GEORGE CAMPBELL By VIIDA CAMPBELL um and United Schools joined axon singing nnl puss hinhcam re nolrumn hxd Mummw ow mmtl MIi BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1963 11 WELLan $mmam CERTAINLY wom ss newous AFYER wr smowucn MN WW IT WILL BE PAN STRICKEN Wf TV 1N 1x 20 MMOI mmmv WI HIRE Alll momma Aw Now Aw noun ummm OUR Imnmnv v5 mm not mm mm I9 pm